app development – ValueCoders | Unlocking the Power of Technology: Discover the Latest Insights and Trends Valuecoders Mon, 29 May 2023 11:31:01 +0000 en-US hourly 1 app development – ValueCoders | Unlocking the Power of Technology: Discover the Latest Insights and Trends 32 32 Mobile App Development Tips That Will Boost Start-ups Growth Sat, 04 Jun 2022 14:05:55 +0000 In the current times, if you are running a business or thinking of starting a new business, then having a ...

The post Mobile App Development Tips That Will Boost Start-ups Growth appeared first on ValueCoders | Unlocking the Power of Technology: Discover the Latest Insights and Trends.

In the current times, if you are running a business or thinking of starting a new business, then having a  mobile app is a must. 

  • In 2018, the global mobile application market was valued at $106.27 billion. The same is expected to reach $407.31 billion by 2026, with a surging CAGR of 18.4% from 2019 to 2026.
  • According to – It is foreseen that mobile app downloads are expected to reach 200.0 billion by 2022.

Ongoing growth in start-ups & enterprise apps, surging focus on apps mainly used for health & fitness, and in-app purchases for gaming apps boost the growth of the mobile app development market.    

Looking at the growth of the mobile app development market, thousands of start-ups have shifted to mobile app development and are boosting their businesses across the globe. However, building a mobile app is not enough for the growth of enterprises; following these 11 mobile app development tips for startups is the key to success. 

So, in continuation of our previous blog, i.e., the best app ideas, today we will share the most critical 11 mobile app development tips in this blog that every start-up should follow. 

Let’ take a quick look at the video here:

Mobile App Development Tips & Tricks To Raise Business Growth

Currently, there are over 8.0 million mobile apps in the app stores and around 2.0% of them are successful which means the rest 98.0% are doing something which should not be done or right. So, let’s have a look at one of the top-performing apps on the app stores.

So, here view a few mobile app development tips and tricks that startups and SMEs should follow to achieve success:

Also, take a glance over- Top 10 Trusted Android App Development Companies In India and USA

1) Find out users’ likes & dislikes: Mobile App Development Tips

Well, even if you have invested many nights and days to build a mobile application people are still not bound to use your app if that does not encourage them. They will have no excitement with the app if it does not help them in monetary terms. 

It is very crucial for you to check the likes and dislikes of your mobile app status on Google or the app store. You will be required to perform deep research to build an app that motivates users and sets off their interests in a better way.

 A key step in mobile app development is gathering feedback about your idea from real users. Talking to customers and testing apps early will give you a much better sense of whether people want what you’re planning to build—and help you figure out how to make it better.

If you have an idea for an application, there are many ways that you can test it with potential users before investing too much time and money into building something no one wants.

If you’re building an app for multiple platforms, conduct user research. The way people use their phones and tablets differs widely—and so do their preferences for apps.

For example, mobile web users are more likely than native app users to visit retail sites like Amazon or eBay; in contrast, mobile game players favor apps over mobile web pages.

As a result, your customer personas will likely look different depending on designing a website or a mobile application. You may even want to consider forming separate personas for other devices!

Related: 10 Advantages of iOS App Development For Businesses

 2) Right platforms and features: Mobile App Development Tips

Once you are clear with your users’ likes and dislikes, you need to decide on your app features and platform. The aesthetics and appearance of the application work differently on different platforms.

Hence, you will need to study the target platform, functions, and specific parameters to make the application appropriate. 

Another integral part of providing a great experience is choosing the right features to be included in the application itself, with good content and an excellent user interface. If it does not have some basic features to make it useful to the user, it will be quickly uninstalled from the phone.

Hence, you need to develop applications that are simple yet functional. However, there are many ways you can add extra features like social media integration or push notifications, which can also increase your revenue potential. 

A mobile app development company should provide valuable insights on which platform would work best for your business needs and suggest practical ways to create a compelling app that users will love using.

You need expert Mobile app developers for all these things, as developing an app requires extensive knowledge about design patterns for different platforms.

In addition, you also need help in determining what type of information should go into your mobile app so that it becomes successful among your target audience.

mobile app development

3 ) Offline Friendliness: Mobile App Development Tips


Now, it is a new trend in the development of mobile applications that is getting the attention of both companies and developers. It is the way an app behaves when there is no Internet connection available.

As more patrons turn to their smartphones and tablets for entertainment, news, social networking, and information about local businesses, your app must work well without an internet connection.

Going offline means you can still offer a top-notch experience to users who don’t have cell service or are in remote areas with no coverage at all. Make sure to include local information on your app to find nearby places or things of interest-based on where they are.

Try using geolocation features that automatically detect users’ locations to see what’s around them even when there’s no internet connection. It’s one big thing that makes applications successful these days.

4) Make simple apps just like a smartphone

Smartphones are a sensation. From a toddler to an old person, everyone can use it. This makes its target audience even bigger. Just like a smartphone, your app has to be simple. It will not only expand your reach but also users will keep coming back.

If you’re looking to build an app for your start-up or new business, it can be tempting to try and create something overly complex.

While it’s possible to create a hit game or social media platform, it’s more likely that you’ll end up with a mediocre product that nobody wants. Instead of reinventing the wheel and making something too complicated, focus on making simple apps instead.

 For example, if you run a small retail store in New York City, consider creating an app that allows customers to check out their favorite products while they shop in your store.

It may not seem like much of a big deal at first glance, but by making things easier for people who already like what you have to offer—and by providing them some kind of incentive—you could see significant results in no time at all. 

As long as it’s easy to use and gives users something of value, you can be sure there will be plenty of interest.

Read More: How To Build An Amazing Startup Mobile App?

5) Ads & Banners: Keep it limited


To make it a successful custom mobile app development project, you need to avoid the overuse of ads and banners. A consumer can delete it anytime if he finds it is bothering his browsing experience. This is a very broad hint and not just a friendly tip! If your user finds the mobile screen too cluttered, they will certainly uninstall your app,

So keep in mind that an ad banner should be limited to only one or two per page.  

Also, try as much as possible to keep them on both sides of each corner so that users do not have problems with navigation while using the application.

Another point worth noting here is to make sure that you choose advertisement services carefully because there are several ways through which developers can add ads and banners to their apps. The most popular ones include Admob, Mobclix, Adsense, etc.

You must understand how each of these ad networks works before deciding on a particular one for your application. The primary purpose of advertising services is to help mobile app development companies earn money from advertisements, so they need to ensure maximum visibility of ads on mobile screens.

This means more traffic for them and more irritation for users who do not want any disturbance while using their phones or tablets. So it’s up to you if you want maximum revenue or user satisfaction!

It’s your choice!

Want to build your own app? ValueCoders, a mobile application development company offers experienced Android app developers for startups and SMEs. CONTACT US TODAY!!

6) Customized Design:

There are two leading mobile operating systems in the market i.e. Android and iOS. Both users have access in different ways. Ensure that your application complies with each operating system policy and fulfill their terms and conditions. You can also go for custom mobile app designs.

Mobile apps are meant for smartphones, but they are also designed to support tablets, and mobile operating systems are also specially designed to cater to users with widescreen displays. Your application should be compatible with both Android and iOS devices.

Also, you need to ensure that your app is properly optimized for each platform. A good application will get a good rating in both stores, i.e., Google Play Store and Apple’s App Store.

Want your mobile app to get successful? You need a good combination of graphics, design elements as well as functionalities that can attract more users towards it so that they can download it on their device without any hesitation or cost involved in it.

If you want Mobile App development tips for startups to be used adequately, hire Mobile app developers from a reliable Mobile app development company in India.

7) Grid-based applications:

Accept the grid design to ensure maximum consistency even when users move from page to page in the entire application. Experts will always adopt draft concepts based on grids in mobile application development projects.

It can be done by ensuring every element is fixed width and height and is aligned at every corner of a cell. It makes it simpler for mobile app developers to create applications that have uniform elements and avoid any kind of cluttering on each screen.

Grid-based applications are more scalable as they allow users to resize elements without affecting other parts of an app’s interface. For example, if you want the application to appear larger on a tablet, you can simply increase its dimensions without affecting its content or layout.

This is why mobile app developers and designers usually prefer grid-based designs over fluid layouts with a fixed width and height but aren’t aligned at every corner. 

Designing for mobile devices is easier for many people than designing for desktop computers because it forces them to focus on only one screen size. This makes it easier for them to create good apps across all devices rather than making multiple versions for different screen sizes.

Mobile apps also tend to be more accessible when compared with desktop apps because their interfaces don’t require scrolling or zooming to navigate from one page to another.

Instead, they use buttons and tabs that make navigation easy even when using touchscreens, requiring users to interact with their screens using only their fingers instead of mouse pointers or keyboards.

Also Read: List Of Top Mobile App Development Frameworks: The Future of App Development

8) ASO & SEO friendly

To get to the top of the millions of applications in the online market, your app needs something more than ordinary to get noticed and downloaded. Support the application development process through search engine optimization (SEO) and ASO (Application Optimization) that increase the visibility of newer mobile applications.

It helps create a competitive advantage for apps with less or no marketing budget.

In order to stand out from other apps, it is important to make sure that you have an app description written by professional writers who can write it so well that they can convince users why they should download their app instead of another similar one. 

This is where SEO comes into play and optimizing keywords to ensure your app ranks higher on searches related to those keywords.

You can also use specific keyword research tools to help you find out what people are searching for when looking for new apps on their smartphones and tablets. 

Hire mobile app development services from the best Mobile app development company. It will help you make a leading application within no time and allow your startups to boost business growth. 

Read More7 App Monetization Models to Increase Your App Profitability

9) M-marketing is Gaining Traction

Yes, it is trending to market via apps. In the peak season, your product will need to go public/live. Develop and launch the app a little before that and script out the marketing strategies. Align them together for best results. Ensure to make use of optimization searches.

Mobile marketing is becoming a high priority for companies of all sizes. Because smartphones and tablets allow for direct contact with consumers at any time, businesses can take full advantage of mobile marketing to make their sales funnel more efficient and boost their bottom line. Mobile applications are particularly effective in closing deals with customers.

In fact, app users are three times more likely to purchase a mobile app than a desktop or laptop computer or tablet. Moreover, mobile devices have become extremely accurate data collection tools, allowing businesses to gain insight into customer behavior and drive sales accordingly.

Smart marketers understand that if they want success for their start-up company, they need to look beyond traditional advertising options and explore new tools that can make their business grow exponentially over time.

Want to build your own app? ValueCoders offers experienced iOS app developers for startups and SMEs. CONTACT US TODAY!!

10) One App For One Reason

Keep your app focused only on a single problem. Any app needs to solve a single problem only and do that in an expert manner. Don’t make an app that can unzip files and become a torch and then let you excess to GPS and so on. This type of app never succeeds.

An app with two or more functions is never as successful. Focus on solving one specific problem and have a successful app. Research your competitors’ apps, take out their best features and make them better.

Make sure that your app has its unique selling point to attract people to use it, but don’t make anything too complicated for users to understand. Keep it simple!

A simple app makes better design sense, but also simplicity helps your app from being complex or full of bugs, which means users are likely to stay there longer.

Want your startup business to stay ahead in the competitive market? Hire mobile app developers; this will help you get innovative and unique mobile app development solutions that will ultimately help you develop and design an impactful mobile application. 

Also Know: 10 Mistakes to Avoid While Hiring Mobile App Developers

11) Choose the right people

Successful mobile application development depends fully on the developers. You should always emphasize hiring only veteran iOS or Android developers who have specialized in at least one specific technology. It is better to hire Android developers with experience in producing high-quality mobile apps than look for someone who has a vague mixture of knowledge across several technologies.

The same goes for iOS developers, as they need to be well versed with Objective C and Swift programming languages. If you are looking forward to creating an app that serves your business needs perfectly, you must find people who can deliver what you want within your time frame and budget.

The best way to look for mobile app development experts is by conducting thorough research on various professional websites such as Clutch or Upwork. You should also take advantage of social media platforms like LinkedIn or Twitter, where you can follow professionals from different companies and industries and access their work experience details.

In addition, try reaching out to them via phone calls or emails before deciding whether or not to hire them based on their previous work experience, portfolio details, hourly rates, etc.

Give A Read: Top 10 Mobile App Development Trends And Ideas For 2022

Bonus tips

12) Check out for new OS Updates

Be it Android or iOS, updates are important. A major update sometimes changes the entire landscape and if your app cannot meet the requirements, it would be a big issue. If you stay up-to-date, you can also help prevent the issues listed on the platform with the latest releases. Take a look at the improvements notes that capture the potential issues that will damage your success.

For example, Apple recently released iOS 9.3, which includes support for Wi-Fi calling and new emojis. The company says that users should upgrade their devices to run all apps smoothly, but that is not always possible. Some apps may not function well until developers update them to support newer versions of iOS. 

But keep in mind that there are apps that may need to be updated before working with an upgraded OS version. This is because developers have to ensure that their apps run smoothly on older OS versions.

So if you’re using an older device that runs an older version of iOS, you’ll need to wait for these app updates before upgrading your OS version to 9.3. Otherwise, some of your favorite apps might stop working once you do so!

mobile app development

13) Test properly

successful mobile app development

After all your efforts and long working hours if you do not test your app on every platform it would not be a success. While physical devices are used, you do have the option of testing on simulators for mobile devices.  Ironing out the bugs by running your app through a variety of device simulators helps you save time. It makes your app a success by improving the user experience.

Testing is also one of those areas where many entrepreneurs can cut corners to save money. You need to make sure that everything works as intended before going live. It means thoroughly testing your product or service with real users.

