custom application development – ValueCoders | Unlocking the Power of Technology: Discover the Latest Insights and Trends Valuecoders Fri, 26 May 2023 08:54:04 +0000 en-US hourly 1 custom application development – ValueCoders | Unlocking the Power of Technology: Discover the Latest Insights and Trends 32 32 Custom Software Development Challenges: Alleviate Risk with the Best Practices [White Paper/PDF] Wed, 20 Oct 2021 17:37:05 +0000 Custom software development has been around since the early 1980s. Many businesses have turned to custom and off-the-shelf solutions. It...

The post Custom Software Development Challenges: Alleviate Risk with the Best Practices [White Paper/PDF] appeared first on ValueCoders | Unlocking the Power of Technology: Discover the Latest Insights and Trends.

Custom software development has been around since the early 1980s. Many businesses have turned to custom and off-the-shelf solutions. It is the best way to solve problems by using custom business logic without spending too much time and money on development. 

The history of software development spans centuries, not decades. From the first adding machine to calculate square roots hundreds of years ago, the technology has been advancing. Our civilization has been improving technology in ways previously deemed impossible.

And, those hardware and software upgrades brought some great advancements. It includes calculating calendars or even retail applications like letting customers buy things on credit. Moreover, Custom software development has always been a challenge for many companies.

A custom software project can be complex and time-consuming, which is why it’s important to have best practices in place to mitigate the risk of failure. So here, know which challenges and risks you can face while custom software development and how you can alleviate the risk with best practices. 

What Is Custom Software Development?

custom software development
                                      Image Source: Pinterest

Custom software development is the process of building a custom solution for an organization’s needs. Customized solutions can come in many different shapes and sizes, such as mobile apps with specific features to fit your company branding or web applications that give customers easy access to their account info no matter where they are on any device. 

Many organizations choose this method because they are looking for something that’s not available in the market. Custom software development entails much more than just writing code to make an app or website work a certain way.

There is also project management, QA testing, UI design, and branding involved in this process as well. With so many steps involved, it’s critical to have a solid roadmap in place with predetermined milestones.  

Let’s Discuss Your Project

Get free consultation and let us know your project idea to turn it into an amazing digital product.

Process of developing custom software application

The process of developing a custom software application involves the following steps:

Define your needs:

Before proceeding with any development or implementation plan, it’s important to first define your needs. This is the most critical part of any software development effort.

It is because you want to make sure all requirements are clearly identified, documented, and analyzed for feasibility before writing a single line of code or designing screens.

This will help assure that everyone involved in this project is on the same page when it comes time to start development work, and it also gives you a clear idea of your end goal. If you don’t take this step; it’s easy to lose sight of your project goals and get sidetracked by other nonessential features.   

Specify the requirements:

Once there is a clear understanding of what needs to be done, the next critical decision revolves around deciding how much work should actually go into each requirement before developing any solution.

This is where you’ll need to do some careful analysis of requests and determine how they align with the business needs.  

For example, if a customer comes up with an idea for a mobile application that can display all their products in one place, so they never have to worry about forgetting what’s on sale or running out of inventory, then this request is a great use case for some mobile-friendly web application.   

Just remember not to prioritize requests based on how interesting they are to you but rather on how much they’ll benefit the company’s business goals.   

Once all possible features are listed out and sorted with proper priority, then it becomes easier for developers to determine which requests can be completed in less time without compromising their overall project objectives. 

Also Read: Top 25 Custom Software Development Companies Offering Bespoke Solutions

Determine the budget:

Before starting any development work, it’s important that everyone involved in this project is informed of the costs that are associated with it. 

This includes time, resources, and any additional expenses that might be needed to successfully complete a project. Without having an accurate estimate for how much work will go into each request, you run the risk of overspending on your budget or not being able to deliver features as quickly as you should. 

Define the scope:

Once everyone has an idea about how long it’s going to take and what things are expected of them, then the next step is defining a clear scope for this project. This means detailing exactly how much work will be done on each request before moving on to other tasks or features that might come up later on. 

