business outsourcing services – ValueCoders | Unlocking the Power of Technology: Discover the Latest Insights and Trends Valuecoders Fri, 28 Apr 2023 08:01:24 +0000 en-US hourly 1 business outsourcing services – ValueCoders | Unlocking the Power of Technology: Discover the Latest Insights and Trends 32 32 A Complete Guide On Software Product Development Life Cycle Fri, 25 Nov 2022 12:15:08 +0000 Introduction Creating a product-market fit software is one of the essential tasks of modern businesses. They need to understand the...

The post A Complete Guide On Software Product Development Life Cycle appeared first on ValueCoders | Unlocking the Power of Technology: Discover the Latest Insights and Trends.


Creating a product-market fit software is one of the essential tasks of modern businesses. They need to understand the complete software development life cycle to accomplish this, enabling them to develop the right software product in this competitive era. 

This blog will seek software development processes, types, stages of software product development life cycle, and their importance for new businesses. 


Before starting our journey, have a look at the incredible stats of the software product development market to date:

  • As per The Business Research Company, the software products market is expected to grow to $2,040.37 billion in 2026 at a CAGR of 11.8%.
  • North America is expected to remain the largest market for software product development, with a share of 38.8% in 2022.
  • The Asia-Pacific software product development market is projected to grow at the highest CAGR of 12.9% during the forecast period.
  • The small and medium enterprises (SMEs) segment is expected to be the fastest-growing end-user segment of the software product development market, with a CAGR of 13.4% during the forecast period.

Software Product Development: An Overview

Software Product Development is designing, creating, testing, and maintaining software products. It includes the software engineering process of developing software programs and the business aspects of managing software projects. 

Moreover, it is a complex process that involves many stages, from initial conception to final delivery. The development process must consider the software product’s various elements, including its functionality, usability, performance, and security. 

In addition, the software product must be compatible with the hardware it will run on and meet all applicable standards.

It typically begins with a requirements-gathering phase, in which the end user’s needs are identified. Once the requirements are understood, the software engineers can begin designing the software. The software is then coded or programmed and undergoes extensive testing before it is finally released to the end user. 

After we release the software product, the software development team may continue to work on it, adding new features or fixing any discovered bugs. Software products are often updated regularly, even after they have been released to the public. 

Software product development might be challenging but can be advantageous. A well-designed and well-executed software product can make a difference in people’s lives. It can help them be more productive, efficient, and organized. A software product can improve communication and collaboration among team members.

When done right, software product development can be a rewarding experience for all involved.

Software Product Development Guide 2

Also Read: 7 Stages In Software Product Development – A Successful Project Onboarding

Types of Software Development Processes

Software product development can be broadly classified into two main categories: 

  • Agile Software Development
  • Waterfall Software Development
Types of Software Development Processes
Types of Software Development Processes

Both approaches have advantages and disadvantages, so choosing the right one for your project is important. 

Agile Software Development is an iterative and incremental approach to software product development. It focuses on delivering software in short cycles, known as sprints, and frequently evolving the software based on customer feedback. This flexibility makes agile software development well-suited for projects with rapidly changing requirements. 

Waterfall Software Development is a more traditional approach that takes a linear and sequential approach to software product development. Each project phase must be completed in this approach before moving on to the next phase. It can make waterfall software development more predictable and easier to manage but less flexible when compared to agile software development. 

Which approach is right for your project will depend on several factors, including the nature of the project, the team’s experience, and the customer’s preferences. Ultimately, the best approach is the one that will help you deliver a high-quality software product on time and within budget.

Why Do Businesses Require Software Product Development?

A well-designed software product can give you an edge over competitors in today’s competitive market. A custom software solution can help you better serve your customers and meet their needs more effectively. 

Since your business is unique, software product development can help you capitalize on your distinguishing qualities and give you a competitive edge. By streamlining processes and automating tasks, software product development can save your business time and money. 

The software development process involves creating custom software solutions specific to your business’s needs. This process can help you overcome many common business challenges, such as:

  • Inefficiencies caused by using off-the-shelf software that doesn’t meet all of your needs
  • A lack of scalability or flexibility as your business grows
  • Lack of customer engagement due to a poor user experience
Bring your vision to life through innovative software development

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There are many benefits to pursuing Software Product Development for your Business:

  • It allows you to get what you need from your software solution. There’s no more trying to make a square peg fit into a round hole – with custom software; you can have a solution designed specifically for your business.
  • Software product development can save you time and money in the long run. When you have a software solution tailored to your specific needs, you are less likely to encounter problems down the road. This can save you both time and money in troubleshooting and maintenance.
  • Software product development allows you to have a competitive edge. With a custom software solution that meets your unique business needs, you can give yourself a leg up on the competition.

Also Read: Glean Insights Into Software Product Development Process To Develop Successful Business Solutions

When Your Business Needs Software Product Development?

No matter how small or large your business may be, you should be prepared to adapt to the needs of your customers, both current and future. To do that, you need to stay on top of the market, keep an eye on the competition, and react accordingly by creating new products and services that fill existing gaps in the market or provide a competitive advantage over other businesses in your industry. 

