ValueCoders Culture – ValueCoders | Unlocking the Power of Technology: Discover the Latest Insights and Trends Valuecoders Wed, 22 Mar 2023 12:59:28 +0000 en-US hourly 1 ValueCoders Culture – ValueCoders | Unlocking the Power of Technology: Discover the Latest Insights and Trends 32 32 Celebrating Teamwork and Achievement: A Look at Chai Pe Charcha with the Sales Team Fri, 17 Mar 2023 07:39:51 +0000 Vinove Software & Services Pvt. Ltd. held its monthly session of “Chai Pe Charcha” on March 10, 2023, where the...

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Vinove Software & Services Pvt. Ltd. held its monthly session of “Chai Pe Charcha” on March 10, 2023, where the Business Development team discussed their ongoing projects, recent achievements, and strategies for future growth. This monthly meetup serves as a platform for team members to share their views, connect with each other, and work towards a common goal.

The collaborative and supportive environment created by “Chai Pe Charcha” fosters a sense of community and shared purpose among team members, boosting their morale, motivation, and productivity. During the session, the team members shared their success stories with Client onboarding, which included Dubai Police, Van Hamburg Invest B.V, Roland Berger Holding GmbH, and others.

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The team also discussed their recent accomplishment of opening a new branch office in Dubai and explored new business opportunities and emerging market trends. They exchanged their ideas on improving customer engagement, retention, and optimizing the sales funnel to improve conversion rates.

Mr. Ankur, VP- Business Development appreciated the sales team during the session, saying that this is the best sales team they have ever had, and he hopes they will do even better in the coming months. As the discussion progressed, team members continued to offer constructive feedback and advice to one another, exploring approaches and strategies for addressing common challenges.


Chai Pe Charcha sessions provide team members with a casual environment to engage in conversations outside of their typical work environment, break down barriers, and foster a sense of camaraderie. By encouraging open and honest communication, team members can feel more comfortable sharing their thoughts and ideas, leading to improved collaboration and creativity.

These sessions can also reduce stress and improve morale, leading to a more joyful and enjoyable work environment. In conclusion, Chai Pe Charcha sessions are an effective way to encourage collaboration and nurture a positive team dynamic, providing a platform for informal discussions where team members can gain valuable insights and develop stronger relationships, leading to improved growth and success.

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The post Celebrating Teamwork and Achievement: A Look at Chai Pe Charcha with the Sales Team appeared first on ValueCoders | Unlocking the Power of Technology: Discover the Latest Insights and Trends.

ValueCoders Achieves ISO 9001:2015 And CMMI Level 3 Certification Thu, 20 Oct 2022 07:10:08 +0000 Since its inception in 2004, ValueCoders has been providing IT outsourcing services worldwide. We combine business domain knowledge, proven methodologies,...

The post ValueCoders Achieves ISO 9001:2015 And CMMI Level 3 Certification appeared first on ValueCoders | Unlocking the Power of Technology: Discover the Latest Insights and Trends.

Since its inception in 2004, ValueCoders has been providing IT outsourcing services worldwide. We combine business domain knowledge, proven methodologies, and the technical expertise of 450+ skilled software professionals to yield high-quality solutions that add value to businesses.

We proudly announce that Vinove has been awarded another prestige certification — ISO 9001:2015 and CMMi Level 3 for its services and development. We are commanded by these governing bodies and will continue delivering best-in-class services.

What Is ISO 9001:2015

ISO’s Quality Management Systems-Requirements (QMS) series of standards is a suite of certifications that cover vital topics such as quality management, supplier management, product realization, and service provision. ISO 9001:2015 provides businesses with requirements for designing, implementing, and maintaining a quality management system to ensure customer satisfaction by meeting customer needs regarding features and time requirements.

The specification requires processes to be continually evaluated, enhanced, or revised to meet the company’s changing business needs. In addition, it can help the company build and maintain a culture of continual improvement, leading to sustainable performance improvements for all products or services offered. The standard also includes provisions on records management, corrective action procedures, and configuration control.

The Benefits of Implementing ISO 9001:2015

The benefits of implementing this standard are many, as they provide a way to measure the quality & performance of your organization. If you’re looking for ways to improve your business, ISO 9001:2015 is a great place to start, as it offers -Improvement in quality & efficiency -better customer satisfaction -improved safety, and environmental protection. It’s important to remember that not all businesses need ISO. However, when you decide to apply, there are many benefits:

  • An ISO certification provides proof of competence at every level of your operation. With this assurance, employees can focus on doing what they do best.
  • Increases customer satisfaction by providing a system of guarantees on quality.
  • It helps improve all aspects of your business, from efficiency to communication.
  • Once you implement your quality management system, you’ll have a way to measure success.
  • It allows your business to work with other companies that have certified their organizations (making them easier partners).