If you’re planning on releasing an app for iOS devices, then there are a few things that you should know. The first thing is that Apple has specific guidelines and rules regarding how apps are built, designed, and tested.

Failure to follow these rules will result in rejection from Apple’s App Store and potentially damage your reputation as an entrepreneur who cares about quality over quantity.

You should avoid testing on jailbroken devices if your business plans to charge for app downloads.

Jailbreaking installs apps from sources other than Apple’s official App Store. It causes problems with payment processing later down the line. If possible, test on non-jailbroken devices only!

Also Know: The State of UI/UX Design in Mobile App Development: Trends for 2022


Launching a new app can be exciting for entrepreneurs and clients alike. Unfortunately, a lot more work goes into it than meets the eye. Creating something that people want takes plenty of hard work and endless hours, and launching your app is only one part of it.

Make sure you have a great strategy before you start and learn from everything you do along the way. With these Mobile App development tips for startups in mind, you can create a successful mobile app!

Do you have a killer app idea? ValueCoders, an IT outsourcing company, has the right skills to make it real. Hire Mobile app developers at affordable prices and get innovative mobile application development solutions to your business’s built fully-featured app.  


What is Mobile App Development?

Mobile app development helps in developing an app using different platforms and technologies.

In addition, mobile apps now support multiple types of devices, including desktops, laptops, tablets, and mobile phones. Mobile app development includes several stages, such as research and analysis; design; testing; implementation; management, marketing, etc.

The cost of devising a mobile app depends on various factors, such as its complexity and intended audience. It also varies depending on whether you hire freelancers or use companies that offer complete services for your project.

What are the business benefits of using Mobile Applications?

There are several benefits of using a mobile application in your business.

  • First, you can be more efficient and productive by working from anywhere at any time.
  • Second, you can save money on office space and equipment.
  • Third, you customers can reach out to customers in new ways. Mobile applications also help build brand loyalty and trust among customers.
  • Finally, you can provide better customer service. Customers can communicate with the company when they need help or have questions about your products or services.

If you are looking forward to growing your business with technology, create a mobile application for your company today!

 Which technologies are best for making mobile apps more impactful?

The best technology for making a mobile app more impactful will vary depending on your organization’s specific goals and needs.

However, some popular options include cloud computing, artificial intelligence, and blockchain technology. Harnessing the power of these technologies helps you create a more efficient and user-friendly app with a better experience for your users.

 Which are the best programming languages to develop a mobile application? 

The best programming language for developing a mobile app will vary depending on your organization’s specific goals and needs. However, some popular options include Java, Swift, and Objective-C.

 Moreover, it is essential to note that the best programming language for developing a mobile app is constantly changing and evolving. It is crucial to stay up-to-date on the latest trends to ensure you are using the most effective tools and technologies.

The post Mobile App Development Tips That Will Boost Start-ups Growth appeared first on ValueCoders | Unlocking the Power of Technology: Discover the Latest Insights and Trends.

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How ValueCoders Developed An E-Commerce Trading Website Application Using Angular? Thu, 05 May 2022 08:17:24 +0000 Online trading has always been a great source of income for many individuals, especially after the outbreak of COVID-19. People...

The post How ValueCoders Developed An E-Commerce Trading Website Application Using Angular? appeared first on ValueCoders | Unlocking the Power of Technology: Discover the Latest Insights and Trends.

Online trading has always been a great source of income for many individuals, especially after the outbreak of COVID-19. People have started going shopping online rather than going outside. E-Commerce trading provides everything nowadays from a small needle to tables, beds, televisions, etc. Starting an e-Commerce trading business at this current stage can be very beneficial for many individuals. 

E-Commerce trading is one of the best low investment businesses with high return profits, and there is no seasonal income in this business as you can potentially earn 24*7

According to Statista, The total value of global equity trading worldwide was 41.8 trillion U.S. dollars in the third quarter of 2021

Many businesses and organizations are deploying online trading applications, so one of our valuable clients wanted to build an e-commerce online trading platform because of its high demand in the market.

The suite offers businesses and organizations a complete and comprehensive e-commerce marketplace, automatic merchant integration, member/customer management, various integrated multi-currency payment solutions, exceptional payment plans, AI-based reporting, analytics, and Panel-based cloud serverless cutting-edge technology.

Technologies We Used In Developing “Online Trading Platform” 

  • Angular.JS
  • Java
  • MySQL

Angular.JS:  AngularJS is a JavaScript-based open-source front-end web framework for developing SPA (single-page applications). It is maintained mainly by Google, a community of individuals and corporations

Benefits of Using Angular

  • Effective Cross-Platform Development
  • Improved Speed and Performance
  • More Lightweight Web Applications
  • Readable and Testable Code
  • High Quality of the Application
  • Efficient Problem-Solving Patterns
  • Faster Development Process
  • Excellent Material Design Library

Java:  Java is a high-level, class-based, object-oriented programming language with as few implementation dependencies as possible.

Benefits of Using Java

  • Object-oriented
  • Platform independent
  • Distributed computing
  • Secure
  • Memory Allocation
  • Multi-threaded

MySQL:  MySQL is an open-source relational database management system based on SQL (Structured Query Language). 

Also Read: A Comprehensive Guide To Create An Ecommerce App From Scratch

Benefits of Using MySQL

  • Data Security
  • On-demand Scalability
  • High performance
  • Comprehensive transactional support
  • Complete workflow control
  • The flexibility of open source

Let’s Discuss Your Project

Get free consultation and let us know your project idea to turn it into an amazing digital product.


The application that the client wanted to make consisted of many variables and functions from a top website development company in India. It offers merchants an inexpensive complete e-commerce platform, including backend infrastructure. 

Merchants can use advanced cloud-based infrastructure tools and payment solutions to build their marketplace and sell their products online. We followed a multi-tenancy architecture, and end customers can register with various clients with a single click.

The client’s wishlist was to create an app that looks simple but attractive, and it was quite a challenge for us because of making an app that should have the latest features with excellent customization and yet simplicity. 

The application was designed, so merchants can operate their business in the cloud, requiring no technical expertise. We used Suite CS marketplace that offers customizable design and layout and is fond of landing pages that need innovative modern style. 

As an excellent Angular.JS development company, the client also asked us to develop a highly configurable online trading application on pricing, product creation, member rating, reviews, listing date range, and active/inactive products. 

We had to design the application so that every merchant can use a Suite CS admin account to customize their content, menu, product, style, layout, font, etc. It was challenging for us to deploy a feature-rich real-time shopping cart in the eCommerce trading app. 

The client was also curious about the SEO, so we used cloud-based serverless technology to make everything happen quickly! You can also set up SEO enabled online eCommerce platform because of that. If you are also looking to develop an application like this, you can hire Angular developer from ValueCoders who can help you make excellent applications. 



This is the first step in the execution of the project. It includes collecting information from stakeholders and documenting it. The final document is based on the SMART rule, which stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound.

After documentation, Wireframes have been created that act as a blueprint that defines the platform’s appearance concerning all functionalities.

Designing Phase

After brainstorming and creating wireframes, one of the significant parts comes, which is known as designing. It helps in making the application lively and attractive. 

The UI developer designs every module along with the theme color, and every module is interlinked with functionality having some dummy data in use. Designing is a very crucial part of the development, and we used it to perfection to make the application look better so that merchants can easily use the app for trading. 

Executing Different Approaches

With the designing part, the backend developers like to develop all the initial APIs, and the work for frontend developers is to integrate all available APIs with best practices making all screens dynamic. Our dedicated development team works very hard while executing different approaches as sometimes the result doesn’t come in favor, but we don’t step back and try new and innovative things. 

Also Read: Why should you hire developers from ValueCoders?

Project Delivery As Per Client’s Request

The clients regularly get in touch with developers and tell them about the requirements. The dedicated development team shares and implements their views if the client agrees. 

If there is any case feasibility challenge, developers give the alternative solution and try clients to be in the same phase. We thoroughly get in touch with the client and try to observe what can be better for the client to make the desired project per the client’s imagination. 

This process helps us meet the client’s expectations in the best possible manner and assure the timely delivery of the functions. 

Deployment Phase

After implementing everything comes the main task of testing; testing gives you a better view of your project while using it. Every big or small brand tests its product before launching them just to know their weakness and strong points. 

After the tests, we send the pull requests (PR) for the main branch deployed on the live server after review. We are using AWS servers for all kinds of deployment. We work very hard till the very last so that the client doesn’t think of making a mistake in hiring developers from ValueCoders.

Let’s Discuss Your Project

Get free consultation and let us know your project idea to turn it into an amazing digital product.



The client received the final delivery of the app on time and launched it with great interest. ValueCoders delivered all deliverables within a predefined schedule. After the launch, the client was happy to see around 1000 users interact, and merchants approached him to learn more about the app and start working. 

Check out the best features we have given to the e-commerce online trading platform: 

  • Users friendly
  • Mobile-Friendly website
  • High-resolution photos and videos
  • User-generated reviews
  • Special offers
  • Wishlists
  • Find-in Store
  • Related items
  • Frequently asked questions
  • Best security features
  • Advanced payment options
  • Detailed Shipping options
  • Refund and Return policies

These are some main features of the app which the client appreciated after getting feedback from the users. 

After using the application, users also admired the eCommerce online trading application and gave some valuable feedback, which excited the client and us. Creating these cutting-edge solutions requires deep research on the market demand and the user’s mind of what they are searching for. 

You can connect with us if you are also looking to develop some best modern-day solutions and increase the credibility of your business. 

Our main motive is to help small and medium-sized businesses adopt modern-day technologies and help them build the best application to become the modern-day solution. For more business ideas and recent tech trends, stay tuned with us.

The post How ValueCoders Developed An E-Commerce Trading Website Application Using Angular? appeared first on ValueCoders | Unlocking the Power of Technology: Discover the Latest Insights and Trends.

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Top Android Libraries for Smooth App Development Thu, 02 Dec 2021 11:17:41 +0000 You’ve got an idea, and it’s time to build it into an app that will wow your customers. The first...

The post Top Android Libraries for Smooth App Development appeared first on ValueCoders | Unlocking the Power of Technology: Discover the Latest Insights and Trends.

You’ve got an idea, and it’s time to build it into an app that will wow your customers. The first & foremost question you might ask yourself is, What android libraries should I use to help me make this? There are tons of high-performing libraries out there, & you could spend days researching them all.

Before you do that, though, stop and think about your needs. Do you have special needs? Or are you just looking for something generic? Your answers to these questions will help shape how you approach choosing a library.

If speed is essential, don’t go with a slow library that does everything under the sun just because it’s got every feature in existence — and if something goes wrong down the line, be prepared to work with what’s already in place instead of dropping everything and looking for alternatives.

Check out these Essential Android Libraries & Start Planning your Next Android App Today!

Let’s discuss them in detail.

1. Dagger 2- Simplifying Dependency Injection


Dependency injection is a process whereby one object provides another object with its services. It’s often used in software development to make code more maintainable and testable. Luckily, Google released an open-source library called Dagger 2 that makes dependency injection easier for Android developers.

Even if you’re not using Dagger 2 for your project, it can be helpful to understand how to implement dependency injection manually. That way, you can benefit even if your organization isn’t ready to adopt a third-party library.

As long as you have a firm hold of dependency injection in general, it shouldn’t be too hard to implement it in your app.


  • Injecting dependencies makes your code more testable by removing hard-coded dependencies. In general, injection helps make your classes less tightly coupled, making them easier to maintain and more straightforward to unit test.
  • It also improves modularity because you can swap out implementations without modifying classes that use them.
  • Additionally, a dependency-injected service is easy to unit test in isolation since it gets provided with a mocked implementation during testing.
  • It saves you from worrying about where a particular object came from when being used in place of another thing since all references get captured in one place.
  • It can significantly reduce confusion when coming back to old code or determining why something isn’t working when debugging your app or testing it under various conditions.


  • It can be challenging to understand and utilize. Also, since dependency injection has many different features, there is a learning curve for understanding its intricacies.
  • While performance won’t suffer with it, if your app’s dependencies are large or numerous, you might find them hurting performance.

2. Retrofit- Smoothens HTTP Communication


It is among the top Android libraries that simplifies HTTP communication and enables your app to consume RESTful web services. Retrofit can be an excellent tool to get the job done if you’re looking to take advantage of backend APIs.

Its idea was to make it easier for developers to send HTTP requests and parse responses without dealing with low-level networking code.

It is also an excellent choice when connecting an Android app to a backend on services. For example, Facebook or Twitter then Retrofit is undoubtedly the right option for you.


  • Retrofit is an HTTP client library for Android.
  • It uses annotation processing for generating boilerplate code for dealing with making requests, parsing responses, etc.
  • You can focus on your networking implementation instead of writing that code yourself. For example, Retrofit can handle parsing request parameters into your Java objects automatically.
  • It allows you to put your implementation code in an interface or abstract class without worrying about making network requests at all.


  • It does not support Android’s Otto design pattern.
  • There are also some performance issues in many cases when Retrofit parses JSON responses coming from APIs.

3. EventBus- Middleman between Multiple Classes


EventBus, also known as GreenRobot EventBus, is an Android library with the primary objective of delivering events between different application components.

For example, activities, fragments, services, etc., according to the EventBus GitHub page. EventBus can save you time & energy by acting as the middleman between multiple classes in your app.

However, it may not be the perfect library for all projects. Depending on your needs, there are several ways to use EventBus effectively — or not so effectively — and let’s explore them.


  • EventBus makes it easy to decouple different components of your application.
  • Different event handlers don’t need to worry about each other — instead, they just need to know how to respond to a given type of event.
  • They also don’t need any shared context or data structure to give them information about their siblings or cause problems if misused.
  • Being among the top android libraries it ensures fewer potential errors.
  • It helps your application become more modular, helping you develop it faster and with fewer issues later on down the line.