One way is through software product development – creating custom-made software solutions that meet your customers’ needs. But how can you know when to bring in outside help and outsource this process? Learn here:

When There Is A Need For Automation

It’s a fact: the more you automate, your business becomes more efficient. That’s because computers can process information much faster than humans, which saves time and money. 

In today’s global economy, where companies compete for 24/7 on every continent, it just makes sense to automate as many tasks as possible to maximize production without sacrificing quality or efficiency. 

If your company could benefit from a software product development lifecycle, it might be time for an upgrade!

If The Current Software Cannot Be Customized To Meet The Business’s Specific Needs

Software development can be expensive, so it’s important to know when your business is ready. Before you invest in a software developer, ask yourself if the current software cannot be customized to meet the business’s specific needs. If this applies, then you may need a Software Development Company. You will want to find one with experience with your industry and business type. 

For example, a consulting firm could not provide the same services as a retail chain. Make sure you are up-to-date on new technological trends before engaging in contracts with developers. Some of these trends include SaaS (software as a service) providers like Salesforce or Box, platforms such as Magento or Shopify, and technologies such as HTML5 and mobile applications.

When Your Company Experiences Low Efficiency & Miscommunication-related Issues

Software product development can help solve efficiency and miscommunication-related issues. Once your company starts experiencing low efficiency or miscommunication-related issues, you may be ready for software product development. One way that it can help fix these problems is by providing employees with a centralized system where they can go to get up-to-date information. 

In addition, new tools such as Microsoft Flow provide an automated way of handling repetitive tasks.

When Your Supply Chain Has Many Bottlenecks

If your supply chain has many bottlenecks, consider looking into software product development. With the use of software products and software development services, these dilemmas can be solved, and your business will run smoothly. 

The following are some signs that your company might need to create a software product:

  • If there are too many points in the process, delays or mistakes can happen.
  • If there are significant quality issues with processes or output.
  • If production capacity is constrained by equipment or personnel issues (such as skills shortages).
  • If frequent changes in technology make it difficult to keep up.
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When your Business is Growing

As your business grows, you may need software product development services to keep up with the demands of your company. For example, as you become more successful, you might find that your previous tools no longer work well enough or have enough features to handle your needs. 

You may also need software product development because of the changing market and new technology. Whatever the reason for needing software product development services, you want to be sure that it will be worth it before investing in them.

When Your Customer Base Increases

One of the first things you’ll notice when you’re ready to begin software product development is that your customer base has increased. This might be because your business has grown or because you’ve been able to reach a new audience. An increase in customers can signify that it’s time to start looking into the next phase of your business, which includes developing a software product.  

Whether building an app, developing a website, or releasing another physical product, the decision will ultimately depend on your goals. Once you know what type of software product will best suit your needs and vision for the software application development company long term, hiring software developers will help bring your idea to life.

When you Business is Expanding to Other Locations

When expanding your company to other locations, it’s time to invest in software product development. Utilizing a product that is already established and has already been tested will make your company more efficient. Plus, you’ll save a lot of money because you won’t need to spend money on developing software from scratch. An existing product can also be very beneficial when expanding internationally.

Also Read: 20+ SaaS Product Ideas To Empower Your Business-Valuation

How To Prepare For Software Product Development?

By preparing for your software product development project, you can ensure that everything goes smoothly and that your final product is of the highest quality. There are a few things you should keep in mind to ensure success. Here are four tips on how to prepare for software product development:

How To Prepare For Software Product Development
How To Prepare For Software Product Development

Define your Target Market

Who will you be selling your software to? It’s essential to have a good understanding of your target market before starting development, as this will influence everything from the features you include to the way you market your product.

Research the Competition

What other software products are out there that serve the same or similar purpose as yours? Knowing your competition will help position your product in the market and make it stand out.

Create a Detailed Specification

Before starting development, it’s important to create a detailed specification of what you want your software to do. This will help keep development on track and prevent scope creep.

Find the Right Development Partner

Choosing the right software development partner is crucial to the success of your project. Make sure you take the time to find a partner that has experience in developing similar products and that you feel confident working.

Essential Stages Of Software Product Development

Software product development is taking an idea or concept and turning it into a tangible, usable piece of software for consumers  to do whatever they wish. 

This process, no matter how similar it may seem from project to project, never follows the same path or schedule twice, meaning that each software product goes through its unique stages and variations of each stage.

These stages are as follows:


Ideation is the first stage of software product development. It involves brainstorming and coming up with as many creative ideas as possible. This stage aims to generate enough viable ideas that may eventually lead to a successful product. If you don’t have enough ideas, ideation can be conducted by a group of people in a brainstorming session. Once an idea emerges from a session, it should be documented so it’s not forgotten later. 

The next step is to decide which ideas are most feasible or desirable for development and try to build them into a prototype or mock-up. You should also try to assign them one or more key features that will make them unique and stand out from other products on the market.


Planning is the second stage of software product development. You are detail mapping out the entire project and its scope during this stage. You will be defining goals for the project, creating a timeline of milestones, budgeting, and defining roles and responsibilities. You will also identify what your team needs to do throughout the project to complete it successfully. 