Once a solid roadmap is in place, it becomes easier for everyone involved to focus their efforts and make sure they’re spending time on the right tasks at any given moment.

Establish milestones:

A common practice among project managers when developing custom software applications is establishing short-term goals or checkpoints known as milestones. These are used to monitor progress, finalize requirements and ensure that everything is on track before continuing work.

The number of milestones needed will vary depending on the size and complexity of a project, but they’re usually set at certain points in order to hit deliverables or key events such as initial development kickoff, launch date, or adding new features. This way, there’s always a clear idea of what has been achieved and how much work is left until the project is completed. 

Designing and Development:

With all the necessary groundwork completed, it’s time to start designing and developing your custom software application. This is where you’ll need to make sure you have a solid team of developers who are well-versed in the latest technology trends as well as best practices for efficient development workflows.

Moreover, in order to form a leading software, it’s important to use attractive UI/UX design, appropriate programming languages, and technologies.

PHP, JavaScript, C#, Java, and Python are the most preferred programming language for software development.

Programming Languages
                                              Image Source: GoodFirms

Around the globe, Linux is one of the most popular software development platforms.

Software Platforms
                                            Image Source: 99firms


You don’t want to miss one tiny detail during this process. That’s why it’s important to test each small piece of the software development chain before moving on and adding more features or functionality. 

The best way to check whether there is any bug in your app or not. For this, you need to do beta testing, which can be done by asking clients to test the application.

Deployment and Marketing:

Deploying your custom software is not less important than any other phase of the development process. If you are deploying an app online, then first create a landing page for that particular app to tell people about it, and on that, insert Google Analytics code so that you can track visitors coming from different sources, i.e., search engines, referrals, etc.  

At last, you need to promote your app and make it popular among the masses. You can do so by putting ads on different Google Adwords platforms or Facebook pages, and so on…

Well, by taking help from a recognized custom software development company, you can manage all the custom software development processes in a simple and agile way.


Let’s Discuss Your Project

Get free consultation and let us know your project idea to turn it into an amazing digital product.

Risk and Challenges Involved In Custom Software Development

Custom software development is challenging work that comes with many risks. Like any project, there are always unforeseen circumstances that can happen along the way. Here’s a breakdown of some common risk factors involved in custom software development:

Risk and Challenges
                                           Image Source: GoodFirms

You’re Overly Ambitious 

Although you might think your idea is unique, there is a good chance that the features and requirements already exist in custom software development solutions. Without looking into available options before diving headfirst into development, this can lead to wasted time and money when you realize it’s not what was needed after all.

This typically happens with startups where the founder wants to create something that is much more than what they originally intended. 

The Solution Is Not Solved

When you’re working with custom software development, there’s always a chance that the solution isn’t solved in such a way that it’ll actually benefit the company moving forward. This could be because requirements were misunderstood or not well thought out.

Without making sure that the solution fits into your business model, it might not be worth all of the time and energy you put into development, to begin with.

Project Don’t Have Purpose

Without a clear purpose for the software you’re creating, it’s likely that your project will be abandoned. It may get limited in some way. Without having a solid goal to work towards, there is no direction. In fact, nobody can determine if they are reaching success because things like ROI cannot be calculated.

Poor Reach and Communication

Most projects need a team of people working together to make sure everything is completed as it should. There should be proper reach and communication from the team. Without this, things can slip through the cracks or not be done as they were intended. It ultimately leads to frustration on all ends. 

Inaccurate Development Estimates

When it comes to custom software development, most projects are done on an Agile or Waterfall model. These models require accurate estimates of the time and resources needed for each step in order to avoid going over-budgeted hours and having a team sitting around waiting to move forward with other parts.

Without planning properly and accurately estimating, you’re likely to see a lot of wasted time. 

                                                 Image Source: 99Firms

How To Alleviate The Risk Of Failure With Best Practices?

The best way to avoid failure is by doing your research. You must know what you’re getting into before developing the software. This will help weed out any bad ideas or projects that are not feasible at the beginning of a custom development project.  

