ecommerce development – ValueCoders | Unlocking the Power of Technology: Discover the Latest Insights and Trends Valuecoders Fri, 26 May 2023 12:35:16 +0000 en-US hourly 1 ecommerce development – ValueCoders | Unlocking the Power of Technology: Discover the Latest Insights and Trends 32 32 Magento vs WordPress: Which is Best for Developing an E-commerce Site? Thu, 20 Jan 2022 06:34:15 +0000 There are so many alternatives when it comes to eCommerce website development, but not all of them are the same...

The post Magento vs WordPress: Which is Best for Developing an E-commerce Site? appeared first on ValueCoders | Unlocking the Power of Technology: Discover the Latest Insights and Trends.

There are so many alternatives when it comes to eCommerce website development, but not all of them are the same and have robust features and functionalities. Usually, whenever anyone talks about the best eCommerce website builder, Magento and WordPress are the two names that strike in everyone’s mind.

Both WordPress and Magento online store building platforms are good and best suited for the eCommerce sector. However, when it comes to choosing the top one among Magento vs WordPress, then it can be pretty challenging.

Moreover, to help you out with this, we have broken down some of these key considerations, which will support you make the best decision as per your project’s needs and requirements.

About WordPress

WordPress is an open-source platform and offers eCommerce features on the front end as well as in coding. It lets you choose between a wide range of themes and plugins, from very basic to advanced ones, for building your online store. The main highlight of this CMS is its blogging feature, which makes it easy to give updates about products; whereas, its high customization feature lets you create a unique website.

Also Read: Top WordPress Development Companies To Seek


  • 57 distinct languages are available for WordPress.
  • As per the w3techs, WordPress is the most famous CMS by a landslide, with 42.5% of websites utilizing this platform, representing a whopping 65.2% of the CMS market.

Usage statistics of CMS
Usage statistics of CMS
Image Source: W3techs
  • As of May 2021, about 409 million people see around 20 billion pages every month through WordPress.
  • Around 64 million websites currently utilize WordPress.
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Pros and Cons of using WordPress


It is a free platform, and anyone can download the CMS. Thus, it has the edge over Magento that offers paid service to its users. The user-friendly interface makes WordPress easy for beginners to learn as well as operate. With thousands of themes available in its theme directory section, you will get access to a broad range of free and premium themes for building an online store.

WordPress has excellent SEO features, which make it easier to rank your business website on the top of search engines like Google or Bing. The CMS provides easy accessibility of content management system (CMS) tools, so you can update your products from any location at a time convenient for you.

Also Read: 10 Reasons Why WordPress Is Better Than Other CMS


Less flexibility on storefront end: Unlike Magento, the WordPress eCommerce platform doesn’t offer extensive customization features for building an online store. It comes with a set of predefined themes and plugins that limits you to very basic customizations options such as changing colors or rearranging menus in your website.

Therefore, if you want advanced functionalities like built-in marketing tools, better SEO options, and more payment gateways, you will have to invest in premium themes.

WordPress doesn’t support all types of eCommerce functionalities: The WordPress platform is great for blogging purposes, but totally lacks when it comes to offering advanced features needed by the eCommerce sector, such as multi-currency functionality or product bundles.

The platform is resource-intensive and requires a dedicated server to run, making it unsuitable for eCommerce websites that require high traffic. Moreover, to make efficient use of WordPress in website development, you can hire WordPress developers from the leading WordPress development company.

About Magento

The Magento is built on the Symfony framework, which makes it an open-source eCommerce platform, offers excellent features for online store development, and allows users to build their own customized applications through its programmatic interface. The CMS provides both front-end and back-end development functionalities and is a great choice for customizing your website as per your business requirements.


  • 11% of the websites employing Magento are based in the US. (BuiltWith)
  • Over 250,000 merchants globally use Magento as their eCommerce platform.
  • Famous names like Omega Watches, Ford, Christian Louboutin, and Bulgari employ Magento. (Paul Rogers)

Pros and Cons of using Magento


It is an open-source platform, and the code is available publicly on GitHub. This makes it more flexible and customizable to build a unique online store that perfectly fits your business needs.

The CMS offers a top-notch user experience with its Magento templates, which are clean and professional. It provides a great variety of payment options for your online clients, such as PayPal, Skrill, cash on delivery, etc.


It’s too complicated for beginners: The biggest drawback when working with Magento is its complexity as you need extensive knowledge about coding languages such as HTML, CSS, etc., to manage the platform. It’s not so user-friendly and doesn’t offer support for third-party themes or plugins, which means you will be required to hire Magento developers who have expertise in the Symfony framework.

It leaves no scope for customizations: The biggest drawback of using Magento is that it lacks extensive customization features needed by eCommerce businesses. The platform doesn’t support multiple payment options and lacks marketing tools, which is necessary for building an online store these days.

Read Further: WooCommerce vs. Shopify vs. Magento

Similarities Between WordPress and Magento

The following are some similarities between both these platforms:

• Both Magento and WordPress offer a range of themes. You can pick any theme according to your requirements and budget along with required features such as on-site payment gateway integration, multi-currency support, etc.

• They also have different plugins that you can use for your online store development that help you in offering an enhanced user experience.

• They both are highly customizable and offer unlimited options for front-end as well as back-end customization of the website.

Also Read: 10 Reasons Why WordPress Is Better Than Other CMS

WordPress vs Magento: Difference Between Both Platforms

While both Magento vs WordPress is excellent eCommerce platforms, some major differences can make you choose one over another. The below-mentioned points will highlight this differentiation between them:

• The main difference is in their coding language. You have to code using PHP for Magento, whereas with WordPress, you don’t need any coding knowledge.

• Another difference between these platforms lies in their architecture, which results in different technical support options available for them. You will find tons of resources available online about WordPress users’ issues as compared to the ones related to Magento.

• WordPress is easy to use and offers good support, but Magento has limited resources. So you need the help of a professional eCommerce development services for it.

WordPress vs Magento: Choosing The Best eCommerce Site Builder Platform

Here I have mentioned a few parameters on comparing these pointers; you will be able to know which eCommerce development platform will be best for online store development.

1. Performance

WordPress is lighter and faster, as it takes up lesser resources than other eCommerce website development platforms. Moreover, Magento has an inbuilt caching feature to provide high-performance to its users, which makes both the options equally good for performance.

2. Code Quality

While Magento scores highly in terms of code quality, WordPress is not so good. However, as per the latest versions, it has improved a lot and now offers better quality than before. Also, the new Gutenberg editor for Magento seems to be buggy, which makes both platforms equal on this front.

3. Security

Since it is an open-source platform, WordPress offers a host of plugins that can be used to manage and enhance your website security. On the other hand, Magento has low chances for malware or hacks due to its strong back-end code quality.

4. Customization

The ease of customization depends upon how much control you have over things. Magento offers full control to its users and allows them to make changes according to their needs. WordPress, on the other hand, is easy for beginners but not so good when it comes to customization as you won’t have much flexibility while performing advanced tasks in comparison with Magento.

5. Ease of Use

Both eCommerce website development platforms are equally good in terms of ease of use. However, the Gutenberg editor for Magento needs a lot of improvements to make it more user-friendly and easy to work with as compared to WordPress.

6. Support

Both platforms offer support through community forums or official documentation but don’t have dedicated customer service teams. Also, since both are open source, you will find ample information online through various blogs and forums to resolve your queries.

Transforming The Way You Shop With Our Innovative eCommerce Solutions

Experience seamless and secure online shopping with our eCommerce services

7. Popularity

WordPress is more popular than Magento, which may be a crucial factor for most E-commerce businesses when choosing open source eCommerce platforms as per their project’s needs and requirements.

8. Plugins

WordPress offers more than 50,000 plugins, whereas Magento has around 15,000 modules and add-ons. So WordPress wins the game if we talk about plugin support for eCommerce website development.

9. Hosting

Magento requires you to purchase your own hosting service, as it is a self-hosted application. However, WordPress is a hosted CMS and can be easily installed on your preferred hosting service provider.

10. SEO

WordPress is better than Magento when it comes to SEO as the former allows you to make changes in your permalinks structure, improve page titles and meta descriptions for all posts. On the other hand, Magento needs customization at a code level, which makes it difficult for beginners who are new to website development or eCommerce store owners looking for quick solutions.

11. Pricing

When it comes to pricing, Magento offers free plans for basic functionalities, but if you need certain features and advanced functionality, then there are paid plans. On the other hand, WordPress is completely free.

12. Functionalities Offered

If you want a CMS that has extensive features related to the eCommerce sector, such as product bundles, coupons, etc., then go with Magento. However, if you want a blogging website only, then go with WordPress.

