application development – ValueCoders | Unlocking the Power of Technology: Discover the Latest Insights and Trends Valuecoders Tue, 30 May 2023 09:57:58 +0000 en-US hourly 1 application development – ValueCoders | Unlocking the Power of Technology: Discover the Latest Insights and Trends 32 32 Custom Software Development Challenges: Alleviate Risk with the Best Practices [White Paper/PDF] Wed, 20 Oct 2021 17:37:05 +0000 Custom software development has been around since the early 1980s. Many businesses have turned to custom and off-the-shelf solutions. It...

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Custom software development has been around since the early 1980s. Many businesses have turned to custom and off-the-shelf solutions. It is the best way to solve problems by using custom business logic without spending too much time and money on development. 

The history of software development spans centuries, not decades. From the first adding machine to calculate square roots hundreds of years ago, the technology has been advancing. Our civilization has been improving technology in ways previously deemed impossible.

And, those hardware and software upgrades brought some great advancements. It includes calculating calendars or even retail applications like letting customers buy things on credit. Moreover, Custom software development has always been a challenge for many companies.

A custom software project can be complex and time-consuming, which is why it’s important to have best practices in place to mitigate the risk of failure. So here, know which challenges and risks you can face while custom software development and how you can alleviate the risk with best practices. 

What Is Custom Software Development?

custom software development
                                      Image Source: Pinterest

Custom software development is the process of building a custom solution for an organization’s needs. Customized solutions can come in many different shapes and sizes, such as mobile apps with specific features to fit your company branding or web applications that give customers easy access to their account info no matter where they are on any device. 

Many organizations choose this method because they are looking for something that’s not available in the market. Custom software development entails much more than just writing code to make an app or website work a certain way.

There is also project management, QA testing, UI design, and branding involved in this process as well. With so many steps involved, it’s critical to have a solid roadmap in place with predetermined milestones.  

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Process of developing custom software application

The process of developing a custom software application involves the following steps:

Define your needs:

Before proceeding with any development or implementation plan, it’s important to first define your needs. This is the most critical part of any software development effort.

It is because you want to make sure all requirements are clearly identified, documented, and analyzed for feasibility before writing a single line of code or designing screens.

This will help assure that everyone involved in this project is on the same page when it comes time to start development work, and it also gives you a clear idea of your end goal. If you don’t take this step; it’s easy to lose sight of your project goals and get sidetracked by other nonessential features.   

Specify the requirements:

Once there is a clear understanding of what needs to be done, the next critical decision revolves around deciding how much work should actually go into each requirement before developing any solution.

This is where you’ll need to do some careful analysis of requests and determine how they align with the business needs.  

For example, if a customer comes up with an idea for a mobile application that can display all their products in one place, so they never have to worry about forgetting what’s on sale or running out of inventory, then this request is a great use case for some mobile-friendly web application.   

Just remember not to prioritize requests based on how interesting they are to you but rather on how much they’ll benefit the company’s business goals.   

Once all possible features are listed out and sorted with proper priority, then it becomes easier for developers to determine which requests can be completed in less time without compromising their overall project objectives. 

Also Read: Top 25 Custom Software Development Companies Offering Bespoke Solutions

Determine the budget:

Before starting any development work, it’s important that everyone involved in this project is informed of the costs that are associated with it. 

This includes time, resources, and any additional expenses that might be needed to successfully complete a project. Without having an accurate estimate for how much work will go into each request, you run the risk of overspending on your budget or not being able to deliver features as quickly as you should. 

Define the scope:

Once everyone has an idea about how long it’s going to take and what things are expected of them, then the next step is defining a clear scope for this project. This means detailing exactly how much work will be done on each request before moving on to other tasks or features that might come up later on. 

Once a solid roadmap is in place, it becomes easier for everyone involved to focus their efforts and make sure they’re spending time on the right tasks at any given moment.

Establish milestones:

A common practice among project managers when developing custom software applications is establishing short-term goals or checkpoints known as milestones. These are used to monitor progress, finalize requirements and ensure that everything is on track before continuing work.

The number of milestones needed will vary depending on the size and complexity of a project, but they’re usually set at certain points in order to hit deliverables or key events such as initial development kickoff, launch date, or adding new features. This way, there’s always a clear idea of what has been achieved and how much work is left until the project is completed. 