Here’s how to reduce risks and challenges:

Start with an MVP

You must start with an MVP (minimum viable product) if you want to reduce the risk of failure. Also, make sure you’re getting one that’s proven. This is a critical step in mitigating your risks early on while still allowing room for changes if needed.

Start Small

The best way to mitigate challenges during custom software development is by starting small and then expanding. This way, if something goes wrong with any step of the process, you can just go back to the previous stage and fix it instead of having to start all over again. 


Another best practice is prioritizing your project in order to make sure everything gets done on time while minimizing risk. Make a list for every task, and then determine the order in which you want to do them. 

With these best practices, you can reduce your risks of failure when custom software development is involved. Customizing a solution for your business needs may be complex and time-consuming, but it doesn’t have to be risky if you’re aware of all possible challenges ahead of time.  

Communicate Frequently

Custom software development requires a lot of communication between you and your developers. To reduce risks, make sure to communicate frequently about what’s going on with the project so there are no surprises later down the road or misunderstandings that can cause delays.  

Technical Risk Mitigation

When it comes to custom software development, there are many variables that can cause challenges. Technical risks include things like whether or not the code is maintainable and reusable for future projects. Moreover, this can be a case if all requirements have been met by everyone involved in the project.

There are also organizational risk factors such as a lack of communication between your team members. However, it may be if there are too many people working on the project at one time.

By following these risk mitigation best practices, you can avoid many of the major risks and challenges. This usually comes with developing a custom software solution for your business. The more prepared you are ahead of time, the better off you’ll be on project completion, and this is what a company wants? 

Let’s Discuss Your Project

Get free consultation and let us know your project idea to turn it into an amazing digital product.

Here is How ValueCoders Eliminate Risks In Software Development?

The software development team at ValueCoders follows the following things to eliminate the risks in software development.  

  • Proper Planning & Analysis
  • Defining plans to clients
  • Frequent communication
  • Multiple Testings 
  • Timely Update and Maintenance

About Us

ValueCoders offers custom software development services that are second to none. They have maintained 97% client retention and delivered 4200+ projects so far.

They have the business domain knowledge, proven methodologies, and technological expertise of 450+ skilled developers from around the world. Also, they are who can code in over 14 different languages, including Python or C#.    

Moreover, ValueCoders software developers ensure outstanding quality output for their clients’ needs all across industries like healthcare & life sciences as well retail companies such as Google.  

The post Custom Software Development Challenges: Alleviate Risk with the Best Practices [White Paper/PDF] appeared first on ValueCoders | Unlocking the Power of Technology: Discover the Latest Insights and Trends.

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Top 20 Fantastic Software Ideas in 2023 to Nurture Start-Up Dreams Thu, 25 Mar 2021 11:06:02 +0000 “The best thing about a business is that it runs on IDEA. When an idea changes, business is bound to...

The post Top 20 Fantastic Software Ideas in 2023 to Nurture Start-Up Dreams appeared first on ValueCoders | Unlocking the Power of Technology: Discover the Latest Insights and Trends.

“The best thing about a business is that it runs on IDEA. When an idea changes, business is bound to change, so understandably, it is the idea that changes business fortunes”.

For entrepreneurs, it is software development, which continues to freeze attention. Perhaps this is the tailor-made situation to explore various software ideas and give wings to entrepreneurship dreams.

Here we’ll discuss the ideas that run your business :

1. Create A Medical Software

It is the healthcare industry that has realized the need for having a virtual machine. When visiting doctors took virtual consultation, it is the nature of software that has transformed the revival of the healthcare industry. So, it is all about identifying the need for such clinics and addressing software issues.

According to Statistica, the global medical software market will cross 11 bn USD by 2025. You’ll see significant opportunities in the present areas—a morale-booster for the healthcare industry.

2. Invoicing Software

Image Source: Google

The good thing about invoicing software is that companies face day-to-day trends and are very trending in the market. Many infinite agencies require invoicing software for performance in tasks to ease invoicing and payment processes. The massive demand for billing software across industries especially in the retail world necessitated developing invoicing software at a large scale.