WordPress vs Magento: Comparison Table

magento vs wordpress

The comparison table mentioned here will help you simply analyze which one is best among Magento and WordPress.

WordPress and Magento both offer high-quality eCommerce website development platforms. However, if you need a flexible CMS with better control over the functions and features, then Magento is your best bet. If you are seeking an open-source option that offers excellent performance, then go for WordPress, as it is faster than other options available in the market.

Read More: 15+ Top Magento Companies to Choose for Your eCommerce Project

Wrapping Up

Magento vs WordPress offers a variety of different features, but they both have pros and cons. If you want to make sure your eCommerce website is built on the right platform, it’s critical to determine what your needs are first before making any decisions.

After picking the suitable platform per your eCommerce project need, don’t forget to avail of Magento development services and WordPress development services from the best Magento eCommerce development company and WordPress development company (ValueCoders), respectively. By doing so, you will be able to stay away from all hassle of all eCommerce website development and ultimately will be able to develop a world-class online store.

The post Magento vs WordPress: Which is Best for Developing an E-commerce Site? appeared first on ValueCoders | Unlocking the Power of Technology: Discover the Latest Insights and Trends.

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A Comprehensive Guide To Create An Ecommerce App From Scratch Fri, 07 Jan 2022 13:15:04 +0000 An E-commerce application is a software program that allows the development of E-commerce stores. E-Commerce applications are an indispensable part...

The post A Comprehensive Guide To Create An Ecommerce App From Scratch appeared first on ValueCoders | Unlocking the Power of Technology: Discover the Latest Insights and Trends.

An E-commerce application is a software program that allows the development of E-commerce stores. E-Commerce applications are an indispensable part of any E-Commerce company’s business strategy as they can provide you with many benefits such as increasing efficiency, providing global reach, and reducing costs.

In this article, we will take a look at how to create your own E-commerce application and increase your sales and affiliate program through the use of these software programs!

Why Should Startup Enthusiast & Retailers Invest In Ecommerce App?

ecommerce applications installation in the year 2021

Image source

An E-commerce Application can help you increase your sales by providing a simpler way for you to interact with customers. For example, many Ecommerce applications have options that allow companies to track their customer’s preferences and buying habits through the use of Ecommerce modules such as order tracking, product recommendations, abandoned cart items, email marketing campaigns, etc.

Ecommerce Applications also help to increase efficiency by automating E-commerce tasks such as order processing, inventory management, shipping, and billing. The automation of these processes can save you time and money, which can be reinvested into your business!

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Another great benefit of using Ecommerce applications is that they provide global reach for your retail store. Ecommerce applications do this by integrating E-commerce functionalities into your website and allowing customers from all over the world to purchase products on your site.

Ecommerce Applications also provide global reach by providing a more streamlined experience for international customers, as they can easily manage their financial transactions in their own currency!

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Finally, Ecommerce Applications will reduce costs for your business by saving you time and money spent on hiring web developers. E-commerce Applications are very easy to use, thus allowing your existing employees with a basic understanding of computers to create E-Commerce stores!

Additionally, Ecommerce applications allow for the integration of many services into one platform, which reduces costs as companies do not have to pay for Ecommerce integrations of each individual service.

Also Read: Building a Trustworthy eCommerce Website [Infographic]

How To Create An Ecommerce App?

Now that we have looked at the many benefits of Ecommerce applications, let’s take a look at how to create your own E-Commerce application! The first step is to find an Ecommerce Application that meets your needs.

steps for ecommerce development

Image source

There are many E-Commerce Applications available on the market, and it can be difficult to decide which one is right for you.

When selecting an Ecommerce Application, make sure to consider the following factors:

  • The size of your business
  • Your budget
  • Ecommerce features you need
  • Regions You want to target
  • Your Target Audience
  • Products you want to sell

Looking over these aspects allows you to outline app development & marketing strategy to build a robust business structure for your eCommerce business. Ecommerce application development requires you to do complete full-fledged business & requirement analysis to secure a solution that can win users’ trust & adequate market recognition.

Also Read: Pick Out The Best Open Source E-Commerce Platform For Your Projectour Project

Types Of Ecommerce Apps You Can Develop

types of ecommerce applications

It is time to decide which type of Ecommerce App you would like to develop. The three most common types of Ecommerce Apps are:

  • Custom Ecommerce Applications
  • Shopping Cart Ecommerce Applications
  • Social Media Ecommerce Applications

Custom Ecommerce Applications are developed to meet the Ecommerce needs of your business. This means that E-Commerce functionalities such as order processing, inventory management, and shipping will be developed with your specific Ecommerce requirements in mind.

Shopping Cart Ecommerce Applications are Ecommerce applications that allow you to set up an online store through a third-party website such as Facebook or Shopify. This is a great option for small businesses as there is no need to develop a custom Ecommerce application.

Social Media Ecommerce Applications allow you to sell products through social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. This type of Ecommerce App is perfect for businesses who want to increase their brand awareness and reach new customers through social media.

Ecommerce applications allow you to do this while also providing E-Commerce functionalities such as inventory management and shipping. Moreover, An ecommerce software solution allows you to perform all organizational processes at ease and boost revenue generation.

As we can see, Ecommerce Applications are very useful for small businesses looking to increase sales! Ecommerce Applications reduce the need of hiring web developers by allowing your business to easily create an online store that is not only mobile-friendly but also provides eCommerce functionalities!

Watch our video for Quick Guide To Form An Ecommerce App

Must Read: 10 Steps With Which You Can Grow on F-commerce by Importing Your Magento Store

Features Your Ecommerce App Must Have

When creating Ecommerce Applications, there are certain E-Commerce features that you must include in your application. These Ecommerce features will allow customers to have a seamless online shopping experience, while also ensuring the success of your business.

Inventory Management

Your Ecommerce Application should provide inventory management functionality, so customers can view and track product availability prior to making a purchase. This will help reduce the chances of customers being disappointed when a product is sold out.

Order Processing

Ecommerce applications should provide order processing functionality, so orders can be easily managed and tracked. This will ensure that your Ecommerce business runs smoothly, and customer orders are processed quickly.


Ecommerce applications should include shipping functionality, so customers can easily view shipping rates and delivery times before making a purchase. This will help reduce the chances of customers being disappointed with their purchase due to unexpected shipping costs!

Order Tracking

Ecommerce applications should include order tracking functionality, so customers can track the status of their E-Commerce orders at any time. This will help reduce customer frustration and increase satisfaction with your business!

features of ecommerce app

(Must Have Features Of Ecommerce App In Each Module)

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Customer Management

Ecommerce Applications provide Customer management functionality that allows you to manage all your E-Commerce users such as shoppers, store managers, admins, etc. This is a significant way to keep track of your business. Moreover, it is the most sought-after feature in custom e-commerce software development to ensure effective customer support & personalization of services.

Shopping Cart

Ecommerce applications should include a shopping cart functionality, so customers can easily add products to their purchase. This will help reduce the chances of customers leaving your eCommerce store without making a purchase.

Register & Login

Ecommerce applications should include a simple E-Commerce registration and login functionality, so customers can easily sign up to your E-Commerce store. This will help reduce the chances of customers being frustrated by application features.

Customers simply need an Ecommerce account to be able to purchase products from your online store.


Ecommerce applications should include Ecommerce analytics functionality to help you understand the way your E-Commerce store is performing. This will allow you to make improvements and better target potential customers.

Analytics will show information such as Number of Visitors, Ecommerce Sales Conversion Rate, Ecommerce Mobile Stats, etc. Once Analytics has been configured, it can be easily viewed within the ecommerce application.

Push Notification In Ecommerce App

One of the most important features that you should include in your ecommerce app pushes notifications. This will allow you to keep in touch with your customers and send them updates about new products, sales, and more.

Social Media Platform Integration

Another important feature to include is social media platform integration. This will allow your ecommerce app users to share their purchases on Facebook, Twitter, and other platforms, which will help increase sales even more!

Popup Notifications

If you want your customers to take advantage of an offer or sale that’s happening right now, popup notifications are the way to go. These notifications will appear as a small window on the screen and can be customized to include images, text, and even videos.

ecommerce application development features

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Cart Abandonment

One of the critical problems with online shopping is cart abandonment. This happens when people add items to their cart but then leave the site without checking out. A popup notification can be used to remind customers of their abandoned carts and encourage them to complete the transaction.

One-Page Checkout

The last feature that you should consider adding is one-page checkout. This will allow your customers to quickly check out without having to go through multiple pages every time they make a purchase. It’s easy for people who are in a hurry to forget important details such as their shipping address, so this feature can be really helpful.