Designing and Development:

With all the necessary groundwork completed, it’s time to start designing and developing your custom software application. This is where you’ll need to make sure you have a solid team of developers who are well-versed in the latest technology trends as well as best practices for efficient development workflows.

Moreover, in order to form a leading software, it’s important to use attractive UI/UX design, appropriate programming languages, and technologies.

PHP, JavaScript, C#, Java, and Python are the most preferred programming language for software development.

Programming Languages
                                              Image Source: GoodFirms

Around the globe, Linux is one of the most popular software development platforms.

Software Platforms
                                            Image Source: 99firms


You don’t want to miss one tiny detail during this process. That’s why it’s important to test each small piece of the software development chain before moving on and adding more features or functionality. 

The best way to check whether there is any bug in your app or not. For this, you need to do beta testing, which can be done by asking clients to test the application.

Deployment and Marketing:

Deploying your custom software is not less important than any other phase of the development process. If you are deploying an app online, then first create a landing page for that particular app to tell people about it, and on that, insert Google Analytics code so that you can track visitors coming from different sources, i.e., search engines, referrals, etc.  

At last, you need to promote your app and make it popular among the masses. You can do so by putting ads on different Google Adwords platforms or Facebook pages, and so on…

Well, by taking help from a recognized custom software development company, you can manage all the custom software development processes in a simple and agile way.


Let’s Discuss Your Project

Get free consultation and let us know your project idea to turn it into an amazing digital product.

Risk and Challenges Involved In Custom Software Development

Custom software development is challenging work that comes with many risks. Like any project, there are always unforeseen circumstances that can happen along the way. Here’s a breakdown of some common risk factors involved in custom software development:

Risk and Challenges
                                           Image Source: GoodFirms

You’re Overly Ambitious 

Although you might think your idea is unique, there is a good chance that the features and requirements already exist in custom software development solutions. Without looking into available options before diving headfirst into development, this can lead to wasted time and money when you realize it’s not what was needed after all.

This typically happens with startups where the founder wants to create something that is much more than what they originally intended. 

The Solution Is Not Solved

When you’re working with custom software development, there’s always a chance that the solution isn’t solved in such a way that it’ll actually benefit the company moving forward. This could be because requirements were misunderstood or not well thought out.

Without making sure that the solution fits into your business model, it might not be worth all of the time and energy you put into development, to begin with.

Project Don’t Have Purpose

Without a clear purpose for the software you’re creating, it’s likely that your project will be abandoned. It may get limited in some way. Without having a solid goal to work towards, there is no direction. In fact, nobody can determine if they are reaching success because things like ROI cannot be calculated.

Poor Reach and Communication

Most projects need a team of people working together to make sure everything is completed as it should. There should be proper reach and communication from the team. Without this, things can slip through the cracks or not be done as they were intended. It ultimately leads to frustration on all ends. 

Inaccurate Development Estimates

When it comes to custom software development, most projects are done on an Agile or Waterfall model. These models require accurate estimates of the time and resources needed for each step in order to avoid going over-budgeted hours and having a team sitting around waiting to move forward with other parts.

Without planning properly and accurately estimating, you’re likely to see a lot of wasted time. 

                                                 Image Source: 99Firms

How To Alleviate The Risk Of Failure With Best Practices?

The best way to avoid failure is by doing your research. You must know what you’re getting into before developing the software. This will help weed out any bad ideas or projects that are not feasible at the beginning of a custom development project.  

Here’s how to reduce risks and challenges:

Start with an MVP

You must start with an MVP (minimum viable product) if you want to reduce the risk of failure. Also, make sure you’re getting one that’s proven. This is a critical step in mitigating your risks early on while still allowing room for changes if needed.

Start Small

The best way to mitigate challenges during custom software development is by starting small and then expanding. This way, if something goes wrong with any step of the process, you can just go back to the previous stage and fix it instead of having to start all over again. 


Another best practice is prioritizing your project in order to make sure everything gets done on time while minimizing risk. Make a list for every task, and then determine the order in which you want to do them. 

With these best practices, you can reduce your risks of failure when custom software development is involved. Customizing a solution for your business needs may be complex and time-consuming, but it doesn’t have to be risky if you’re aware of all possible challenges ahead of time.  