  • The biggest problem with using EventBus is that it has an asynchronous nature. It means that when you register to listen for events in your Android Application, your application will become unresponsive. It will continue until an event arrives.
  • If you are running in a foreground service or your app is in full-screen mode on a device with notifications enabled, Android will display a persistent message. It will keep on asking if you would like to receive alerts when new events occur.

4. Picasso- Ranks among the Best Android Libraries for Image Downloading


Picasso is a powerful image downloading & caching library available for Android. The core purpose of creating an image downloader was to cache images on the device so that the user is no longer required to wait while downloading them again.

It saves bandwidth, reduces load time, frees up space on mobile devices by not storing all images on an SD card, keeps users engaged with your app more quickly, etc. There are diverse reasons why you might want to use it! Let’s explore them.


  • Picasso automatically changes image names for us whenever an API provider updates them.
  • It makes downloading and using images from the internet more accessible.
  • Picasso simplifies tasks such as adding an image to the UI, loading it from the internet, etc.
  • It trims the load time of the app.


  • It can be challenging to debug.
  • Implementations go far beyond what’s needed in their example, adding complexity without actually offering much value.

5. Glide- Image Loader


If you’re looking to do some image caching, Glide is an excellent option. It is a library that provides a simple, fast, & efficient way to load images from a URL. It’s one of many ways you can use a picture in your app, but it’s very fast with low memory overhead.

With images & pictures becoming an inevitable aspect for almost every mobile app, Glide has a long way to go. Hire Android app developer that integrates the best image downloading library into your smooth functioning app.

You might find it interesting to learn that benchmarks have shown up to 5x faster loading with Glide than competing libraries. So let’s dive into some pros and cons of using Glide as your default image loading solution!


  • It is open-source.
  • Google backs it.
  • The team behind it is incredibly active on GitHub.
  • It is solid as a rock. So if you need caching without having to build it yourself, you can trust Glide.


  • The trade-off you make when working with Glide is giving up control over some parts of your code.
  • Integrating it into your project leads to hidden costs or complications.

6. ZXing- Barcode Image Processor


ZXing is an open-source, multi-format 1D/2D barcode image processing library implemented in Java, with ports to other languages. It is released under an Apache License, and it can be used free of charge for commercial or non-commercial projects.

ZXing has support for many popular symbologies (barcode types) like Code 128 (UCC/EAN-128), Code 39, Data Matrix (ECC 200), QR Code, Aztec Code, and PDF417. It can scan both 2D barcodes that are displayed on computer screens and printed on paper using a digital camera attached to a device’s video capture port.


  • ZXing is a very lightweight library with just a few dependencies. It is classified among the top android libraries when looking for barcode image processing.
  • Comparing it to Barcode Scanner also supports multiple type barcodes and can create your patterns.
  • You can even create personal QR codes using ZXing.
  • It lets you leverage personal identification and promotion towards any cause, including campaigns, etc., by creating personalized barcodes for it.


  • It takes up space on your users’ phones that you could otherwise use for features that benefit them regularly instead of one that will get rarely used.
  • ZXing uses a flash which will drain battery power even faster than usual.

app development

7. Camview- Mobile Imaging library


If you’re looking for a mobile imaging library, look no further than Camview. It is open-source software that can help developers add pretty cool effects to any picture, such as 3D rotation or two-dimensional modification.

It allows users to add different custom animations to each image taken, with minimal code work. All in all, it’s an excellent option for anyone who needs to create robust camera applications on Android. It does come with its drawbacks (all libraries do).

Overall, we think it’s one of the best ones available on the market right now, and we highly recommend it for anyone interested in moving beyond the basics.


  • Easy to integrate. The library is relatively easy to implement in a wide variety of applications.
  • As it is an Android-specific library, you can incorporate it into your application easily by downloading it from GitHub, importing it into your project, and calling upon it where needed.
  • You can use Camview within a more extensive app.
  • Additionally, you’ll also find that documentation is pretty thorough for an open-source project.
  • Finally, as a recent addition to CXcore, more people are adding features, so new functionality should come quickly once requested through bug reports or issues within their GitHub page.


  • It requires more significant effort to put into use.
  • Camera options sometimes get buried in settings menus. It means you might accidentally forget or not know how to change them.

8. RxJava- Android Library for VM Implementation


RxJava is a Java VM implementation of Reactive Extensions. It is a library for composing asynchronous & event-based programs by leveraging observable sequences. It means that developers can convert GUI events like button clicks, model changes, or timer notifications to data streams, which applies to other observables.

These observables can also push data to other subscribers over time, so it’s easy to create interactive, event-driven apps using RxJava. For example, you can use one observable sequence as your model, with its values emitted as new events in your app.

Meanwhile, another talk changes whenever those values change — allowing for reactions such as recalculating things based on those values automatically.


  • It takes a functional approach to use streams of data.
  • Instead of setting up complicated logic in an onClick() method, you can define that logic once and then add it to all of your click events (or use cases) with a single line.
  • You can also easily extend its functionality by creating custom operators.
  • It provides a consistent way to handle asynchronous operations across Android, iOS, & the web. Thus, if you need to switch frameworks for one project, you’ll be able to pick up where you left off in another environment.
  • You can use it to manage database queries or just about any activity involving working with data streams.


  • It requires some refactoring when an updated version comes out.
  • It has a steep learning curve.

9. Room- For Database Management


Room is a renowned Android library that offers easy ways to read & write to databases without worrying about things like SQL code or content providers. You can simply annotate your model classes with @Entity, @PrimaryKey, etc., then automatically create all of your essential database components (schema creation, data inserts/updates/deletes).

A good rule of thumb says You need to store anything more complex than simple operations like setting values on views in a database instead of memory (such as preferences).

Keeping personal information, for example, phone numbers or addresses, should get stored somewhere persistent; user-submitted data also belongs somewhere other than in memory.


  • Creating a database is as simple as extending the RoomDatabase class by implementing the onCreate method.
  • All queries get handled through RxJava Observables which makes them extremely powerful.
  • It enables many valuable patterns such as using Single, Completable, Maybe, etc., provided by the RXjava2-extras module from JetBrains.
  • Developers are able to handle errors more gracefully because of the cancellable nature of those observables.
  • It lets you update the data model without affecting any existing users of the API.


  • The room has not been optimized to work with low-end or mid-range devices.
  • Switching databases later on, will require more work by your team.

10. Espresso- Testing UI Logic


The Espresso library is a set of UI tests that will run on any device or emulator. They can test either user interface logic or timing to test that actions happen quickly enough. It’s like having a great QA team inside your code.

There are several great tools available for testing Android applications, but one that is easy to learn, straightforward to use, and even fun is Google’s testing framework. In its simplest form, a test in Espresso gets created by an Activity or Fragment by calling a static method on a class called Espresso.


  • Debugging becomes easier.
  • Tasks become faster.
  • Routine becomes solid.
  • Testing feels more structured.
  • It helps us to run our tests very fast.


  • To test these interactions, you will need to add some additional dependencies to your project.
  • You will eventually have to write code that interacts with non-UI components in your application.

11. ButterKnife- Injection Library


Butterknife is an Android library that provides compile-time code generation to make writing boilerplate code for RecyclerView items easier. It works as a view injection library for Android, and it injects code into android views at compile time via annotations.

With Butterknife, you don’t have to deal with findViewById(). Simply annotate fields/parameters in your classes with @Bind, @BindView, etc. Thus, it simplifies the coding process facilitating the development cycle of the Android project. Ultimately, it leads to more savings for the investors.


  • It’s faster to write code that uses ButterKnife than writing code that doesn’t.
  • You can get functionality that would have taken more code using your stuff but less code using Butterknife.
  • It increases cohesion in your app if different parts are using the same library. If they’re not, you’d better have a good reason for it.
  • You don’t have to figure out how their inscrutable syntax works yourself; it’s something you can take advantage of without understanding what makes it tick.


  • If you use a custom view, then there is no easy way to do dependency injection.
  • Another disadvantage with using ButterKnife in your application is that it can make debugging harder.

12. Robolectric- Running Unit Tests


Robolectric is a library that allows developers to run unit tests for Java code on an Android emulator. JUnit’s flexibility and speed inspire it. The ability to run unit tests on your code outside of your app makes it easier to develop changes, test quickly, and refactor fearlessly.

You can even get more familiar with how an app works before you deploy it! All around, using Robolectric allows for faster development cycles, meaning you can build apps better than ever before.


  • Robolectric relies on bytecode manipulation, which is much faster than interpreting your code on the fly.
  • It offers some peace of mind when you’re writing automated tests.
  • If you use Robolectric to run your unit tests, you’ll save a lot of time. No more writing setUp and tearDown methods for your testing classes — Robolectric will handle all that for you.
  • Robolectric uses test-driven development to help you write well-tested code. You can easily set up unit tests for your modules and run them as needed.
  • One of Roboelectric’s best features is its auto-completion capabilities. It allows developers to write less code & create more bug-free applications with fewer headaches.


  • The primary reason for avoiding Robolectric and similar libraries is their impact on memory usage.
  • Applications that rely heavily on non-mockable objects can quickly blow past your app’s heap limit — and that’s only part of it.

13. Stetho- Android Library for Debugging


Stetho is among the top Android libraries providing a debug bridge to the Android framework and its Native Libraries. It allows you to debug your application without adding any code or configuration changes.

It works on Android 2.3+ and uses only standard Java Native Interface (JNI) calls to provide access to native activities such as accessing thread information, retrieving log messages, and dumping the application heap.

In a nutshell, Stetho is a debugging bridge for Android applications, allowing for debugging data to be viewed in Chrome Developer Tools. It lets you see what’s going on inside your app without having to install it on a device or emulator.


  • It allows for higher quality snapshots of your app’s information by executing on the device, rather than just getting data that you have stored on your phone or tablet already.
  • Gives you more flexibility for profiling and general development within your mobile app environment on an active mobile device.
  • It doesn’t give off all of your network traffic over Wi-Fi without having to put some effort into it yourself.
  • Developers also means less time debugging networking problems and more visibility into memory use.
  • It provides better performance through faster runtimes.


  • It has a few minor performance issues that make it unusable for some applications.
  • The library itself can cause unexpected crashes due to memory leaks. It is particularly concerning if you have native code which uses STL algorithms.

14. Square- Managing Online Payments


Though it’s not commonly available in native Android apps, most developers are familiar with Square because these APIs are ubiquitous in accepting payments. So, what is Square?

According to the official definition, it is an elegant solution that empowers anyone to accept card payments using a simple device or tablet. It makes accepting card payments easy. So, you can focus on selling products or services rather than collecting payment information manually.

Thus it proves beneficial in saving time, reducing errors, and freeing up your staff from a day-to-day activity that distracts them from their core tasks.


  • It’s open-source, so you can see exactly how it works.
  • Quick, easy payments — it’s never been easier to accept credit cards on an app.
  • Fraud detection services to keep your business secure.
  • It works with all major gateways.
  • It maintains PCI compliance.


  • It has no publicly available interface, meaning you can’t make changes to its code.
  • When your customer base grows, you’ll be stuck having to either continue using Square or use another credit card processor.

15. Lottie- For Smooth Animation


Lottie is an Android library that can help bring Vector Drawables to life by converting a vector graphic to a collection of AnimatedVectorDrawable objects. It makes it easier for developers to use Motion Graphics in their apps.

Initially developed by Airbnb’s Android team, Lottie has been open-sourced so other Android devs can benefit from its ease of use.

In practice, you only need to add a single XML file into your project, then use Android Studio’s drag-and-drop functionality to add the animation clips right into your layout files.


  • It parses Adobe After Effects files. It can support .ae files and .svg files, making it easier to render animations made in a variety of programs.
  • Secondly, users don’t need to create a separate native module or library for each animation. The first hit loads all linked animations and stores them in memory until they’re needed.
  • It makes for easy updates later on down the line — if an animation is changed or needs updating for some reason, everything else remains untouched.
  • It comes with a ton of ready-made animations that you can quickly implement.


  • Code reusability of Lottie is low.
  • It takes some time to kick-start a project using Lottie.

Well, that was all about the top options you have while choosing an Android Library. If you want to build the best possible app, you need to carefully consider what you want out of your library before making your final decision.

I feel this article will be incomplete if we don’t discuss how to lay your hands on the best ones.

Here are the Top Things to Ask Yourself while Choosing among the best Android Libraries

Question: How easy is it to understand what the library does?

Answer: If a library has a too-complicated interface, you’ll have difficulty figuring out how it works. Before picking the top android libraries, spend some time learning about it—read its documentation and maybe even watch videos on YouTube that show how it gets used.

You don’t need to be an expert to use it, but you do need enough knowledge to figure out what does what when using it.

Question: What does it do exactly?

Answer: Any time you’re considering downloading a library, make sure it does what you need it to do — and no more. You can get caught up in features like maps integration or user-base when considering which library might suit your needs.

However, if you take out all of these added perks and focus on whether or not it helps solve your problem, choosing a library will become much more manageable.

Question: What options does it give me?

Answer: Is there a possibility that you could expand on your idea later on? Does it allow for future planning? It’s vital that you have options, even if they’re limited.

The worst thing you can do is choose a library or tool that doesn’t leave room for growth. If it does, great! Just make sure it doesn’t limit how much further you can take your project in future updates.

Question: How much documentation is there?

Answer: If there’s not enough documentation on how to get your code into production, then you may find yourself spending valuable time debugging issues that would be more easily avoidable with better documentation.