As we can see, there are many E-Commerce features that you must include in your ecommerce solution. Hire ecommerce developers with comprehensive expertise in coding & business logic so that they can create a solution by understanding users’ interests & business requirements. By providing these essential ecommerce features, you will not only increase customer satisfaction but also ensure the success of your Ecommerce business.

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Steps To Follow While Creating An Ecommerce App

#1. Customer Needs Assessment

The first step in ecommerce app development is to identify the needs of your customers. What are your customers looking for in an app? What features would make their shopping experience easier and more enjoyable? Consider these things mindfully as you design your wireframes and storyboards.

#2. Create a design for your app

Once you know what your customers want, it’s time to start designing your app. This will involve creating wireframes and storyboards that show how the app will look and function. It’s important to have a solid design in place before you start coding, as this will help ensure a smooth development process.

#3. Decide Programming Language Stack

Pick a programming language that you want to use. There are many languages that can be used for mobile app development, such as Objective-C, Swift, for iOS app, and Java for Android. If your business already has a large team of ecommerce developers who know one of these languages, it looks suitable to stick with it, so they don’t have to learn anything new.

#4. List of requirements & start coding

Once you have a good design and the language that your team will be using, it’s time to start coding. You’ll need an API (Application Programming Interface) and backend so that your app can function and connect to your company’s databases. Make sure you don’t forget about legal issues such as copyright infringement! Your IP attorney should help you find all potential problems before it’s too late.

Guide For ECommerce App Development

A Simple Step-To-Step Guide For ECommerce App Development

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#5. Intensive Testing

The most successful apps are those with good reviews, customer feedback, and ratings. You can improve your app’s rating by constantly listening to customer feedback and implementing changes based on what they are saying. Once your ecommerce development company and you’re confident that everything is working the way it should be, go ahead and release your ecommerce app.

#6. Continuous Upgradation For Ecommerce Development

Keep in mind that the development of an ecommerce app is never really done. There are always new features and updates to consider. Make sure you have a team in place that can handle these tasks, so your app remains up-to-date and compliant with all legal requirements.

The steps above provide a general overview of the process of developing an ecommerce app. By following these steps, you can create a successful app that meets the needs of your customers and helps your business grow.

Also Read: A Comprehensive Guide To Launch eCommerce Business In 2022

Wrapping Up

Ecommerce apps are the future. If your business is not developing an app for customers to use, it will soon be left behind in the dust. Keep in mind that the development of an ecommerce app is never really done.

There are always new features and updates to consider. Make sure you have a team in place that can handle these tasks, so your app remains up-to-date and compliant with all legal requirements.

Expert ecommerce website developers always have to assimilate new trends in solutions to cater to a solution that keeps users hooked. So, connect with a deft ecommerce development company with excellent expertise.



1. Why should I create an eCommerce application for my retail business? 

Creating an eCommerce application allow your business to boost revenue generation by improving your sales. It also improves your business reputation and takes you to the global market, and wins the hearts of gen-z. 

2. What different types of eCommerce applications can you create? 

You can develop a variety of eCommerce solutions, including:

  • Online grocery store
  • Fashion & Clothing store 
  • Jewelry eCommerce store
  • Online booking solution 
  • Medical Store App 
  • Shopping & trading solution 

3. What are the top eCommerce application development companies? 

Top eCommerce application development companies are: ValueCoders, Pixelcrayons, and Teach Ahead. 



The post A Comprehensive Guide To Create An Ecommerce App From Scratch appeared first on ValueCoders | Unlocking the Power of Technology: Discover the Latest Insights and Trends.

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Top eCommerce Development Companies In India To Change Business Fortunes Fri, 24 Sep 2021 09:00:35 +0000 As per stats by Statista, e-commerce is all set to hit $4.5 trillion in sales in 2023. Nothing can compete...

The post Top eCommerce Development Companies In India To Change Business Fortunes appeared first on ValueCoders | Unlocking the Power of Technology: Discover the Latest Insights and Trends.

As per stats by Statista, e-commerce is all set to hit $4.5 trillion in sales in 2023.

Nothing can compete with eCommerce when it comes to generating online revenue. Everyone wants to purchase or sell products/services online. Earlier it was a trend but now a necessity! For entrepreneurs, developing a business-friendly website is no less than a fairy tale. It gives fodder— to growing e-Commerce development companies to scale innovations every hour. So the ball in your court is how to outsource software development to India for having better returns in the online industry. Outsourcing addresses your pain areas in pandemic times.

Like every coin has two aspects, e-Commerce is widespread, possessing full of challenges & vulnerabilities.

When you subscribe to the idea of e-commerce business, you should know the fierce competition. Yes, everyone is selling the same thing, but it matters how appealing your marketing strategies are? Searching for an eCommerce design company may give you some hard times too.

So the right thing to do is to ‘set the ball rolling.’As we know, the website is your sole online business platform. You should treat a website like a glass wall. Hence, this blog helps choose top e-commerce development companies for setting up an e-commerce platform.

Based on these pointers, I have compiled a list of top eCommerce Companies. 

1) Years of experience & expertise

2) Projects Completed

3 Clutch Ratings

4) No. of Employees

5) Avg. Hourly Rates

6) Satisfied Services

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Let’s have a look at top eCommerce development COMPANIES in India

1. Infinijith Apps & Technologies


A full-stack development company based in Coimbatore with top-notch technology and agile software methodology for the software development process. The company works with a primary objective of customer satisfaction within the budget. Services that make it popular: e-commerce, healthcare, travel, education, etc.

Moreover, it has gained accolades for developing secure eCommerce development to drive business in top gear.


Employees: 11-50

Hourly rate: $15 to $ 25 per hour 

Established: 2014

Clutch Ratings: 5/5

2. PixelCrayons

Screenshot from 2023 05 08 17 18 19


PixelCrayons is one of India’s popular eCommerce development companies with an excellent track record. The innovative software solution provides services to start-ups to large-scale industries. Because of the meticulous approach, it primarily works in e-commerce development. 

Furthermore, the main USP is never compromising on performance and on-time project delivery. It has such a fantastic client retention record. 


Employees: 201-500  

Hourly rate:  $25 per hour 

Established: 2004

Clutch Rating: 5/5

Specialized Services: Software development services, E-commerce Services, Mobile app development

3. ValueCoders

Screenshot from 2023 05 08 17 09 19

ValueCoders is also one of the fastest-growing offshore development companies and renowned as the best eCommerce development company in 10 years.

With innovative & in-depth software solutions, their services are widespread, i.e., .start-ups to large-scale industries. It gained accolades for better delivery and on-time project maintenance. In terms of client retention, they compete with the best in the business. Moreover, you save cost up to 60% of your estimated budget.


Employees: 700+  

Hourly rate: Up to $25 per hour 

Established: 2005

Clutch Rating: 5/5

Specialized Services: E-commerce development, Software development services, Mobile app development

Also Read: Key Factors To Consider For Measuring E-Commerce Success

Harness the potential of eCommerce

Supercharge your business fortunes with cutting-edge eCommerce solutions from India's finest developers.

4. SemiDot Infotech

semidot 2

SemiDot Infotech is the leading eCommerce website development company. They have always worked focusing on clients’ requirements & assisting them with top-class solutions. SemiDot Infotech offers a variety of custom e-commerce websites & mobile app development services at worthwhile while focusing on building trust & keeping transparency with their clients.


Employees: 100-120

Hourly rate: $25-$30 Per Hour

Established: 2010

Clutch Rating: 4.9/5

Specialized Services: Web Development, eCommerce Development, Web Design, CMS Development, Open Source Development, QA Testing Services, Digital Marketing,

5. VerveLogicvervelogic-ecommerce-development-company-

An eCommerce development company with a group of developers focus on web designing. In addition, their popular expertise is innovation and development in logo design.


Employees: 51-200  

Established: 2011

Hourly rate: $15 to $25 per hour

Clutch Ratings: 5.0

Specialized Services: E-commerce development, Mobile application development, Responsive website development, Digital marketing, SEO services


6. TechMagnate 

techmagnate-ecommerce-solution-Suppose you’re looking for one of the leading digital marketing agencies to give a push to your online business. Moreover, it ticks all the boxes. As a top e-commerce development company, their professionals deliver top-notch services for clients like Airtel, Bajaj Finserv, Reliance Communications, etc.


Employees: 51-200  

Hourly rate: $15 to $25 per hour

Clutch Ratings: 4.0

Specialized Services: Web and e-commerce development, Search Engine Marketing, Social Media Marketing, App marketing services


7. Sparx IT Solutions

sparxit-ecommerce-solution-It is a privately held IT initiative. By offering 100% client satisfaction and full effort, Sparx developers empower businesses in app development projects, creating a niche for producing top-notch digital services. Hence, it would be a wise decision to start your next project with this company.