Also Read: Why should you hire developers from ValueCoders?

About Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI)

Capability Maturity Model Integration, or CMMI, is a framework for improving software development organizations’ processes and product quality. The Carnegie Mellon Software Engineering Institute developed CMMI. The model’s five maturity levels increase organizational capability and rigor. Here are the five maturity levels:

1. Initial — New businesses go through an unpredictable environment that leads to increased risks and inefficiency at this stage.

2. Managed– At this level, companies have formalized their software engineering practices with documented policies & procedures.

3. Defined — These companies have documented plans for improvement at this stage.

4. Quantitatively Managed — Companies have measurement systems that quantify how well they’re meeting performance targets in the project management’s six dimensions (quality attributes) in process areas.

5. Optimizing — Companies must establish metrics and quantitative goals for each maturity level before progressing to the next one. You may outsource some aspects of your software development process at this stage if you don’t have the staff available internally.

The final stage occurs when an organization has achieved all other stages, has established its own metrics system from within, and can reliably assess its progress in improving productivity, efficiency and effectiveness over time through iterative activities.

Benefits of CMMI in Software Development

Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI) is a complete process improvement model for developing, maintaining, and acquiring software systems. It is built upon eight capability areas:

  • Planning, organizing, staffing, directing & controlling the work
  • Analysis & design
  • Implementation and testing
  • Operation & maintenance
  • Evaluation of results
  • Problem detection
  • Diagnosis
  • Correction

CMMI provides a structured set of processes that can be tailored to meet the specific needs of any organization. CMMI is an invaluable asset to any organization that seeks to reduce costs, improve efficiency and enhance performance.

One way to ensure the success of CMMI is by training employees on how it works so they can take ownership of its implementation. If you are looking for a trustworthy software development company, look no further than us! Our experts will help you implement this methodology into your business.

Also Read: How To Hire The Best Indian Software Developers?

The Need For Integrating Systems

CMMI is a voluntary standard, which means organizations can choose to use it or not. But most large companies have adopted CMMI in some form. If you’re looking for work as a software engineer, your next employer will likely either be using CMMI or be interested in learning more about it.

Overall, the benefits of ISO 9001:2015 are overwhelmingly positive. It will help your business grow by providing a formalized system for quality control and improvement. Implementing this international standard can not only improve your business’s processes, but it can also make you more competitive in your industry. If you need assistance with ISO 9001:2015 or software development outsourcing in India, reach out to us. We’ll be happy to answer any questions or concerns that you may have about these topics.

The post ValueCoders Achieves ISO 9001:2015 And CMMI Level 3 Certification appeared first on ValueCoders | Unlocking the Power of Technology: Discover the Latest Insights and Trends.

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7 Tips For Effective Remote Team Management Tue, 30 Mar 2021 13:58:24 +0000 COVID-19 pandemic has shaken the whole globe. During this pandemic, most of the enterprises(small to big) adopted remote working for...

The post 7 Tips For Effective Remote Team Management appeared first on ValueCoders | Unlocking the Power of Technology: Discover the Latest Insights and Trends.

COVID-19 pandemic has shaken the whole globe. During this pandemic, most of the enterprises(small to big) adopted remote working for employees and clients’ safety.

In the initial days when the lockdown was announced, many companies have faced various sorts of issues while managing to work from home (WFH). Even still few of the organizations are facing the same problems at the stretch of remote team management.

Challenges to Manage a Remote Team

A remote team is a group of experts from different time zones, distinct skills, and different cultures working unitedly on a unified project.

Currently, all small, moderate, big enterprises are focusing on adopting remote working as this is beneficial for current and upcoming time.

  • As per the survey, it has been found that 82% of respondents said that they experience less stress.
  • As per the Harvard Business Review, 87% of respondents feel more connected via remote working.

When the team works from the office, then it requires less management effort as a comparison to remote working. While managing the remote team, many challenges come across, and some of the remote team management challenges are related to:

  • Lacking the Top Communication Tool
  • Hiring the Correct Resources
  • Lacking Accountability Program
  • Noticing Everyone’s Time
  • Unclear Roles and Tasks
  • Lack of Schedule
  • Unmanageable Employee Tracking
  • Lack of Conversation within the Team

What Is The Biggest Advantage of Remote Working?

Statista stated that in 2020, 32% of respondents said that flexibility is one of the most significant benefits of remote working. 

Flexibility not only helps employees, but it also benefits the organizations now you might be thinking how?

Well, when the employees are given work flexibility, then they try to complete and deliver the task on time, and this finally increases business productivity.

dedicated team

Statista stated that in 2020, 83% of the respondents are full-time remote workers, while 6% of them are small enterprise owners.