An excellent way to check out how much documentation is available for the given android libraries is by looking through its GitHub issues, Stack Overflow posts, and blogs/videos by its creator(s). If there are unanswered questions that haven’t been addressed for weeks or months, it might be worth investigating other options.

Question: Who maintains this library?

Answer: Anyone can create a library, but not all libraries are equal. While choosing your next Android library, do some research into who is developing it and how active they are.

If you aren’t convinced that they will provide support if you run into problems, don’t use it. Try to avoid over-engineering by over-selecting libraries.

Question: What is its community size and activity level?

Answer: A library with a large and active community is critical for support and new feature development. If you aren’t sure how busy or popular a library is, check out their activity on Github and how often they release updates.

Some android libraries have minimal action, even though they may be helpful—it’s up to you to decide if it’s worth using.

Question: Does it have any known bugs?

Answer: Always check to see if a particular library has any known bugs or issues. Google’s Issue Tracker is an excellent resource for visiting if there are problems with a specific library.

Even if you don’t spot anything while reading through, it never hurts to head over and submit a few more details on what you were doing when errors started popping up, just in case someone else comes across your problem in the future.

Question: Do the chosen Android libraries have external dependencies?

Answer: If you use an external library in your project, ensure that it has no compatibility issues with other libraries and that there is a good and easy way of integrating it into your code. You can’t just pick any random library and expect it to work right away.

Instead, check its documentation and ask around about how others use it. If you know developers who have previously used a particular library, ask them if they had any problems when using it.

Have a look at the video below:-

Final Words

It’s easier than ever to create apps with the Android library system, but you still have to be careful when choosing one. Not all android libraries are created equal, and each one has its strengths and weaknesses that can affect your app.

Android app development company in India can help you make a highly functional app integrating the top performing libraries available out there.

Kindly let me know which one’s your favorite in the comments sections below. Also, tell us which Android libraries I might have missed and are worthy of making it to the list. I will be more than happy to integrate a worthy library or libraries into the list.


The post Top Android Libraries for Smooth App Development appeared first on ValueCoders | Unlocking the Power of Technology: Discover the Latest Insights and Trends.

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10+ Reasons Why You Should Go For Ionic Framework To Develop Outstanding Mobile Apps? Wed, 28 Apr 2021 15:18:04 +0000 There are “n” numbers of app development frameworks, but all you require is to make an adequate and matching choice...

The post 10+ Reasons Why You Should Go For Ionic Framework To Develop Outstanding Mobile Apps? appeared first on ValueCoders | Unlocking the Power of Technology: Discover the Latest Insights and Trends.

There are “n” numbers of app development frameworks, but all you require is to make an adequate and matching choice to develop a leading app for your business.    

If I talk about the popular cross-platform for mobile application development, then it is Ionic to prove this factor here; I have placed the Google trend graph showing the maximum number of searches related to Ionic compared with React Native and Flutter. So, if you are looking for one of the mobile app development frameworks, Ionic will be a great choice. 

Ionic framework is one of the famous and best front-end SDK and open-source mobile app development platforms that helps the industry form leading mobile applications for iOS, Windows, and Android smartphones. 

Do You Know?

Seeing the above-stated stats, you must be wondering what special qualities Ionic includes that everyone prefers using the framework for mobile and web app development. 

Let’s move further and know the benefits of using Ionic in cross-platform mobile application development…  

Why Enterprises Prefer Ionic Framework For Mobile App Development?

Starting from experienced Ionic app developers to normal businessmen, each of them nowadays favors employing Ionic SDK for agile and leading development of mobile applications. Moreover, you can also avail of Ionic app development services to make effective use of all features. 

Ionic features

Image Source: Agile Infoways

Here I have stated the few pointers which help you know why businesses should choose an Ionic framework for mobile application development.   

1. Open Source SDK

To develop an excellent hybrid app, Ionic is one of the most appropriate choices for startups and SMEs as it is a 100% free, open-source framework authorized under MIT. It completely works differently and amazingly in the context of abrupt breakdown that other open-source SDK come across. With this open-source framework, you can perform things extraordinarily as it is steady, robust, and reliable. Ionic App Development is a savior if you are looking for agile app development. 

2. Development Of Mobile Apps Across Platform

With Ionic, you can create hybrid mobile apps that can work over various mobile devices with different operating systems (OS). But while developing the mobile applications in Ionic, keep in mind that the app should be consistent with the different operating systems as this will only help you make use of this special feature of Ionic.

app development

3. Single Code-base

Ionic allows you to form high-end user interfaces utilizing the same code to develop applications for different platforms. The programming languages that the Ionic framework applies are simply and quickly transformed from one operating system (OS) to another, which enables the app to be adopted across varying platforms.                        

If one chooses a native language instead of a hybrid, more efforts and money would be needed to learn selective languages for each platform. This can also shake the startup & SME’s total mobile app development cost budget. 

4. Default UI/UX

Good UI/UX design is the main component of each mobile application. Ionic includes wonderful animations with appealing themes and designs. This framework is considered one of the top-rated Front-end frameworks (UI interaction) containing various components such as CSS, HTML, JavaScript (JS), and beautiful designs. Moreover, this platform helps businesses in forming attractive and user-friendly applications.

5. Completely Based On AngularJS 

Ionic-based mobile apps are powered up by AngularJS. By prolonging the HTML Syntax, AngularJS grants outstanding structure to help enterprises make codes more docile. In order to develop high-performing browser-based applications, the framework employs AngularJS. Moreover, AngularJS with Ionic helps you more by offering a bunch of functionalities.

6. App Integration 

Ionic offers high-end application integration that enables the sharing of data and processes among various business apps. Moreover, it supports enterprises to organize their operations and correlate features with cloud apps. Most people encounter difficulty in the app integration part; if you are also facing the same, hire ionic developers. This will help you make the Ionic app development process smooth.

7. Easy Testing Of Apps

Testing is one of the crucial phases as this helps you analyze the working process of the mobile application. With an Ionic framework, the testing process became very easy. Using this framework, one can test the application on a desktop and as well on a browser performing simulator testing employing Cordova commands for iOS and Android apps. Additionally, you can also test the apps by remote debugging.    

8. Utilization Of Cordova Plugins

Do you know what plugins are? It is a small piece of code, in JavaScript (JS) format, appended to your app that allows you to perform numerous tasks like a native app. Cordova plugins are available in the Ionic, which ultimately grants access to multiple operating system features (OS) such as pro-location, access to logs, camera, and more. These plugins intensify the complete performance of the mobile apps, and for doing so, you just need to add up a few simple codes to your development. 

9. Robust CLI (Command-Line-Interface)

The comprehensive command-line interface is an in-built development server employed in the Ionic framework. It is a text-based interface where a user utilizes the command prompt to interact with the mobile application through the support of multiple commands.   

10. Useful Native Plugins

The ionic framework has complete access to native APIs & Plugins that grant apps a native user experience. With Ionic, you can utilize around 120 native devices functionalities such as Bluetooth, Fingerprint AUTH,  and a lot with Cordova plugins. These plugins offe0r you access to multiple functionalities and help you enhance the overall performance of an app.  

11. Scaled Up Technology

The Ionic utilizes web-based technology, which mainly helps you doing app future updation. It means whenever you require to make modifications to your code or need to customize any adopted component that can be made simply without putting any effort.

12. Huge And Helpful Community

It’s not a simple task to work out with a new framework. Sometimes it’s become challenging even for experienced Ionic developers. Ionic is one of the most popular frameworks like Cordova and Angular; it has a big and active community. So working with Ionic can be simple as if you will be having any sort of query, then you resolve the same by taking the support of the community. 

Must Read: Top 20 Fantastic Software Ideas in 2021 to Nurture Start-Up Dreams

Popular Apps Built On the Ionic Framework

There are so many mobile apps that are built using the Ionic framework. But to list down all application names built with Ionic is not possible; that’s why here I have mentioned a few popular mobile app names which are developed using the Ionic framework.  

If you want to form a popular application using Ionic, then I will recommend you hire Ionic developers. Doing so will assist you in getting a hassle-free mobile app development process. Moreover, benefit your business in creating outstanding mobile applications.  

MarketWatch: It is a free application available for Android and iOS platforms. Using this app, users get personal financial advice, corporation news, stock market quotes, and more.

Pacifica: This app helps users reduce stress and tackle anxiety and depression, and sort mental issues. This app works on both Android & iOS platforms.

Sworkit: This cross-platform fitness app helps users doing exercise without using the equipment.

Diesel: This cross-platform app works well on both iOS and Android platforms. This application analyzes the performance of the store and its products.

StockPlan Connect: It is one of the complex applications created on the Ionic framework, mainly helps to sell shares, observe their balance as well as expand their stock performance.

McLaren Automotive: It is one of the trending apps created on the Ionic framework. This app allows users to view trends, events, and the latest news.

JustWatch: The app can be downloaded for iOS and Android platforms. Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime Video, iTunes are the few services offered by JustWatch.

app development

ChefSteps:  This application can be utilized by anyone involved in cooking and looking for ways to enhance their skill in this field.

McDonald’s Turkiye: I think there is no need to provide an introduction to McDonald’s! I just want to state that this popular Ionic mobile app can work on both IOS and Android platforms.

Nationwide: It is a well-known app focused on offering financial and insurance services. This can work on iOS and Android devices.

Also Read: Why is India The Main Hub of App Development?


The prerequisite & latest demand for mobile apps can be easily fulfilled using Ionic. This framework is the best match for building a simple to complex mobile app with basic native functionalities. With the Ionic platform, your business can develop apps effortlessly, in less time, and by saving money.

Well, sometimes it’s really hard to work with new or different frameworks. If you are also using Ionic for the first time or confronting issues making adequate use of it in mobile app development, then hire Ionic programmers working in the top-notch Ionic app development company (ValueCoders).  

About Organization

Since 2004, ValueCoders offering Ionic app development services to diverse industry verticals such as retail, healthcare, travel & tourism, eCommerce, etc. It is one of the best Ionic application development companies in the world and includes around 2500 happy patrons. This ISO and NASSCOM certificate holder organization has successfully delivered 4200+ projects globally. Moreover, the proficient Ionic app developers of ValueCoders have an excellent understanding of trending mobile app development technologies, and that’s why they always try to create a leading app using the most advanced technologies.


The post 10+ Reasons Why You Should Go For Ionic Framework To Develop Outstanding Mobile Apps? appeared first on ValueCoders | Unlocking the Power of Technology: Discover the Latest Insights and Trends.

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Unreal Engine vs Unity 3D Games Development: What to Choose? Wed, 10 Mar 2021 05:25:04 +0000 When we talk about game engines, there are only two major players, Unity 3D and Unreal Engine in the war...

The post Unreal Engine vs Unity 3D Games Development: What to Choose? appeared first on ValueCoders | Unlocking the Power of Technology: Discover the Latest Insights and Trends.

When we talk about game engines, there are only two major players, Unity 3D and Unreal Engine in the war of “Unity vs Unreal”. Some of the world’s most popular games such as Fortnite (Unreal Engine) and Pokémon Go (Unity 3D) are powered by these gaming engines.

Both Unity 3D and Unreal gaming engines are rapidly growing along with the entire gaming market. A study by MarketWatch suggests that the gaming engine market will grow at 13% CAGR over the next 5 years, and reach a valuation of $3650 billion by 2024. In comparison, the current value of the gaming engine market stands at $1750 billion as of Q1 2019.

If you are updated about the gaming world, you might already know that Unity 3D has a 48% market share whereas Unreal Engine is standing at 13%. However, this doesn’t say all. Both have their unique offerings and the final decision depends on your requirements. This brings us to the topic:

Unreal Engine vs Unity 3D Games Development: What to Choose?

What’s your plan? (choosing between unity vs unreal)

Before we start discussing Unity vs Unreal, it’s important to decide what kind of game are you trying to build. Maybe you are trying to build 3D, 2D, or something that mixes both. You may want to keep your first game pretty simple but interesting like word puzzles or shooter games. It can be something that has a high requirement of revenue generation with high-quality graphics.

Are you building a game for hobby purposes, or planning to launch it on app stores, making it available for online/offline purchases? You need to decide all these factors before you come up with choosing the right game engine.

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Once you have the plan ready, it’s time to consider a few deciding factors to choose your gaming engine “Unity VS Unreal”

Pricing (unity vs unreal)

The first factor that comes to mind is pricing. Both the engines have some of the parts free and some chargeable.

The full version of Unreal Engine 4 can be free of cost if your game revenue is less than $3,000 /quarter; if more, 5% of your game’s gross revenue will be charged.

The Unity Gaming Engine has a free Personal plan which is totally free, and good enough to be used by individuals and small businesses. Unity offers two types of packages for bigger businesses. The Plus package is available for businesses with revenue less than $200K in the past 12 months before purchase.

This package is available on a monthly/annual subscription as per your choice. The monthly subscription for the Plus package costs $35 per month, and the annual subscription for Unity Plus is priced at $299, on a prepaid basis.

Unity offers a Pro subscription for businesses with revenue greater than $200K in the past 12 months before purchase. The Pro subscription offers few additional features such as source code access and priority customer services and support.

Businesses can choose to purchase one of the three packages offered for subscription to Unity Pro. There is a 2-year prepaid package that costs $2,850,  an annual prepaid package that costs $1500, and a monthly prepaid package priced at $125 monthly.

Apart from that, there are separate charges for game development in iOS or Android.

Hence, you can see if you are planning something big then developing with Unity 3D can be a good choice. However, if you have a simple or experimental plan then Unreal Engine can be a saver.