Employees: 201-500  

Established: 2007

Hourly rate: $10 to $20 

Clutch Ratings: 5/5

Specialized Services: Web Development, Android, and iOS app development, JavaScript expert, Open source development.

8. Angular Minds

angularminds-custom-ecommerce-development-company-Angular Minds is an eCommerce web design company to executes eCommerce projects. They provide clients with innovative business solutions to transform business value(BV). Working with a mission helps provide innovative & creative solutions to meet customer aspirations. Moreover, it focuses on Ionic, Reacts Native, and React to JS services.  


Employees: 11-50  

Established: 2016

Hourly rate: $22/hr

Clutch Ratings: 5/5

Specialized Services: Mean Stack App Development, Mobile Apps, Angular JS, Blockchain, IoT

Experience the Next Level of Online Success

Boost Your Revenue and Customer Engagement with India's Finest eCommerce Developers

9. Brainvire Infotech Inc

brainvire-ecommerce-web-development-company-It provides a time-tested service in e-commerce web development. IoT, Blockchain & machine learning are their key services. Also, they work in an open-source framework like Python, PHP & web app development.

Furthermore, they are also involved in open-source frameworks like NodeJS, Python, PHP, and web development. Their products include AuroCRM and Control ERP.  


Employees: 501-1000

Established: 2000 

Hourly Rate: up to $25 

Clutch Ratings: 5/5

Specialized Services: Point of Sale (POS) system, MongoDB development, Android & iPhone application development. 

Related:  A Comprehensive Guide To Launch eCommerce Business In 2021-22

10. Tvisha Technologies 

tvisha-technology-ecommerceTvisha Technologies is a system integration and network consulting company. In addition, it helped companies to enhance digital workplaces. With the widespread reins of technology everywhere, It has stepped into the web, mobile application development, and e-commerce development with full-fledged techniques. 


Employees: 51-200  

Establishment: 2002

Hourly Rate: $25/hr

Clutch Ratings: 5/5

Specialized Services: Web and mobile application development, Digital marketing, SEO services, E-commerce development.

11. Digital Silk

digitalsilk-web-development-company-Digital Silk is a top eCommerce development company you would find. It is adept at developing and creating outstanding digital marketing services. Moreover, you can drive as a website is the reflection of your business they prioritize your eCommerce development projects to a spike in user traffic with a  focus on user engagement.


No. of Employees: 50-99

Established: 2017

Minimal Budget: $10,000 to $25,000

Clutch Ratings: 4.5 /5

Specialized Services: E-commerce development, Web & mobile application development, Digital marketing, SEO services

12. Magneto IT Solutions

Magneto IT Solutions is an Indian eCommerce Development Company that offers a host of services to its clients. They believe in providing scalable, user-friendly websites at competitive prices. Moreover, the company has over ten years of experience working with businesses all across the country! Their team consists of highly skilled eCommerce developers who work hard to meet your business goals. 


Employees: 51–200

Hourly rate: $25 — $49 / hr

Established: 2009

Clutch Rating: 4.8/5

Specialized Services: Yii Development, PHP Development, iOS and Android Apps Development, Responsive Web Design, Custom eCommerce Solution, WordPress development, Digital Marketing, PPC, SEO, Ionic Development, and more.

13. Kadam Technologies Pvt. Ltd

Kadam Technologies is one of the top-notch eCommerce development companies that specialize in Magento, WordPress, and Shopify platforms. Moreover, the organization has been able to gain massive success for its clients across the world who have trusted them with all of their online business needs. Whether you’re looking to start from scratch or develop your existing online store, Kadam has a team of eCommerce experts to assist you through every stage of the process.


Employees: 51–200

Hourly rate: < $25 / hr

Established: 2015

Clutch Rating: 5/5

Specialized Services: Web and Mobile development, E-commerce Application, Front End Development, eCommerce development services, CRM solution development, Healthcare solution development, Digital Marketing, and more.

14. Octal IT Solution

Octal IT Solution is one of the excellent eCommerce development companies in India. They offer a host of services to help businesses succeed online, including eCommerce applications and mobile apps for both iOS and Android devices. Moreover, the corporation includes a team that has extensive experience working with various trending technologies, from AI to Blockchain.


Employees: 51–200

Hourly rate: $25 — $49

Established: 2007

Clutch Rating: 4.6/5

Specialized Services: Mobile Application Development, Web Design and Development, Microsoft Solutions, Custom Software Development, SaaS Development, Enterprise Solutions, Digital Marketing, and more.

Give a Read: Know The Key Differences Between B2B and B2C eCommerce Websites

15. Dynamic Dreamz

Dynamic Dreamz is an eCommerce development company that offers you a range of services. They are experts at web design, custom website development & online marketing strategies using SEO/SEM techniques. Moreover, their eCommerce development team has years of experience working on Magento and OS Commerce platforms which means they can build your site from the ground up or help with any customization you require.


Employees: 51–200

Hourly rate: $25 — $49

Established: 2004

Clutch Rating: 5/5

Specialized Services: Web Design & Development, eCommerce Development, Android app development, Responsive Website Design, Magento, WordPress development, eCommerce development, Laravel, PHP, and more.

16. Icecube Digital

Icecube Digital is a leading eCommerce website development company. The firm offers you custom-built eCommerce websites that can be fully integrated with your existing business processes. In addition, the eCommerce app developers of the organization are highly skilled and have already worked on various platforms such as Magento, Drupal, and WordPress, which means they are capable of building highly complex online stores for businesses in any industry — not just fashion or electronics!


Employees: 11–50

Hourly rate: $25 — $49 / hr

Established: 2008

Clutch Rating: 5/5

Specialized Services: iOS app development, Responsive web design, Magento Development, Shopify Development, WordPress Development, Mobile App Development, Typo3 Development, PHP Development, SEO, and so on.

Harness the potential of eCommerce

Supercharge your business fortunes with cutting-edge eCommerce solutions from India's finest developers.

17. Webnexs

Webnexs is a top-notch eCommerce web development company. The eCommerce website developers of the organization have years of experience in developing customized eCommerce online stores. Moreover, the firm focuses on creating quality applications and offering digital marketing solutions for its clients.


Employees: 11–50

Hourly rate: $25 — $49 / hr

Established: 2015

Clutch Rating: 5/5

Specialized Services: Magento, Android app development, iOS, digital marketing, Video on demand, Live streaming, Ride-Hailing Script, Tracking Script, eCommerce development services, Magento Migration, App Development, and more.

18. Cirkle Studio

Cirkle Studio is an outstanding eCommerce web design company that proffers comprehensive solutions related to eCommerce website development to businesses at very affordable prices. Moreover, the corporation has a pool of talented and experienced professionals, which gives them the ability to work on any eCommerce website development project.


Employees: 11–50

Hourly rate: $25 — $49 / hr

Established: 2012

Clutch Rating: 5/5

Specialized Services: UI/UX Design, Web Application Development, Mobile Apps Design, Quality Assurance Services, Mobile Apps Development, eCommerce website development service, Digital Marketing, Internet Marketing Service, Digital Service, and more.

Also Read: Top eCommerce Development Companies In India To Change Business Fortunes

19. BrancoSoft Private Limited

BrancoSoft is an outstanding eCommerce development company that specializes in custom-built online stores. Moreover, the firm has been around since 2012, and its eCommerce developers have delivered multiple eCommerce projects for various enterprises globally, including those from India.


Employees: 11–50

Hourly rate: $25 — $49 / hr

Established: 2015

Clutch Rating: 5/5

Specialized Services: Website Development, Digital Marketing, Business Analysis, iOS App Development, Designing, Strategy & Consulting, Brand Strategy, SEO, and Social media marketing, and more.

20. BlueTech Research

BlueTech Research is an extraordinary eCommerce development company that offers you solutions for all your online business demands. The eCommerce developers of the firm have created small to big level projects! Moreover, the firm’s development team is so talented that they can handle startups, SMEs, and large enterprises projects in a simple way.


Employees: 11–50

Hourly rate: Undisclosed

Established: 1984

Clutch Rating: 5/5

Specialized Services: Custom app development, iOS application development, Android app development, eCommerce development services, UI/UX design, mobile app development, Java, PHP, Magneto web app development, and more.

21. Fluper Ltd

Fluper Ltd is a leading eCommerce website development service provider that has been in the industry for over a decade. The firm offers customers a complete package of solutions which includes custom website design, web development, and mobile app development. Moreover, What makes them stand out from the crowd is their highly skilled team that can work on any project — be it an eCommerce site or a social media campaign!