Good Read: Best Software Companies to Hire Dedicated Remote Teams In India

7 Significant and Efficient Ways To Manage Remote Team

If at some point, working virtually is useful then similarly, it also has few drawbacks like it requires perfect remote team management.

When the employee of the company will be productive, then only you will be able to boost the business growth, but for that, it is indispensable to manage the remote working properly.

You should do a proper module to manage the remote team and work. I have mentioned a few ways that will help you to manage the remote team. 

  1. Make Use Of Modern Technologies
  2. Proper Checkment On Punch In and Punch-Out
  3. Don’t Let Communication Gap Hamper your Productivity
  4. Make Sure that Your Team Is Satisfied
  5. Focus On Final Result Not on Activity
  6. Arrange Proper Resources
  7. Offer Flexibility

Proper Record On Punch In and Punch-Out

Punch in & Punch out

Whenever you are managing the remote team, then suggest them to make proper punch in and punch out. If you are a team leader, then you should daily check the employees punch in and punch out.

The thing that does not end here means if in case the employee forgets to make a punch in and punch out then as a leader you should once ask the employee why he/she doesn’t mark the check-in or check out.

If the new member has joined the team, then the management team should accurately provide them guidance related to check-in and check out.

To manage this process in a proper manner you can also forward a gentle reminder associated with the same task, and for doing this, you can build a group on Skype, Zoom, Google’s Team Hangouts.

Make Use Of Modern Technologies for remote team management

To manage the remote team in a good manner, you should keep your team connected, and for this, you can use various communication tools like Slack or Microsoft Teams to make everyone engaged.

On using modern technologies, your team will also be able to explore and learn new technological features. There are numerous tasks like tracking, communicating that can be done quickly while making use of advanced technologies.

During the Coronavirus pandemic, several companies preferred the custom software for managing and tracking their employee’s work. This mainly helped team leaders and management as it saved the working time and also allowed them to focus on other important work. 

If in case you are also looking forward to developing the custom software for your making remote team management easier, then connect with the leading software outsourcing company.

After choosing the leading organization, you will be able to develop an appropriate software solution for your organization’s requirements.

Also Read: ValueCoders Launched An Employee Monitoring Software-WorkStatus

Don’t Bring Communication Gap – Stay Connected

dedicated teams

Arranging formal or informal meetings with the team will help you all to get connected. While working remotely, there are so many issues that are faced by the employees, try to fix those issues & queries on video or voice call.

Nowadays, voice and video call facilities are available mostly on all apps like Skype, Zoom so for arranging the meeting you can use such apps.

Calling is the best way to interact with the team, and this also helps the team to connect with the leaders directly. So pic your phone or video call rather than emailing.

Try to communicate on the video call; this will help you in recognizing employee expression, and to know whether the employee and clients are interested in the talk or not.

Make Sure that Your Team Is Satisfied

Being out of sight, you may address problems in knowing the needs of every employee. But try to understand the same by recognizing the clues given by the employees.

To get an effective outcome from the team, leaders should try to fulfill the requirements of the team. If the employee is satisfied, then he/she will only be able to provide an effective result.

To increase the workflow as a team leader, you should know from which situation the employee is going through.

If an employee is encountering any sort of issues that can be resolved from your side, then try to fix the same.

In remote working, employees face various problems like internet issues, lack of communication, etc this can be resolved by providing great IT support, and as a result, you get exceptional remote team management.

Focus On Final Result Not on Activity

If the team is working remotely then focus on the employee’s work, which means you need to check whether the employee’s work is productive or not! whether he/she is submitting tasks on time or not! Try not to focus on the activity of the remote employees; it is not possible to trace or track all work activity.

I think if employees are completing their tasks on time and offering you valuable work, then its activity hardly matters for the organization. You can also encourage the team members; this will boost team performance.

Looking For Remote Team Management

Schedule a free consultation with us and share your project vision for world-class business solutions.

Arrange Proper Resources

All employees that work in the organization don’t have proper working setup (laptop, internet connectivity) back at home. So, as a team leader, it’s your responsibility to arrange the assets for the employees.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, many employees faced and even facing issues related to working stations, laptops, active internet, etc. If in case your team members are also confronting the same problem then you should adequately guide him/her to fix the issue.

You can also connect your team members with the IT team to resolve the technical glitches; this will save your time and will also fix the employee concerning issues faster.

If a new member has joined the team then as a team leader, it’s your responsibility to make sure that whether the software and other necessary tools have been correctly installed on the employee work station or not.

Offer Flexibility

Remote Team Management

If your team is working remotely, then the company should offer flexibility to the employees, this magnifies the employees work performance and also helps them to deliver the task on time.

