dedicated development team – ValueCoders | Unlocking the Power of Technology: Discover the Latest Insights and Trends Valuecoders Mon, 29 May 2023 10:20:31 +0000 en-US hourly 1 dedicated development team – ValueCoders | Unlocking the Power of Technology: Discover the Latest Insights and Trends 32 32 Balancing Agility and Stability: The Key to Long-Term Success with Dedicated Software Teams Mon, 15 May 2023 09:33:11 +0000 Is your business facing the constant challenge of striking a balance between agility & stability? If yes, it’s time to...

The post Balancing Agility and Stability: The Key to Long-Term Success with Dedicated Software Teams appeared first on ValueCoders | Unlocking the Power of Technology: Discover the Latest Insights and Trends.

Is your business facing the constant challenge of striking a balance between agility & stability?

If yes, it’s time to opt for sustainable software development with dedicated software teams as they effortlessly navigate the delicate balance between innovation and reliability. In a realm where change is the only constant, dedicated software teams hold the keys to unlocking unparalleled achievements. 

Read this blog which will take you on a journey of balancing agility and stability, uncovering the strategies and insights that empower these teams to conquer challenges, captivate customers, and catapult themselves to the summit of long-term success.

Understanding Agile Development

Agile development is a modern and iterative approach to sustainable software development. It stands in contrast to traditional linear methodologies like the Waterfall model. It emphasizes flexibility, collaboration, and customer satisfaction. Agile is built upon four core principles, as outlined in the Agile Manifesto:

Understanding Agile Development

  • Individuals’ interactions over processes & tools: Agile prioritizes effective communication and collaboration among team members, valuing human interactions above rigid processes or tools.
  • Comprehensive documentation: Agile focuses on delivering functional software quickly rather than getting bogged down in extensive documentation.
  • Collaboration over contract negotiation: Agile encourages close collaboration with customers, ensuring their needs and feedback are continuously incorporated into the development process.
  • Responding to change over following a plan: Agile embraces change, allowing teams to adapt and pivot as needed rather than adhering to a fixed plan.

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Agile development offers numerous benefits that contribute to the balance between agility and stability in dedicated software teams:

  • Faster time to market: Agile’s iterative approach allows teams to deliver working software more quickly, enabling businesses to respond to market demands and stay ahead of the competition.
  • Improved collaboration: Agile fosters a collaborative environment, promoting teamwork and communication among team members and customers.
  • Enhanced adaptability: Agile’s flexibility allows teams to respond to changing requirements, ensuring that the final product meets customer needs and expectations.
  • Continuous improvement: Agile encourages regular reflection and adaptation, enabling teams to learn from their experiences and continuously improve their processes and products.

However, Agile development also has its limitations:

  • Lack of predictability: Agile’s flexible nature can make it difficult to accurately predict project timelines and budgets.
  • Incomplete documentation: The focus on working software over comprehensive documentation can sometimes lead to insufficient documentation, making it challenging for new team members to get up to speed or for future maintenance.
  • Not suitable for all projects: Agile may not be the best fit for projects with strict regulatory requirements or requiring a high degree of upfront planning and design.

By understanding Agile development’s principles, benefits, and limitations, dedicated software teams can strike the right balance between agility and stability, ensuring long-term success in the dynamic world of technology.

Also Read: A Complete Guide On Hiring Dedicated Development Team

Emphasizing Stability in Software Development

While adaptability is crucial in today’s business environment, stability holds equal importance in guaranteeing the long-term success of dedicated software teams. 

Stability pertains to software products’ dependability, resilience, and maintainability and the methodologies employed to create them. It lays a strong groundwork for teams to build upon and innovate, promoting sustainable software development and customer satisfaction.

Emphasizing Stability in Software Development

Essential elements of stability include:

  • Reliable quality: Stable software is marked by top-notch code, comprehensive testing, and minimal flaws, ensuring a smooth user experience and reducing the necessity for regular updates or repairs.
  • Scalability: Stable software is engineered to support growth and transformation, enabling businesses to scale and adjust without sacrificing performance or features.
  • Maintainability: Stable software is well-documented and organized, simplifying the process for teams to comprehend, alter, and maintain it over time.

Potential Hazards of Overemphasizing Agility Over Stability

While adaptability is critical for staying current with the ever-evolving technology landscape, prioritizing it at the cost of stability can introduce potential hazards:

  • Technical debt: Favoring speed over quality can lead to shortcuts, makeshift solutions, and subpar approaches that accumulate as technical debt. This debt can hinder future development, raise maintenance expenses, and adversely affect software quality.
  • Vulnerable systems: Overvaluing agility can make vulnerable systems susceptible to errors, crashes, or security breaches, damaging user trust and satisfaction.
  • Unsustainable tempo: Continuously pursuing agility can place immense strain on software teams, causing burnout, high attrition, and a decrease in overall productivity and morale.

Dedicated software teams can secure long-term success by achieving the optimal balance between adaptability and stability, delivering cutting-edge solutions that endure time. This harmony enables organizations to stay ahead of the competition while maintaining a robust foundation, encouraging sustainable software development, and surpassing customer expectations.

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The Role of Dedicated Software Teams

The Role of Dedicated Software Teams

Teams dedicated to one project often comprise developers, designers, testers, and project managers, all to complete a single project. These teams help increase efficiency, foster improved communication, and guarantee the necessary focus for the project is available.

You can hire a team of developers who are specialized professionals working exclusively on a specific project/product, ensuring sustainable software development.

How Dedicated Teams Enhance Stability & Efficiency?

The dedicated software team plays an essential part in striking a balance between agility & stability. The team’s dedication to providing exceptional, reliable, and maintainable software is the key to establishing stability. 

  • The team obtains a firm grasp of the product, its needs, and any issues it may face by focusing on a single project.
  • By concentrating on one task, the group can set aside enough resources and time to guarantee the software is thoroughly tested, fully documented, and able to grow. 
  • Dedicated teams can stay current with the latest advancements in their industry and put the most efficient techniques and technologies into practice. 

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Benefits of Balancing Agility and Stability

Adaptability: Balancing agility & stability allows businesses to adapt quickly to changing market conditions, customer demands, and emerging trends/technologies. 

Innovation: Businesses foster an environment that encourages innovation by balancing agility and stability. 

Customer Satisfaction: This balance enables businesses to deliver customer value more efficiently and effectively. 

Faster Time to Market: By streamlining processes, breaking down silos, and promoting cross-functional collaboration, organizations can shorten development cycles and rapidly deliver products/services to customers.

Risk Mitigation: While agility enables rapid responses and adaptations, stability provides a solid foundation for risk assessment, quality assurance, and compliance. The combination of both allows businesses to navigate uncertainties.

Employee Engagement & Retention: A balanced approach to agility and stability fosters a positive work environment that promotes employee engagement and retention. 

Challenges Found In Balancing Agility and Stability & Solutions

Achieving the delicate equilibrium between agility and stability in dedicated software teams can be challenging. Understanding and addressing these challenges is essential for long-term success.

Challenge #1: 

Resistance to Change: Introducing agility into established processes and workflows can encounter resistance from team members, stakeholders, and organizational culture. 

Solution: Overcoming resistance requires effective communication, collaboration, and a shared understanding of agility’s value. It involves fostering a culture of continuous learning and creating opportunities for team members to develop new skills.

Challenge #2:

Scalability: Ensuring alignment and collaboration among multiple teams and maintaining consistency in processes and practices become critical challenges.

Solution: Scaling agile practices across large organizations requires careful planning, coordination, and the adoption of scalable frameworks such as SAFe (Scaled Agile Framework) or LeSS (Large-Scale Scrum). 

Challenge #3:

Maintaining Stability Amidst Change: Rapid iterations and frequent changes can disrupt stability, leading to challenges in maintaining quality, reliability, and security. 

Solution: Organizations must implement robust quality assurance processes, invest in testing and automation, and establish clear guidelines for maintaining stability while embracing agile practices.

Challenge #4:

Balancing Short-term Wins & Long-term Stability: Agile methodologies often prioritize short-term wins and responsiveness to immediate customer needs. However, long-term stability and technical debt management can be inadvertently neglected in pursuit of agility. 

Solution: Striking a balance between quick iterations and long-term maintainability is crucial to prevent accumulating technical debt that hampers stability and scalability in the future.

Challenge #5:

Managing Expectations: Stakeholders, including customers and management, may have different priorities and perspectives on balancing agility and stability. 

Solution: Clear and ongoing communication, setting realistic expectations, and involving stakeholders in decision-making can help align everyone toward a shared understanding of the benefits and trade-offs involved.

Also Read: Benefits Of Hiring Dedicated Web Development Teams

Tips For Balancing Agility and Stability with Dedicated Software Teams

Tips For Balancing Agility and Stability with Dedicated Software Teams

Achieving the right balance between these factors can lead to sustainable software development and satisfied clients. Here, you will explore valuable tips to help you strike the perfect equilibrium.

Embrace Agile Methodologies

Adopting agile methodologies such as Scrum or Kanban can provide a framework for balancing agility and stability. These methodologies promote iterative development, regular feedback, and continuous improvement. 

By following agile practices, you can respond effectively to changing requirements while maintaining stability through established processes.