Differentiating between a retail shop and a local shop is that a local grocery store does not require billing software; however, a retail shop does. It helps you save your time & money. You can invest in food delivery software to keep the business wheel moving.

3. Business Communication Software

Image Source: Google

Organizations these days prefer software communication to enhance professional communication easier. It allows small and big businesses to sell software at the same time. Enterprises feel the need for communication precisely and are a preferable choice for ensuring proper communication between team members. You can target small as well as big businesses for selling the software.

Also, you can seek help from some top software outsourcing companies and use your money most efficiently. You can enter the market with software that makes professional communication interactive and more accessible. If you’re looking for customized software development companies for business-related software, you can go ahead with ease.

4. Hotel Booking Software

Image Source: Google

It is the hotel industry that suffered a lot due to pandemics. That’s the reason the demand for hotel booking software is needed at all levels. It allows users to select the username, room name and book a room in a specific hotel. You can see a large crowd waiting area that can contact a software development agency through hotel booking software.

You’ll see a sizable crowd-gathering area to contact a software development agency and can turn your ideas into reality. Hence, you can be great ready and go ahead with your selection. It is similar to how we book tickets in railway booking software.

5. E-Learning Software

An e-learning software could be a great tool to create a syllabus, course schedules, quizzes, tests, and online exams for students using the portal. The new software ideas proved to be a great help for e-learning software development companies in India. It will surely help them to turn their ideas into reality. 

They help teachers create a syllabus, course schedules, quizzes, tests, and online exams using this portal. It is handy for various educational institutions like schools, colleges and training institutes, etc.

If you find this business-friendly, you can take innovative software ideas from India’s e-learning software development companies. They will provide you with the right channel to turn your vision into reality. 

6. Media & Entertainment

Image Source: Google

The adoption of digital technologies is taking the entertainment industry to a new level. The digital solution provides an ideal prospect to enhance the demand for media & entertainment apps. You can leverage digital media and companies to inquire about new audiences and customers.

For an immersive user experience, you can help them with customized software. So here is the way-to-go option for making users’ life a paradise.

7. Find Online Tutor

Unexpectedly, Covid-19 has reshaped the entire education system and has done a significant turnaround for the transition in online education platforms. Many aspirants are left in need of extra coaching to cope with the syllabus.

They provide an ideal option to students by creating an app that helps them find location, experience, skill, teaching, specialties, and coaching charges per hour. The good thing is that you can bring tutors and students to the unified platform and cut down the role of intermediaries.

It is a tremendously fascinating platform by earning through this app and charging subscription fees every month through tutors or asking for a share of tuition fees.

8. Booking Travel Software

The software is beneficial to book flights, trains, buses, hotels, and doctor appointments. It performs all sorts of tasks and makes life easy for those who prefer online services.

It is used to book flights, trains, buses, hotels, and doctor appointments. All-in-one kind of software is an option the public is looking for. Users hate using different software to perform other tasks. Software development companies in India are adept at developing software. Then, you can start marketing this software, and soon you will see a lot of traffic and money coming to your web app.

If you can imbibe a proper strategy, it is not difficult to earn money online. Some companies provide technology consulting services. They first offer you sound advice on which languages to choose to create your software that gives maximum efficiency, too, at affordable prices.

9. Apps For Personal Wellness

Image Source: Google

Health & Wellness is the key. The good thing about personal wellness is that you’ve got to be innovative and commit yourself to physical activity, but again you need an evaluator, trainer, whether it’s virtual or real. They are of utmost importance in trying conditions, especially when maintaining social distancing was of utmost importance.

As we know, there are people affected due to pandemic times. The startup can come with an android app trend to facilitate digital health.

These apps help you encourage meditation and seek peacefulness. Also, it’ll help set custom goals for personal wellness and personal improvement. Using such apps, you can focus on all-inclusive emotional health and not just fitness.