For example, at this stage, you might hire developers or designers if you don’t have those skills on your current team. If your business doesn’t offer these services, you will start researching companies that can provide these services. You would then reach out to them and send them an RFP (request for proposal) outlining exactly what they need to provide. If they accept your proposal, you can move on to the next stage of developing your product.


The user interface is created and visualized in the design stage. Sketches and wireframes are drawn to illustrate what the interface should look like. Research is conducted to understand better how users will interact with the product. This stage can be divided into low-fidelity wireframes, high-fidelity wireframes, and interactive prototypes. 

Low-fidelity wireframes are sketches of what an app or website might look like without pixel precision. Low-fidelity wireframes explore various layout options to determine which best suits a user’s needs. They don’t include much detail about color, fonts, or graphics because they’re not intended to be used as blueprints for development.

High-fidelity wireframes take it one step further by including more detail about color, fonts, and graphics, but no programming has been included yet.

Interactive prototypes take it even further by including animation and real programming (though it may not always have finished coding). They give users a chance to see what the product will look like when they use it while still giving developers room to work on new features later in development.


Implementation is the process of developing the product and tying together all of the pieces. The first step in this stage is to plan how you want to execute your development. This includes choosing which tools to use, making a timeline, and mapping out where you are in project budgeting. 

Next, create a list of activities that need to be completed to get your product off the ground. Your list should include what needs to be done, who will do it, when they will do it, and how much time they will take. Finally, prioritize each task based on its importance and urgency, so you know which tasks need to be addressed first.


In the fifth stage of software product development, the product is checked for bugs and errors in software. This stage can be performed by manual or automated testing. Manual testing could involve using paper documents and walking through steps in the software’s design to ensure it does what it is supposed to do.

Automated testing could involve many methods, such as rerunning loops over and over until certain conditions are met, running a script with a tool such as Selenium to check every web page loaded on a website, and writing scripts that attempt valid user input in an application.


At this point, the software is complete, and you’re ready to deploy it. There are many things you’ll need to do before deploying your software, such as: 

  • Install the software on a server. 
  • Create a new database or configure an existing one. 
  • Configure the deployment using administration tools like FTP or SFTP. 
  • Configure any third-party services (e.g., Google Analytics) that you want to integrate with your application. 
  • Configure any email notifications for alerts and outbound marketing campaigns.
  • Export backup information and other configuration data. 
  • Run performance tests to make sure everything is running smoothly. 
  • Get the latest security updates from the developer’s site or another trusted source. 
  • Test in different browsers on different operating systems (Windows, Mac OS X). Test the system when it has limited bandwidth available. Test it when there is no network connectivity at all. Test it when only one browser is installed on the system where you’ve deployed your application (i.e., ensure your site still functions even if a user doesn’t have Chrome installed).

Note: Deployment should be well planned and orderly; otherwise, errors will happen during deployment, which could cause downtime of critical resources.


Once your app is fully released, the development process isn’t over yet. Ongoing maintenance and updates are necessary to keep your app running smoothly and up-to-date with current trends. Here are some things to consider after completing stage six of the software product development process:

1) Analyze data for bugs and glitches reported by users during the testing phases. 

2) Create a schedule for routine updates, patches, and fixes. 

3) Update coding language to comply with new programming standards. 

4) Address any security concerns as soon as possible. 

5) Monitor feedback from testers to ensure you’re meeting user expectations and needs. 

6) Consider implementing new features and updating existing ones based on customer requests. 

7) If changes require an update to program code or additional programmer work, re-evaluate their prioritization based on the cost they will incur in terms of time and resources. 

8) Continue monitoring technology trends related to your product so that you can continue providing relevant content or services to your customers. 

9) Provide customer service support by responding promptly and courteously when customers contact you with questions about their use of the product or services provided through it.

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How To Have A Successful Business With Software Product Development?

Having a software development team in-house can save your business time and money. By having a software development team, you can create a product tailored to your specific needs, and you can get it done faster and cheaper than if you outsourced the work. 

Below are some tips on how to have a successful business with software product development: 

Tips fro Software Product Development
Tips for Software Product Development

Define Your Goals

The first step to having a successful software product development team is to define your goals. What do you want to achieve with your software? What problem are you trying to solve? Once you know what you want to accomplish, you can set clear objectives for your team and hold them accountable.

Communicate Clearly

Effective communication is essential for any software development team. Make sure that everyone on your team knows the project’s goals and understands their role in achieving them. Clear communication will help your team work together more efficiently and avoid misunderstandings that can lead to errors.

Establish A Process

A software development process helps your team members understand what needs to be done and when it needs to be done. By establishing a clear process, you can avoid duplication of effort and wasted time. Many software development processes are available, so find one that works best for your team and stick to it.

Use The Right Tools

Having the right tools is essential for any software development team. The right tools will help your team work more efficiently and avoid errors. Many software development tools are available, so choose the ones that best fit your team’s needs.

Test your Software

Before you release your software to the public, it’s important to test it thoroughly. Testing will help you find and fix any errors in your software. Make sure to test your software on all platforms it will use.