Adopt a Hybrid Approach

Combining elements of agile methodologies with traditional project management practices can help strike the right balance. This hybrid approach allows teams to:

  • Maintain flexibility and adaptability while adhering to established processes
  • Encourage innovation while ensuring quality and predictability
  • Foster collaboration and communication while maintaining clear roles and responsibilities

Foster Open Communication

Encourage open and transparent communication within your software team. Ensure team members feel comfortable sharing their ideas, concerns, and challenges. This enables quick feedback loops, enhances collaboration, and promotes agility. 

At the same time, establish clear channels for reporting and resolving issues to maintain stability.

Define Clear Goals and Priorities

Clearly define project goals, objectives, and priorities from the outset. Regularly revisit and refine these goals as needed to adapt to evolving circumstances without sacrificing stability. This allows the team to focus on essential tasks and ensures alignment between agility and stability.

This involves:

  • Aligning team goals with organizational objectives
  • Regularly reviewing and adjusting priorities based on changing circumstances
  • Ensuring that team members understand their roles and responsibilities in achieving these goals

Encourage Learning and Skill Development

Promote a culture of continuous learning within your dedicated software team. Encourage team members to enhance their skills, stay updated with emerging technologies, and share knowledge. This enables agility by fostering adaptability and innovation. 

It also contributes to stability by ensuring the team possesses the necessary expertise to deliver reliable solutions.

Monitor Key Performance Indicators

Monitor relevant KPIs to gauge the performance and progress of your software team. Measure factors such as project velocity, quality metrics, and customer satisfaction. This data helps you assess your approach’s effectiveness in achieving agility and stability. 

Use the insights gained to make informed decisions and course corrections.

Implement Continuous Improvement

Continuous improvement is essential for maintaining the right balance between agility & stability. This can be achieved by:

  • Regularly reviewing and refining processes and practices
  • Encouraging team members to share feedback and suggestions for improvement
  • Implementing changes incrementally to minimize disruption and maintain stability

Establish a Balance Between Planning and Flexibility

Strive for a balanced approach to planning and flexibility. While planning provides stability and structure, excessive rigidity can hinder agility. 

Encourage flexibility by embracing changes when justified, but ensure they are assessed and incorporated thoughtfully to maintain stability. You can regularly review and adjust plans based on feedback and new insights.

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How ValueCoders Achieved Balance Between Agility and Stability?

How ValueCoders Achieved Balance Between Agility and Stability

We have successfully balanced agility & stability by implementing agile practices with a strong focus on quality control. At ValueCoders, we embraced the Scrum methodology while incorporating rigorous testing and quality assurance processes for sustainable software development.

Approach We Follow:

  • We adopted the Scrum framework to promote iterative development and quick response to changing requirements.
  • We implemented automated testing and continuous integration to ensure stable and reliable software.
  • We established a dedicated quality assurance team to maintain high-quality standards throughout development.
  • We prioritized regular feedback loops with stakeholders to validate and refine the software’s functionality.

Lessons Learned:

  • Balancing agility and stability requires a proactive approach to address potential risks and ensure software reliability.
  • Effective collaboration between development, testing, and quality assurance teams is critical for maintaining stability while embracing agility.
  • Continuous learning and skill development foster agility by enabling the team to adapt to new technologies and market trends.
  • Embracing a flexible mindset and adapting quickly to customer needs helps maintain stability without compromising agility.
  • Regular reflection and process improvements contribute to a more balanced and efficient development environment.

Also Read: Important Reasons For Hiring Dedicated Developers From ValueCoders


Balancing agility and stability is essential for long-term success with dedicated software teams. Organizations can achieve the perfect equilibrium by adopting a hybrid approach, setting clear goals and priorities, implementing continuous improvement, fostering collaboration and trust, and investing in training and development. 

This balance enables software teams to adapt to changing market conditions while maintaining a solid foundation for growth and scalability, ultimately driving long-term success for sustainable software development.

ValueCoders has been a leading software development company in India since 2004. Hire a team of developers from ValueCoders who have been serving clients globally for the last 18+ years & delivering excellent software products. 

The post Balancing Agility and Stability: The Key to Long-Term Success with Dedicated Software Teams appeared first on ValueCoders | Unlocking the Power of Technology: Discover the Latest Insights and Trends.

How To Choose between Staff Augmentation, Outsourcing, & Dedicated team Tue, 03 Jan 2023 08:30:11 +0000 As companies adopt new strategies to grow their business and meet project goals, choosing the best strategy can be difficult....

The post How To Choose between Staff Augmentation, Outsourcing, & Dedicated team appeared first on ValueCoders | Unlocking the Power of Technology: Discover the Latest Insights and Trends.

As companies adopt new strategies to grow their business and meet project goals, choosing the best strategy can be difficult. These options include IT staff augmentation, outsourcing, and dedicated teams that help businesses to achieve the desired project results. Each of these has its benefits and detriments that must be considered before making a final decision. 

With so many options available, it’s easy to become overwhelmed by all the possibilities. But don’t worry! This blog post will explore when these choices may work well for your company or why they might not be the best solution for you, leaving you with information about what each one provides, so let’s begin.


Outsourcing Vs IT Staff Augmentation Vs Dedicated Team

Outsourcing Vs IT Staff Augmentation Vs Dedicated Team

IT Staff Augmentation

IT Staff Augmentation is a Software Outsourcing Service that offers businesses a flexible, cost-effective alternative to hiring in-house IT personnel. This service is typically used when companies require additional IT resources for special projects or to supplement the existing IT team during peak periods.

With IT staff augmentation, the business can bring in specialized IT professionals with the necessary skills and expertise to handle specific tasks or projects. 

Companies also benefit from shorter ramp-up times since the experts are already familiar with the project scope and can hit the ground running. 

Furthermore, IT staff augmentation allows companies to benefit from the most up-to-date skills and technologies while reducing costs associated with hiring and training new personnel.

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Benefits of IT Staff Augmentation


IT staff augmentation is a cost-effective way to gain access to specialized skills and expertise without hiring, training, and managing the personnel yourself. By leveraging existing resources, you can reduce your overhead costs and the cost of hiring and onboarding new personnel.


With IT staff augmentation, you can choose precisely who and how many people you need for a project or task. This allows you to scale up or down quickly as needed, making it easier to meet changing project requirements.

Access to Experts:

With IT staff augmentation, you can easily access the best and brightest in the industry, regardless of location. This allows you to work with the most experienced and knowledgeable professionals who can bring their skills and expertise to your organization.

Improved Efficiency:

By utilizing an IT staff augmentation approach, you can improve your overall efficiency by reducing the time and money spent on training and managing new personnel. As a result, you can focus more of your time and resources on delivering quality results faster.

Reduced Risks:

IT staff augmentation reduces the risk of hiring personnel that may not meet your needs or can perform up to expectations. With an IT staff augmentation provider, you can vet each individual before hiring them, ensuring they have the right skills and knowledge for the job.


Also Read: A Complete Guide To IT Staff Augmentation Services


Drawbacks of IT Staff Augmentation

Despite the many advantages of IT Staff Augmentation, there are a few drawbacks.

  • Firstly, since you don’t have direct control over the IT staff, there is no guarantee that they will meet your standards
  • The lack of direct supervision could lead to delays in project delivery due to miscommunication and misunderstandings
  • Compliance issues may arise if you use a foreign IT staff augmentation company

When Should Companies Choose For IT Staff Augmentation?

IT Staff Augmentation is a great way to supplement the existing IT team with specialized skills and expertise. This type of service allows companies to add a small group of experienced IT professionals on a short-term basis to help complete complex tasks that would otherwise require more internal resources.

When deciding whether to choose IT staff augmentation, it is essential to consider the following factors:


If a project requires a short-term solution, or the timeline is too tight to find and onboard the right staff internally, then IT staff augmentation may be the best option.


Depending on the scope of the project and the expertise needed, hiring additional IT staff could be more cost-effective than outsourcing the entire project or hiring a dedicated team of experts.


If a project requires specialized knowledge or skill sets, it might be better to utilize IT staff augmentation than to teach current employees or find and hire new full-time staff members.

Ultimately, it is essential to evaluate the individual needs of each project to determine the best course of action for a company’s IT needs.

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Outsourcing is when companies assign specific tasks or services to an external provider, usually at a cheaper cost. Companies use outsourcing for various reasons, including cost savings, access to new technologies, focus on core competencies, and access to talent outside their workforce. 

It is often used for labor-intensive tasks, requires specialized expertise, or takes too much time for the internal staff to manage. Outsourcing can be an excellent way for businesses to maximize their resources and increase efficiency without sacrificing quality.

According to IT outsourcing statistics by Statista, the ​revenue in IT outsourcing is projected to show a yearly growth rate (CAGR) of 8.93% from 2021. It will result in a market volume of US$551,956.3M by 2026.


Software Outsourcing Trends

Also Read: Offshore Vs Nearshore Outsourcing: A Detailed Comparision

Benefits Of Outsourcing

When it comes to choosing the proper method for staffing IT needs, outsourcing is a popular option. By outsourcing IT services, businesses can reap various benefits, including:

Cost Saving:

One of the most significant advantages of outsourcing is that companies don’t need to pay different salaries and overhead costs associated with recruiting and managing an in-house team. As multiple clients share the resources used by the outsourcing vendor, companies have access to quality resources at competitive prices.