Programming Languages (unity vs unreal)

To build a highly secure and scalable game that needs less code, having the right programming language is important. Unreal Engine 4 uses C++ for coding and Unity 3D uses JavaScript or C#. Deciding which program is better is your personal preference and should be considered as per the skill sets. If you prefer any of these programming languages over the other then the decision may be quite easy for you.

Asset Store Unity vs Unreal

Both Unity 3D and Unreal Engine 4 have their own asset stores. There you can get ready-to-use 3D models of characters, textures, environments,  and even sounds and particle systems. However, Unity 3D clearly comes out on top because of the number of assets in its store. It has everything, from animation and GUI generators to extensions for AI control and ORK Framework for creating RPGs. Hence, with a better asset store, you can build awesome games with unity 3d.

Asset store Unity 3D

Platforms Unreal Engine vs Unity 3D

The more platform access you have, the more you increase your customer base. Let’s see which engines offer the best in terms of platform coverage:

Unreal Engine: iOS, Android, VR, Linux, Windows PC, Mac OS X, SteamOS, HTML5, Xbox One, and PS4.

Unity 3D:  iOS, Android, Windows Phone 8, Tizen, Android TV, and Samsung SMART TV, as well as Xbox One & 360, Windows PC, Mac OS X, Linux, Web Player, WebGL, VR(including Hololens), SteamOS, PS4, Playstation Vita, and Wii U.

It seems Unity is the winner in this case.

Ease of use  (Unity vs Unreal)

Unity 3D is known for it’s easy to use interface where new developers can start making games easily. Though Unreal Engine made many improvements in the latest update like the statistical mobile upload feature, they still take second place behind Unity 3D in terms of user experience.

Unreal Engine vs Unity 3D ease of use

Both interfaces are quite similar, with toolbars and settings within resizable & movable windows. Unreal’s user interface is quite bloated and complex. It takes more time than Unity 3D in many aspects. Assets take a long time to import and save, and simple tasks require extra steps. Unity 3D is fast, and the interface is quick and responsive. It’s light and it can run on Windows XP (SP2), while UE4 needs at least Windows 7 64-bit. Though the final product can look nicer in Unreal than in Unity 3D, it can take more effort, especially for beginners. 

Blueprint  (Unity vs Unreal)

Blueprint unreal engine

Unreal Engine 4 has Blueprint visual scripting. A node-based scripting method right inside it. Technically you don’t need to write code. This is great for quickly prototyping levels, and you can even create entire games using the Blueprint. If you are not a programmer then you can build games with some limitations.

However, this facility is not available with Unity 3D and that’s a drawback.

Group 33 2

Graphics Unreal Engine vs Unity 3D

When it comes to graphics, Unreal Engine 4 is way ahead of Unity 3D. From complex particle simulation systems to advanced dynamic lighting Unreal Engine has it all. Unreal Engine 4 has the capabilities to really create any kind of visual style that you want in 2D or 3D. It’s always good to be able to have the option to push the graphics further if you choose to do so. However, with the upcoming Unity 3D version 5, it is expected to be near to Unreal Engine.

Conclusion of  “Unity VS Unreal” 

Both engines are amazing game creation tools, and similar in many ways. According to the parameters we discussed you can easily decide which one to choose. However, as they are almost free, you can download them both, try them out, and let us know in the comments.

We at ValueCoders, know how to develop games with Unity 3D. So if you are planning to hire Unity 3D developers, we can provide you assistance at a low cost. Also, if you are interested in specific mobile games, you can also hire an Android developer or team from us.

The post Unreal Engine vs Unity 3D Games Development: What to Choose? appeared first on ValueCoders | Unlocking the Power of Technology: Discover the Latest Insights and Trends.

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Top AI Programming Languages To Build AI Apps Thu, 10 Sep 2020 13:53:57 +0000 83% of IT heads believe AI/ML development services have revolutionized customer engagement, and 69% believe that AI/ML is transforming their...

The post Top AI Programming Languages To Build AI Apps appeared first on ValueCoders | Unlocking the Power of Technology: Discover the Latest Insights and Trends.

83% of IT heads believe AI/ML development services have revolutionized customer engagement, and 69% believe that AI/ML is transforming their business. Forbes

But, AI programming and its lucrative segments like ML or NLP are not limited to customer engagement or business transformation; it is going beyond that. Digital Assistance, Day-to-Day Applications, Accurate Predictions, and numeral other applications of AI embedment are Revamping mobile app development.

Whether it’s a smart car from Tesla, an AI-fueled assistant like Siri, Bixby, or Google Assistant, Artificial Intelligence has broad use cases.

When every business is making most of this technology and exploring the horizon of business transformation, it is quite evident that your business should also utilize AI programming potential.

But, how to start your AI app journey, or  what is the best AI programming language to use for app development?

Even though it’s a notion that if you want to go for Artificial Intelligence, you need to know Python, it’s a base language. People who are having a Java background or know C/C++ can also go for AI programming using these base languages?

So, let’s find out and make things easy.

When it comes to AI programming, language is something that doesn’t matter that much. Because in AI programming, there are so many processes like:

  • Identifying the problem
  • Preparing the data
  • Choosing the algorithms
  • Training the algorithms
  • Choosing the appropriate AI programming language
  • Run-on a selected platform

So, when you are implementing the algorithm, that’s the time when you need a language. During implementation, we’ll be using an AI programming language, some libraries, some language syntax, and implementing the algorithm.

Now, which language to choose for AI programming? It’s a difficult question and to answer that we will go for three things(parameters) here:

  • Ranking (Number of Users and AI Libraries & Frameworks available)
  • Domain (Area you’ll be working on)
  • Background (Whether you are a developer or newbie)

AI App Development Made Easier

Building Cutting-Edge Apps with Top AI Programming Languages

Top 5 AI Programming Languages for AI/ML App Development

Let’s move straight to the top 5 capable AI Programming languages that can turn your AI App Ideas into jaw-dropping apps.


When it comes to NLP (Natural Language Processing) or Sentiment Analysis, people normally prefer Python for AI/ML development services as it is easy to learn.

In fact, Python is the most popular AI programming language among the developers, holding 31.73% of the community share. It offers packages for General AI, Natural Language Processing, Machine Learning, and Neural Networks.

AI app


Suppose you selected data science as a profession, in that case, you don’t want to focus so much on the AI programming language. You just want to implement your idea, but how will you implement that! 

In such a case, you have to learn an AI programming language.


The easiest language to learn is Python.

And, last but not least, Python is a great choice for Artificial Intelligence in Web Development.

Some benefits of Python for AI Programming:

  • Easy to Learn
  • Huge Library & Framework Ecosystem
  • Truly Flexible
  • Readability
  • Platform Independence
  • Good Data Visualization
  • Community Support

We have seen Python is a language that is easy to learn and offers so many libraries like:

  • TensorFlow
  • Pytorch
  • Keras
  • SparkMLlib
  • Pybrain
  • Scikit-learn
  • Theano
  • OpenCV
  • NumPYpython app development


Java is the second most trending programming language that is helping AI developers with Search Algorithms, Neural Networks, and NLP (natural language processing).


For example, If you change the domain from data science to enterprise, you might be working on Big Data, Fraud Detection, or you will be working on Network Security, in this case, your team could force you to go for Java.

Java is worth-mentioning and good when it comes to implementing AI programming for Next-Gen Apps, and it also offers other benefits for app development like:

  • Easy to Use
  • Packaged Services
  • Easy Debugging
  • Platform Independence
  • Good for Large Projects
  • Built-In Garbage Collector
  • Graphical Representation of Data

Libraries offered by Java for AI programming is also a benefit. It offers these libraries:

  • Apache Jena
  • Eye
  • d3web
  • PowerLoom
  • Tweety
  • ApacheOpenNLP
  • Jenetics
  • Acceleo

Unlock the Future with Java

Power Your AI App Development with our Java Experts


C++ is one of the fastest programming languages that are prominent to use for AI/ML development services. According to a survey from StackOverFlow, it is the 9th most popular technology among developers:


This language is also good for writing resource-intensive applications when proper use of resources, and performance is essential. It helps you to save the overhead cost of JVM when people are working in an embedded development environment.

Assume, you are focusing on Robots, Speech Recognition, Computer Vision, Games, or AI-enabled devices for healthcare, the widely used language is C++. 

We have already been making games using C++ because we don’t want to make it heavy using JVM concepts or interpreters. So, it makes sense to use C++.

The most benefits that C++ offers for AI app development:

  • Object-Oriented Programming
  • Portability
  • Proper Use of Resources
  • Faster Execution of Code
  • Low-Level Manipulation
  • Multi-Paradigm
  • Memory Management
  • Scalability

Libraries that are offered by C++ to make AI programming easier are:

  • Shark
  • MLpack
  • Boost
  • Torch
  • TensorFlow Lite


R is a statistical language that is a perfect fit for the recent in-crunch AI programming. It is made for manipulating data to generate statistics. So, if you are up to generate valuable business insights using Artificial Intelligence, then R will be a perfect choice.

It is made for Data Science and Deep Learning where you can utilize it for Predictive Analysis, Statistical Computations, Numerical Analysis, Neural Networks, and Machine Learning.

You don’t need to be a Code Nazi to use R. 

If you are someone who knows the basics of Python, Java, C++, or JavaScript, then R will be easy to implement. 

Implementation of R can be done in domains like Finance, Healthcare, eCommerce, Banking, and Consulting.


Src: stackoverflow

Benefits that R comprises for AI app development:

  • Free and Open-Source
  • Machine Learning Operations
  • Big Data Compliant 
  • Strong Package Ecosystem
  • Variety of Statistical Solutions
  • Easy to Integrate
  • Highly Compatible
  • Platform independent

As R is a strong package ecosystem for machine learning, there are a number of R packages for AI/ML development services:

  • Carat
  • Random Forest
  • RPart
  • DataExplorer
  • Dplyr
  • MICE
  • E1071
  • Plotly


If you are a web developer and want to try a hand in AI programming, then it is possible. You might be familiar with JavaScript, don’t you?

But, is it even possible to use JavaScript for AI programming?

Yes, it is! It might sound like an unusual choice. But, you can use JS for AI programming.

You don’t need to hire a python developer. You can get a head-start with your JS skills. 

It can be used for training Neural Network, Deep Learning, Web & Mobile app development, and other AI development activities.

Using TensorFlow.js open-source library, you can define, train, and run machine learning models entirely in the browser and Node.js.

Rapid AI Development with JavaScript

Transforming Ideas into Intelligent Apps

JS offers multiple benefits that make it good for AI/ML development services:

There is a vast range of JS Libraries & Frameworks for AI app development that can be used:

  • TensorFlow.js
  • ConvNetJS
  • Brain.js
  • Synaptic
  • Neuro.js
  • WebDNN
  • DeepForge
  • Ml.js

Selecting the right language and using the right AI software development tools can help you achieve the expected app outcomes. Otherwise, it will get a flip, and your app will be a big failure.

So, what are the best AI software development tools?

And, how to select the right language for AI programming? Curious right!

How to Select Programming Language for AI App Development?

Deciding which programming language is best for AI/ML development services in 2021, go through these 3 basic factors:

  • App Niche:

The reason for building your app can help to find the best language. 

Suppose you are looking for a web app that can predict the weather or answer the public queries, then Python & JavaScript could be helpful in AI programming. If you are planning for a virtual assistance app that will be solely made for Android, then you can opt for Java or C++ to get AI/ML development services.

So, it depends upon the app type as well as what AI programming language to use.


  • Language Features:
  1. Are you planning for a native app or looking to build a Cross-platform AI app? 
  2. What features are you planning to offer in your app?
  3. What technologies do you want to introduce?
  4. What level or kind of security do you want to add to your AI solution?

These questions can also help you to find the top programming languages to build AI apps.

For example, you want an ML-based app and finding a technology that is trusted and existing for a long time; Python can serve your purpose. Or, if you are looking for a language that will be good for cross-platform development then JS will be a great option to consider.

  • Development Resources:

The selection of  AI programming language also depends upon the skill set of resources. Here, resources are your in-house or offshore developers. 

If their skill set meets your preference(preferred language), then you’ll get streamlined AI/ML development services. Otherwise, it will increase the development cost, time-to-market, and risk factors for app failure.


Research shows that the global AI market size is expected to grow to a whopping $733 billion in 2025 from the current market size of $62.4 billion in 2021 at a CAGR of 42.2%

To be a part of this flourishing technology, it is required to have the appropriate AI programming resources. Each language got its own pros and cons.

Till now, the most preferred languages for AI app development are Python & Java. These languages are also great for Data Science, Machine learning, Search Algorithms, NLP, Neural Networks, and many other AI programming tasks.

If you are new to AI programming or don’t have programming skills, then Python is easy to learn as compared to other languages and it offers a big pool of AI libraries which makes it easy to implement Artificial Intelligence algorithms in your app.

So, try to go for these aforementioned AI programming languages when it comes to indulging AI programming in your apps. Focus on your app niche, language features, and available resources when you have to choose the appropriate language for AI app development.

If still you are confused with the appropriate AI programming language or platform for your AI-fueled app development then our team of AI experts with 14+ years of experience can help you with reliable AI/ML development services on an amazing price break.

Contact ValueCoders for getting complete AI solutions to fully embrace AI/ML app capabilities.

The post Top AI Programming Languages To Build AI Apps appeared first on ValueCoders | Unlocking the Power of Technology: Discover the Latest Insights and Trends.

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This is How we Build a CRM Application using Angular! Sat, 01 Aug 2020 09:37:00 +0000 Customer Relationship Management (CRM) helps startups, SMEs, and big brands in managing data, business relationships; this ultimately improves business sales...