10. Banking & Finance

You can often neglect the needs of the banking industry, such as regulatory compliance or risk management. However, with the massive rise in mobile app transactions, this is one industry that has seen tremendous growth in the last few years. since tapping an app on a phone is rather easy than putting URLs of websites in browsers. By doing so a transaction can be executed in a fraction of a second.

11. Food-delivery Apps

Image Source: Google

Food cravings were there and will always be there. The demand for food delivery apps has gained immense popularity, which resulted in a massive order for food delivery apps. The other thing is that most food delivery apps are on-demand apps that do not take much time. So, this will always be a prudent idea to harness the advantages of food delivery apps.

12. Food Donation Apps

As we can see, poverty and hunger rose by an unprecedented margin during the outbreak. So software ideas have helped businesses manage food and find mouths to feed extra food and donate and raise awareness amongst people about the nearest food available.

It can come with multiple interfaces like restaurants, events, individuals, etc. It is pretty fascinating to see that these trending app ideas will go a long way ahead.

These apps come with multiple interfaces for different industries like restaurants, events, individuals, etc. The food left from an app would tell nearby charities where one could donate the food. It will provide an interface for industries, restaurants, events, individuals, etc. They would tell nearby cities to donate the food.

Hence, providing an interface for the NGOs that collect food from people and get it to the needy.

13. Dating Apps :

Connecting with people is good and connecting with someone you like is a gift. Even before the pandemic, put restrictions around. Dating apps were quite popular among youngsters. And amidst pandemic times, it became an overnight sensation that helped many to find soulmates. Now people have become more comfortable and flexible in talking to friends online.

With the rise in online dating segments, it is projected to reach $2,725M in 2020 and an annual growth rate of 11.6%,  and conclusive that the online dating trend is growing at a brisk pace.

Considering the rising trend of making friends online, the need for tomorrow is worth hiring customized software development companies with unique features.

14. Travel Planning Apps

Travelling attracts everyone and so with travel interests and budgets. Everyone likes exploring the location, and evaluation with travel interest and budget is a time-consuming task. Travel planning apps allow users to see a wide range of destinations that perfectly fit their travel choices. In fact, some exotic trips offer business intelligence solutions for Airports

The rise in mobile app development creates an app that informs travelers about the destination as per the user’s query.

15. Blockchain and IoT Security Enhancing Apps

Image Source: Google

With the increasing crime rates, everyone takes maximum security and safety measures to keep their belongings safe. Whether it’s a shop owner or the public, people use security devices and systems controlled by Wi-Fi on a large scale. Right from answering people at the door, sensing the locker’s activities/safe to view the camera footage, can be quickly done through a smartphone.

blockchain app idea

However, you can enhance the security to the next level by merely integrating Blockchain and IoT technology into your app. Isn’t it amazing? Developing apps with these technologies can be a great idea, but it is essential to hire an app developer to create a winning app solution.

Also Read: Top 7 Blockchain App Ideas Bolstering the Business Growth

16. Virtual Shopping Apps With AR

Don’t you fancy the idea that you can put on clothes without even going to stores? With the advent of Augmented Reality technology, it is possible to develop an e-Commerce store where users have the option to choose and buy clothes from a wide range of collections and virtually know what suits them better.

The app users can choose a wide range of clothes and virtually know that will help them better. Using such apps, users can now have plenty of time instead of spending in stores and waiting in the queue to get a chance to enter the changing rooms.

17. FinTech Applications

As the name suggests, Fintech is a unique blend of finance and technology that facilitates financial institutions to manage and offer on-demand services, convenient and carry out in real-time. According to reports, more than $60 million payments are done through mobile platforms and will start making payments through devices by 2022.

They are very much in trend in 2022 and help you make money. You just need to leverage the best technologies like Blockchain for app development.

According to facts, 90% of smartphone users will start making payments through their devices by 2023.

Fintech applications can be one of the trending app ideas in 2022 that helps you make money. All you need is to hire the right app development company to leverage the best technologies like Blockchain for the app development solution.