Communicate Frequently

Custom software development requires a lot of communication between you and your developers. To reduce risks, make sure to communicate frequently about what’s going on with the project so there are no surprises later down the road or misunderstandings that can cause delays.  

Technical Risk Mitigation

When it comes to custom software development, there are many variables that can cause challenges. Technical risks include things like whether or not the code is maintainable and reusable for future projects. Moreover, this can be a case if all requirements have been met by everyone involved in the project.

There are also organizational risk factors such as a lack of communication between your team members. However, it may be if there are too many people working on the project at one time.

By following these risk mitigation best practices, you can avoid many of the major risks and challenges. This usually comes with developing a custom software solution for your business. The more prepared you are ahead of time, the better off you’ll be on project completion, and this is what a company wants? 

Let’s Discuss Your Project

Get free consultation and let us know your project idea to turn it into an amazing digital product.

Here is How ValueCoders Eliminate Risks In Software Development?

The software development team at ValueCoders follows the following things to eliminate the risks in software development.  

  • Proper Planning & Analysis
  • Defining plans to clients
  • Frequent communication
  • Multiple Testings 
  • Timely Update and Maintenance

About Us

ValueCoders offers custom software development services that are second to none. They have maintained 97% client retention and delivered 4200+ projects so far.

They have the business domain knowledge, proven methodologies, and technological expertise of 450+ skilled developers from around the world. Also, they are who can code in over 14 different languages, including Python or C#.    

Moreover, ValueCoders software developers ensure outstanding quality output for their clients’ needs all across industries like healthcare & life sciences as well retail companies such as Google.  

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8 Reasons Why eCommerce Business Necessitates Mobile Application [Infographic] Mon, 18 Oct 2021 08:39:04 +0000 The eCommerce industry is one of the fastest-growing industries in the world. In these times, many people are looking for...

The post 8 Reasons Why eCommerce Business Necessitates Mobile Application [Infographic] appeared first on ValueCoders | Unlocking the Power of Technology: Discover the Latest Insights and Trends.

The eCommerce industry is one of the fastest-growing industries in the world. In these times, many people are looking for a way to make their business more streamlined and accessible. For this reason, there has been a growth in the popularity of mobile applications for eCommerce businesses.

Mobile apps help businesses stay connected with their customers at all times, no matter where they are or what device they’re using! Here are the eight reasons why your eCommerce business needs a mobile application:

Here is the infographic:

Well, if you are thinking of developing an online store for your eCommerce business, then I will suggest availing of mobile application development services in India from the best IT firm as doing so will be able proper use of the best eCommerce platform to form an innovative application for you. To help you with this, here I have mentioned the best eCommerce platform.

Read More: A Comprehensive Guide To Launch eCommerce Business In 2022

5 Best eCommerce Platforms To Develop Outstanding Application

Here I have mentioned the top eCommerce platforms that are very popular around the world and are well known for eCommerce application development.

1. Shopify

Shopify is the best platform to make your online store. It’s easy, fast, and inexpensive. The customization option of Shopify makes it unique from other eCommerce platforms. Moreover, if you are looking for an eCommerce platform that is easy to use, then Shopify should be your go-to option. This platform allows its users to create outstanding and multi-featured mobile applications.

2. WooCommerce

The WooCommerce platform is a free and open-source eCommerce plugin for WordPress. The best thing about using the WooCommerce platform to build your mobile application is that it offers an extensive range of plugins that you can use according to your need. It can be connected to any device and platform, allowing you the utmost flexibility in your mobile application.

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3. Magento

Magento is the most popular eCommerce platform. It comes with a variety of features that make it stand apart from other platforms available in the market. You can easily integrate your existing website or blog with Magento to build an effective mobile application for your business!

4. BigCommerce

If you are looking to create an application on a Windows device, then the BigCommerce platform will be the best for you. This eCommerce solution provides a user-friendly interface that makes it easy to create, design, and manage your mobile application. It helps businesses save valuable time by allowing them to access their accounts through any device!

5. Wix

Wix is the best website building platform, and it can be used to develop a mobile application as well. The Wix App Market allows users to access thousands of apps that they can download for their websites or eCommerce platforms. It also gives you an option to create your own app by using the drag-and-drop option.

Read Also: Top eCommerce Development Companies In India To Change Business Fortunes


The profits of a mobile app for your online store are practically limitless. From gaining an advantage over the competition to increasing customer loyalty, there’s no denying that investing in developing and marketing an eCommerce app is worth it.