Quality Work:

Outsourced projects are handled by experienced professionals with the relevant expertise to work on complex projects. This eliminates any risks related to novice handling of tasks or inadequate knowledge. 

Also, since most vendors are ISO certified or follow other international standards, customers can rest assured about the quality of work delivered.


Companies no longer need to worry about having insufficient resources or technical capabilities when there’s an urgent requirement or quick project turnaround times. They need to contact the vendor who will be able to deploy additional resources as per their requirement. This scalability allows companies to take up new opportunities without worrying about resource constraints.

Focus On Core Business Activities:

Outsourcing frees the company to focus more on core business activities instead of non-core activities like recruitment, training, etc., as these can be easily outsourced. This allows them to use their time and resources better and gain more efficiency in their operations.

24/7 Service:

Most providers offer 24/7 support for critical systems. This ensures that problems are addressed promptly, even outside regular working hours.


In terms of expertise, the quality of service by external service providers is usually higher than internal teams.

Risk Reduction:

Since external service providers handle routine maintenance tasks, they help reduce system downtime caused due to failure or breakdowns. This helps reduce financial losses due to system outages and internal issues.


Professional outsourcing firms typically provide standardized procedures, processes, and workflows, leading to higher customer satisfaction. All these factors make outsourcing an attractive option for companies looking for efficient staff augmentation solutions.

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Drawbacks of Outsourcing

When it comes to outsourcing, some drawbacks need to be considered. Let’s look at them:

  • First, finding a reliable outsourcing partner with the skills and experience required to handle the job efficiently can take time and effort
  • Due to the differences in language and culture, communication can be challenging
  • Outsourcing can lead to unexpected costs and delays if not appropriately managed
  • Lastly, businesses relinquish control over specific processes when outsourcing, which could lead to potential security and privacy issues

When should Companies Outsource?

Companies should outsource when they need a quick and cost-effective solution. They need the resources or the capacity to hire, train, and manage the staff necessary for a particular project or task. This is especially true for non-critical operations that can be controlled externally. 

The benefit of outsourcing is that you only pay for the services you need and can scale quickly if your needs change. Furthermore, outsourcing gives you access to specialized expertise without investing in training or resources you may not need.

Outsourcing vs Staff Augmentation

The most significant difference between outsourcing and IT staff augmentation is the degree of control and responsibility each provides. On the other hand, by leveraging these services, organizations can supplement their existing IT teams with experienced professionals specializing in specific technologies or processes needed for their projects.

Outsourcing Staff Augmentation
The external organization has complete control over the project and all its components. You have greater control over the entire process, and your internal IT staff is still involved in the project.
Outsourcing may require a significant investment of money and resources. You can expect a faster turnaround time since the team you hire will only be working on the specific tasks you assign.
It is often used for labor-intensive tasks, requires specialized expertise, or takes too much time for the internal staff to manage. IT staff augmentation services provide an affordable alternative.
One of the best ways to maximize resources without sacrificing quality. This allows organizations to respond quickly to changing business needs without committing to long-term resources.

This allows organizations to get their projects up and dash without investing heavily in hiring full-time IT professionals. IT Staff Augmentation Services are also ideal for organizations that need assistance during periods of high workload or special projects that require an additional workforce. 

This allows organizations to answer quickly to changing business needs without committing to long-term resources.

Dedicated Team

A Dedicated Software Development Team is the best solution for businesses looking for a long-term commitment and extended hours. They are an ideal choice for companies with complex technical needs or are building new systems.

With a dedicated team, the organization benefits from access to professionals with the specialized skills and expertise needed to get the job done. 

Additionally, dedicated teams help organizations save on recruiting costs since they are usually hired as a package deal and don’t require additional recruitment and onboarding costs. 

Finally, these teams offer organizations a cost-effective way to build their IT infrastructure without investing in other resources.

software development team banner

Benefits of Dedicated Teams

A dedicated team is ideal for companies looking to scale up their IT operations without investing in extra resources. When a company opts for a dedicated team, it hires a group of developers and other IT professionals focused solely on the assigned tasks. Below are the benefits of a dedicated team.


Organizations can save money with a dedicated team since they don’t have to pay extra infrastructure costs or recruitment fees.


A dedicated team provides flexibility because teams can be adjusted according to business requirements. Teams can be scaled up or down as needed to meet specific demands.

Quality Control:

Companies can ensure that their dedicated team delivers quality results by carefully managing workflow processes.

Easy Access:

Companies can easily access and communicate with the dedicated teams as required.


Companies can quickly scale up or down their teams depending on business requirements, so they have control over the size and capacity of their teams‌.

Long-term Relationship:

Companies can build long-term relationships with their dedicated teams since they work together over an extended period.


Also Read: A Complete Guide On Hiring Dedicated Development Team


Benefits of Staff Augmentation, Outsourcing and Dedicated Teams


Drawbacks of Dedicated Teams

Having a dedicated team of IT professionals is a great way to ensure that your business is up-to-date and running optimally, but it also comes with some drawbacks.

  • One major downside of a dedicated team is the cost of setting up such an arrangement. As you are responsible for providing office space, computer equipment, software outsourcing services, and other necessary tools for the dedicated staff, the overhead costs becomes relatively high.
  • Once the dedicated staff has been trained, there needs to be more flexibility in changing their role or skillset. This means if the technology changes or new systems are implemented, one must retrain the entire team, which can be expensive.
  • Finding the right people for a dedicated team can take time and effort, as the right combination of knowledge and experience may be available locally.


Outsourcing Dedicated Teams
It refers to any tasks that may be outsourced to a third-party provider. It specifically refers to teams of people who are part of the company and are assigned a specific task or project.
It  is better suited for simpler tasks that do not require close supervision and can be easily managed by a third-party provider. Dedicated teams are better suited for complex projects requiring great coordination between different departments within the organization.
It is usually the most cost-effective option as third-party providers are usually cheaper. It tends to be more productive & efficient as they have a deeper understanding of the company’s operations and culture.
Outsourcing allows organizations to focus on core competencies. Dedicated teams offer more flexibility and scalability.


When Should Companies Hire Dedicated Teams?

Companies should hire dedicated teams when they need highly specialized skills, experience, and expertise to complete a project. Dedicated teams are best used when a business requires long-term support or the completion of an ongoing project. 

For instance, if a company needs an app to be built or an enterprise software system developed, it would require the expertise and knowledge of a dedicated team.

Finally, businesses that don’t have an in-house IT department or lack the necessary resources to develop an IT infrastructure can benefit from hiring a dedicated team. These teams offer flexibility and scalability, enabling companies to adjust the size of their team based on their needs. 

A dedicated team of IT professionals will be able to create customized solutions for a business’s specific requirements.


When it comes to IT staffing, many options are available to businesses. Each option offers different advantages and disadvantages depending on the needs of the business. 

IT Staff Augmentation can be an excellent choice for businesses that need extra help but don’t want to commit to long-term hiring. 

Outsourcing can be beneficial for companies that require specialized skills or knowledge. Dedicated teams can be the perfect solution for businesses that need ongoing IT support and development. 

No matter what option you choose, it is essential to carefully consider all aspects of your IT staffing needs before making a decision. Research each option thoroughly to ensure you make the best choice for your business. 

By understanding the differences between IT Staff Augmentation, Outsourcing, and Dedicated Teams, you can choose the most effective solution for your company’s IT needs.

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The post How To Choose between Staff Augmentation, Outsourcing, & Dedicated team appeared first on ValueCoders | Unlocking the Power of Technology: Discover the Latest Insights and Trends.

A Piece of Comprehensive Decisive Information To Hire Remote Team of Developers Wed, 23 Feb 2022 07:28:35 +0000 In today’s economy, more and more businesses are choosing to hire remote programmers. Hiring Remote developers allows you to expand...

The post A Piece of Comprehensive Decisive Information To Hire Remote Team of Developers appeared first on ValueCoders | Unlocking the Power of Technology: Discover the Latest Insights and Trends.

In today’s economy, more and more businesses are choosing to hire remote programmers. Hiring Remote developers allows you to expand your reach and grow your business without having to worry about the costs associated with hiring in-house employees.

Hire developers online is an excellent option for companies who want to save money on office space and find talented workers who may not live in your area.

However, before you jump into the process of hiring a remote team, there are a few things you need to know. In this blog post, we furnished you with a guide to hiring a remote team of developers. We will cover everything from finding the right candidates to hiring suitable candidates.

Let’s begin with How to Hire Remote Team of Developers

Benefits Of Hiring a Remote Developers Team

There are several benefits of hiring a remote developers team; some of these benefits include:

Saving On Office Space

By having your development team work remotely, you don’t have to worry about renting or purchasing office space. This can save you money in the long run!

Additionally, saving on rent, you also don’t need to worry about furnishing an office or buying equipment like computers and printers. All your developers need is a good internet connection!

Access To Global Talent

By hiring remotely, you have access to a larger talent pool of developers than if you were only hiring in your local area. You can also find developers with specific skills and experience that may not be available in your area.