The post This is How we Build a CRM Application using Angular! appeared first on ValueCoders | Unlocking the Power of Technology: Discover the Latest Insights and Trends.

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) helps startups, SMEs, and big brands in managing data, business relationships; this ultimately improves business sales growth.

CRM applications and software generally work with different sources, including business website analytics, phone history, social media analytics tools, and email services. Mainly sales managers, marketers, support agents, and brand analytics make use of CRM apps.

If I talk about CRM software-related stats, then, the custom and non-custom CRM software markets are expected to grow up to $40.26 billion by 2023. If I talk about companies using CRM, then 47% of corporations have a 90% ready-made CRM adoption rate.

crm app

Img Src: Statista

Here, I have covered the following pointers:

  • What Are The Benefits of Custom CRM Solutions?
  • How do we build a CRM Application?
  • How To Build a CRM Application By Using AngularJS?

What Are The Benefits of Custom CRM Solutions?

CRM software is mainly built to help enterprises, attract new customers and retain current ones. Let’s read a few benefits of CRM Solutions:

Introducing Features Useful for Your Business

It is better to build a custom CRM app as this helps in saving monthly wages and also allows you to introduce features that are beneficial for your business. When we use ready-made CRM software or apps, then we have to pay for the features that we are not utilizing, so somewhere it will be beneficial to build your own CRM application.

Workflow Automation

Usually, Custom CRM apps automate marketing, sales, analytics, customer support, and billing tasks to save money. Businesses can freely utilize customized CRM apps as it does not hold any criteria of using software like ready-made apps. Generally, in specific sort applications, automation is not always possible.

Centralized data collection and editing

A custom-built CRM app provides the full power of observing what is happening inside the organization (on the digital level). Ready-made software and applications also offer the monitoring function, but it does not provide full control of visualizing the data.

Customer Related Analytics

Most of the time, ready-made apps or software does not allow you to explore customer insights, then later this issue mostly becomes the primary concern, but this sort of problem has not seemed in custom CRM apps.

How do we build a CRM Application?

We have built and worked on several custom CRM applications. Custom-built CRM apps usually handle the sales process and customer interaction. In this type of application, numerous advanced features like voice calling, chat, report generation are introduced; this finally simplifies the organization task.

For building the CRM Application, we mainly use AngularJS. We have also used various other languages such as MySQL, EXTJS, FLEX, GIT, HTML5, JAVA, LASSO, MySQL, SPRING for developing CRM applications.

Experience Seamless Workflow

Empower Your Team and Boost Efficiency with Angular-based CRM Development

Leading Solutions that We Use To Build CRM App

  • We have built custom reports, and in that section, we also united VoIP calling API & chat API for VoIP Calling & Group Chat.
  • We develop an application in which sales administrators can access their personalized accounts; for this, we add a login system in an app.
  • To represent the data in an application, we produced a reports segment that formed multiple types of charts like area charts, bar graphs, timelines.

Key Challenges That We Faced While Developing CRM Application

  • During the development of CRM applications generating Graphical representation, reports were the major challenge. 
  • Working on VoIP Calling & Group Chat features was also quite challenging.

Final Outcome That We Produced

In the end, we produced the user-friendly CRM Application that included the following features.

  • One-One Chat
  • Group Chat
  • VoIP Call
  • VoIP Contacts

Let’s View Some Images of Our Developed CRM Application:




Other CRM Application that we Created

Chat App Dashboard


Business Process Management Custom CRM Application


Database Searching App


How To Build a CRM Application By Using AngularJS?

In order to build a CRM Application By Using AngularJS follow the procedure stated below, this will support you when you start developing your app. 

What do you need to install and why?

  1. You need to install the AngularJS framework to make a Single-page application.
  2. For creating multi-views, you require installing an angular-UI router.
  3. You need to use gulp for building all JS and CSS files into an individual file.

Firstly, create a new directory to build a CRM conferred-based project, and then after that, create a package.json file.

The coding for package.json will look like:

mkdir conference-app
conference-app$ touch package.json
"name": "conf-app",
"version": "1.0.0",
"main": "app-server.js",
"engines": {
"node": "4.1.2",
"npm": "3.5.2"
"description": "",
"dependencies": {
"body-parser": "^1.17.2",
"bower": "^1.7.7",
"buffer-to-vinyl": "^1.1.0",
"express": "^4.13.3",
"gulp": "^3.9.1",
"gulp-autoprefixer": "^3.1.0",
"gulp-concat": "^2.6.0",
"gulp-concat-css": "^2.2.0",
"gulp-env": "^0.4.0",
"gulp-minify-css": "^1.2.4",
"gulp-ng-config": "^1.4.0",
"gulp-npm-script-sync": "^1.1.0",
"gulp-webserver": "^0.9.1",
"http-server": "^0.9.0",
"stripe": "^4.22.0",
"wiredep": "^3.0.0"

Read More: Top 10 Mobile Application Development companies startups can partner

Secondly, you need to build a bower.json file;

conference-app$ touch bower.json

We will build this feature for the CRM app project; its coding will look like this:

"name": "conference-app",
"description": "Conference App Vinove",
"version": "0.0.0",
"homepage": "",
"license": "",
"private": true,
"dependencies": {
"angular": "~1.4.x",
"angular-mocks": "~1.4.x",
"angular-bootstrap": "~1.1.x",
"angular-cookies": "~1.4.x",
"angular-route": "~1.4.x",
"angular-ui-router": "0.2.x",
"angular-resource": "1.4.x",
"angular-animate": "~1.4.x",
"ng-dialog": "0.6.1",
"bootstrap": "3.3.x",
"cr-acl": "",
"angular-chosen-localytics": "*",
"bootstrap-chosen": "*",
"ng-flow": "^2.7.4",
"angular-mask": "*",
"checklist-model": "0.9.0",
"angular-ui-notification": "^0.2.0",
"angular-ui-calendar": "^1.0.2",
"angular-ui-switch": "^0.1.1",
"ng-scrollbars": "^0.0.11",
"jquery.scrollbar": "*",
"angular-nvd3": "*",
"infinity-angular-chosen": "^0.2.0",
"angular-flash-alert": "^2.4.0",
"components-font-awesome": "^4.7.0",
"textAngular": "^1.5.16",
"angular-loading-bar": "^0.9.0",
"angular-environment": "^1.0.8",
"angular-sticky": "angular-sticky-plugin#^0.3.0",
"smooth-scroll": ""
"resolutions": {
"angular": "~1.4.x"
"devDependencies": {
"cr-acl": "^0.5.0"

Configure server:

var express = require('express');
var bodyParser = require('body-parser');
var app = express();
app.set('port', process.env.PORT || 3000)
var http = require('http').Server(app)
// Route
app.get('/', (req, res) => {
res.sendFile(__dirname + '/index.html');
http.listen(app.get('port'), () => {
console.log('Conference App listening on ' + app.get('port'))

Experience Seamless Workflow

Empower Your Team and Boost Efficiency with Angular-based CRM Development

Let’s Start Developing Conference CRM App

Now it’s time to create the project file structure that will help in organizing the angular modules and js files.

Now it’s time to set up index.html:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en" ng-app="app"><head>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
<meta name="description" content="">
<meta name="author" content=""><title></title><!-- bower:css -->
<!-- endbower --><!-- Bootstrap Core CSS -->
<link href="bower_components/bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css" rel="stylesheet"><!-- Custom CSS --><link href="dist/css/main.min.css" rel="stylesheet"><!-- HTML5 Shim and Respond.js IE8 support of HTML5 elements and media queries -->
<!-- WARNING: Respond.js doesn't work if you view the page via file:// -->
<!--[if lt IE 9]>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<![endif]--></head><body><div ui-view></div><!-- bower:js -->
<!-- endbower -->
<script src="bower_components/angular-stripe-checkout/angular-stripe-checkout.js"></script><!--<script src=""></script>--><script src="dist/js/main.js"></script>
<script src="dist/js/conference.templ.js"></script></body></html>

Here, we are going to target the “root” view to place our angular modules in later. After bundling all the angular modules; the foremost.js file placed in the dist directory will spit out the gulpfile.js file. If you are facing the issue of handling the app coding part, then you can hire a programmer from a recognized software outsourcing company.

Set up the gulpfile.js. This feature will be created for the application:

'use strict';var gulp = require('gulp'),
webserver = require('gulp-webserver'),
minifyCSS = require('gulp-minify-css'),
concat = require('gulp-concat'),
wiredep = require('wiredep').stream,
gulpNgConfig = require('gulp-ng-config'),
autoprefixer = require('gulp-autoprefixer'),
b2v = require('buffer-to-vinyl'),
sync = require('gulp-npm-script-sync');sync(gulp);gulp.task('css', function () {
return gulp.src('css/**/*.css')
});gulp.task('js', function() {
return gulp.src('app/**/**/*.js')
});gulp.task('config', function () {
const json = JSON.stringify({
MEDIA_URL: '' + process.env.COSMIC_BUCKET + '/media',
URL: '',
READ_KEY: process.env.COSMIC_READ_KEY || '',
WRITE_KEY: process.env.COSMIC_WRITE_KEY || ''
return Buffer(json), 'config.js')
});gulp.task('default', function () {'css/**/*.css', ['css']);'app/**/**/*.js', ['js']);'bower.json', ['bower']);
});gulp.task('bower', function () {
directory: 'bower_components'

What did You need to do?

  • Use UI-router for config routes.
  • For asynchronous calls to Cosmic JS API, create Auth Service.
  • For examining, credentials create the Auth Controller.

After this, create the main module. Code for main.mdl.js file:

(function () {
'use strict';
.module('app', [
.run(run);config.$inject = ['$stateProvider', '$urlRouterProvider', 'cfpLoadingBarProvider', 'NotificationProvider'];
function config($stateProvider, $urlRouterProvider, cfpLoadingBarProvider, NotificationProvider) {
cfpLoadingBarProvider.includeSpinner = false;NotificationProvider.setOptions({
startTop: 25,
startRight: 25,
verticalSpacing: 20,
horizontalSpacing: 20,
positionX: 'right',
positionY: 'top'
});$urlRouterProvider.otherwise(function ($injector) {
var $state = $injector.get("$state");
var $location = $injector.get("$location");
var crAcl = $injector.get("crAcl");var state = "";switch (crAcl.getRole()) {
case 'ROLE_ADMIN':
state = 'admin.pages';
break;After this, create the main module. Code for main.mdl.js file:
default : state = 'app.about';
}if (state) $state.go(state);
else $location.path('/');
.state('app', {
url: '/',
abstract: true,
templateUrl: '../views/main.html',
controller: 'GlobalCtrl as vm',
data: {
is_granted: ['ROLE_GUEST']
.state('blog', {
url: '/blog',
templateUrl: '../blog.html'
.state('auth', {
url: '/login',
templateUrl: '../views/auth/login.html',
controller: 'AutherizationCtrl as auth',
onEnter: ['AutherizationService', 'crAcl', function(AutherizationService, crAcl) {
data: {
is_granted: ['ROLE_GUEST']
}run.$inject = ['$rootScope', '$cookieStore', '$state', 'crAcl', '$window'];
function run($rootScope, $cookieStore, $state, crAcl, $window) {
// keeping user logged in after refresh
$rootScope.globals = $cookieStore.get('globals') || {};crAcl
.setRedirect('auth');if ($rootScope.globals.currentUser) {
else {
}$rootScope.$on('$stateChangeSuccess', function (event, current, previous) {
$window.document.title = current.title ? current.title + ' - ANGULAR CONFERENCE' : 'ANGULAR CONFERENCE';


After building main.mdl.js file, set up Auth Controller. Code of auth.ctrl.js file will look like:

(function () {
'use strict';angular
.controller('AutherizationCtrl', AutherizationCtrl);function AutherizationCtrl(crAcl, $state, AutherizationService, Flash, $log) {
var vm = this;vm.login = login;vm.showRegisterForm = false;vm.loginForm = null;vm.credentials = {};
vm.user = {};function login(credentials) {
function success(response) {
function success(response) {
if ( !== 'empty') {
var currentUser =[0];crAcl.setRole('ROLE_ADMIN');
Flash.create('danger', 'Username or password is incorrect');
}function failed(response) {
}if ( !== 'empty')
.then(success, failed);
Flash.create('danger', 'Username or password is incorrect');$;
}function failed(response) {
}if (vm.loginForm.$valid)
.then(success, failed);

Now create the Auth Service for the app:

(function () {
'use strict';angular
.service('AutherizationService', function ($http,
var autherizationService = this;
$http.defaults.headers.common['X-Requested-With'] = 'XMLHttpRequest';autherizationService.checkUsername = function (credentials) {
return $http.get(URL + BUCKET_SLUG + '/object-type/users/search', {
params: {
metafield_key: 'email',
limit: 1,
read_key: READ_KEY
autherizationService.checkPassword = function (credentials) {
return $http.get(URL + BUCKET_SLUG + '/object-type/users/search', {
ignoreLoadingBar: true,
params: {
metafield_key: 'password',
metafield_value: credentials.password,
limit: 1,
read_key: READ_KEY
autherizationService.setCredentials = function (user) {
$rootScope.globals = {
currentUser: user
};$cookieStore.put('globals', $rootScope.globals);
autherizationService.clearCredentials = function () {
var deferred = $q.defer();
$cookieStore.remove('globals');if (!$cookieStore.get('globals')) {
$rootScope.globals = {};
deferred.resolve('Credentials clear success');
} else {
deferred.reject('Can\'t clear credentials');
}return deferred.promise;

Accelerate Your Business Growth

Stay Ahead of the Competition with Angular-based CRM Development!