Employees: 201–500

Hourly rate: < $25 / hr

Established: 2013

Clutch Rating: 4.1/5

Specialized Services: Web & Mobile App Designing, eCommerce App Development, CMS Development, ERP Apps Development, iOS and Android App Development, PHP Development, Java Development, Cross-platform app development, Augmented Reality Apps, and more.

22. Mxpertz

Mxpertz offers you a wide range of eCommerce website development services that can be tailor-made to suit your business’s unique needs. Hence, they have been providing web design and custom software solutions for around three years now, which makes them one of the most experienced digital agencies in India!


Employees: 11–50

Hourly rate: < $25 / hr

Established: 2018

Clutch Rating: 5/5

Specialized Services: Information Technology, Web Development, Design and development, Onsite Resource, Software Engineering, Mobile App Development, eCommerce app development, Custom Software Development, and more.

23. Vrinsoft Technology

Vrinsoft Technology is a premium eCommerce development company that provides businesses with the most innovative and feature-rich websites. In addition, the organization has been developing custom mobile apps, responsive sites & complex portals for international brands as well as SMEs, which means you can rely on them to provide your business website development needs at an affordable price.


Employees: 51–200

Hourly rate: $25 — $49 / hr

Established: 2009

Clutch Rating: 4.8/5

Specialized Services: Web Designing and Development, eCommerce Web Development, Search Engine Optimization, Mobile Application Development, iPhone Application Development, Android App Development, Web Application Development, and so on.

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24. 7EDGE

Being the top-notch eCommerce website development company, 7EDGE has a team of talented eCommerce web developers who are passionate about creating innovative online shopping websites. Moreover, the corporation professionals can help you develop an integrated website that is designed to increase your business revenue exponentially!


Employees: 51–200

Hourly rate: $25 — $49 / hr

Established: 2010

Clutch Rating: 4.9/5

Specialized Services: Marketing Cloud, Consulting, Digital Marketing, Digital Media, Web Solutions, Mobility Solutions, DevOps, Big Data, Analytics, Internet of Things (IoT), Cloud Computing, Automation, Artificial Intelligence, SMAC, Digital Transformation, and more.

25. Axis Web Art Pvt Ltd

Axis Web Art is a prominent eCommerce website development company that offers you top-notch solutions related to your needs for online retail websites. In addition, the organization has a team of highly skilled professionals, which allows them to create custom web apps using the most advanced technologies available in the market — all at very affordable prices!


Employees: 11–50

Hourly rate: $150 — $199 / hr

Established: 2011

Clutch Rating: 5/5

Specialized Services: Website Design, Joomla, WordPress, Magento development, Joomla Extension Development, eCommerce Solutions, Responsive website development, digital marketing, SEO, Facebook Ads, Google Adwords, Angular, React, Android, iOS, and more.

26. Om Software Pvt Ltd

Om Software is a custom web design company that provides top-quality eCommerce website development services to businesses at unbeatable prices. Moreover, they have worked on several projects for local and international clients, which means you can be sure they are best-suited to handle your business website needs!


Employees: 51–200

Hourly rate: < $25 / hr

Established: 2008

Clutch Rating: 4.1/5

Specialized Services: Application Development, CRM Development, SaaS Development, ERP Solutions, Hosting, Designing, Staffing, CMS, Marketing, Publishing and Editing, Digital Marketing, IOS APP, Business development, and more.

How does an e-commerce development company work?

It delivers and develops a quality platform by typically assessing critical parameters:

♦ Client Brief: The first ladder starts with discovery & research. The company collects reviews on future projects, goals, purpose and agree upon features & solutions.

♦ Planning: In the second stage, the creation process further induces an action plan, and the sitemap includes customer wishes. That’s why sitemap is critical in linking different strategies to decide on project needs.

♦ Design: The development process includes the creation of all visual parts of the future website. After the design stage, the customer will confirm or amend. At this stage, the team edit text, write headlines site description & preliminary product information. As a result, the process should approve before the coding.

♦ Coding and development: The work done previously will be used to program an actual web store, marketplace, or different e-commerce website, via frameworks, CMS, coding platforms, and search engine optimization tools.

♦ Testing and Launch: Once the e-commerce product is ready, the team carries out quality assurance before a site is published.

♦ Maintenance: Launching the site is not only a priority. A few websites require maintenance through a constant checks, support, and regular updates.

Top  E-commerce development companies In India: A Key To Your Digital Assets

It conveys why you need an e-commerce solution for business and how setting up e-commerce development works?

Developing a website from BPOV is critical. Things like load time, interface of the website are nearly essential to keep hooked up to services. However, it all depends on the complexity of client requests, the scope of work, platform, future websites, proposals, etc. 

It makes an e-commerce web design company work as a great partner if you are relatively new to entrepreneurship.

A well-established company delivers a typical website in less than preliminary 4 months. They create a platform that usually inputs design ideas about the shopping cart, images, price calculator, templates, user registration/login, purchase cycle. Furthermore, the UI teams specialize in brand recognition to ensure quality content for websites across all digital platforms.

Payment Integration: E-commerce development companies enable your website with payment gateway integration, i.e.PayPal – the most viable payment method for top e-commerce companies with more than 254 million users, or Google Pay with 25 million monthly active subscribers. Apple Pay with over 39  million users. It implies the importance of a payment gateway in an e-Commerce website.

SEO & Marketing:  E-commerce developers improve visibility, sales & traffic boost. With quality SEO, you attract visitors and potential buyers, increase hot leads into conversions. At the same time, it helps brand recognition, graphics, and excites customers to make purchases.

Technical Ongoing Support:  It is critical as post-launch, regular updates, bug fixing, troubleshooting, further enhancements, etc., expert eCommerce development company can deliver all things in a bundle.

Let’s Discuss Your Project

Get free consultation and let us know your project idea to turn it into an amazing digital product.

How can you choose the best e-Commerce development companies In India?

Before you go and take a step further, choosing the most suitable e-commerce development checking priorities is essential.

#How experienced are your team and employees?

An e-commerce development company deploys multi-taskers possessing the necessary skills to create your project. The team should have expertise in JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Python, PHP & Ruby languages. Equipped with skills in website design, front-end and back-end development, data analysis, search engine optimization will be an extra advantage.

Also Read: ValueCoders as Clutch’s Top E-Commerce Developer in India

#How much is the charge for dedicated service? How much does it cost to hire?

Various parameters determine the quality, quantity, and end result. The price ranges from $400 – $1,000, depending on the complexity and specifications of the project. You’ll see some companies offer calculators on their websites where one can count the approximate price of the final product and decide if that suits your budget. 

Final Words:

I hope we now have vital information at our fingertips post reading a piece on top e-commerce development companies in India (2023-24). Moreover, these enlisted companies work with a ‘SAME MISSION BUT A DIFFERENT VISION’ to meet diverse client needs. I tried to exhibit their real expertise in e-Commerce development. It could be the right moment for you to go ahead and seize the best offers available post-COVID-19 economic distress.

Hence, What Is Stopping Now? Choose the company you think could be the driving force to tale your eCommerce development dreams to scale new heights. My gut feeling says I should go with names like VALUECODERS, PIXELCRAYONS & VERELOGIC.


The post Top eCommerce Development Companies In India To Change Business Fortunes appeared first on ValueCoders | Unlocking the Power of Technology: Discover the Latest Insights and Trends.

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Magento vs Shopify: Which Is The Best eCommerce Platform? Thu, 01 Apr 2021 12:46:35 +0000 Selecting the most suitable and the best eCommerce platform for creating, managing, and maintaining an online store is a complex...

The post Magento vs Shopify: Which Is The Best eCommerce Platform? appeared first on ValueCoders | Unlocking the Power of Technology: Discover the Latest Insights and Trends.

Selecting the most suitable and the best eCommerce platform for creating, managing, and maintaining an online store is a complex but essential task, as it can be the primary factor for the success or failure of your business.    

Nowadays, both Magento and Shopify are the most recommended and used eCommerce platforms. But if I talk about the best among Magento vs Shopify, it’s hard to say who will be wearing the crown. 

Let’s convert this hard term into simple by examining various features and factors related to Magento and Shopify, as this will ultimately help in knowing who’s head (Magento or Shopify) will carry the crown.            

So, let’s move further and begin the Shopify vs Magento war.

An Overview of Magento and Shopify

Magento and Shopify are two popular e-commerce platforms that businesses use to build and manage their online stores.