Train Your Users

If you want your users to be successful with your software, you need to train them. Training will help them understand how to use your software and how to get the most out of it. Make sure to provide adequate documentation and support for your users.

By following these tips, you can have a healthier and better business with software product development. Having a software development team can save you time and money and help you create a product tailored to your specific needs. With the right team in place, you can accomplish anything you set out to do. 

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How To Select The Right Partners For Software Product Development?

The software product development process is a long and complicated one, involving many different partners along the way. From designers to developers to marketers, it takes a team of experts to bring a product to market. But how do you know which partners are right for your project? And how can you ensure that everyone is on the same page, working towards the same goal?

Here we will explore selecting the right partners for software product development.

Conduct A Background Check On The Company

When selecting a software development partner, conducting a background check on the company is important. This will help you ensure that the Software App Development Company is reputable and has the experience and expertise necessary to produce a high-quality product.

To conduct a background check on a software development company, start by searching for the company online. Review the company’s website and look for customer testimonials or case studies. You can also search for the company in Google News to see if there are any recent news stories about them.

Next, check out independent review sites like Clutch or G2 Crowd to see what real customers say about the company. Finally, contact the company directly and ask them any questions about their experience or process. By taking these steps, you can be confident that you’re selecting a reputable software development partner.

Check a Company’s Ability

When you are looking to partner with a software development company, it is important to check their ability. This includes looking at their portfolio, case studies, and reviews. Checking a company’s ability will give you an idea of the quality of work they can provide and whether they are a good fit for your project.

Knowledge Of Different Methodologies

They have the knowledge and experience with different methodologies. This is important because it will ensure that they are able to adapt to your specific needs and requirements. Furthermore, it will also allow them to provide you with the best possible solution for your project.

There are a variety of different software development methodologies that partners can use, so it is important to make sure that they are familiar with the ones that you are interested in. Some popular options include Agile, Scrum, Lean, and Kanban. 

It is also a good idea to ask about their experience with other tools and technologies you plan to use for your project. This way, you can be sure they can properly support your development process.

Ability To Support Throughout The Cycle

The ideal partner will provide support during the entire development process, from initial planning and requirements gathering to final testing and deployment. They should also be able to provide ongoing support and maintenance after the product has been launched.

When evaluating potential partners, ask them about their support model and what level of support they can provide throughout the development cycle. Find out if they have a dedicated support team or if they outsource this function. Also, inquire about their post-launch support offering and whether they offer bug fixes, security updates, and new features as part of this service.

Ability to Understand Your Business

The right partner for software product development should clearly understand your business. They should know your company’s goals, objectives, and values. Furthermore, they should be able to understand your target market and audience. With this knowledge, they can help you develop a software product that meets your customers’ needs and helps you achieve your business goals.

Capable Testers

As your software product development partner, one of our primary objectives is to help you achieve high quality for your end product. Achieving this goal requires the involvement of highly skilled and capable testers who understand the nuances of testing software products.

Software Product Development Guide 1


I hope you’ve found this guide helpful and given you a good overview of the software product development life cycle. As we mentioned earlier, different businesses will have different needs and requirements for their software products, so it’s important to tailor the process accordingly.

If you’re seeking more specific advice or want help planning your software product development project, feel free to contact us. At ValueCoders, we have a proficient team of 650+ in-house software developers who can serve you 24*7. Outsource our software development services and leverage various business benefits for your next project.


The post A Complete Guide On Software Product Development Life Cycle appeared first on ValueCoders | Unlocking the Power of Technology: Discover the Latest Insights and Trends.

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An Overview of Business Intelligence Tools & Their Functions- Infographic Thu, 01 Oct 2020 11:25:12 +0000 Data plays an important role in the modern business world. A real content adds value to your business and solves...

The post An Overview of Business Intelligence Tools & Their Functions- Infographic appeared first on ValueCoders | Unlocking the Power of Technology: Discover the Latest Insights and Trends.

Data plays an important role in the modern business world. A real content adds value to your business and solves problems.  There are many kinds of different components that go into an effective digital marketing strategy to upscale your business.

As per the stats, it is found that about 37% of businesses today from the Asia Pacific are relying on business intelligence tools in order to increase their business standards.

From the quality of the blog or the content of the social networks produced up to now and the place where it is published, all these factors can make or break the success of individual pieces of material.

Why they Matter? How to Decide Which One is Best For Your Business?    

For marketers and business owners, these factors can make it almost impossible to decide the correct course of action when it comes to digital strategy of their businesses. Instead, many choose to make decisions based on experience, the feeling of instinct or a mixture of both.

business intelligence

By using the right BI tools, one can harness the power of fact-based data insights rather than useless ideas, unconceptualized data, suggestions, and opinions.

Therefore, all businesses should be equipped with the right BI tools. To make it easy for you, we have attached an infographic below which will give you the list of best and popular Business Intelligence tools for content marketers.