Reduced Costs

Hiring a remote team of developers usually costs less than hiring an in-house team. This is because you don’t have to pay for things like health insurance, social security, or other benefits.

Moreover, most remote developers don’t require as much training because they already know how to do their job well. This can save you time and money!

Reduced Turnover Rate

Remote developers are more likely to stay with your company for longer periods of time than if they were operating in an office setting where there is less flexibility and autonomy.

Moreover, remote work allows developers to have a better work-life balance, which can lead to less burnout and higher job satisfaction.

Also Read: Important Reasons for Hiring Dedicated Developers from ValueCoders

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Faster Project Turnaround

Since your developers are not constrained by geographical boundaries, they can work on projects at any time during the day. This means faster project turnaround times for clients!

Embracing Future Technologies

With more & more people working remotely, businesses need to be open to embracing future technologies that will make remote work easier. Technologies like video conferencing and collaboration tools are essential for remote teams to get in touch and be productive.

Now that you know the godsends of hiring developers online let’s move on to the process of finding & hiring the right candidates!

Also Read: Why should you hire developers from ValueCoders?

How to Find Remote Team of Developers?

How to Find Remote Team of Developers?

Image Source: CMarix

There are a few ways you can discover remote developers. One way is to post a job ad on job boards like Indeed or UpWork.

Another way is to reach out to development agencies or freelancer platforms that have a large pool of qualified remote developers.

Finally, you can also attend tech events and meetups in your area to find local developers who are curious about working remotely.

Once you’ve found a few candidates that fit your requirements, the next step is to start with the hiring process. But before moving towards the hiring process below, first read the important factors that you should consider while hiring the developers online.

Important Factors to Consider while Hiring the Developers Online

Before hiring a remote developer, you should consider some important factors like:

Level of experience

You will have a better idea of how much work you can expect them to do & what type of projects they are capable of handling if you know their level of experience.

Portfolio Or Resume

You should review a developer’s portfolio or resume to see if they have any examples of previous work that would be relevant for your project.


It is important that you get along well with the person who will be working on your project. Professionalism is an important factor when hiring remote developers because it shows how committed someone is to their job.

Communication Skills

You should ensure that your developer has good communication skills and understands what you want them to do so there’s no confusion about the project requirements.

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Get free consultation and let us know your project idea to turn it into an amazing digital product.

Tools & Technologies

Ask developers about tools or technologies they use for work every day, like Slack and Trello — this will give you an idea of how well they work with others on projects.

Also Read: Top 9 Software Development Companies In India

How to Hire Remote Developers?

Remote Team of Developers

Image Source: DEV Community

After considering the above-given points, you should start looking for developers who have the skills and experience to match your project.

Steps you should follow to hire software developers online:

Step #01 — Define the project requirements

The initial step is to define the project requirements in detail. This includes specifying what type of project you require for your business, as well as what type of features and functionalities you want to introduce in it.

Moreover, estimate the time required for project completion and also try to estimate a budget.

Step #02 — Illustrate Remote Developer Hiring Strategy

This step is to explain the need for your remote developer hiring strategy. You should provide a clear overview of the position whether you want to hire a dedicated developer team, hourly basis developers, full-time developers, or part-time developers.

Dedicated development team: With this hiring model, you can hire a team of developers who are dedicated to your project.

Hourly Basis Developers: Hiring an hourly basis developer is the best option for small projects where the client doesn’t have much time and money left to invest in it.

Full-time Developer: Full-time developers work on one particular project and are hired for a long-term period.

Part-time Developer: Part-time developers work on a project basis and are usually hired for short-term projects.

Step #03 — Make Yourself Clear on Position Types

This is the time to be clear about position types. You may want to define three different types of positions that you’re looking for: Junior, Mid-level and Senior Developers.

Junior Remote team Developers: Junior developers work on small projects that require minimum skills and knowledge of programming languages like C++, Python, Java, etc.

Mid-level Remote Team Developers: Mid-level developers are those who have some experience in the industry but still need guidance from senior team members when working on complex tasks or assignments.

Senior Remote team Developers: Senior remote developers are those who have years of experience and can handle any project with ease.

Step #04 — Make a List of Requirements

Now you should make a list of requirements for the developer position that includes:

– Technical skills required for the project like programming languages or frameworks used in it etc.

-Tools & Technologies to be used for the project like Slack, Trello, etc.

– Soft skills required like communication, problem-solving, collaboration skills, etc.

Step #05 — Get Clear on Remote Developer Salary Ranges

Before you start searching for a remote developer, it is important to get an idea of how much they will get per hour. This will help ensure that the developer is getting compensated fairly as per their experience level and what kind of work needs to be done in order for him/her to complete your project successfully.

The salaries are different from country to country. Moreover, if you are looking for a pocket-friendly service, then hire developer India. You must be thinking why India — in India, you can get the best developer at an affordable rate.

Step #06 — Pick The Company to Hire Developers

Now that you have all of the required information, it’s time to start looking for a company that holds a dedicated remote team of developers.

When looking for a company, make sure to do your research and read reviews from other clients. Ask the company questions about their development process, how they work with clients, what type of communication tools they use, etc.

Moreover, check their portfolio and read reviews online. Make sure that you don’t hire a full-time dedicated team of developers if the project is small or needs less time to complete. It will cost you more than hiring hourly basis developers.

Let’s Discuss Your Project

Get free consultation and let us know your project idea to turn it into an amazing digital product.

Step #07 — Interview Process for Remote Developers

At this point, your objective is to find out what type of developers will be the best fit for your project and company culture.

Interviewing remote developers can be a little tricky since you can’t meet them in person. However, there are still ways to get to know them better and see if they would be a good fit for your team.

Some of the questions you can ask during an interview are:

  • What is your previous experience working remotely?
  • How many hours do you typically work per day on average?
  • How long does it take for you to respond back via email/chat?

Step #08 — Sign Contract & Start Work

After you find the perfect developer or development team for your project, it’s time to sign a contract & start work. Make sure that you and the developer have clear expectations of what is going to be done during the project.

The last step is to sit back, rest, and oversee your project come to life!

Also Read: How To Hire The Best Indian Software Developers?


Remote developers are the future of business. With so many corporations looking to cut costs, it is no surprise that remote development teams have been on the rise in upcoming years.

If you’re an entrepreneur or a small-business owner and think to hire developer online, then picking the best IT company like “ValueCoders” will be the right choice!

“ValueCodes” provide businesses with access to top talent from around the globe at competitive pricing structures without sacrificing quality.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I hire Remote Team of Developers?

The best way to hire a dedicated team of developers is by looking for an IT company that has experience in working with remote teams. You can also search online or ask your friends and colleagues if they know any reputable companies that offer this service. 

What is the difference between remote and dedicated developers?

The main difference between a remote developer and a dedicated one is that they are not working in an office together. Remote developers can be anywhere in the world, whereas dedicated ones have to physically come into work each day at their company location.

What are the challenges of remote development teams?

The biggest challenge of working with a remote team is communication. It can be hard to collaborate on projects and keep everyone on the same page if they are not all in one place together.

Which are the best companies to hire Remote Team of Developers?

The best companies to hire a remote team of developers are:

  • Hidden Brains
  • ValueCoders
  • Webkul


The post A Piece of Comprehensive Decisive Information To Hire Remote Team of Developers appeared first on ValueCoders | Unlocking the Power of Technology: Discover the Latest Insights and Trends.

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Top Solidity Development Companies To know Wed, 03 Nov 2021 11:32:55 +0000 Solidity is a contract-oriented, high-level programming language for implementing smart contracts. It was inspired by C++, Python, and JavaScript and...

The post Top Solidity Development Companies To know appeared first on ValueCoders | Unlocking the Power of Technology: Discover the Latest Insights and Trends.

Solidity is a contract-oriented, high-level programming language for implementing smart contracts. It was inspired by C++, Python, and JavaScript and was created to target the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM). This programming language is emerging, and many businesses and enterprises are availing the full advantage of it.

There are a few Solidity development companies that have made a mark in the Software industry, and to develop an enterprise application, you may need to hire Solidity developers as per your conditions and choice. 

Let’s discuss some top Solidity development companies based on a few parameters like online reviews, projects are done per date, the expertise of the company, and many more. 

Here is the list:

1) Unicsoft

  • Hourly rate: $50-$99/hr
  • Employee Strength: 49- 250
  • Founded: 2005

Unicsoft is another among the best Solidity development company which can help you a lot with their experience solidity developers to make a unique application. With over 15+ years of experience and after doing several projects, Unicsoft has gained confidence in doing any sort of project, especially if it is related to Blockchain. 

The expertise of Unicsoft is in:

  • Cryptocurrency development
  • Crypto exchange development
  • ICO & STO Development services
  • Cryptocurrency wallet development
  • Blockchain application development
  • Smart contract development
  • Track and Trace solution development
  • Factoring solutions development(DeFi)
  • DApp development services

You can always count on this company if you want to develop an application based on blockchain or, particularly, Solidity. You can hire Solidity developers and make them develop a unique application. 