The success of the app depends upon the interface of the application and features integrated into your application. You can build a flawless application that collaborates with the mobile app development company to understand market needs and deliver perfect solutions.

18. E-Commerce Apps 

Image Source: Google

ECommerce helps here earlier too and is another technology around for a while with growth potential.
According to Statista reports, eCommerce sales grew from $500 billion to nearly $550 billion.

This technology is around for a while, still again showing growth potential. Statista reports that e-commerce sales grew from $500 billion to nearly $550 billion over the last year.

You can have a unique idea of how eCommerce is doing and launch an eCommerce business So if you’re planning to start an e-commerce business, you just have to launch an eCommerce business from sitting comfortably at home. Drop-shipping allows products not responsible for warehousing and shipping.

eCommerce developers

If you’re looking for a more significant share in the market, you could take time to develop your own e-Commerce platform or marketplace. You could also take time to build your e-commerce platform or marketplace. Just keep in mind that giants like Shopify and Amazon are already dominating the e-commerce platform space.

Therefore, if you want to start your e-commerce platform, we suggest focusing on a niche market. 

Also Read: Top 10 Ecommerce Platforms for Start-ups, Enterprises, and Small Business

19. Gaming Apps Development

Developing a mobile app is the cornerstone of business. But nurturing a mobile app idea isn’t easy, though! The market is trending soon, and this trend needs robust development of mobile apps. Exploring an individual’s opportunity helps skilled app development for successfully running a business and developing mobile apps for utility.

And the way the market is trending, soon every company will also need their mobile app. You can have an exciting opportunity for individuals skilled in app development. 

But apps are not only limited to business. Developing an app for games(Candy Crush) will provide an endless supply of ideas. More than 194 million app downloads are expected this year.

However, if you think the app relates only to business, then you are perhaps wrong. You can target the gaming industry (Candy Crush), Utility(Evernote). It seems the world is not ending for the app development industry in the gaming segment.

20. Security Apps That Enhances Security Of Computer System

Image Source: Google

This type of software helps remove a computer system. You’ll see almost all the information and data in the computer system. Hence, it provides the security to be taken care of and will remain the critical necessity to ensure that your efforts are not going in vain. For dedicated services, you can hire software developers to fulfill various software needs.

That is the reason this will turn out to be a turning point in your business. You can go with this idea as security is necessary for today’s time, and your efforts cannot go in vain. Because almost all the people who are using laptops, desktops, and tablets would need security software.

And for making this software, various IT firms can help you. Get security software and run your startup!

Summing Up

So, ideas do have value, and value leads to global recognition, especially in business. If no ideas are there, what will business people try to convert to reality? Here, I have listed the 20 best ideas for a software startup. If you think there should be more, please share your views in the comment box. 

Moreover, if you like any of the software ideas mentioned above, you can contact us to build that software according to business needs. As we have more than 4500 clients across the world offer quality products at reasonable prices.  But again, outsourcing your software projects will hold the key to accelerating your business wheel. Irrespective of the fact, you can outsource software development companies from dedicated names like ValueCoders.


The post Top 20 Fantastic Software Ideas in 2023 to Nurture Start-Up Dreams appeared first on ValueCoders | Unlocking the Power of Technology: Discover the Latest Insights and Trends.

iOS vs. Android: Which is Better for Mobile App Development? Thu, 28 Jan 2021 13:19:40 +0000 According to the StatCounter report, mobile apps currently account for 55.73% of entire internet traffic across the globe, while desktop...

The post iOS vs. Android: Which is Better for Mobile App Development? appeared first on ValueCoders | Unlocking the Power of Technology: Discover the Latest Insights and Trends.

According to the StatCounter report, mobile apps currently account for 55.73% of entire internet traffic across the globe, while desktop has only covered 41.46%. 

Furthermore, the global mobile application market generated a revenue of $106.27 billion in 2018, and it is predicted to reach $407.31 billion by 2021, surging at a CAGR of 18.4% during 2018-2021.

In present times, websites are no longer the perfect way to access any product, information, and service. Then, what is the solution? 