Read it till the end and for EXPERT WEB APP DEVELOPER OR DEDICATED MOBILE APP DEVELOPER we are right here. 😀 



So we have seen various business intelligence tools for content marketers in 2019. This would surely help them in making a good digital marketing strategy in order to boost businesses. Companies serving in software development domains viz. mobile app development and web app development can make use of these tools for their marketers. This will make them capable of utilizing the power of fact-based data insights which ultimately improve their overall business performance.


outsource software development

The post An Overview of Business Intelligence Tools & Their Functions- Infographic appeared first on ValueCoders | Unlocking the Power of Technology: Discover the Latest Insights and Trends.

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Present and Future of IT Outsourcing Wed, 18 Sep 2019 13:03:17 +0000 Do you know 50 million businesses are given birth every year? You will be shocked to know that approximately 50%...

The post Present and Future of IT Outsourcing appeared first on ValueCoders | Unlocking the Power of Technology: Discover the Latest Insights and Trends.

Do you know 50 million businesses are given birth every year? You will be shocked to know that approximately 50% of small businesses fail within the first five years of their business. This clearly shows a loophole in the business process. 

Now that we will be soon dealing with the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic, we will probably see more businesses dying. The economic impacts of the novel coronavirus will create a graveyard of failed startups, small-scale businesses, and even a few large-scale enterprises. How will your business prevent itself from making a place in this graveyard?

Here the need to optimize the business process arises. The prime weapon applied to achieve such optimization is IT services. This has given a major boost to the IT outsourcing sector.

According to research by Technavio, the rising need to optimize business processes will be the key driver for the IT outsourcing market. It is estimated that during 2019-2023, the IT outsourcing market will grow at a CAGR of 4.42%.  

Undoubtedly this growth is contributing towards revolutionizing the way industries operate. Are you coping up with these changes successfully? Today is the age of moving ahead of time to survive in the cutthroat competition.   

Even if you are incorporating the latest tech trends including machine learning, IoT, artificial intelligence and many more in your business processes, it is not enough. You need to find a way to achieve perfection at a minimal cost.

For this purpose, IT outsourcing companies are being hired by businesses all around the globe. There are various benefits that a smart business person can reap by hiring an efficient software outsourcing firm

Benefits of IT Outsourcing

Save infrastructural cost

If you hire software developers, your investment in giving them the right infrastructure to develop your software will get saved.

Save the cost of in-house software developers

Every business is not required to hire developers full-time in their office. Hiring full-time employees add to the cost even if there is no need for software developers. 

IT outsourcing services

Enhanced efficiency

When you hire software developers who have extensive experience in your niche, you will never face any issue of low-quality outcomes. 

No time boundary

Your hired software developers in the outsourcing company will work even when you will be off for the day. 

Focus on Core process

If you will get your projects outsourced, your energies will be free to use somewhere else which cannot be outsourced from anywhere. It gives you time to invest in core areas like branding.  

These benefits of IT outsourcing are the reasons why a huge investment is done every year in these services. It is estimated by Statista this year, the spending on IT services will reach 1, 088 billion U.S. dollars. 

IT services spending 2019

The present-day market scenario of the IT outsourcing industry is equivalent to perfection. It can offer you ample benefits to revive or sustain your business processes. But this industry is dynamic which expects the businesspersons to walk along with the changes it witnesses.

The future is uncertain but here is an attempt to find out the top trend that will be prevailing in the IT outsourcing industry. These changes are mainly directed by technological advancements which are enhancing tremendously.

Top future trends of IT outsourcing

  1. Increase in automation outsourcing
  2. Need for more specialization
  3. Cloud sourcing
  4. Increase in AR/VR service needs
  5. Introduction to new business models
  6. Less attention on cost
  7. Demand for cybersecurity and compliance
  8. Rise of New outsourcing destinations

IT outsourcing Trends #1: Increase in automation outsourcing 

Automation has made human lifestyle highly convenient. In contemporary times, automation is embraced in all major arenas from enterprises to homes. Technologies like Artificial intelligence and robotic process automation are in great demand these days.

The market for artificial intelligence is predicted to reach US$ 190.61 billion by 2025. The huge investment has created the need for artificial intelligence project developments. The overall demand for AI experts, data scientists, and big data analysts are rising at exponential rates every year.   

business process optimization

IT outsourcing Trends #2: Need for more specialization

Gone are those days when the software was created just to take your business online or to make it compatible with the latest industry happenings. Today, businesses are getting dependent on their applications for core processes

For this, they require Custom Software Solutions according to their individual demands. The skills of developers have become an important factor in choosing an IT outsourcing company. It is assumed that in future the requirement for polished skills will increase.

Businesses have forgotten to compromise with quality. The need for personalization of services and products have motivated developers at varied locations to improve their skills, communication and innovation power. 

Here is a tabular representation of the skill rating of developers in different outsourcing destinations. 

Top IT Outsourcing countries
HackerRank and TopCoder are the two rating organizations that have ranked the skills of developers at different IT outsourcing destinations. Businesses are choosing the destinations with the most skilled developers irrespective of the geographical boundaries. 

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IT outsourcing Trends #3: Cloud sourcing

Enterprises are transforming digitally which has resulted in greater public cloud adoption. By 2020, 83% of workloads of enterprises will be on the cloud according to the finding of the LogicMonitor’s Cloud Vision 2020: The Future of the Cloud Study.