Now You Might Be Thinking What Will Be The Next Step?

  1. For asynchronous calls to our Cosmic JS API, it’s time to develop About Service.
  2. For getting content and updating its time, build About Controller.
  3. Create an About Module.

Build User Service to update User; its coding part will look like:

(function () {
'use strict';angular
.service('UserService', function ($http,
$http.defaults.headers.common['X-Requested-With'] = 'XMLHttpRequest';this.getCurrentUser = function (ignoreLoadingBar) {
return $http.get(URL + BUCKET_SLUG + '/object/' + $rootScope.globals.currentUser.slug, {
ignoreLoadingBar: ignoreLoadingBar,
params: {
read_key: READ_KEY
this.getUser = function (slug, ignoreLoadingBar) {
return $http.get(URL + BUCKET_SLUG + '/object/' + slug, {
ignoreLoadingBar: ignoreLoadingBar,
params: {
read_key: READ_KEY
this.updateUser = function (user) {
user.write_key = WRITE_KEY;return $http.put(URL + BUCKET_SLUG + '/edit-object', user, {
ignoreLoadingBar: false

Build About Service to get  updated content from Cosmic JS API; its coding part will look like:

(function () {
'use strict';angular
.service('AboutService', function ($http,
URL, BUCKET_SLUG, READ_KEY, WRITE_KEY, MEDIA_URL) {$http.defaults.headers.common['X-Requested-With'] = 'XMLHttpRequest';this.getPages = function (params) {
return $http.get(URL + BUCKET_SLUG + '/object-type/pages', {
params: {
limit: 100,
read_key: READ_KEY
this.updatePages = function (page) {
page.write_key = WRITE_KEY;return $http.put(URL + BUCKET_SLUG + '/edit-object', page);

Build About Controller to get  updated content; its coding part will look like:

(function () {
'use strict';angular
.controller('AboutController', AboutController);function AboutController($stateParams, AboutService, Notification, $log, MEDIA_URL, $state) {
var vm = this;init();vm.toolbarEditor = [
['h1', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'h5', 'p', 'bold', 'italics', 'underline', 'justifyLeft', 'justifyCenter', 'justifyRight', 'html']
]; = save;function init() {
}function getPages() {
function success(response) {
vm.pages =;
}function error(response) {
.then(success, error);
}function save(index) {
function success() {
Notification.primary('Update Page "' + vm.pages[index].title + '" success!');
}function error(response) {
.then(success, error);

Build About Module, it’s coding part will look like this:

(function () {
'use strict';angular
.module('about', [])
.config(config);config.$inject = ['$stateProvider', '$urlRouterProvider'];
function config($stateProvider, $urlRouterProvider) {$stateProvider
.state('app.about', {
url: '',
templateUrl: '../views/about/about.html',
controller: 'AboutController as vm'

Now What To Do?

It’s time to focus on:

  1. Information about speakers
  2. CRUD speakers
  3. Avatar to speaker upload

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For CRUD Speakers Design Speakers Controller, this feature you can use in the app

(function () {
'use strict';angular
.controller('SpeakersController', SpeakersController);function SpeakersController($rootScope, SpeakersService, Notification, $log, MEDIA_URL, $state) {
var vm = this;init();vm.removeSpeaker = removeSpeaker;function init() {
}function getSpeakers() {
function success(response) {
vm.speakers =;
}function error(response) {
.then(success, error);
}function removeSpeaker(slug) {
function success() {
}function error(response) {
.then(success, error);
})();For introducing Speakers Module feature in the app:(function () {
'use strict';angular
.module('speakers', [])
.config(config);config.$inject = ['$stateProvider', '$urlRouterProvider'];
function config($stateProvider, $urlRouterProvider) {$stateProvider
.state('app.speakers', {
url: 'speakers',
title: 'Speakers',
templateUrl: '../views/speakers/speakers.html',
controller: 'SpeakersController as vm'

Build Speaker’s Service for CRUD from Cosmic JS API, it’s coding will look like:

(function () {
'use strict';angular
.service('SpeakersService', function ($http,
URL, BUCKET_SLUG, READ_KEY, WRITE_KEY, MEDIA_URL) {$http.defaults.headers.common['X-Requested-With'] = 'XMLHttpRequest';this.speaker = {
"title": null,
"type_slug": "speakers",
"metafields": [
"key": "profession",
"title": "Profession",
"type": "text"
"value": null,
"key": "avatar",
"title": "Avatar",
"type": "file"
};this.getSpeakers = function () {
return $http.get(URL + BUCKET_SLUG + '/object-type/speakers', {
params: {
limit: 100,
read_key: READ_KEY
this.getSpeakerBySlug = function (slug) {
return $http.get(URL + BUCKET_SLUG + '/object/' + slug, {
params: {
read_key: READ_KEY
this.updateSpeaker = function (speaker) {
speaker.write_key = WRITE_KEY;return $http.put(URL + BUCKET_SLUG + '/edit-object', speaker);
this.removeSpeaker = function (slug) {
return $http.delete(URL + BUCKET_SLUG + '/' + slug, {
ignoreLoadingBar: true,
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
data: {
write_key: WRITE_KEY
this.createSpeaker = function (speaker) {
speaker.write_key = WRITE_KEY;return $ + BUCKET_SLUG + '/add-object', speaker);
this.upload = function (file) {
var fd = new FormData();fd.append('media', file);
fd.append('write_key', WRITE_KEY);var defer = $q.defer();var xhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();xhttp.upload.addEventListener("progress",function (e) {
defer.notify(parseInt(e.loaded * 100 /;
xhttp.upload.addEventListener("error",function (e) {
});xhttp.onreadystatechange = function() {
if (xhttp.readyState === 4) {
defer.resolve(JSON.parse(xhttp.response)); //Outputs a DOMString by default
};"post", MEDIA_URL, true);xhttp.send(fd);return defer.promise;

Now it’s time to celebrate as our coding part, and CRM app building with AngularJS, get completed. In this way, you can also easily create a single-page application.

Wrapping Up:

This piece will help you in building the AngularJS based Lead Management CRM Application. If in case, you are having any sort of doubt, or you are facing issues while working with the coding part, then by not wasting time avail the Custom CRM App service from the reputed Software Outsourcing Company, i.e. ValueCoders. This will help you to Hire AngularJS developers for your next project. 

By taking help from the experts, you will be able to develop the perfect application, and even you will be able to implement new features in your custom CRM Application.

The post This is How we Build a CRM Application using Angular! appeared first on ValueCoders | Unlocking the Power of Technology: Discover the Latest Insights and Trends.

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10 Reasons To Use ReactJS For Enterprise App Development Fri, 26 Jun 2020 14:44:10 +0000 Incorporating an application that fits your enterprise’s needs can increase productivity, employee satisfaction, and uplifts the work efficiency. According to...

The post 10 Reasons To Use ReactJS For Enterprise App Development appeared first on ValueCoders | Unlocking the Power of Technology: Discover the Latest Insights and Trends.

Incorporating an application that fits your enterprise’s needs can increase productivity, employee satisfaction, and uplifts the work efficiency. According to TechRepublic, enterprises reported 35% ROI after investing in enterprise applications. Communication has vital importance when it comes to conveying the ideas, information, or forge new ones. Researches show that companies have seen a 47% improvement in their internal communication after using these applications.

After looking at the benefits of enterprise apps, it is clear that whether it’s a business, a government organization, a charity, or an interest-based user group, these apps can ease the functionalities and can hoist the satisfaction.

But, what base to use for developing a productivity app for your workplace! There are a number of evolving front-end development frameworks and libraries available that claim to offer mobile-first experiences, consumer-grade simplicity, and social media-level personalization for the apps.

When it comes to front-end development, most of the businesses or a majority of enterprise owners see Angular or Vue.js for building successful workspace apps. But, they forget to consider ReactJS, the most trending javascript library that can unleash all the potential of their enterprise app projects. 

There are numerous benefits and advantages of ReactJS that makes it the most suitable framework of all the time. Before digging the advantages, let’s explore the ReactJS first.



What is ReactJS?

JavaScript has gained huge popularity in the last decade. A lot of frameworks like Meteor, Ionic, Angular, PhoneGap, and many more are helping developers to develop complex applications. One of the most efficient, powerful, and open-source frameworks to design dynamic user-interfaces is Facebook’s ReactJS.

ReactJS came into existence in 2011 by “Jordan Walke” one of Facebook’s software engineers. This library is highly efficient, declarative and offers reusable modules. The developer community loves this library due to advantages of ReactJS that lets them develop complex frontend or UI of web applications.


Img: Source

There are various successful applications of businesses from fortune 500 to startups that have been developed using ReactJS. Netflix, UberEats, PayPal, InstaCart, Reddit, and a lot more are the serene examples of this particular framework.

Advantages of ReactJS for Enterprise App Development

ReactJS is the future of UI or front-end development. It is an evolving framework that is getting refined day by day. You should put your investment in it! But, Why ReactJS?

Facebook’s ReactJS comes with a lot of benefits over other frameworks. Let’s explore 10 reasons to use ReactJS for enterprise app development projects.

  • Efficient & Intuitive Way of Web App Development

The coding becomes easy when working with ReactJS. Instead of fiddly JavaScripts code, it allows developers to use JSX, a fusion of HTML & JavaScript functionalities. This is also the core reason to choose this framework over others because this way the development time gets reduced.

JSX, the component extension made the learning easy and implementation became a lot easier than the traditional JavaScript templating. It buys time for the developers to focus on individual components.

Using the state, action and event management of ReactJS, developers can fully control the way applications behave on the user’s actions. It is the beauty or one of the best benefits of ReactJS.

  • Great Way of Developing User Interface

The UI or user interface of an application makes it attractive and it also affects the success rate of the application. For making an app user-friendly and to increase its success rate, it is required to have high-quality and functional UI.

The declarative components are one of the biggest advantages of ReactJS. It allows the developers to easily develop complex UI functions and debug them easily. 

The UI developed using React has a lower loading time and the apps become smooth and responsive to operate. So that your enterprise app will offer mobile-first experiences and consumer-grade simplicity at the same time.

  • Save Development Time with Reusable Components


Facebook’s ReactJS offers component reusability. Developers can reuse generic components without any issue. If the components are having non-complex logic in them, it becomes easy to reuse them and also the process to maintain these components becomes easy.

This framework let the programmers simply create a class and to use as much as instances they want. These components are totally isolated from each other and change in one component doesn’t affect others working.

As the advantages of ReactJS reusability feature, the developers save development time & efforts, and they can focus on creating precise & optimized components for better app efficiency.

  • Faster Rendering using Virtual DOM

ReactJS uses virtual DOM for all the components and React-DOM creates required updates and rendering to the real DOM-tree on its own without any interference of the developer.

First, the developer creates the changes to the application then all the changes get done over the virtual DOM. If all the changes & modifications are risk-free and don’t affect the performance, then the React-DOM gets updated.


This way the risk management takes place for all the changes in the app. All the cost for DOM management gets reduced in return and the developer gets the performance boost. It improves the overall performance of the app and the users get a quality experience.

  • Scalability of Apps at Ease

Due to the need of rich enterprise web applications, scalability of apps becomes a really important factor to consider. The front-end system of an app should be scalable so that it can handle the big number of users, changes, and datasets.

Thanks to the flexibility that React.js provides to the developers. It opens a no worry option for the developers where they can decide everything about the scalability of the project like app’s structure, it’s architecture, and by managing the pattern of JSX code, developers can also eliminate the messy or complex code situation.

So, whenever you plan to scale your enterprise app, or want to update the app with new UI features, or think to add more components to your app, there will be no issue with the scalability. The performance of the apps remains intact even after the complex updates that is one of the great advantages of ReactJS.

  • Flexible with Various Platforms

The support of different libraries and flexibility to select tools and architecture for development makes it the best choice for enterprise app development. This freedom means that the businesses can go for customization of the application by selecting the preferred tech and tools without having any platform issue.

This is also the reason why ReactJS is the best front-end development platform and the most loved framework when it comes to custom app development projects with quick development, best user experience, and simplicity during the process in return.

  • Future-Proof & Backward-Compatible Applications

Due to the compatibility of the framework, you don’t need to change the existing code whenever there is an update on the corner. No matter what update it is going to be, all the public APIs of the framework remain the same. 

Developers don’t need to replace their knowledge or concepts due to its backward compatibility. These updates also keep the framework relevant to the near future and make it future-proof.

The component reusability and single codebase for all the platforms like Android, and iOS are also the advantages of ReactJS platform that let the developers conveniently fix the errors and bugs in no time. These USPs attract many developers and enterprises towards this mature technology for futuristic apps.

  • Integration with the Legacy Systems

Upgrading an existing system with an improved UI can change the overall experience of a legacy system. The integration of ReactJS framework opens new horizons for the improvements in the existing UI. 

Where recreating a system will cost a lot of money, time, and efforts, developers can easily integrate this UI framework into a legacy system to make it appropriate as per the business requirements.

Injecting React components in your existing web app will mix new with the old, and it will also remove the cost of outdated technology recruitment and maintenance. This is Why ReactJS is a great choice for revamping legacy projects as well.

  • Big Community Support

One of the biggest advantages of ReactJS is the big community of developers that contribute to enhancing its documentation every day. Due to its community-driven approach, all the information and documentation of innovation is always there for everyone.


The community consists of millions of developers and thousands of contributors that are available on multiple forums and platforms like Stack Overflow to fix the issues. On Github, React has 151007 stargazers, which clearly shows the huge community support for this framework.

  • Elevate Productivity

So far, we’ve seen multiple benefits of ReactJS. The reason behind using this library or this convert-able framework is its efficiency and all those features or elements that it provides to make development easy.