The answer is Mobile Applications! 

The increasing rise in customer demand for the e-commerce market and the growing adoption of variable devices are some of the significant factors contributing to the growth of mobile app development. 

Well, looking at the immense growth of mobile apps, various businesses, start-ups, and SMEs have started investing in mobile app development these days, and if you are reading this blog, then you might be one of them or a future one. 

Now, when you have decided to go for mobile app development, then there are some decisions that you might need to take in the future. 

One of the most important decisions which you might need to take is selecting the right operating system to launch your mobile apps. 

Do Check: 9 Best Android App Ideas To Pick

Undoubtedly, your goal might be to launch on both platforms, but for now, it is very risky and expensive to develop an app for both Android and iOS simultaneously. And you need to hire iOS developers or hire android developers for custom application development

By choosing the operating system, we mean deciding between the Google play store or the Apple app store to launch your mobile app. 

Note: Some Interesting facts

  • According to an App Annie report, in 2019, more than 200.0 billion mobile apps were downloaded, with total spending of $120.0 billion on apps-related purchases and apps over the last 12 months.


  • According to a study that reveals that every 10 out of every 11 minutes we spend using mobile devices, while web browsing is only responsible for 10% of our mobile time.
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Source: rubygarage
  • Based on recent data conducted by Ericsson, a user on average spends more than $21 per connected smartphone.


Now, how will you decide whether to launch your mobile application on iOS or Android first? iOS vs. Android, which is better, why android is better than iOS? Or iOS vs. Android development, where to go? 

Don’t miss: 11 Mobile App Development Trends To Look In 2020-21

So, today in this blog, we will help you to make the right decision to choose between iOS vs. Android app development. Firstly we will discuss iOS vs. android app development difference based on the following parameters- 

  • Market share 
  • Development cost
  • Revenue models 
  • App updates & testing 
  • Affordability 
  • Project delivery

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Let’s start! 

iOS vs. Android: Which is better for Mobile App Development?

  • Market share 

Android has the highest global market share across the globe as compared to iOS. Android has successfully maintained its position as the leading operating system globally, controlling the mobile operating system market with a 73.0% share. 

  • According to the Google report, Apple iOS and Android jointly control nearly 99.0% of the global market share. 
  • According to a Statista report, in 2019, smartphones built on android OS held an 87.0% share in the global market, and it is expected to increase in the coming years. In the same year, iOS devices had a 13.0% market share. 

Here is the graph representing mobile operating systems market share across the globe from 2009 to 2016- 


Here is the graph representing mobile operating systems market share across the globe from October 2019 to October 2020. 

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Winner- Android

For android app development, you are required to hire android app developers!

  • Development cost

When selecting between iOS vs. Android mobile app development, you must consider the estimated app prices for android app development. As you know, Android OS empowers various devices with different screen sizes, which ultimately surges the development time along with the cost. 

On the other side, iOS has a restricted amount of devices, which results in a high speed of the development process. 

Furthermore, iOS vs. Android development cost is also based on app complexity and the number of features. So, while comparing Android and iOS for mobile app development, consider that both the Apple App Store and the Google Play Store have their publishing apps cost. 

For instance- for Android apps, you need to pay a one-time registration fee of $25, and for the Apple app store, you need to pay $99 per year. 

Winner- Android 

For android app development, you are required to hire android app developers!

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  • App Updates & Testing 

Android OS and iOS have their personal simulators for app testing. Now coming to the iOS vs. Android app testing difference than TestFlight, an iOS testing environment is much faster than an android emulator.

However, the android emulator virtual machine is much more effective and has a realistic representation than iOS. Now, coming to the app updates feature, both operating systems release new OS updates every year. 

Where an iOS app takes up to two weeks for a new release or updates, an android takes several hours to publish the new app release.  

Winner- Tie

For android app development, you are required to hire android app developers! Or for iOS app development, you are required to hire iOS app developers

  • Revenue Models 

This is one of the most important factors which you must consider while deciding the OS platform for launching your app. 