In their findings, it was concluded that AI and ML will be the greatest catalyst in increasing cloud computing adoption by 2020.  This will require IT outsourcing service providers to develop more online data centers and equipment.

With cloud computing, the security issue will increase. 66% of IT professionals think that security will be the primary concern while adopting cloud computing. Ultimately, expert knowledge of professionals working in IT outsourcing companies will be considered to save businesses from the loss caused by possible data breaches. 

Importance of AI and ML

IT outsourcing Trends #4: Increase in AR/VR service needs 

Overall AR/VR headsets sales to reach worth US dollars 9.7 billion by 2020. The not-so-old technology has allured customers of all sizes. Businesses in all industry domains, from healthcare to e-commerce are incorporating these technologies to add another reality to their products.

According to a survey, 73% of mobile AR users are satisfied or highly satisfied with their experiences. This paves a safe and healthy future for these technologies. In future businesses are going to invest in AR and VR projects incredibly. 

These technologies have boosted online shopping experiences, social networking sites, entertainment apps. There was still a lot of potential to be explored. Small businesses are turning up these technologies to offer something unique to their customers. 


IT outsourcing Trends #5: Introduction to new business models

IT Outsourcing business models

Ideas have become the essence of software industries. If you have an idea of getting a custom app developed, it will solve half of your problem. This is why in future businesses will shift to business models that will safeguard their idea. 

New business models in the IT outsourcing industry will be based on outcomes rather than outputs.  Do you know the difference between the two? The output is the result of the organization’s activities and the outcome is the level of success achieved by these activities. 

This will increase the pressure to deliver impeccable results to the software developers. The future models will also be witnessing contracts wherein the risk and responsibility will be shared among businesses and the IT outsourcing partner. 

IT outsourcing Trends #6: Less attention on cost

As I have written that business models will be more focussed on quality rather than the mere completion of work. Along with this shift, the focus from cost has also shifted. Businesses will no longer run behind the lowest cost quotation by software developers. 

Although we cannot deny that a true businessperson will always focus on cutting their expenditures. But the value delivered has taken the place of primary concern. An ideal IT outsourcing company will be the one with skilled labors and outstanding outcomes at the least cost. 

Here is the cost of developers and QA in different popular IT outsourcing destinations. 

Cost of developers in Top IT Outsourcing countries

Along with this, you can match the skill ratings of the app developers in different locations. The quality-price match can be an ideal choice for any business developer. For example, India is a destination with low-cost developers and placed at a considerably good rank among different destinations. Such combinations are in high-preference for developers. 

IT outsourcing Trends #7: Demand for cybersecurity and compliance

When it comes to the industry of information technology, security becomes a primary area of concern. Since its inception, this industry has been facing threats and thefts. When top-notch companies like Facebook witness such security issues, it brings fears into the SMEs and startups as well.

This has raised awareness among businesses which has turned into a demand. Companies demand that high-end security measures should be taken while developing an application for their business.  

Cyber attack preperation

One of my friends started a startup for an e-commerce store. He was not well-informed about the security checklist that should have been followed by his hired web developers. Once he got his web app developed, he faced issues in the payment gateway. The sensitive data like card details of customers who were logged into his e-commerce site started getting leaked. 

This is a very small experience that I have witnessed very closely. A business can face a lot of such issues when it comes to security. This is why 66% of IT professionals think that security will be the primary concern while adopting cloud computing. 

Cyber Security

The data encryption still has a long way to go. Cybercriminals have not and still not leaving any stone unturned in attacking the sensitive data.  IoT devices are at the most vulnerable position when it comes to cyber-attacks.

According to a report by Spiceworks, only 36% of IT professionals are confident in their ability to respond to cyber-attacks. This is quite scary! If the IT professionals are unsure then who are we relying on the safety of our data onto! 

Undoubtedly, in the future, the demand for optimum security from IT outsourcing companies will be on a rising spree.  In order to survive in the competition, it will become a necessity for IT outsourcing companies to provide highly secure applications. 

IT outsourcing Trends #8: Rise of New outsourcing destinations

The major destinations for IT outsourcing are located in Eastern Europe, South America and Asia pacific. These are the top destinations mentioned in the table below.

Top IT Outsourcing Destinations

These locations have the largest share of global outsourcing revenue. Today India and China are the leading destinations among these fourteen locations. The export of the IT industry of India in 2019 is expected to reach 135-137 billion US dollars.

But it is being speculated that in future years central and eastern European countries will provide stiff competition to China and India. As of now, according to a Deloitte survey, 59% of the respondents are already outsourcing their custom software development services from India. Here is the complete graph of their findings:

Companies outsourcing software development services

Although, in my opinion, India will continue to lead the IT outsourcing destinations with maximum projects. Few reasons for the same are:


  • Supportive policies by the Indian government for IT companies: Every year, the government of India provides schemes for the fiscal benefit of IT companies. Moreover, it has also recognized IT as of the 12 champion service sector. 


  • Indian companies follow international quality standards: Some of these standards are the International Standards Organization (ISO 9000), Six Sigma Quality Certification, Total Quality Management (TQM), etc.