2) ValueCoders

  • Hourly rate: <$25/hr
  • Employee Strength: 249-999
  • Founded: 2004

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ValueCoders is one of the best IT companies as it has expertise in almost every type of technology. With over 18+ years of experience and serving 4200+ projects, ValueCoders has many dedicated development teams that many top IT companies hire to develop various applications based on several technologies. 

If we talk about Solidity, Solidity developers at ValueCoders are experts in:

  • Smart Contracts development
  • Solidity
  • DApp development
  • Digital token creation
  • Dedicated Solidity developers
  • CrowdSale
  • Exchange

Many of you would be confused about, is Solidity the right choice for your business or not? I have mentioned a few reasons why Solidity can be the best choice for App development:

  • Independent verification
  • Advanced data safety
  • Open source technology
  • Easy integration
  • Better transparency
  • Distributed ledger
  • Robust security
  • Ease of use
  • Better flexibility
  • Improved tractability

When some programming language offers this much, how can anyone get confused in using it? So don’t wait! And hire Solidity developer and make full use of it.

3) PixelCrayons

Screenshot from 2023 05 10 18 31 47


  • Hourly rate: <$25/hr
  • Employee Strength: 249-999
  • Founded: 2004

PixelCrayons is one of the best companies that have expertise in Solidity programming language. It is among the leading companies that serve blockchain solutions. You can leverage Blockchain technology to enhance data security, reduce data storage cost, eliminate duplication of data, and reduce time and complete process automation. 

You can leverage Blockchain technology to enhance data security, complete process automation, reduce data storage cost, eliminate duplication of data and reduce time. PixelCrayons have industry-best Solidity developers to provide you with feature-packed Blockchain development services catering to your business challenges.

Some of the best services provided by PixelCrayons are:

  • Blockchain Consulting services
  • Digital Transformation
  • Cryptocurrency development
  • Wallet development
  • Hyperledger & Multichain
  • Smart contract development
  • POC development
  • ICO development
  • Software Product Engineering

PixelCrayons has 18+ years of experience and has done more than 11500 projects worldwide and retained 97% of them. To take advantage of this service, hire Solidity developers from PixelCrayons.

4) OpenXcell

  • Hourly rate: <$25/hr
  • Employee Strength: 249-999
  • Founded: 2005

OpenXcell is among the best Solidity development companies with expertise in this domain and builds excellent applications. Skilled and experienced Solidity developers of OpenXcell can support you with getting your project launched on blockchain technology.  

It includes all the interfaces with Ethereum blockchain and distributed technology right from developing your smart contracts using the programming language solidity, auditing your smart contracts, generating tokens, and helping you with the Cryptocurrency exchange system. 

Their developers have excellent coding capabilities and follow strict compliance standards to make the right solution for you. 

Services provided by them are: 

  • Cryptocurrency exchange
  • Cryptocurrency wallets
  • Smart contracts development
  • Smart contracts audit
  • Private blockchains
  • Supply chain blockchain
  • Ethereum 
  • Hyperledger 
  • Solidity

You can hire Solidity developers from OpenXcell and develop a unique application with their help. 

Also Read: Blockchain: The Game-changer To Radically Transform Your Business [White Paper/PDF]


  • Hourly rate: $25-$49/hr
  • Employee Strength: 49-250
  • Founded: 2014

SoluLab is again a top contender in the race of top solidity development companies. After doing 1500+ projects, SoluLab has done a lot in the IT industry and served more than 500 clients with their desired tasks. SoluLab has been working for very long and serving in these industries:

  • Healthcare
  • Logistics
  • Oil & Gas
  • Education
  • Retail
  • Transport
  • Wellness & Fitness
  • Cannabis suite

And the Solidity Development Services which they provide are: 

  • Enterprise blockchain
  • Hyperledger blockchain
  • Smart Contracts & Solidity
  • Cryptocurrency wallet
  • ICO & Cryptocurrency
  • Cryptocurrency exchange
  • STO development
  • DApps Development Services

If your company belongs to the industry mentioned above, in that case, you can hire solidity developers from this solidity development company and avail yourself of the advantages of Solidity to build an Enterprise, finance, or entertainment applications.


6) Idealogic



  • Hourly rate: $25-$49/hr
  • Employee Strength: 25-49
  • Founded: 2016

Idealogic is also one of the best Solidity development companies that find solutions to the businesses for building a secured decentralized system based on private, public, or hybrid blockchain networks. They also help to protect the business from fraud and guarantee safety proved by transparency. 

Idealogic can provide Solutions in these domains:

  •  Fintech 
  • Logistics
  • Retail
  • HoReCa
  • Agriculture

And the solutions and technologies which they provide are: 

  • Smart Contract development
  • Solidity
  • Blockchain development
  • Hyperledger sawtooth
  • Application development
  • Hyperledger Fabric
  • STO development
  • r3
  • Quorum
  • EOS.IO
  • Tron
  • Hyperledger Indy
  • Ethereum

You can make use of these technologies provided by Idealogic by hiring a Solidity development company or Solidity developers who can make Applications based on Solidity for your organization. 


  • Hourly rate: $100-$140/hr
  • Employee Strength: 10-49
  • Founded: 2017

This company has gained good respect over the years in terms of blockchain development. This company also comes up with an excellent blockchain solution. The best part is that their solidity developers can take your project from anywhere and complete it according to your desire. 

The Services provided by them are:

  • POC development
  • Private blockchain development
  • Smart contract development
  • Blockchain consulting
  • Minimum viable product development
  • Blockchain integration

And they serve every possible industry, so what are you waiting for? Hire solidity developers from LABRYS as it is one of the finest Solidity development companies.

8) S-PRO

  • Hourly rate: $25-$49/hr
  • Employee Strength: 50-249
  • Founded: 2014

Solidity developers at S-PRO are incredibly talented and skillful in building custom Applications. S-PRO can help you build custom Blockchain solutions, build smart contracts, generate tokens, and audit your smart contracts. For Blockchain-related issues, S-PRO provides solutions to:

  • Banking
  • Mobile or Web wallet
  • Resource Sharing
  • Ecology
  • Auctions
  • Loyalty program

S-PRO is a complete IT company that provides services to every domain and has gained a positive response from clients. You can hire this Solidity development company or hire Solidity developers to build interesting and unique applications.


9) Talentica Software

  • Hourly rate: $25-$49/hr
  • Employee Strength: 250-999
  • Founded: 2003

This company is again one of the best Solidity development companies that focuses on building trustworthy Applications. Skilled & Experienced Solidity developers at Talentica are responsible for building applications with great privacy for dealing with transactions of money, Transaction scalability, smart contracts, DApp, Asset Tokenization, and Stable coins.

The service they provide for blockchain-related issues are: 

  • Fiat-pegged cryptocurrency
  • Universal shoppers profile on a blockchain.
  • Asset Tokenization
  • ICO Launched program
  • KYC/AML for banks
  • The medical record for blockchain

If you are looking to use these services for your company, you can hire Solidity developers and build applications. They will help you irrespective of your industry as they serve all the sectors that follow blockchain applications. 

#10. ELEKS

  • Hourly rate: $50-$99/hr
  • Employee Strength: 1000–9,999
  • Founded: 1991

ELEKS, being a Top 100 Global Outsourcing company, is recognized in the list of top solidity development companies. It collaborates with enterprise clients and SMEs to elevate their value through innovative technologies for over 30 years, including custom software development, product design that accounts for quality assurance work as well.

Its 1,800+ experts provide its clients the full range of service from R&D all the way down into maintenance contracts — ensuring they have access 24/7 no matter what industry you’re in or the size of your business.

Major services provided by ELEKS are:

  • Product design
  • Data science
  • POC Development
  • Cloud Migration
  • Cyber Security
  • Technical Feasibility Study

ELEKS has been providing innovative technology services to SMEs in various industries. Its experts are admired across Europe and the US, which gives it a full range of capabilities, including custom software development as well quality assurance, R&D, smart teams support, maintenance & more!

#11. PixelPlex

  • Hourly rate: $50-$99/hr
  • Employee Strength: 50–259
  • Founded: 2007

PixelPlex is one of the most innovative companies you’ll want to hire for your software needs. It combines industry expertise and innovative design to create long-lasting, top-tier products that always exceed expectations!

Its dedicated team will work with every detail of your project from start through finish. A talented, innovative team of product experts is here to help you bring in advanced digital products and market-leading solutions. Whether it’s a custom application or web service that will exceed your expectations, we’ve got the expertise needed for any project.

Critical services offered by PixelPlex are:

  • Blockchain
  • Cognitive Computing
  • Web Development
  • Mobile App Development
  • Web Accessibility
  • Connected Devices (IoT)

The company offers comprehensive sets services tailored towards building competitive software which provides future-proofing against changing industry trends while also ensuring clear satisfaction through outstanding end outcomes every time.

#12. Cubix

  • Hourly rate: $25-$49/hr
  • Employee Strength: 50–259
  • Founded: 2008

Cubix has been working in the industry since 2008, and it is always looking for new ways to improve its services while mastering what’s coming next! Innovation being the driving force makes Cubix one of the top solidity development companies. No matter how to multiplex your needs may be, there’s a team ready at Cubix who can help make them happen.