Magento is a highly customizable, open-source e-commerce platform that offers a range of features and tools for building an online store, including product management, order management, and customer management. It also offers a large selection of third-party extensions and plugins to add additional functionality. Magento is aimed at larger businesses and enterprises that require more complex e-commerce solutions, and it requires technical skills to use and manage.

Shopify, on the other hand, is a cloud-based, all-in-one e-commerce platform that is designed to be easy to use and accessible to businesses of all sizes. It offers a wide range of templates, themes, and apps to help businesses quickly and easily build an online store, and it also includes features for product management, order management, and customer management. Shopify is ideal for small and medium-sized businesses that do not have the technical skills or resources to manage a complex e-commerce platform like Magento.


What is Magento

Magento is one of the well-known open-source eCommerce platforms that renders retailers a content, shopping cart system, and other online store functionalities. This platform incorporates various tools related to robust marketing, catalogue management, and SEO.                       

The platform supports various themes and plugins, which mainly improve a customer’s experience. Magento allows you to create leading customized eCommerce websites. Additionally, it supports high-level features and provides an expandable architecture.

Also Read: Drupal vs Magento: Which is the Best Choice for your Business?

Pros of Magento

  • Best and suitable for small to large level businesses
  • Excellent user interface and unlimited customization possibilities
  • Numerous apps accessible from third-party retailers

Cons of Magento

  • Hosting alternative of Magento is expensive than other eCommerce platforms
  • In the free version, you require to find the domain and hosting name

Well, in order to make effective use of Magento, it will be beneficial to take expert help, even you can also Hire Magento Developers from one of the excellent Magento development companies. This will help you shorten the eCommerce software development cycle.

Let's Discuss Your Project

Get expert Magento development services from ValueCoders, the leading provider of scalable and reliable e-commerce solutions for businesses of all sizes.


What is Shopify

Shopify is the most famous cloud-based SaaS (software as a service) eCommerce platform. The platform proffers eCommerce solutions to ship, market, and handle your stocks.  

Employing Shopify service can get access to an admin panel where you can accomplish a number of tasks. The Shopify paid version enables access to the admin panel where you can add products, enter & save data, and process orders. 

Also Read: WordPress Vs Shopify: A Detailed Comparison For ECommerce Store

Pros of Shopify

  • Starting price for a small business size online store is low compared to other eCommerce platforms, which is $9/monthly
  • Numbers of excellent eCommerce themes
  • Includes an alternative option to selling on Facebook directly 
  • Numbers of functionalities accessible such as designing, marketing, orders, shipping, etc.

Cons of Shopify

  • No FTP support
  • Charges additional fees for non-Shopify payment gateways like PayPal
  • A big challenge to move away from Shopify

Sometimes it’s quite difficult to resolve the issues occurring on the Shopify platform. Well, you are also facing the same? Avail of Shopify development service or Hire Shopify Developers. This will lead to resolving issues within no time and will support you in meeting your business goal in a shorter time. 

Let's Discuss Your Project

Transform your online store with ValueCoders, the leading provider of custom Shopify e-commerce services designed to drive sales and enhance customer experience.

Magento vs Shopify: Which is The Right Platform For You

The eCommerce Software Development Solutions market was valued at approximately $5.1 billion in 2018 and is projected to grow to around $6.3 billion by 2023. With worldwide retail eCommerce sales predicted to reach $6.5 trillion by 2023, the demand for eCommerce software solutions is rapidly increasing.

Seeing the stats, I can say that in the upcoming time, the usage of various eCommerce platforms will also rise swiftly, but all you require is to pick the best to form leading eCommerce web development.

Let’s move further and know which one will best among Magento vs Shopify.

Numbers of Retailers using Magento & Shopify

Around 270,000 retailers prefer using Magento for their business, whereas around 100,000 retailers are currently using Shopify.

Numbers of Live Websites on Magento & Shopify

199,326 live websites using Magento and additionally 558,136 sites used Magento historically, whereas 1,389,995 live websites currently using Shopify and additionally 2,295,768 sites used Shopify historically.

Famous Brands Using Shopify & Magento

Hp, Canon, Ford are the few popular organizations utilizing Magento. Penguin Books, Heinz, Bulletproof, DTH are popular organizations using Shopify.

Magento vs Shopify: Overall Rating

Shopify is one of the excellent platforms for small enterprises selling around 10 products, and the overall rating of this e-commerce platform is 4.7 out of 5. Well, if you are looking for help to make use of Shopify in online store development, then hiring Shopify programmers will be the best alternative. 

Shopify Overall Rating

The overall rating of Magento is 4 out of 5 and is one of the foremost enterprise-level eCommerce platforms. Moreover, to make comprehensive use of Magento features and functionalities, you can hire a dedicated Magento developer from the best Magento Development Company in India.

Magento Overall Rating

Viewing the stats, I can say that currently, in the Shopify vs Magento war, Shopify is leading

Magento vs Shopify: Factors To Help You In Choosing The Best eCommerce Platform

Magento vs Shopify

The features comparison of Magento and Shopify will help you analyze the Magento vs Shopify war result and eventually help you find the crown holder’s name. 

Ease Of Use

Shopify is much easier than Magento as it includes a drag-and-drop feature, allowing you to move elements while building the online store. Moreover, Magento’s learning curve is quite steep in comparison with Magento. 

Magento is more flexible, enabling you to customize your store using code, but overall it is quite trickier to use it, which ultimately makes it hard to use compared with Shopify.

Inventory Management

Shopify and Magneto both allow you to create and sell limitless products. Creating a product with these two platforms is quite simple but then to Shopify is more preferred because it allows direct integration to dropshipping inventory apps. Magento provides a virtually countless number of products, host (server) performance, and site loading pace might turn out to be a serious problem.

Including Coupons & Discounts Codes

Shopify free plan lacks this feature as if you will use the free version of Shopify; then you might not be able to add Coupons and Discounts codes in your online store, whereas using Magento features enables simple integration of coupons and discounts codes in online stores.

Payment Gateways

If I talk about the numbers of Payment Gateways, then in Shopify, 70 payment gateways are available, whereas Magento does not include so many payment gateways, but it allows you to integrate third-party payment alternatives. The main drawback of Shopify is that it pushes you to use in-built payment gateways in your online store. 

Themes and Templates

Several themes and templates are offered by both eCommerce platforms Shopify and Magento. But the open-source Shopify offers limited and basic themes and templates, whereas open-source Magento offers attractive themes and templates.

The great disadvantage of Shopify is that its premium themes start from $80, while Magento paid themes – start from $1, so unbelievable.

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Unleash the full potential of your online store with ValueCoders, the trusted provider of customized e-commerce solutions for businesses of all sizes.

Multilingual capabilities

Shopify directly does not offer full multilingual capabilities for forming multilingual stores, but using third-party/paid apps allows you to develop the same in a hassle-free manner. But if I talk about Magneto, then it supports built-in multilingual, which helps you directly form multilingual online stores without using third-party elements.  

SEO Capabilities

Both platforms offer extensive SEO capabilities to help enterprises drive organic traffic to online stores via search engines. The robust SEO tools available in these platforms help you perform multiple things, like making your site SEO friendly, optimizing, and so on.

Customization options

Magento and Shopify platforms offer outstanding customization options that allow you to edit and rewrite the raw HTML/CSS code directly to provide you complete control over the eCommerce software development services and design.


If I talk about pricing, then Magento is more affordable than Shopify, but Magento requires full setup, whereas Shopify just requires the installation process to be initiated after that, it setups all the thing as per the entered details and picked options. 

Shopify Pricing:

Shopify Pricing

Image Source: Shopify 

Magneto Pricing: 

Magento Pricing Plans

Comparison Table Between Magento & Shopify 

The below-mentioned Magento vs. Shopify comparison table will help you choose the best between Magento and Shopify.

Key Dimensions




Externally hosted Fully-hosted

Customization alternative

More customizable

Less customizable

Product Time

Supports 7 product types

Supports 2 product types

Product variants 

Limitless  Product variations 

100 Product variations

Payment Gateways

Less and limited

70 Payment gateways

Blog Functionalities Via Plugins





Customization Flexibility



Themes and Templates

Large variety

Medium variety





Also Read: A Comprehensive Guide To Launch eCommerce Business In 2021

Ending Words 

Considering all these facts, I can say both eCommerce platforms Shopify and Magneto, are giving neck-to-neck competition, and that’s why it is complex to say whose head deserves the golden crown. In a few cases like talking about pricing, themes & templates, customization, and more, Magento is leading the Shopify vs. Magneto war. But if I talk about hosting, setup, and management, then Shopify is winning Magento vs Shopify war.