If you are offering flexibility to the employees then as a team leader, you should observe employees’ total working hours.

The major drawback of work from home (WFH) is that along with working remotely, you need to manage other tasks also and that this somewhere affects the employee work who are not given the flexibility.

Top 10+ Tools For Effective Remote Team Management

dedicated teams

Numerous tools can help your organization in managing the remote team, but all the tools do not offer the foremost result. Here I am listing a few tools that proffer leading solutions to manage the remote team.

  • Google Hangouts: This tool is free and allows you to make group video calls. In one group video call, 17 people can take part, and it allows users to share screens.
  • Dropbox: It is a Virtual storage system that keeps your files safe, synced, and enables users to share the same.
  • GitHub Wiki: It’s a fantastic tool that allows you to share long-form content about your project. It’s a valuable source for new employee onboarding.
  • Pivotal Tracker: It is a lightweight, flexible project management tool, prototype for software teams. It permits users to break projects into small, actionable tasks.
  • Freshdesk: It is a cloud-based customer support software allowing users to trace and solve complaints, queries. It offers 24-hour coverage.
  • When I Work: It is one of the significant applications to help you to track employee hours and schedule. This app can be easily operated on a mobile phone.
  • I Done This: It is an online tool that allows the team to present daily updates by replying to an email at the end of each workday. It also includes a work activities list.
  • Wunderlist: It allows you to create a task list and also allows you to set reminders for each task.
  • Basecamp: It enables you to monitor tasks, reviews, documents, scheduling, milestones, collaboration, and more.
  • Slack: It allows you to establish communications by channels for group discussions and enables you to share information, files on various platforms.
  • KRA/KPI Software: It is a well-structured employee performance tracking software and gives employees a better understanding of their key working areas.

These remote team management tools offer amazing features and allow you to manage the remote team in the right manner.

If in case you are not happy with the functionalities of these tools, then you can also develop custom software for fulfilling the business management desire. Custom software includes only those features that you want to add.

Looking For Remote Team Management

Schedule a free consultation with us and share your project vision for world-class business solutions.

Wrapping Up

These seven ways to manage a remote team will really help startups, SMEs, and big brands in managing the remote team effectively with fewer hurdles. This guide will ultimately offer a fruitful resolution to the organization’s management team as well.

Sometimes for organizations, management is not a more prominent issue but choosing the best communication and other management tools are the primary concern.

If still you are not able to find appropriate software or a relevant tool for keeping the productivity on par, then give a try to custom software as these software include only those features that you need for managing the remote team.

With the appropriate software or tool for your enterprise, you can overcome various remote team management challenges that are hampering your business growth.

our team of experts with 14+ years of experience can help you better with reliable software development services on an amazing price break.

Contact ValueCoders(leading software outsourcing company in India) for getting complete development solutions to fully embrace your remote team capabilities.

Or, Hire Indian Developers to develop a productive tool from India’s most trusted software development company who has been delivering cost-effective, professional, and proactive software development services worldwide from the past 15 years.

Frequently Asked Questions

How to manage a remote team?

Answer: To remotely manage a team working from home, you can go for these 7 golden tips that will ensure productivity:

  • Make Use Of Trending Technologies
  • Proper Punch In and Punch-Out
  • Don’t Bring Communication Gap to Hamper your Work
  • Make Sure that Your Team is Satisfied
  • Focus On Final Result Not on Activity
  • Arrange Proper Resources
  • Offer Flexibility

How to motivate a Remote Team?

Answer: To keep your team motivated remotely, follow these 7 rules:

  • Stay Connected
  • Believe Them & Build Trust
  • Help Them with Time Management
  • Work on Skill Development
  • Create a Scoreboard
  • Provide Feedback
  • Reward Your Remote Employees
  • Unplug & Break

What are the challenges of managing a remote team?

Answer: Some challenges to managing a remote team are related to:

  • Lacking the Top Communication Tool
  • Hiring the Correct Resources
  • Lacking Accountability Program
  • Noticing Everyone’s Time
  • Unclear Roles and Tasks
  • Lack of Schedule
  • Unmanageable Employee Tracking
  • Lack of Conversation within the Team

What tools to use for managing a team working from home?

Answer: For effective remote team working, you can utilize these remote team management tools:

  • Google Hangouts
  • Dropbox
  • GitHub Wiki
  • Google Docs
  • Pivotal Tracker
  • Freshdesk
  • When I Work
  • I Do This
  • Wunderlist
  • Basecamp
  • Slack
  • Google Teams
  • Skype

What are the best companies to hire remote developers?

Answer: For hiring a remote development team, these companies will be a good choice:

  • ValueCoders
  • PixelCrayons
  • SparxITSolutions
  • Appinventiv
  • itCraft


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