If you need help in creating or improving your current digital strategy or want to develop an extraordinary mobile application for your eCommerce business, hire eCommerce app developers from the topmost mobile application development firm.


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How To Make Your Android App Visually Rich Splendid? Fri, 12 Mar 2021 09:48:29 +0000 Do you want to create a mobile app, but are you not sure how to get it designed well to...

The post How To Make Your Android App Visually Rich Splendid? appeared first on ValueCoders | Unlocking the Power of Technology: Discover the Latest Insights and Trends.

Do you want to create a mobile app, but are you not sure how to get it designed well to attract users? 

Indeed, a great app experience is a magic ingredient for your app’s success. Not only does it entice users to visit your application multiple times, but it also makes Android app development hassle-free by defining concise design boundaries. 

If you are striving to secure an application with a splendid look and feel, you can leverage various UX/UI design strategies that can make your app look hot and sour. 

In this article, we will look over some UX/UI design methods for android app development that can add crispness to your app design and can make it the biggest hit in the year 2020. 

UX/ UI Design – The Magic Ingredient 

Telling the importance of eloquent user experience design is quite difficult. Though, we can simply understand that UX design strives to fulfill the users’ needs in accordance with the look and feel of the app.   

Besides, users’ complete journey on your application depends upon the user experience. This is a simple roadmap that allows you to define the entry and exit of a user on your application. A concise and well-constructed UX /UI design is the major factor for the success of various business applications. 

Moreover, UX/UI design is all about how a person feels while interacting with your application. Is he finds it hard to use? Can he navigate through different features and options easily? Well! App design strategies usually consider these questions and aim for a positive impression.


How to create an incredible UX/UI design for your app? 

There are several things to consider while designing your mobile app. Here are some points that can help to strategize your design practice. 

    # Emphasize On App Experience 

An app comprises value when people find it and use it. Thus, engaging the target audience is the most prominent goal, and this you can achieve by creating something that people want to experience. Thus, software outsourcing companies always focus on the app experience. 

Modern users are looking for more ease and interactivity in apps, thus the use of Augmented reality is gaining significant traction. Making an enjoyable and delightful user experience can boost user app credibility and can steal the eyes. 

While user experience is all about the users’ perception and interaction with the application. UX design combines visuals, sounds, actions, touch, social stigma, and emotions to create an outstanding user experience. 

The key is to “give users what they want and a bit additional”. With your application, offer your services effectively and efficiently, while compelling them to think, “Wow, this app is excellent”.

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Here are some points that you must be mindful of

  1. Never utilize inconsistent and wrong icons for basic functions like Edit, Delete, Share, Send, etc. The basic purpose of every icon must be defined and clear. 
  2. Always determine the accuracy and quality of your UI on different devices having indifferent screen sizes. 
  3. Never stuff the screen with too much content and icons. 
  4. Always use good quality graphics. Most should have common sizes. 


# Declutter 

The major recommendation in almost every design guide is “declutter”. Decluttering makes your interface look easy and lite. Remember, clutter is the biggest enemy of your app design. Thus, overloading too much information on your app screen can ruin your app look. 

Every icon, image, and button can make the app screen complicated, so choose wisely. Believe me; clutter looks worse on the mobile screen. So, be mindful of decluttering, and follow the given practice.


  1. Never show too much information to users. 
  2. Always keep content to a minimum. Focus on users’ needs. 
  3. Ensure to keep minimum interface elements. Design simple and make it extremely easy. 
  4. Progressive disclosure techniques can be helpful for showing several options. 

# Use Modern Design Trends 

With the arrival of many new technologies, UX/UI design trends also change. Leveraging design trends can help you stun the people. It will also help in attracting your target audience uniquely. 


Here are the popular design trends: 

  • Animated Illustrations 

Illustrations have evolved a lot in previous years and emerged highly impressive. Since illustrations are a significant design element, they add a natural feel and human touch to the UX of the application.


Illustrations grab users’ attention instantly, and motion in these elements provides life to them. It captures the attention and keeps users hooked with the application. Animations are best for an effective and delightful app user experience.

  • Microinteractions 

Microinteractions are existing in various apps and websites these days. There are different types of micro-interactions available, such as the “Like” feature on Facebook. While opening the app, you can also witness micro-interactions.