If we compare iOS vs. Android based on the revenue model, then Android has a higher percentage of ad-supported applications than iOS. iOS mobile app development platform mainly depends on purchases. 

Even when iOS pimples you to pay for apps, they still gain more attention and revenue with that model. According to a study conducted in 2017, iOS earns 70.0% more revenue than android app development. 

Below is the diagram of the revenue model of iOS vs. Android showing which platform has earned the maximum amount of revenue in the past few years.

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Winner- iOS 

Related: Top 5 iOS App Development Companies For Your Next Project

For iOS app development, you are required to hire iOS app developers

  • Customization

For iPhone users, iOS 14  was a revolution that supported various widgets on the iOS home screen. While in the beginning, this seems more fun, and a lot of users have taken advantage of widget-customizing apps to transform their devices’ look. 

However, it still didn’t match the level and capability of customization in Android apps, which smoothly allows for third-party launchers that can entirely change your phone into something exclusive or new.  

If you want a smartphone that truly offers a personalized, customized, and tinkering experience for your home screen, then Android app development is the right platform for you. 

Customization has always been a strength of Android app development companies. Android apps are highly customizable, and one can easily install and set them up on their home screen or add them as widgets and shortcuts. 

Winner- Android 

Also Check: 10 Amazing Tips To Hire Android Developers For Startups & SME’s

For android app development, you are required to hire android app developers! 

  • Project timelines 

Even if Apple owns all the software & hardware, and there are fewer iOS devices than Android devices. Still, iOS devices are becoming a little less standardized than they have been in the past few years. 

Furthermore, since the launch of the iPhone X series, the majority of developers have more screen size & UI constraints to work. 

While building an app for the iOS platform can sometimes be quicker, it can also be longer for the App Store to allow permission for your product with the strict guidelines & regulations.

On the contrary, android apps usually take a day or two to get approval, after which updates can be released within a matter of hours. 

Winner- Tie

For android app development, you are required to hire android app developers! Or for iOS app development, you are required to hire iOS app developers!  

  • App Publishing

Publishing any app in the Play store is quite simple, affordable, easy, and efficient. It usually takes a few hours to go live after the initial approval process. Updating or releasing android updates is very easy and needs no validation. 

Apple store, however, will test your application for every possible issue, bugs, and offer validation to publish it on the platform. It is a time-consuming & long process and costs more than what you need to pay for publishing on the Play store. 

In conclusion, both Android OS and iOS are quite popular and amazing mobile app development platforms. Now, you can decide the platform on your budget, requirement, preference, and compatibility.  

Winner- Tie

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For android app development, you are required to hire android app developers! Or for iOS app development, you are required to hire iOS app developers!

Comparing Android vs. Apple Development

To see the actual difference between iOS vs. Android development, you need to check the table below now:


Also Read: Top 10 Key Benefits of iOS App Development For Businesses

iOS vs. Android: Which is better? Why Android is better than iOS 

Let’s understand the difference between iOS vs. Android with the list of their advantages and disadvantages- 

Advantages of Android app development 

  • Open system & access to more features
  • Extensive Google design policies 
  • Intuitive user interface 
  • Fragmentation 
  • Easier to publish 

Disadvantages of Android app development 

  • More time for testing 
  • Quite costly 

Advantages of iOS app development

  • Better revenue generated 
  • More number of devices 
  • Beautiful UI design 

Disadvantages of iOS app development 

  • Hard to customize 
  • Difficult app release 
  • Strict policies & guidelines 

So, there are some questions that I repeatedly encounter on various platforms, including Google, android app development blog sites, and software development websites. 


Thus, we have tried to cover the most significant part of the iOS vs. Android app development topic and hope that all your doubts must have been cleared. If not, then no worries, you can drop your comment in the comment box below or reach ValueCoders for more clarity.


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The post iOS vs. Android: Which is Better for Mobile App Development? appeared first on ValueCoders | Unlocking the Power of Technology: Discover the Latest Insights and Trends.