So, simply I will say that both e-commerce platforms are best at their own place, and you can prefer any of the platforms based on your project requirements. If you are running a startup or SME business, then Magneto will be the best pick as its price is quite affordable than Shopify.

If you want to make adequate use of Magento and Shopify features, you can hire Magento developers and hire Shopify developers, respectively, from the Top-Rated eCommerce Web App Development Company.

ValueCoders is one of the reliable and best IT outsourcing companies since 2004 serving various industry verticals such as eCommerce, retail, banking & finance, healthcare, and more. The organization has already worked on several projects and successfully delivered around 4200+ projects globally. The development team of this company is proficient in handling small to large-level projects.

The post Magento vs Shopify: Which Is The Best eCommerce Platform? appeared first on ValueCoders | Unlocking the Power of Technology: Discover the Latest Insights and Trends.

Pick Out The Best Open Source E-Commerce Platform For Your Project Sun, 28 Mar 2021 13:14:10 +0000 According to Statista, revenue in the e-commerce market is predicted to reach US$2,723,991 m in 2021. An e-commerce platform allows...

The post Pick Out The Best Open Source E-Commerce Platform For Your Project appeared first on ValueCoders | Unlocking the Power of Technology: Discover the Latest Insights and Trends.

According to Statista, revenue in the e-commerce market is predicted to reach US$2,723,991 m in 2021. An e-commerce platform allows you to run a business by creating an online store. Some people think owning an e-commerce business would be very expensive, but this is not the reality.

Many e-commerce frameworks are inexpensive and free, and open-source platforms are managed and developed by expert people around the world. If you want to make your e-commerce website, then you are at the right place. Here, I will be discussing several open-source e-commerce platforms for building an e-commerce website. 

Why people choose an open-source E-commerce platform? Because it is free, filled with many unique features, and most importantly, it’s e-commerce developers-friendly. 

Let’s discuss the best open-source e-commerce platforms in 2023: 

Magento Commerce

Magento eCommerce Development Service

Magento Commerce is a PHP-based one of the best e-commerce platforms for developing an e-commerce site. It has two versions Magento 1 and Magento 2. The user needs to have good hands-on experience in PHP language for creating an e-commerce website.

Magento offers several tools to promote your brand, like SEO, user content, communication, etc. There are several other benefits of using Magento like: 

  • Inventory Management
  • Mobile Commerce and B2B commerce
  • Page Builder
  • Instant Purchase
  • Open & Customizable
  • Cloud Deployment
  • Security & Trust
  • Performance & Scale
  • Order Management & Customer Service

These are some important features of Magento, and these features are the reason why people choose Magento. If you face problems in developing an e-commerce site using Magento, you can hire Magento e-commerce developers from esteemed companies. 

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WooCommerce Development Service

WooCommerce is another one of the best open-source e-commerce platforms. WooCommerce is a WordPress-based site, and those who know how to work with WordPress will not consume much time in making a great WooCommerce website. 

According to Statista, WooCommerce was the worldwide leading e-commerce software platform in 2020, with a market share of 28.24 percent. 

As WooCommerce is built on WordPress, the development of WooCommerce has become easy. Let’s see how it became easy for development?

  • Built on WordPress
  • Rest API
  • Documentation
  • Completely open-source and managed on GitHub

WooCommerce is known for its beautiful Store where people can find anything they want without facing any trouble. The Store is equipped with these features: 

  • Colorful themes
  • Unrestricted customization
  • Sorting and Filtering of product
  • Built-in Blogging
  • Unlimited images and galleries
  • Unlimited Products

These are just a few features that give WooCommerce enough reputation so that people who are looking to build an e-commerce site can choose WooCommerce without a doubt. If still finding difficulties in creating a website, you can hire WooCommerce developers to help you in making a unique e-commerce website. 


PrestaShop eCommerce

Adding another one to the list, PrestaShop is an open-source and free platform for managing an e-commerce site. PrestaShop can fit into small, middle, or large enterprises. If you lack any certain functionality, you can directly go for extensions or plugins at the PrestaShop marketplace that gives an extensive selection, both paid and free. 

Some important features of PrestaShop:

  • Create categories & subcategories
  • Track the inventory of each product
  • Configure your internal search engine
  • Inform your customers about your Store
  • SEO Friendly
  • Highlight your most popular product
  • Activate / Deactivate iFrames & HTML purifier
  • Run caches
  • Create a set of API keys and configure the permissions
  • Create SQL queries

PrestaShop is among the best open-source e-commerce platform. If you see it challenging to develop an e-commerce website, you can take help from a custom e-commerce software development company.

Related Blog: Top 10 Ecommerce Platforms for Start-ups, Enterprises, and Small Business


nopCommerce ecommerce platform

nopCommerce is yet another open-source e-Commerce platform for building online stores. This platform is based on the Microsoft ASP.NET language, and every 6-7 months, nopCommerce releases an update so that the software keeps up with the latest technologies and development trends.

In nopCommerce, you can upload as many products as you want, manage several stores from one admin panel, and increase sales with marketing tools. 

Various features of using nopCommerce for e-commerce website:

  • Mobile Commerce
  •  Can use Multi-store in a single installation of nopCommerce
  • Stock Management
  • Product Attributes
  • Multi images per product
  • Search Engine Friendly URLs
  • Blogging
  • Discounts & Coupons
  • Multi payment methods
  • Built on secure technologies
  • Extremely secure and compliance


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CS-Cart Software

 CS-Cart Software

CS-Cart software is among the most featured e-commerce platforms, which has many features to make your e-commerce website more attractive. CS-Cart Software is powering 35,000 B2C in almost 172 countries since 2005.

Why should you choose this platform?

  • Cheap development cost
  • SEO Friendly
  • Super Adaptable
  • Friendly Technical Support 
  • Secure
  • Tools to boost sale
  • Multiple Storefront
  • Promotions, reward points, and many more.

Based on the best open source technologies, such as PHP, MySQL, Smarty template engine, and many others, all solutions are packed with the latest and most powerful tools and features to ensure only a positive e-commerce experience. CS-Cart-powered web stores are both easy to manage and control for administrators and engaging and suitable for customers.


Opencart ecommerce development

Opencart is pretty easy to use and lightweight compared to other open-source platforms. It’s free, and it also has a decent community to turn to if you have problems designing your Store.

According to cloudways, Opencart has 6% of the market share in the United States. 

I suggest it for startups as it doesn’t take too much time to customize the website from scratch. OpenCart is featured with more than 13000 modules and themes. Let’s check out more impressive features of OpenCart: 

  • Opencart has an Administrator Dashboard.
  • Featured with Multi stores
  • Various options & Attributes
  • Upload Unlimited Products & Categories
  • Multi-Currency
  • Available in more than 40 languages
  • Sales report
  • SEO Friendly

Opencart is among the best e-commerce platform, which most of the Opencart developers suggest. With the features listed above, it surely gives the outcomes more than expected.  


Drupal ecommerce development service

Drupal is the most common open-source alternative to go with while designing any website. Drupal is a close competitor of WordPress, and it is fully open-source with no premium version of it. The new version of Drupal has improved product administration, User-driven API, and Query access filtering.

The features of Drupal make the website faster, complete, and easier to administrate. There are many options for site enhancement available to customize your e-commerce site. Let’s discuss some other Drupal’s benefits:

  • Adaptable
  • Continuously innovating
  • Socially connected
  • Very much Flexible
  • Mobile Friendly
  • 24*7 support
  • It is integrated with payment gateways, fulfillment services, accounting applications, social networks, and much more.

With these features listed above, it becomes easy for anyone to make an e-commerce website. If you find it difficult to develop an e-commerce website, You can connect with a custom e-commerce software development company specializing in creating unique e-commerce websites.

Let’s Discuss Your Project

Get free consultation and let us know your project idea to turn it into an amazing digital product.

Square Online

Square Online ecommerce Store

Square Online is an excellent open-source e-commerce platform. And So far, several people are aware that Square increasingly facilitates merchants dealing with physical businesses, restaurants, coffee shops, and so forth. While that’s pretty accurate, it turns out that Square has now grown to be much more than that. 

Let’s know some benefits of Square online:

  • Very easy to set up the e-commerce sites
  • Square is a large selling platform that facilitates both online and offline selling.
  • Inventory management and tracking
  • A free URL
  • Free unlimited hosting
  • All-in-one payment system
  • Easy to load up products
  • Great for linking your POS and online Store

If you are thinking of starting an e-commerce site, you can definitely depend upon Square because it is effortless to make e-commerce websites. Still, if you want to add unique features to your website to make it more attractive, you can hire e-commerce developers. 