  • Critical services offered by Cubix are:
  • IoS Development
  • Android Development
  • Game Development,
  • With over 8 years of experience working for clients big or small — from startups all the way up into multinational corporations — there’s no task too complicated or insignificant when it comes through Cubix.


  • Hourly rate: $100-$149/hr
  • Employee Strength: 10–50
  • Founded: 2017

Labrys is a leading Australian blockchain development and consulting agency. The teams at Labrys help its clients plan, architect, or build innovative software solutions using the latest in technology — Blockchain!

Awarded “Best New Startup” at this year’s Accelerate national conference for being on fire with creativity while still delivering results-driven outcomes across various industries, including finance & insurance, food & beverage manufacturing, etc.

Major areas of services are:

  • POC & MVP Development
  • Private Blockchain Development
  • Smart Contract Development
  • Blockchain Consulting
  • Blockchain Integration
  • Product UI/UX
  • Project Management

Labrys can handle anything you need to be done right away with an intelligent design that will keep costs low while still impressing customers by offering up something unique.

Related Blog: Top Blockchain Development Companies to Improve Your Business Efficiency

#14. Ulam Labs

  • Hourly rate: $50-$99/hr
  • Employee Strength: 10–50
  • Founded: 2016

Ulam Labs is a sought-after software development company made of Python and Blockchain experts. Recognized as one of the best solidity development companies, it focuses on custom software development, DevOps, consulting, and outsourcing to ensure the best service for our client’s business needs. It renders its services among startups, large corporations in industries such as FinTech, Telecommunication, and more!

Major services provided by Ulam Labs are :

  • Python development
  • JavaScript Development
  • Blockchain development
  • Fintech development
  • MVP development
  • Team extension

The team works agilely while providing exceptional value; it can analyze complicated processes into simple application code that will save you time & money!!!

#15. Systango

  • Hourly rate: $25-$49/hr
  • Employee Strength: 50–250
  • Founded: 2007

The Systango team is a proud, hands-on group that values collaboration and integrity. They collaborate deftly with their clients to provide enterprise-level IT services for any size company in need of technology solutions from agile web development projects through mobile app delivery on time every single time.

Being one of the recognized solidity development companies, it has dedicated professionals who take pride in excellent Blockchain solution development services.

Systango caters incredible assistance within several areas, including :

  • Zoho Offerings
  • Digital Marketing
  • Data Science
  • DevOps
  • Web development
  • Mobile app development

Systango is a technology powerhouse for adding value through agile web and mobile app delivery as well as time deployment with its clients, who they work closely alongside.

#16 Apriorit

  • Hourly rate: $50-$99/hr
  • Employee Strength: 50–250
  • Founded: 2002

Apriorit has been a software engineering company catering managed dedicated development teams for cybersecurity vendors, SaaS solution providers, and innovative startups since 2002.

Being one of the most admired solidity development companies, its primary focus has been to design its services around the complex needs that come with protecting critical data within organizations as well as externally at any given time through sales engagements on projects ranging from small lean startup teams working out algorithm changes or integrating new features into an already existing application.

Other major services provided by Apriorit are:

  • Cybersecurity Engineering
  • Virtualization & Cloud Computing
  • SaaS Platform development
  • Blockchain development
  • AI development
  • Security testing

The company has significant experience in working on projects related to data management and Innovation, such as system programming or reverse engineering skills needed by its clients’ most challenging needs; They can assist you with any project needing these traits!

#17. 4IRE

  • Hourly rate: $25-$49/hr
  • Employee Strength: 50–250
  • Founded: 2010

4IRE Labs is one of the leading IT consulting and solidity development companies focused on DeFi, FinTech, green finance to help businesses benefit from the latest technologies. Since 2010, 4ire has become an integral partner for launching innovative blockchain solutions through its services which include expertise across many different fields, including engineering design as well as legal counsel.

Major assistance provided by 4IRE are:

  • Blockchain development services
  • Blockchain integration services
  • DApps development
  • SmartContract
  • DevOps
  • Custom software development
  • IT consulting
  • Recently they were granted membership into Parity Substrate Delivery Partners Program that will bring together talented individuals who are working closely together towards achieving common goals while keeping their unique perspectives intact.


#18. Appventurez

  • Hourly rate: $25/hr
  • Employee Strength: 50–250
  • Founded: 2018

Appventurez is a reckoned Software Development company that was established with the motto of the organization is to impart end-to-end technology-oriented services to all large and small businesses. The company has made it its mission in life, not only through business but also by giving back selflessly for others who are less fortunate.

Appventurez caters to a variety of services such as:

  • UI/UX Design
  • Wireframe
  • Website Design
  • Flutter App development
  • React Native App development
  • Xamarin App Development
  • Python development
  • Goland development

Being a solidity development company, it provides end-to-end technology-oriented services to all large and small businesses. With over 9+ years of hands-on experience, its team has built 139 +applications across multiple domains for clients who are passionate about their work as well!

#19. Peiko

  • Hourly rate: $25-$49/hr
  • Employee Strength: 50–250
  • Founded: 2016

Peiko is a company that creates the most demanding and technologically complex web projects when ready-made solutions cannot be bought on the market. Its team provides Web & Mobile development; UI/UX design services for industries with different needs like financial technology, banking, or eCommerce platforms. They also offer Business Analysis as well as Quality Assurance to support ambitious IT initiatives across various sectors, including healthcare blockchain.

Peiko offers a variety of services, including:

  • Software development
  • Apps development
  • Blockchain
  • Web Design
  • Web development
  • DevOps

They specialize not only at completing complicated IT tasks but rather leaving room open so our clients can take advantage of all opportunities provided by technology — especially those concerning finance (such financial technologies), banking & finance sector that enables them to be on top among its competitors.

#20. 4Soft

  • Hourly rate: $50-$99/hr
  • Employee Strength: 50–250
  • Founded: 2013

4soft are tech experts who guide you through the software development process. They don’t just write code first, they listen to your needs and advise on how best to approach them so that their clients can create accurate technical solutions for their business goals with minimal risk or wasted time/resources.

They have been doing this since 2015 when 4 Software Processors won the award “Top Blockchain Development Company” from Clutch Magazine World Wide Web Awards in 2016–2017 editions.

4soft caters incredible assistance in areas like:

  • Software development
  • AWS consulting
  • IoT development
  • Blockchain development
  • STO development

They don’t just write code; it guides you through the process and assists by providing expert advice about how best to approach your needs for digital transformation or data processing services.

Read Also: A Comprehensive List of Blockchain Platforms to Look For

#21. 10clouds

  • Hourly rate: $50-$99/hr
  • Employee Strength: 50–250
  • Founded: 2009

10Clouds is a collaboration of 140+ experienced developers and designers, ready to transform your digital ideas into impressive products that will change people’s lives. It uses ReactJS and Blockchain for the development or design process; machine learning helps it deliver high-performing solutions tailored specifically towards what you need- whether it be an app enhancement or website update!

10clouds provide a variety of services like:

  • Design
  • Fintech
  • DevOps
  • Web development
  • Mobile development
  • Machine Learning
  • MLOps Testing
  • Blockchain

10cloud can fill any gaps in skill sets with staff augmentation, then don’t hesitate anymore because this company has got exactly what you’re looking for when tackling new challenges head-on.

#22. Owlab

  • Hourly rate: $25-$49/hr
  • Employee Strength: 50+
  • Founded: 2012

For over 9 years, Owlab has been a business-oriented software engineering company committed to helping businesses kickstart and develop. With profound technological expertise in many different domains such as financial services or healthcare, we implemented innovative ideas that allowed our clients from startups all the way up through mid-sized companies (large) scale successfully evolve prosper.

Owlab is catering a variety of services, like:

  • Startup development
  • Business Automation
  • Blockchain development
  • Analytics & Improvements
  • Chatbot development
  • Mobile development
  • Web development
  • Owlab has a unique quality policy. The company ensures that each project they do is of the highest possible standard and transferred to you once complete, with no questions asked about copyrights or intellectual property rights.

Have a look at the video below before moving to the conclusion:


Solidity is considerably similar to Python or JavaScript, and in the future, Solidity will become one of the best programming languages for implementing smart contracts into various platforms of Blockchain and specifically Ethereum.  

If I look at some parameters like company history, the number of projects done to date, online reviews, I would surely recommend the three best companies if you are looking for Solidity development services

These companies have in common that they have a highly efficient, effective, talented team that has done many projects for many prominent organizations. 


The post Top Solidity Development Companies To know appeared first on ValueCoders | Unlocking the Power of Technology: Discover the Latest Insights and Trends.

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Top 21 IT Staff Augmentation Service Companies in 2023 Thu, 16 Sep 2021 11:46:18 +0000 With limited tech talents, most organizations are facing issues in developing the best application development for themselves, and because of...

The post Top 21 IT Staff Augmentation Service Companies in 2023 appeared first on ValueCoders | Unlocking the Power of Technology: Discover the Latest Insights and Trends.

With limited tech talents, most organizations are facing issues in developing the best application development for themselves, and because of which they hire remote developers and offshore vendors to work for them and manage or enhance their capabilities of in-house teams through IT Staff Augmentation.