  • 3D Graphics 

Another trend is 3D graphics, mobile technology is adopting graphics. They allow designers to integrate the amazing 3D experience into the mobile interfaces. Creating 3D interfaces can entice users and make your app experience pleasant. 


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  • AR/ VR 

AR and VR experience is also trending these days. They combine virtual reality and the existing environment to create a unique and unforgettable app experience. While VR cameras and Smart Glasses are major tools for constructing these experiences. 

Apart from these, there are many other design trends that can help you create the desired app experience for more traction. Though, you need to hire a android developer with experience and skills who can understand your audience and construct incredible app experience.  

Surely, now you would have understood all UX/UI design importance and how you can improve your app experience. Ensure to create an unforgettable app experience for driving user acquisition and conversion.


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How to Build a Twitter Bot Using Python? Tue, 07 Jul 2020 06:46:51 +0000 Day by day Bot usage is increasing. The bot help startups, SMEs and big brands in reaching customers and enhancing...

The post How to Build a Twitter Bot Using Python? appeared first on ValueCoders | Unlocking the Power of Technology: Discover the Latest Insights and Trends.

Day by day Bot usage is increasing. The bot help startups, SMEs and big brands in reaching customers and enhancing customer engagement. If I talk about Twitter Bot, then around 15% of twitter is formed of bots.

Twitter allows you to build a bot, but it enables you to create one bot for a single function means Twitter Bot cannot be created for multiple purposes. Twitter Bot can be built by using Python, but for this, you need to use the Tweepy library.

Now you might be thinking Tweepy, what is this?? It is a Python library for accessing the Twitter API. Tweepy is best for manageable automation, and building Twitter Bots it holds multiple features.

Do You Know?

  •  In 2020, 187 countries represented an official presence on Twitter.
  • As per the University of Southern California and Indiana University study, 48 million Twitter bots are active.

Steps To Build Twitter Bot Using Python

Let’s discuss a simple procedure to create Twitter Bot using Python. Follow each of the mentioned steps carefully as then only you will be able to build a Twitter Bot.  

#Step 1: Begin With Making Module

Before working on any project or starting any work, it is mandatory to build the proper plan; this simplifies the development process and also helps you to identify the next step. If you create an adequate project development module, then for you, it will be simple to estimate the bot development time.

If you want to create a Twitter Bot that tweets out, then for that, we need to use Twitter’s API as this helps in tweet posting. You can also use Git hubs API to obtain the post history. After making use of API, you need to write code in Python as this step will stimulate the Twitter Bot development process. 

Know More: Best Chatbot Development Companies For SME’s & Startups in India | USA

# Step 2:  Assembling Materials and Building Structure

Firstly find out the materials which you want to use in Twitter Bot development as this will make the material assembling process more manageable. I have used as my first file. This file has four main parts, and this includes Imports, APIs Keys, Authentication, and Code.

How To Get API Keys? 

You need to create an account on Twitter developer platform as this will only help you in getting the API Keys for developing Twitter Bot. If you don’t know how to create an account on Twitter developer platform, then just follow the process mentioned below. 

  • Firstly open the Twitter developer page.
  • Then from the Twitter developer homepage, click on the Apply option.

twitter bot

  • Thereafter, another page will get open from there click on the Apply for a developer account tab.

twitter bot

  • On clicking the tab, Twitter Sign In page will open. On that page, you need to enter the phone, email, or username and Password. Once after entering all credentials, simply tap the login tab.

twitter bot

  • Thereafter, another page will get open in that you need to need general information like what the bot is going to do, do you plan on gathering data, etc.
  • Once after entering all the details, another page of terms and policy will get open from there, read all the information, check the boxes and at last tap the Submit Application tab.  
  • In this way, your Twitter developer account will get created. Now just click the create an app tab, on tapping this option another page of App detail will get open in that simply enter the asked details.

twitter bot

  • Once after entering the details, click the create option.
  • On clicking the create adoption, another page will get open from there, choose the Keys and Token

twitter bot

  • On choosing the keys and token option, you will get Get API Keys.

twitter bot

  • In this way, you can simply get the API Keys. Once after getting the API Keys, you will be able to build a Twitter Bot using Python.
GitHub APIs

To fetch GitHub APIs is more simple, in comparison to Twitter. To get GitHub APIs, you just need to create an account on it, and then after that, you just need to make a few relevant clicks and taps as on this you will be able to fetch the GitHub API. 