  • The abundance of developers: According to Statista, India has the second-largest number of Android developers in the world. 


Mobile app development costs worldwide

  • Moreover, India has the most hardworking force: In a survey, 69% of the Indians expressed satisfaction in working for 6 days a week. It is a strategically right decision to invest in mobile app developers in India in 2020. It can be summed up that India will emerge as an even more flourishing IT outsourcing destination for businesses all over the globe. 

Wrapping Up

These top future trends of IT outsourcing promises a bright future not only for top-notch brands but also for startups and SMEs. The COIVD-19 outbreak is making it more difficult than ever for businesses to operate and develop software products in-house. Undoubtedly, this is the golden time for businesses to avail of the benefits of IT outsourcing.

The need for innovation has kept businesses as well as IT outsourcing companies at toes for a decade. After reading the top future trends of the IT outsourcing industry, I am sure you would be imagining ways to explore the opportunities for your business. 

I hope all your confusions regarding outsourcing software developers in India have settled down by now. If you have something to share about the IT outsourcing market then you are welcome to write to me in the comment section below. 

I welcome your reviews, suggestions, and appreciation. Let’s exchange our ideas and knowledge to have a better view of the present and future of the IT outsourcing industry! 



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Offshoring vs Outsourcing – Differences and Comparison Mon, 27 Apr 2015 09:42:19 +0000 Offshoring and outsourcing are similar business strategies that involve one party hiring another to take care of specific business processes...

The post Offshoring vs Outsourcing – Differences and Comparison appeared first on ValueCoders | Unlocking the Power of Technology: Discover the Latest Insights and Trends.

Offshoring and outsourcing are similar business strategies that involve one party hiring another to take care of specific business processes that the company cannot do, like manufacturing and design. The biggest difference between offshoring and outsourcing is that offshoring refers to an international process, while outsourcing occurs within the same country. 

For example, if company A hires company B to create a website in the United States, company A has outsourced this work to company B, while if company C is based in India, hires company D in Singapore to do the same work, then company C has offshored this work. 

This post will discuss the pros & cons of both outsourcing vs. offshoring your business, so you can decide which is best for your business.

What is Offshoring?

Offshoring, also known as offshoring trade or outsourcing, transfers portions of a business process to another country with lower costs. It occurs when a company moves its operations to another country. Offshoring can be partial or complete. 

Partial offshoring includes such practices as shipping goods from one country to another for final production and then sending the finished goods back to their home market. Complete offshoring refers to shifting all production tasks overseas, including research and development.

It was first used in the 1980s by IBM, which sent software jobs to India’s HCL Corporation. Offshoring has become more popular today as technological advances have made it easier for companies to do so.

Also Read: Staff Augmentation Vs. Project Outsourcing Vs. Managed Services: Which One Is Right For You

What is Outsourcing?

Outsourcing is shifting work to a third party, like an Offshore IT Company in India, who will carry out the work. Outsourcing allows businesses to focus on their core business and eliminates redundancies. For example, if a company outsources its payroll function to an offshore company in India, it could pay for the service once instead of paying salaries.

Businesses outsource to save money and eliminate redundancies. There are many advantages to outsourcing, but there are also disadvantages as well. Many companies need more time or resources, so they need to allocate funds to hire additional staff or personnel outside the company, which can be expensive. We can talk about that in more detail.

Offshore Your Development Project

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Understanding the Differences between Offshoring and Outsourcing

According to Statista the global information technology (IT) spending on devices, including PCs, tablets, mobile phones, printers, as well as data center systems, enterprise software, and communications services came to 4.26 trillion U.S. dollars in 2021 and is expected to increase to around 4.43 trillion U.S. dollars in 2022.

When comparing Offshoring Vs. Outsourcing, we can see that the best option will depend on the needs of your business and how you want to approach this process.

However, offshoring companies are more likely to offer a higher level of expertise than outsourcing companies, while the latter may provide faster and less expensive services. Let’s look at the detailed comparison:

Parameters Offshore Software Development Outsourcing Software Development
Differences Relocation of complete business processes. Delegation of non-core work parts of a project.
Objective To have work done overseas so that there are cost savings. To improve the efficiency & quality of a product or service, often at a lower cost than using in-house resources
Meeting Possibilities Due to time zone differences of seven to ten hours, it is more difficult to arrange Arranging a meeting is easier compared to offshoring.
Project Security There are some agreements that do not apply. Security concerns might s come up in the absence of close collaboration.
Control Higher Control  Lesser Control
Drawbacks Tougher quality control, distance & communication barriers.   Lack of control, focus, and communication challenges. 
Reliability Offshoring is reliable. You might face trust issues in outsourcing issues.

Difference between Offshore and Outsourcing

Pro’s and Cons of Offshoring and Outsourcing Software Development

Many Software Development Companies offer both services; however, it is up to you and your requirements which service would be ideal for you. To understand this better, below are the pros and cons of outsourcing & offshoring software development services. 


Although outsourcing might be different from offshoring, both services have specific advantages that make companies choose them; let’s look.