Companies also want to have complete control over their management process, project resources, and milestone deliveries. And to gain the advantage, many IT companies have started using the IT Staff Augmentation model to accomplish their targets in less time and money.

According to Statista, 44.7 percent of sales were in Technology or IT consulting worldwide in 2019. IT service providers have done a lot to revolutionize the industry.

But you must be wondering which top companies are giving this service and Is it beneficial or not? Don’t worry! I have mentioned the top 20 companies which are outsourcing IT Staff Augmentation Services.

21 Best IT Staff Augmentation Service Providers

1. Turing


Turing is a technology company that offers various services and products to help businesses automate their processes and improve their efficiency. Their services include robotic process automation (RPA), artificial intelligence (AI), and machine learning (ML) solutions.

One should choose Turing IT staff augmentation company because they offer several benefits, including:

  • Increased efficiency and productivity
  • Cost savings
  • Scalability
  • Improved accuracy
  • Competitive advantage

Overall, Turing’s technology solutions offer a range of benefits to businesses and individuals looking to automate and optimize their operations.

2. ValueCoders



ValueCoders is among India’s top companies for providing the best IT Staff Augmentation Services. Since the establishment of ValueCoders, it has helped many startups and big enterprises by giving high-quality IT talent to achieve their business goals.

ValueCoders (staff augmentation services India) offers custom on-demand resources and skills, flexible staff augmentation, and becoming an extension to the IT business.

Why choose ValueCoders for Staff Augmentation?

  • Expert and talented staff is there to help you.
  • Flexible resourcing model
  • Best Mobile and web development services
  • Get the best expert for your project according to your business needs

Also Read: A Complete Guide To IT Staff Augmentation Services

The technologies in which they give IT staff augmentation are:

  • Web & full-stack
  • Java & JavaScript
  • Mobility
  • Microsoft Technologies(, SharePoint, Sitecore, Xamarin)
  • E-Commerce & CMS
  • BlockChain & ML

ValueCoders is successful because it has done IT staff augmentation in multiple industries like Healthcare, Education, Media, Banking & Finance solution, Automotive, etc. And ever since the establishment of ValueCoders, it has launched over 4200+ projects with the help of 500+ employees. With all the features listed above, ValueCoders can solve many of your problems.

Let’s Talk

Are you unsure about how to organise your augmented team's work in an efficient manner?

3. PixelCrayons


PixelCrayons is one of the best IT staff augmentation company in India that helps many startups and companies complete their projects through IT Staff Augmentation. It has 18+ years of experience and has done over 11500+ projects with 450+ employees. It is available for both onsite staffing and offsite staffing. The type of technologies that the company serves are:  

  • Backend
  • CMS
  • Mobility
  • Blockchain & ML
  • FrontEnd & Full Stack

If you want to hire employees for the projects related to the technologies listed above, I would recommend PixelCrayons as they have vast experience in IT Staff Augmentation services, and with that, there are experts who have immense knowledge and working experience.

4. is among the best IT staff augmentation company to work with. This company has done more than 1500 projects, and with 450+ experts, has done a great job over the years. The type of technologies in which they give IT staff augmentation are:

  1. Legacy
  2. Mobile Application development
  3. Front End Development
  4. Backend Development
  5. QA testing
  6. Database
  7. Web Design
  8. E-Commerce and CMS

The company guarantees the result in 30 days; otherwise, they won’t charge anything for that project. You put any project related to them, whether python, Angular, WordPress, or JavaScript, but they will give their best in achieving your target. Business people and startups can hire to witness the best IT staff augmentation services.


5. Softura


Softura is an IT staff augmentation company here to help many startups and businesses with their IT staff augmentation services. This company helps augment your team strength, eliminate technical obstructions, accelerate success, and enables you to gain good revenue. 

Why Softura has overtaken several other IT staff augmentation companies? Because of these features: 

  • Have 20 years of expertise.
  • Great Flexibility to encounter the client needs concerning Bandwidth and talent.
  • Will report day to day to your managers.
  • Will work with more effort for every type of Project, whether simpler or complex. 
  • Pretty much affordable compare to some other competitions

All these features of Softura make it among the best IT outsourcing companies, and the type of bandwidth they have is very hard to find. If you don’t have skilled developers who can develop great software, then you can go for the IT staff augmentation services from Softura.

6. Goodworklabs


Goodworklabs can help you hire the best and talented experts to enhance your business and do your projects. As a premium development company knows the skill-set which their on-board employee should possess. 

The company possesses all the domains (like mobile development, iOS, AI, ML, etc.) and serves multiple industries. The approach, process, and resource of Goodworklabs make it unique for IT Staff Augmentation Services. Whether it is gaming, fashion, or UI/UX applications, this company has made all those apps for their clients because of their highly skilled experts.   

Why go with Goodworklabs?

  • Dedicated development team
  • Flexibility
  • Great Resources
  • Domain Expertise
  • Extensibility of teams

All these features give this company more credibility and make the startups or even established companies choose Goodworklabs without thinking twice for IT staff Augmentation.

7. Sumeru


Sumeru is one of the best IT Staff augmentation company with more than 20 years of experience, and it has worked with almost 227 companies like HCL, GAP, IBM, Intel, hp. The Staff augmentation services of Sumeru includes:

  • Fill individual role
  • Build cross-platform team
  • Team Management

The type of technologies in which Sumeru provides expertise are: 

  • Engineering
  • Design
  • Product
  • Mobile
  • DevOps
  • SRE

With all the features listed above, there are few other aspects which you should consider before going for Staff augmentation, like Sumeru gives full flexibility for long contracts as well as short contracts with the options to go for full-time. 

Sumeru themselves interview candidates so that you don’t waste your time interviewing candidates that don’t have the caliber to do well for you.

Also Read: How To Choose Between Staff Augmentation, Outsourcing, & Dedicated Team

8. Borderlessmind



Borderlessmind has helped many small companies as well as big companies since 1999. The company is giving services in India, Asia, East Europe/Asia, Latin America, and other countries to enterprises, startups, and growth businesses. Let us know why this company is one of the best IT staff augmentation companies in India. 

The focus of Borderlessmind is more on these things: 

  • Finding the best talent 
  • Hire candidates who have the passion to work 
  • Flexibility to the teams
  • Masters have Expertise in their domain & have massive experience

Borderlessmind give IT Staff Augmentation in these technologies: 

  • Development 
  • Testing
  • Cloud 
  • Robotics Process Automation(RPA)
  • Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning 
  • Designing
  • Cybersecurity
  • Finance Accounting

Borderlessmind has done a lot of projects, and they have expertise in the IT domain. You can hire dedicated development teams of this company if you are facing problems in developing anything listed above.

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9. DCSL GuideSmiths Inc.

DCSL GuideSmiths

DCSL GuideSmiths Inc. is a full-service IT staffing and recruiting agency that offers flexible, temporary, and permanent solutions in the areas of IT Staff Augmentation Services. The developers of the company are committed to helping clients achieve their business objectives by providing creative and innovative IT solutions.

The type of technologies in which DCSL GuideSmiths Inc. provides expertise are:

  • Bespoke Software Development
  • SQL Server Technologies
  • CRM Systems
  • Database Development
  • Digital Transformation
  • Cloud Services
  • Data Migration Services

Since 1994 company has been serving IT solutions around the world. Moreover, Mitsubishi, Hospify, Skanska, Water Aid are a few of the happy clients of the corporation.

10. Ingenia Agency

Ingenia Agency

Ingenia Agency is an IT staff augmentation company with headquarters in Ciudad de México, CDMX. The company’s area of expertise lies within the field of technology, and its services are divided into four main categories:

  • Technology Solutions
  • Management Consulting
  • Executive Search
  • Testing & QA Services

As for technologies that Ingenia covers, they are:

  • Application Development (Hadoop, Python)
  • Systems Integration (, Amazon Web Services)
  • Data Analytics & Business Intelligence (Tableau, Qlikview, Cognos BI/BW)
  • IT Staff Augmentation

This firm has 10+ years of in-market experience and has a number of happy clients, including Coca-Cola Company, BestBuy, Walmart, Lego, Grupo Bimbo, etc.

11. Unosquare, LLC


Unosquare, LLC is an IT staffing agency with headquarters in New York City. The company specializes in the field of technology and provides services for both overseas clients as well as local ones; the offers services in the following categories:

  • Technology
  • Development
  • Consultancy Services

In terms of technologies that Unosquare covers, they are:

  • Application Development (C++, .Net)
  • Systems Integration ( CRM Platform, Amazon Web Services PaaS & IaaS)
  • Platform and Infrastructure
  • IT Staff Augmentation

The form has delivered 2,500 projects successfully, including 600 full-time employees. Moreover, Unosquare is one of the fastest-growing businesses in the USA.

12. inVerita


This IT staff augmentation company’s main areas are HR, Sales & Marketing, Engineering, and Tech Support services in various fields such as:

  • Web Development (PHP/Laravel)
  • Enterprise Applications
  • Creative Design
  • Systems Administration (Microsoft, VMware)

Since 2015 the corporation has been serving diverse industry verticals such as retail, healthcare, eCommerce, travel & tourism, education, and others. Additionally, 87% of the clients have been staying with us throughout the years.