If in case you are confronting any sort of issue or having doubt then you can Hire a Python Programmer from the recognized Software outsourcing company this will help you in developing the full-fledged Twitter Bot.

# Step 3: Initiate Bot Writing (Imports, APIs Keys, Authentication, and Code)


On researching, you will be able to find the relevant API documentation to create the Twitter Bot. Now you need to install Tweepy for creating a bot and for this you can use the pip install command. Don’t forget to install DateTime to manage this process. The vital part of import is –  environ. The primary component of your file should look similar to this:

twitter bot

API’s Key

To begin the process firstly, you need to load the keys. For each key make a separate file and then after that set the variable names. Both files naming should be compatible.  To keep keys private, we need to push it to GitHub, and for that, we use a variable environment. 

Environment variables enable us to reach the keys without placing them in the code; this is the reason why we imported environ from os back in the import section. 

If you are going to make this Twitter Bot for the public then at that point I will recommend you create a separate file.

The file should look like this:

If you want that your bot tweet every day then don’t forget to set interval and it can be set by using 60 * 60 * 24, you should also declare variable d like this (cur_date = to make a bot using the correct date-time object. Now the file will accommodate this section.

twitter bot


Now you will be able to verify the APIs, and this will finally help the bot in communicating with Twitter. We can use api and g as the variable names for Twitter and GitHub, respectively; this will help you in cutting down the number of keystrokes. You can use api and g variables in On doing variable to, it will look like this:

twitter bot


For running the program indefinitely, you have to set a while loop equal to True. Within the while loop, list down the repos date-time object. For listing down the date-time object in the list first, you have to extract the same.

After doing this, we can check the current date in the list, after that we can use if and else for managing the tweet post in the Twitter Bot. If you want to track the number of tweet days, then you need to add a count variable to the program; on doing this, every day count will get updated in the program.

Now we need to add time.sleep(INTERVAL) outside the loop this will make the function wait for 24 hours until it does it ageing and its code will look like this:

twitter bot


twitter bot

It’s Time To Make Your Bot More Perfect

After creating the bot, a process not ends means now you need to make your Twitter Bot more perfect, this will help your business in generating more customer leads. It is really easy to build a basic bot, but when it comes to perfection, then even experts face the issue, in that case, you can Hire Python developer from a Software outsourcing company. 

Trafficking With Error

After some time, Twitter does not allow users to post the same tweet, and if you do this again and again, then it will ultimately display an error. This problem can be rectified by using if else statements. If you want to avoid this error message then you can use this sort code:

twitter bot

Stop Running This Program Continuously On your Computer

If you want to stop running this program on your computer, then you can push this program to Cloud like Heroku. This will protect your program when the computer loses internet connectivity. It is not possible to turn on your computer all the time as this somewhere affects the computer functionalities. It will be beneficial if you upload your bot program on Cloud as this safe your data and will also protect the Twitter Bot program from other bugs and errors.

Test Twitter Bot

After completion of the whole development process don’t forget to test the Bot functioning. If all the functions are running perfectly then, it means your Twitter bot is all set, and now it can be used for business tasks.

If while testing you are facing any sort of glitch then try to resolve the same, and if in case you are unable to fix the same then you can also take help from experts, but for that, you need to Hire Python developer. For hiring, developers do choose the best software development company as this will help you in enhancing the bot performance.

Wrapping Up

In this write-up, all the steps related to building a Twitter Bot using Python is mentioned. The whole bot development process covers the following points: Apply for a developer account, Setup a development environment, Link your Twitter app and dev environment, program the bot, Test the bot. If you want to build the leading Twitter Bot, then you just need to create the correct bot program, and for doing so, you can utilize Python language.

If in case, you don’t know how to use code or if you are a non-technical person; then you can also choose the ValueCoders to Hire chatbot developers. The developers will help you in building the excellent Twitter Bot by using Python.


How  Bots help businesses?

Bots help businesses in increasing the customer engagement and it also improves the clients experience. Chatbot provides 24*7 services to the clients.

Which popular companies are using Chatbots?

Numerous famous brands are using Chatbots some of them are:

  • Sephora
  • Spotify
  • Fandango
  • Whole Foods
  • Mastercard
  • Staples

What are the best Chatbot development companies in India?