Features like component reusability, Virtual DOM, Backward-Compatibility, and its flexibility for other platforms, allow the developers to craft applications that offer great UI with complex workings.

If we talk about the effect of ReactJS over enterprise app productivity, then the apps developed using ReactJS offer great UI, with consumer-grade simplicity, and mobile-first experience. That’s the reason why ReactJS is the best for enterprise app development.


For getting out of the box solutions for your enterprise apps, it will be the best choice if you hire Reactjs developers. It is the best available UI framework, that lets the developers create complex UI structures without any issue.

Even though Facebook’s ReactJS is not a complete framework, it’s a library but after mixing it with some tools or technologies, it offers the best outcomes to the front-end developers. 

Another thing that makes it the most cherished is the improvement that the community and contributors are providing to this library, and like every now and then Facebook is providing updates for this library.

Businesses can get the best possible outcomes for their custom enterprise app development projects, or they can also integrate the framework with their legacy system to make it relevant for the business requirements without recreating the whole system.

Rest, the advantages of ReactJS are listed here, that clearly shows that a business can get scalable, robust, and future-proof apps for their employees to improve productivity with very minimal efforts.

If you are planning to develop an enterprise application for getting better communication, ROI, and want to improve the overall work efficiency of your employees, then hire Indian programmers from ValueCoders who have experience of 15+ years, when it comes to development.



The post 10 Reasons To Use ReactJS For Enterprise App Development appeared first on ValueCoders | Unlocking the Power of Technology: Discover the Latest Insights and Trends.

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6 Questions to ask before investing in an Emerging Technology Fri, 24 Apr 2020 12:18:47 +0000 5G, Blockchain, Machine Learning Solutions, IoT, Neural Languaga Processing and  other Distributed Ledger Technologies, AR- these are not just technical...

The post 6 Questions to ask before investing in an Emerging Technology appeared first on ValueCoders | Unlocking the Power of Technology: Discover the Latest Insights and Trends.

5G, Blockchain, Machine Learning Solutions, IoT, Neural Languaga Processing and  other Distributed Ledger Technologies, AR- these are not just technical jargon to bore you out of interest. These are the emerging technologies of today that will eventually be as common as the Internet is today. As an enterprise leader, do you really know which of these technologies bring the best value in the long run?

If you don’t know, you need to. Because the Enterprise software market is the fastest-growing market in the IT industry, with a 10 percent year-on-year growth rate. This means most of your competitors are already set to leverage potentially disruptive technologies to attain a sustainable competitive advantage.

But what about you? Well, the dilemma surrounding the use of upcoming technologies for enterprise applications is understandable. There are so many questions revolving around their use that it’s hard to get your head around them 

To help CIOs, IT leaders in entrepreneurs to come out of this dilemma, I’ve prepared answers to 6 Most Important Questions One Needs to Ask before investing in emerging software technology

1) What’s the best way to evaluate new technology for its potential business value?

In my opinion, the best way to evaluate any new technology’s potential business value is to first determine whether people really need the technology solution you offer. A need or a problem that can be solved with new technology would always have a high potential for generating revenue.

In most of these cases (where technology solves a non-existent problem), the potential of business profitability eventually ends up becoming so low that either the business ends up bankrupt or they start pushing for something else.

This is what most businesses fail to understand. They will see technology such as blockchain gaining popularity and immediately jump on the bandwagon without knowing what they want to do with it. 

Who can forget the Dot Com Bubble? A lot of businesses tried to leverage the potential of the Internet. But only Amazon and eBay emerged out of it as the biggest winners. Why only those three? Because they found a problem that could have been solved with the emerging technologies at the time (the Internet).

2) Which business and IT parties should be involved in evaluating the Emerging technology?

Every business has a vision for itself. Investment or planned investment in new technology has to be done while respecting this vision. So if you ask me about the parties  I would involve in evaluating new technology, I would want to involve almost everyone working towards the vision of the business.

Now there’s a distinction to be made. Not everyone in an organization is working towards the same organizational vision. Some parties, such as non-experienced employees or freshers work on short-term goals. It is the decision-makers across all departments who work with a vision of the future. So their involvement is a must.

3) What types of metrics can be used to support a final decision?

Internet Search Engines existed way before Google. If it was the first-mover, then perhaps we would have never known it as we do today

I can suggest a few measures and decide on implementing new technology. The first measure is to analyze the achievements of first movers (if any) of the specific technology you’re looking to invest in.

There are some who say that being the pioneer of new technology gets you huge advantages, This is also commonly referred to as the first-mover advantage. To me, this is far from the truth.

Apple wouldn’t have changed the world with its iPhone if it was the pioneer in mobile phone technology. Google wouldn’t have been the same today if it didn’t learn and improve over the mistakes of predecessors such as AltaVista and Yahoo!

I feel it is a good advice to never try the first version of any technology, whether it is software or hardware. A great present-day example is the failure of Royole’s Flex Pai (the first mover in the new technology of foldable smartphones), and the subsequent success of Samsung’s Galaxy Fold.

Although the device from Samsung initially appeared to be failing because of the controversies surrounding its durability, somehow it has managed to clock over 100,000 in sales to date.

If the first movers in a new technology failed, then you can identify their mistakes. Then your version of the technology is supposed to be an improvement over what your competitor(s) achieved before you.

There are a host of other benefits to being a second-mover:

  1. The pioneer in a new technology has already done the market research and found the right audience for the technology. This saves a lot of effort and resources for the second mover.
  1. There’s a ton of costs saved on R&D and product development too. The entire Chinese industry works on the concept of second-mover advantage. This is how it usually goes- A pioneer develops a new advanced product which is priced highly owing the cost of development. Since the product is no longer “new” after it is launched by a pioneer, a Chinese company leverages its labour advantage to make a similar version of the first product, but way, way cheaper.
  1. The greatest advantage of first-movers is that they get to define the rules of a new niche they create while launching a never-seen-before product. The second-movers get to exploit the cracks made by the first-movers in their approach and this process gets better than them (Example: Google).

But I will admit, having a first-mover advantage is indeed better in some cases where a new technology addresses an important real-world problem.

For instance, Uber made the first move in developing transportation systems that solely relied on the Internet and a mobile application. This newly created industry gave a solution to a very important problem back then.

In cases where an emerging technologies is a useful solution to crucial problems of the society, being the first mover lets you grab the biggest pie of the market. Uber understood this, and it’s the reason why the company became what it is today.

So if you HAVE to be a first-mover, then what you should consider before taking a final decision is to analyze the costs of developing the technology and using the same in your product/service. New technology generally requires a lot of investment in resources that are not easily available.

You have to find vendors for software, libraries, materials and other resources. You might even need to develop some custom resources for development.

4) Is it useful to seek external support for additional insight?

External support is an absolute necessity if you’re dealing with a new or emerging technologies. If a company is dealing with emerging technologies like say Blockchain, then it is necessary to have an external Blockchain App Developers for assistance. 

And I’m saying this out of my own experience as an IT Consultant. I have worked with a lot of companies whose leaders had no clue about the implications of using new technologies. The implementation of technology such as IoT could be filled with a lot of loopholes if there is no external help sought for it.

For example, let’s say a business is using an IoT solution for monitoring its machinery equipment. The sensors fitted on them would let employees know of relevant information about the machines, and help in many aspects such as efficiency in operations.

But in the absence of inputs from a genuine expert, the true gem of IoT, the data from these sensors will go to waste. So while the business may get some benefits of IoT, the benefits from data analytics that could have helped them in other aspects such as predictive maintenance would never be leveraged.

5) When is an emerging technology risk-free to use?

Tesla’s success brought the electric vehicle industry back from the brink of death.

The key factors why technology is considered too risky for usage is the costs involved in its development, the need of the market and other factors associated with laws and regulations of the land. 

Look at how automobile manufacturers have started making electric vehicles now. 10 years ago, manufacturing electric vehicles for consumers was possible but was deemed risky as the costs were too high at the time. Also, companies were not really sure whether customers would prefer electric over conventional ICE vehicles.

Things changed since the rise of Tesla, and then we began to see a large number of new electric vehicles introduced by the established automobile companies. The Nissan Leaf, Hyundai Kona, Jaguar I-Pace, Porsche Taycan, and many others came into the market only after people finally began to understand the concept of electric vehicles, and of course, the success of Tesla.

But that’s just one case where new technology was revisited as the stars aligned and the market demands increased. Generally speaking, the best time for a new technology to be revisited depends on several factors. 

You can revisit a technology if your product/service portfolio lacks a core competence, if the cost of technology implementation comes down or if you’re no longer bound by the regulations that hindered you from using the tech, and so forth. 


6) What’s the first step to take when deciding to move forward with new technology?

Pixel 4’s failure largely came due to its lack of foresight about the embedded SOLI radar chip, which was not supported for use in some of its biggest markets

The first step to take, I would suggest is to analyze whether the new technology could be used to its full capacity by the target market. The best example of why this is important is Google’s Pixel 4 Smartphone. 

Pixel 4 is equipped with a SOLI radar sensor. It allows users to control the phone by simply using motion gestures over it. But the catch is that it works on a certain radio frequency that is not permitted to run in some countries. 

One of those countries was India, one of the biggest markets for smartphones. So the SOLI radar was rendered useless in India, and consequently, Google abandon their releasing plans of newest flagship smartphone in the subcontinent. This lack of foresight cost the company potential sales from the 2nd largest market for smartphones.

In the end, It’s all about having a long-term vision

The modern business environment is best for long-term planning and vision. Having a short-term goal can take you only so far. Think about modern corporate giants. Amazon, Google, IBM, Infosys, Microsoft, PayPal, Oracle– all of them capitalized on emerging technologies back in the day with their own long-term vision of the future.

Yes, a lot of things shouldn’t be relying on this long-term vision. One of those things is not spending monetary resources wisely on an investment. Just because you know what technology to invest in and it will lead to profitability eventually, it doesn’t mean you go all out on investment.

That is why the IT Software sector is filled with Custom Software Solution who can work for all types of ambitions. Some can deliver highly ambitious software projects, while some focus on delivering the best value on tight budgets. So no matter what type of project you’re aiming for, answers to these six questions will give you better clarity before investing in emerging technologies.                                                                                                                                                  

The post 6 Questions to ask before investing in an Emerging Technology appeared first on ValueCoders | Unlocking the Power of Technology: Discover the Latest Insights and Trends.

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Apple iOS 11.0.3 is out now! Wed, 18 Oct 2017 05:43:15 +0000 Apple released its latest version iOS11.0.3 on October 11. It is Apple’s third recent update since the release of iOS...

The post Apple iOS 11.0.3 is out now! appeared first on ValueCoders | Unlocking the Power of Technology: Discover the Latest Insights and Trends.

Apple released its latest version iOS11.0.3 on October 11. It is Apple’s third recent update since the release of iOS 11 to its users last month. This version is promised to be backward-compatible with the prior release. However, it mainly addresses two issues that some users were facing while other several issues have not been addressed that were reported by users.

Apple iOS 11.0.3 major promised capabilities include audio fixings and haptic bugs fixings. This update is 276.6MB in size. Moreover, this update is particularly meant for iPhone 5s and above models, iPad mini 2 and above, iPad Air and above as well as the iPod touch 6th generation.

Apple is currently beta testing its version iOS 11.1 which will contain many new emoji, 3D Touch multitasking gesture and the Apple Pay Cash feature.

Have a quick look at several improvements instead of offering new features to its users:

Read this:- Top 10 Advantages of iOS App Development

In this blog, you will find some of the key updates of iOS 11.0.3 in detail along with some major updates on its previous versions.

Check for iOS 11.0.3 update(latest):

– It has resolved the problems faced by iPhone 7 plus and iPhone 7 users for audio and haptic feedback issues.
– It has addressed an issue with iPhone 6s for unresponsive displays as they were not serviced with genuine parts.

Note: Non-genuine replacement displays often compromised visual quality and may not function correctly too.

Besides, there are still some issues left which the company will address in its next update. This will deal with shorter battery life and text notifications issues while rebooting the device.

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Check for iOS 11.0.2 update:

– Fixed the bugs causing crackling noises in the iPhone 8 earpiece
– Fixed the issues causing photos to get hidden
– Resolved the issues of attachments in S/MIME encrypted emails that we’re unable to open

Check for iOS 11.0.1 update:

– Fixed the problem causing issues with the synchronization of, Exchange Server 2016 in Apple Mail, and Office 365.
– Performance improvements in App Explorer, iMessage app Drawer, and Springboard.

Related Blog: iOS vs. Android: Which is Better for Mobile App Development?

Apple iOS 11.0.3 security update is given here:

Check out the entire list of Apple iOS 11 security changelog and new additions on

Read more: Top 5 iOS App Development Companies For Your Next Project

Wrapping Note:

As far we have seen, Apple iOS 11.0.3 update provides you various bug fixings for iPhone 6s, iPhone 7, iPhone 7 Plus, and much more as already listed above. You might not be confused now for not upgrading to its latest version after watching the above video.

In fact, you can easily install iOS 11.0.3 by performing this step:- Settings app > General > Software Update on your device or you can also update your device by connecting it to the computer and then install the update through iTunes.

However, if you still found any difficulty with its installation or upgrading process, then you are free to get expert advice from expert iOS development team at ValueCoders (an Indian IT outsourcing company) as they provide expert software development teams for iOS application development, for all your iOS app development needs. Contact Us Today!!

The post Apple iOS 11.0.3 is out now! appeared first on ValueCoders | Unlocking the Power of Technology: Discover the Latest Insights and Trends.

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