Find the best Java Web application framework for your next Project [Infographic]

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Being one of the oldest languages, It was quite challenging for Java to stay as a widely-used programming language, but it happened because of the Java Frameworks that give the audience absolute amazing features to use it and make desired applications. 

Here is an Infographic showing popular Java web frameworks: 

In this infographic, I have listed some of the best Java Frameworks that can help you build applications that run faster and have excellent compatibility. 

Popular Java Web Application Frameworks


Lets directly dive into the advantages of using Java Frameworks: 


The foremost reason for using Java Framework is its security, and a great framework always has secure applications. And if you find any issues in the framework, you can directly go to the website and fix them. 


Widely used frameworks will have large forums or support groups to have their issues resolved and questions answered. They also have a documentation part where one can understand the framework.

Also Wach quick video on most popular java frameworks:



Java Frameworks can easily complete the task quickly within a short period of time, requiring long codes and hours and days to complete with pre-defined functions. It makes the development more accessible, effective, and quicker. 


Generally, the maintenance cost of the framework is significantly less. Also, most used structures are already present and help the developer to code faster. If the coding is done more quickly, the expense will become lesser in every way, whether it is time or effort.

All these advantages make the Java Frameworks unique and exciting to use because every developer likes to have these things in a framework on which they want to work and do custom software solutions

Also Read: Java In Last 25 Years: A Staggering Look Into Past & Future

If you are also looking to develop an application based on Java Framework, you can hire dedicated java developers from a reputed Java web application development company


Working on Java frameworks always gives pleasure and joy to do work. In the Infographic, I have listed top java frameworks that you can use to develop a great application. The information mentioned above in the infographic can help you choose the framework according to your project needs.


Find the best Java Web application framework for your next Project [Infographic]

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