Here is the list of top 5 Chatbot development companies that can be considered for offshore development:



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Why Travel & Tourism Industry Needs To Have Mobile Apps? Thu, 18 Jan 2018 09:00:23 +0000 Today, mobile apps play an important role in every business domain as well as in personal life. Travel & tourism...

The post Why Travel & Tourism Industry Needs To Have Mobile Apps? appeared first on ValueCoders | Unlocking the Power of Technology: Discover the Latest Insights and Trends.

Today, mobile apps play an important role in every business domain as well as in personal life. Travel & tourism industry is no such exception since a huge part of its success rely on these mobile apps. The days of paper maps, guidebooks, and other stuff are gone and replaced by interactive & amazing mobile apps for travel & tourism industry that come with many functionalities.

According to Statista, travel & tourism industry is projected to generate 17.3 billion U.S. dollars in revenue by 2020. In fact, it is one of the world’s largest industries with a global economic contribution of over 7.6 trillion U.S. dollars in 2016. Almost all travelers carry smartphones with them and prefer apps like flight booking apps, hotel room booking apps etc. So, these mobile apps bring happiness with multi-benefits for both its users as well as for the company who own these apps.

Travel application development has become a one-stop solution for its users as you don’t have to have different portals for car rentals, ticket booking, insurance, travel related shopping etc. You get everything related to travelling at a single place.

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There are some interesting stats about travel & tourism industry apps which are given below:

– To plan a trip ahead, approx. 15% use apps for tourism
– On their leisure hours, approx. 85% use smartphones to plan their travel
– Travel & tourism industry apps rank 7th among the most downloaded category of apps
– 30% people use mobile apps for searching flight deals, best hotels etc.

In this blog, we have discussed top advantages of having mobile apps for travel & tourism industry.

Here is the list:

1) Potent Marketing Tool apps for tourism

Nowadays, internet marketing and online business promotion are the most important tools if you want to enhance your business visibility and productivity. In fact, it is the marketing strategy which plays an important role in any business. You need to advertise your application that instinctively appeals the audiences.

One of the best ways to achieve your goal is to stay connected with your customers and focus on the new ones. Using social media buttons to gather more information is an explicit idea where you can interact directly with customers and find out what they are planning for the next trip.

Guest Blog: Top Mobile App Development Companies in India | ( Android, iOS, Cross-platform app development)

2) Easy Bookings apps for tourism

With travel & tourism industry apps, you can book your favorite destination at one click by just sitting at home. In fact, it is one of the prime reasons for holiday lovers why they use mobile apps as the entire bookings can be done under one roof. It includes booking tickets for reaching the spot, choosing the destination, booking a cab for sightseeing, hotel reservation for accommodation at pocket-friendly tariffs, exploring the local places to visit and so on. So, you don’t require to switch to any other app for various tasks.

You can even add some bonus features in your application, such as providing information about live weather updates, especially at mountain resorts, because the weather frequently changes there. The tourist would be familiar beforehand if it is appropriate to visit the place or not. You can also provide information about the famous restaurants that serve local renowned cuisines and the best places to go shopping.

Related Blog: Mobile App Development Trends To Stay

3) Simplifies transactions apps for tourism

It is one of the best advantages offered by these mobile applications. It has completely curtailed the process of paperwork. Since smartphones are practical, convenient, and portable, so you can save multiple soft copies of hotel reservations, airline or train tickets and other important documents on your mobile phone. You do not have to take them while traveling to your destination. Also, the formalities related to travel booking has also reduced after the release of these tourism apps.

Online transactions are one the greatest and useful gifts to the travel & tourism industry. It facilitates the option of making all the payment through the Internet for the reservation and even when you are on vacation, you do not have to carry much cash in your hand. You can access these applications 24/7 × 365 days at any time.

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4) Amazing views of destinations mobile apps have become a multi-billion dollar industry because:

It is always awesome to get an advance insight on your favorite holiday destination in advance. With the help of these tourism apps, you can get pictures and videos of the travel spot. Due to this, you can even plan a better trip because you already know how the place looks. These mobile apps provide high-quality videos in order to provide a better experience.