Sr. No Offshore Software Development Outsourcing Software Development
1 Businesses can hire offshore developers at reasonable rates. Outsourcing software development is cost-efficient.
2 It offers easier & smoother communication. Companies can leverage specialized skills. 
3 Offers higher productivity, greater efficiency, and valuable insights from other cultures and countries. Flexible work hours can boos productivity.  
4 Working with an offshore could increase flexibility since their hours may differ from yours. It’s quicker and more valuable ‌when facing a time crunch.


Sr. No Offshore Software Development Outsourcing Software Development
1 Cultural and social differences lead to communication challenges. Cultural and social differences lead to communication challenges. .
2 There will always be data transfer issues even when there is shared space collaboration. Despite strong Data Protection Acts, outsourcing software development has various security concerns. 
3 Less quality control  Less management control.  
4 Technology in the country of offshoring may be less reliable than in the country of origin. Costs more than an in house team

Offshoring vs Outsourcing Which One is Best? Watch This Video:

Importance of Offshore Software Development

The reasons offshoring is essential are numerous; some of them are:

  1. It can save labor costs by hiring cheaper workers abroad.
  2. It will take less time to complete a project since your overseas developers have 24/7 access to the project they’re working on. They’re usually able to work on them during their time zone rather than waiting for you to be available.
  3. You’ll have access to highly qualified workers with skill sets that you may need for a particular project but don’t have locally.
  4.  Between Offshore vs. Outsourcing, offshoring is always better because it gives you access to resources in other countries with no negative impacts of outsourcing. One major difference between outsourcing and offshoring is where your staff works.

Also Read: Offshore Resource Hiring-E-Guide

Reasons Why Companies Outsource

  There are several reasons companies prefer outsourcing, such as:

  • To reduce costs. It is more affordable for a company to outsource its software development needs than to do it in-house. 
  • The company might need more software development expertise for the project’s specific requirements. 
  • Outsourcing is convenient for companies with no dedicated software development department, so they outsource their projects to offshoring vendors. 
  • Companies might use outsourcing as market research. You can do this if you are looking for different opinions from an outside source on your product or website before launching it.

Reasons Why Companies Offshore

There are many reasons companies go for offshore software development services:

  • Due to the low cost of hiring developers in the country, companies opt for offshore. 
  • Third-world countries could lack qualified professionals in a company’s very own country. 
  • Offshore teams often have much more experience in specific technologies than those from average developed countries like US or Canada, so they may be able to finish projects much faster than teams from developed countries with less experienced developers on board.
  • Offshoring can provide peace of mind due to geographical distance. If anything goes wrong, it won’t affect the company as badly as if there was no separation between them and their outsourced team.

Lastly, top offshore software development services companies offer detailed pricing policies. You don’t have to worry about paying extra fees after your initial contract expires or being forced into unnecessary upgrades at every turn.

Business Processing Outsourcing (BPO)

BPO or Business Processing Outsourcing is when a company outsources the operation of its business processes to a third party. Unlike offshoring, BPO works with the customer’s internal staff rather than transferring employees. 

Hiring a Top Offshore Software Development Services Company can offer many benefits, such as lower costs and faster implementation times. Whether you are considering offshoring or BPO, it is important to research beforehand to find out which option best fits your needs.

Offshore Your Development Project

Let the team of expert developers build a customized solution for you

Choosing the Best Option

Well, that is not an easy question to answer because both services  have advantages and disadvantages. For example, if you are looking for a software development company in India, you can go with the offshore IT company in India. 

But if your company needs a solution such as software development outsourcing services from Top Offshore Software Development Services Company, then it might be better to outsource the project.

Hence it depends on the business requirements. In short, they both have their own set of benefits and shortcomings. Which one should we choose? The answer is: It all depends on what is more important to you!

What Are Your Requirements For An Outsourcing Company?

Offshore vs. outsourcing requires much research when deciding which option to go with. Each outsourcing company has specific requirements for its prospective clients. Let’s look into the following:

  1. If you need cost-effective solutions, focus on Indian companies, as they are known to provide reasonable rates.
  2. If you want to hire somebody who can understand your business culture, ensure that the provider is from your home country.
  3. Always get references from other provider customers before making any commitments.
  4. It is essential to determine how much time it will take to complete a task before deciding which provider to work with.
  5. It is also crucial to determine if any guarantees are in place in case anything goes wrong with the project.

Questions may help you determine whether an outsourced company would suit your needs:

  • What does it mean to outsource?
  • What does it mean when something gets offshored?
  •  Do I need an offshore development team?

Also Read: Offshore Vs Nearshore Outsourcing: A Detailed Comparision


Offshoring is when a company sends work to another company in a different country. It’s typically used by companies who want to stay competitive in the global marketplace but do not want to relocate their operations. Outsourcing‌ is when a company contracts with another organization or individual to provide a service or product. 

When comparing Offshore vs Outsourcing, choosing one of these depends on what you’re looking for. Outsourcing may be your better choice if your business needs a single job. But offshoring might be more advantageous if you look for a long-term relationship that will grow as your business grows.

The post Offshoring vs Outsourcing – Differences and Comparison appeared first on ValueCoders | Unlocking the Power of Technology: Discover the Latest Insights and Trends.

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