13. Geomotiv


Geomotiv is the top-notch IT Staffing and Consulting company well known for its exceptional technical and business skills. The development team of the corporation is committed to rendering suitable and quality solutions for clients in the areas of:

  • Business Intelligence & Analytics
  • Software Development
  • Mobile Application Development and Testing
  • IT Staff Augmentation

Since 2010, the firm has been serving clients from the United States (US), Canada, Europe, the UK, etc. In addition, the development team has expertise in Healthcare, AdTech, EdTech, eCommerce, and other domains.

Also Read: IT Staff Augmentation Vs. IT Consulting Services- Which Is Better For You?

14. Andersen Lab

Andersen Lab

Andersen Lab is a consulting and technology company that was founded in 2007. The main area of expertise for this organization lies within the field of IT Staff Augmentation Services, but it also provides services like:

  • Project Management
  • Technology Consulting & Integration
  • UI/UX Design
  • DevOps Services
  • IT Support

The company includes 2600+ developers offering reliable and innovative solutions to its clients.

15. Yalantis


Yalantis is a leading mobile app development company that provides IT Staff Augmentation Services. The developers of Yalantis are equipped with the best technologies, and they can deliver both native apps for iOS, Android, Windows Phone/Store, as well as cross-platform ones.

The services proffered by Yalantis are:

  • Web App Development
  • Full-Cycle Mobile App Development
  • MVP
  • iOS/Android Development
  • UI/UX Design
  • Project Management

Since 2008 the corporation has been providing high-quality solutions and has more than 30 happy clients, including KPMG, RAKwireless, Zillow, RAKwireless (A leading IoT solutions provider), Healthfully (US Healthcare web platform), etc.

16. Five Pack Creative

Five Pack Creative

Five Pack Creative is a full-service agency that offers strategic marketing and web design services. This company’s goal is to help businesses in the IT sector by offering creative solutions, which will meet their needs and objectives.

The technologies in which Five Pack Creative specializes are:

  • eCommerce (Magento)
  • Mobile Commerce (iOS/Android)
  • Digital Marketing (Search Engine Optimization, Paid Search)
  • Social Media & Community Management
  • Staff augmentation

Since 2008 company has been working with a number of clients worldwide. ScoreSense, American Airlines, HidrateSpark, Ag Connections (Syngenta) are some happy clients.

17. Bairesdev


The IT staffing services offered by Bairesdev give your team the speed, expertise, and flexibility they need to scale swiftly and finish development on schedule. They will send you employees that have the skills and attributes you require, and you will soon reap the rewards of staff augmentation that are built into this strategy.

Main Services Offered by Bairesdev are:

  • Dedicated Team
  • Staff Augmentation
  • Software Outsourcing

18. Sophilabs


Sophilabs provides an extensive range of IT Staff Augmentation Services. This IT staff augmentation company proffers the best-in-class talent that can support your company’s growing need for additional IT professionals.

Sophilabs’ main areas of expertise are:

  • Software Development & Architecture (Golang, Python, JavaScript)
  • Data Science & Analytics (R programming language)
  • Cloud Computing Solutions(Google Cloud Platform, Azure )
  • DevOps Tools/Framework (Chef, Jenkins)

This IT Staff Augmentation Company has clients that include: Oxford Economics, Amgen SAP, CareerVillage, Baker McKenzie, DebateDrills, and others.

Related Blog: What Is Staff Augmentation & How Does It Works?

19. Aspired Systems

Aspired Systems

Aspired Systems is a staffing and recruiting agency which specializes in the field of outsourcing. The company’s headquarters are located in Palo Alto, California. With more than 10 consultants from different backgrounds.

Aspired Systems has been able to help hundreds of global companies since 2005 with their strategic workforce solutions. The firm covers various areas such as:

  • IT Staff Augmentation
  • Data Analytics & Business Intelligence
  • Product Management and Engineering Services
  • Programming Language Expertise: Java / JEE, C++, Python, Node.js, Ruby, etc.
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Are you unsure about how to organise your augmented team's work in an efficient manner?

20. Neginet Software

Neginet Software

Neginet Software is the best software development services company that specializes in IT Staff Augmentation Services. The clients of the firm are located all around the world, while its headquarters are based out of Dallas, Texas, Mexico.

Neginet has over 7 years of experience in providing full-cycle support for projects on various technologies such as:

  • C/C++
  • Java EE Platforms
  • Oracle PL-SQL and SQL Plus
  • .Net Framework
  • My SQL

The company has a portfolio of over 10+ projects for some small to large firms such as, Anyplace, Coterie, NexGent, WithClutch,, and more.

21. CodersLink


CodersLink is a technology staffing agency that provides IT services to clients around the world. The company has headquarters in San Antonio, Texas, and operates all over the United States. The expertise of CodersLink lies within the field of Information Technology, and it is divided into three main categories:

  • Programming & Application Development
  • Digital Marketing
  • Enterprise Business Solutions

The technologies that this agency covers are: Mobile App. Dev., iOS app development, Android mobile app dev., Web design/dev., Drupal CMS, Outsourcing, and more.

Wrapping Up

Many companies in the world can give you IT Staff Augmentation services, but only a few companies are the best at it. Above listed IT companies are among the best who can give you a better experience.

IT Staff Augmentation helps many startups, businesses and has several advantages like fast recruitment cycle, great flexibility, low development cost. If you are a startup or company owner and looking for IT Staff Augmentation, you can go for the companies listed above.

If I look at some parameters like company history, the number of projects done to the date, online reviews, I would surely recommend you 3 best companies if you are looking for IT staff augmentation services:

  • Turing
  • ValueCoders
  • PixelCrayons

The things which these companies have in common are that they have a highly efficient, effective, talented team that has done a lot of projects for many big organizations.


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5 Benefits Of Hiring Dedicated Web Development Teams Wed, 14 Apr 2021 00:28:35 +0000 Hiring a dedicated web development team offers several benefits for businesses. Perhaps most importantly, it provides flexibility that is often...

The post 5 Benefits Of Hiring Dedicated Web Development Teams appeared first on ValueCoders | Unlocking the Power of Technology: Discover the Latest Insights and Trends.

Hiring a dedicated web development team offers several benefits for businesses. Perhaps most importantly, it provides flexibility that is often difficult to achieve with in-house teams. Businesses can hand-pick the skills and experience they need for their project and then scale up or down as required.

It takes considerable time and money to reduce the risk of errors. In addition, businesses can often benefit from the expertise of dedicated web development teams with a wealth of experience in different industries. This can provide valuable insights into improving your website’s performance. Finally, working with a dedicated team can also help build strong working relationships that can last long into the future.

In the world of Software development, dedicated web development teams acquire a good position in the list of top three engagement models. It is the first choice for many businesses and institutions worldwide. Hiring a development team can be implemented to develop anything from a corporate website to a mobile app. The entire team works on your project only with undivided attention.

Irrespective of whether you need them full-time or for a few hours each day, here are some advantages that you get if you hire a web development team:

Benefits Of Hiring Dedicated Web Development Team

Flexibility & Cost Effectiveness

The biggest advantage of hiring dedicated development teams is the flexibility they offer. They work as the extension of your in-house team and work exclusively on your projects. Also, you need to pay these developers based on the number of hours or days they would put into your project, which can easily be scaled up and down based on your changing requirements. These factors are a huge advantage when trying to save costs.

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Skills and Expertise 

The skills and expertise of your in-house web development team are often limited due to their lack of exposure. When your requirements change, you hire a development team that would have trouble adjusting to the changing environment. On the other hand, dedicated web development teams work on various projects with every client with unique issues and requirements. This allows them to shine up their skills and offer you better results than an in-house team.

No Hardware/Software Requirements

Any web development project would involve a substantial cost on hardware and software. While most web development projects don’t require any special hardware, you would still need to spare a workstation for your in-house web development teams to work on. Most software tools may be open source, but you still need to invest in designing tools such as Adobe Photoshop to get the best results. You have to incur no such costs when you hire a development team. Moreover, you will get many advantages of in-house software development too. 

Much Beyond Development of hire web development team

The success of a website rests on a host of other factors that go way beyond web development. These include Co-development, Search Engine Optimization, Social Media Marketing, and Content Development, to name a few. When hiring the services of a reputed agency, they offer you a bouquet of services that help you work on a well-planned digital marketing strategy and improve your web presence.

Also Read: Top Dedicated Development Team to Hire For Web Projects

Turnaround Time With Dedicated Web Development Teams

This is one of the reasons why most companies prefer to hire a development team. They offer you the highest quality development within the shortest time. Thanks to the abundant resources available to companies offering these services. They will meet your expectations if you have urgent projects to execute.

This is why most companies prefer to hire a web development team instead of in-house experts for the job.

Hence, if you are keen to hire a dedicated development team, you need not go elsewhere. ValueCoders (Top Software Development Company) is here to help you out. We have a large pool of developers adept at all the new technologies and have experience delivering diverse projects with varying requirements.


The post 5 Benefits Of Hiring Dedicated Web Development Teams appeared first on ValueCoders | Unlocking the Power of Technology: Discover the Latest Insights and Trends.

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