Related: VR Mobile Apps To Drive The Market In ’18

5) Provides Attractive Rebates mobile apps have become a multi-billion dollar industry because:

Due to the huge popularity of mobile apps and increasing demand for them, the competition among these apps have also increased and travel & industry apps are no exception too. Whenever you open up the app store, you can find multiple apps for the same thing. However, it totally depends on the user’s own criteria for downloading an app and installing it. But one of the major factors that affect their decision is discount or rebate the app is offering on various bookings.

There are many apps lying in the app store which offer huge discounts on holiday reservation, claim to offer unbeatable fares on the flight and much more. It is important to keep in mind that today’s customers have become an intelligent selector, so you should be very careful when promoting discount offers.

Related: Mobile App Development Tips That Will Boost Start-ups Growth

6) More improved services

Travel & tourism industry apps provide customized services which include tour packages for different purposes and vacation villas rental system. This includes a corporate trip and family fun, partying. Moreover, travel agencies have become quite conscious in paying attention to the specific requirements and priorities of their customers. For this, the travel agents must strictly monitor the current demand of the market and then design the travel packages as appropriate, which suits different groups of people.

There are some travel apps that also help travelers during emergencies, such as in the case of a natural disaster or any other unfavorable circumstances if come their way. You can get all the necessary assistance at a single destination.

Bottom line:

So far we have seen the top advantages of having mobile apps for travel & tourism industry. In fact, the success of this business can’t be imagined without mobile apps. As per current and modern scenario, security is the major concern of every business for a smooth and secure payment solution. It increases the reliability of the mobile app and thus there will be more chances to have a long-term partnership with those customers.

In fact, it is a smart way for extracting high ROI. That’s why smartphones have become vital for tourism businesses. So, if you are looking for tourism & travel software development company, then you are at the right place. At ValueCoders, we have a proficient team of mobile app developers who have successfully delivered more than 500 projects to their clients since 2004. Feel free to Contact Us!

The post Why Travel & Tourism Industry Needs To Have Mobile Apps? appeared first on ValueCoders | Unlocking the Power of Technology: Discover the Latest Insights and Trends.

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Evolution of Ruby on Rails (Info-graphic) Fri, 19 Aug 2016 07:04:57 +0000 Ruby on Rails(RoR) is considered to be one of the favorite languages for web developers. Ruby is a funny programming...

The post Evolution of Ruby on Rails (Info-graphic) appeared first on ValueCoders | Unlocking the Power of Technology: Discover the Latest Insights and Trends.

Ruby on Rails(RoR) is considered to be one of the favorite languages for web developers. Ruby is a funny programming language that makes the developers happy at work. Some of the big brands like Hulu, Airbnb, Basecamp developed their websites with RoR.

With the recent final release of version 5.0, new and polished Ruby on Rails is a hot topic these days. However, looking back 23 years from now, Ruby was not the language that it is today.

In this info-graph, we have focused on the major  changes that were gradually made after the first official release in 2005. This info-graph will not only tell you about advantages of  Ruby on Rails but also help you to choose the suitable version for your next web development project.

Ruby on RailsAdvantages of Ruby on Rails from business point of view:

With the utilization of these new features a business like yours can utilize certain advantages of Ruby on Rails –

Quick and smooth for web development:

Ruby on rails fits with web development like gloves. It’s way too quick and smooth to get a working prototype up or run programs. If you want a fast and secure web app, RoR is a good choice.

Saves money and time:

The framework is completely free of cost and runs on Linux, which is also open-source. It’s also easy and joyful to work with from a developer’s perspective.  Besides, this framework not only does it allow you to move from the planning stages to actual development very fast but also easy to handle when compared to other technologies.

Secure and Scalable:

Another major advantage of Ruby on Rails for businesses is the web apps you develop with it are much more secure than others. The added advantage with that is your developer can write codes in less line and syn-taxes. Therefore the codes are quite scalable.

Hence, if you are looking for a framework that helps you to save money, time and makes secure websites, then RoR is the perfect match for you.

ValueCoders is India’s one of the leading IT outsourcing company that offers you dedicated Ruby on Rails developments teams. If you are looking for dedicated development teams who utilize all the advantages of Ruby on Rails just contact us and we will get back to you within 24 hours.

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The post Evolution of Ruby on Rails (Info-graphic) appeared first on ValueCoders | Unlocking the Power of Technology: Discover the Latest Insights and Trends.

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