Read More: A Comprehensive Guide To Launch eCommerce Business

Wrapping Up

With lots of options, it is always hard to choose the best one. All the open-source e-commerce platforms discussed above have unique features, which help make attractive e-commerce websites. 

Some e-commerce platforms are suited more to big enterprises, while some for small shop owners or small business but the value they provide to the companies or enterprises are out of the competition. These platforms are so rich in features that they have in-built features for marketing, helping you increase your business. 

Those people who don’t have a technical background always worry about developing e-commerce sites, so to help them, a custom e-commerce software development service makes their websites and guides them on how to utilize the website to make the best outcome.  

You can also hire e-commerce developers from a named company like ValueCoders, which has done 4200+ projects and served more than 2500 clients. 

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Top 10 Ecommerce Platforms for Start-ups, Enterprises, and Small Business [Infographic] Fri, 19 Mar 2021 13:15:18 +0000 There is no doubt that selling any product online is one of the best ways to sell hundreds of products...

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There is no doubt that selling any product online is one of the best ways to sell hundreds of products and reach thousands of people across the globe at an affordable cost.

In 2019, the eCommerce development market generated a revenue of $6.2 billion, and it is predicted to grow at a CAGR of 16.3% during 2020-2027. Due to the reduction in the cost of development and increasing adoption of online e-commerce development platforms combines with ease of online business is predicted to boost the market. 

Ecommerce software development offers various benefits to start-ups, enterprises, and entrepreneurs, which we will discuss in this blog. Firstly, we will discuss the list of e-commerce platforms used for web or mobile application development. 

So, here is the list of the top 10 E-commerce platforms to use for mobile or web app development- 

  • Shopify 
  • WooCommerce 
  • PrestaShop
  • BigCommerce 
  • Volusion 
  • GoDaddy 
  • Wix 
  • Magento
  • Drupal 
  • OpenCart

Top 10 E-commerce platforms {Infographic}

Now, coming to the next part of our blog that is why we should opt for ecommerce website development. Well! E-commerce development offers a plethora of benefits to start-ups, enterprises, and entrepreneurs which are as listed below- 

  • Low financial cost 
  • Better flexibility 
  • Sell Internationally
  • Various payment modes 
  • Targeted communication 
  • Faster response 
  • Affordable advertising 

Thousands of companies are now investing in e-commerce website development to boost their brand image in the market. List of companies using e-commerce development platforms- 

  • eBay
  • Wallmart 
  • Alibaba
  • Amazon 
  • Rakuten 

Also Read: A Comprehensive Guide To Launch eCommerce Business In 2021


For deploying ecommerce website development benefits into your business, you need to consult an e-commerce software company or hire ecommerce developers. So, where to find it? 

Well, ValueCoders is a top-notch e-commerce development company in India that has 16+ years of experience in delivering high-performing, result-oriented, and technology-driven solutions to start-ups, enterprises, and entrepreneurs. 

Want to hire e-commerce website developers? Contact ValueCoders! 

The post Top 10 Ecommerce Platforms for Start-ups, Enterprises, and Small Business [Infographic] appeared first on ValueCoders | Unlocking the Power of Technology: Discover the Latest Insights and Trends.

Shopify Analysis for eCommerce Business in 2022 (Infographic) Mon, 15 Feb 2021 15:19:01 +0000 Shopify is immensely popular when it comes to reviving the fortunes of Commerce. For newbies, Shopify website development will help...

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Shopify is immensely popular when it comes to reviving the fortunes of Commerce. For newbies, Shopify website development will help your business to move ahead in the right direction.

Have a look at the below infographic analysis of Shopify for eCommerce business:

Shopify for eCommerce Business


In this infographic, I’ve compiled all the essential aspects of the Shopify website and brain-storming facts that every company or startup should be aware of this before launching their platforms on the e-Commerce platform.

It conveys the best idea about Shopify website design which makes Shopify an indispensable name. Giving an excellent interface ensures success in e-Commerce. So if you have any plan to grow in e-Commerce, then subscribing to Shopify will prove beneficial.

Also Read: Why Is Shopify So Popular For E-commerce Business?

How Is Shopify Different From Other Platforms? 

Shopify is like renting a building and set up a business. For entrepreneurs, it is more like renting a facility to set up a business in. Hence, giving more space to customers to look for the store once having familiarity with the brand.

If you want to hire Shopify developers, it’ll further give you ample reasons to enhance eCommerce prospects while creating a unique image. However, it’s harder to work building up that regular customer base.

Let’s Discuss Your Project

Get free consultation and let us know your project idea to turn it into an amazing digital product.

Shopify Features:

  • Fully customizable website, online store, and blog
  • Product inventory, unlimited bandwidth and customer data
  • Provide new selling options on sales channels like Pinterest & Amazon
  • Supports all popular payment gateways 
  • Automate fulfillment process with 3rd party shipping apps
  • 24/7 award-winning customer support

Here Are A Few Reasons Which Makes Shopify the Best Platform:

  • Hosted Solution
  • In-built Marketing Tools
  • Commercial Technical Support
  • Speed & Security
  • Reduces Errors & Data Duplicity Issues
  • Advanced Functionality
  • Open Payment Gateway
  • 14-Days Free Trial
  • Visually Appealing Online Store 

If you still have any doubts, you can contact ValueCoders for Shopify website development for e-Commerce projects apps. One of India’s proven digital marketing companies having completed more than 4200 projects globally in over 20 countries.

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Why Is Shopify So Popular For E-commerce Business? Mon, 18 Jan 2021 13:07:19 +0000 eCommerce websites and apps allow businesses to build a comprehensive customer base. Both websites and apps offer a chance to...

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eCommerce websites and apps allow businesses to build a comprehensive customer base. Both websites and apps offer a chance to the shoppers to conveniently deal with online shopping with all sorts of handy devices like mobile, tablet, laptop, etc. 

Old-Styled means of building eCommerce portals have been now replaced with advanced cart making software. The Shopify technology for online shopping applications includes multiple features and functionalities to enhance the user’s online shopping experience. 

Do You Know?  

1,409,539 live websites employing Shopify and 2,225,476 sites used Shopify historically.

4225 corporations reportedly utilize Shopify in their tech stacks, including CRED, Accenture, and Duolingo

When it comes to building eCommerce platforms, most eCommerce businesses prefer using Shopify as it is one of the best eCommerce Platforms. Reduced development time, physical server cost, development effort, and many more are a few benefits of using Shopify.

To know exactly how Shopify benefits your business, it is essential to know what is Shopify.

What Is Shopify?

what is shopify

Shopify is a leading eCommerce platform containing everything one ideal eCommerce business requires. This secure eCommerce software is a full bundle for eCommerce website development and enables you to efficiently build diverse pages.   

  • Around 500 thousand sites use Shopify.
  • 88% of our users recommend using Shopify.
  • In testing, Shopify scored 4.7 / 5.  

shopify score

Why eCommerce Startups, SMEs, and Large Enterprises Prefer Using Shopify?

Shopify manages over 500,000 businesses across 175 countries. Well, there is a myriad of reasons why Shopify is the popular eCommerce platform. Let’s view the same.

Shopify Features
Shopify Features

Hosted Solution

For launching an online business, web hosting can be a real difficulty. Hosting a shopping cart requires some technical support and much spare time, which startups and SMEs cannot offer. However, Shopify is a cloud-based service and hosted solution where you do not require worrying about databases or servers.

With admin login details and an internet connection, you can access your store from everywhere. The most significant thing is that it supports you in managing the payment gateway; ultimately, this will make your work simple and seamless. 

Inbuilt Marketing Tools

Shopify incorporates built-in marketing tools that reduce costs, and this can save eCommerce startups money. It empowers you to include meta titles, page titles, unique URLs, makes pages visible & invisible, meta description, and redirection of pages. 

Additionally, it also empowers you to optimize the online store based on your choice. With Shopify, you can integrate your online store into Facebook, Pinterest, and Twitter to boost product advertisements.

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Laudable Technical Support

You will require technical assistance while operating an online store with an eCommerce shopping cart. Shopify guarantees 24/7 professional support; hence, you can talk to customer care whenever any glitches occur, and for this, you can make a call or drop text.

Speed & Security

Speed is the essential factor for the victory of an eCommerce website as it accommodates to arouse your deals. The more agile your web page’s loading speed will be, the more your site will be liked by users. 

Shopify for online shopping also provides the best service in terms of salvation as well as integration with payment providers. With a built-in speed examiner, it facilitates the users to make payments at a minimal loading time.  

Lessens Errors & Data Duplicity Problems

In the case of inserting data in various fields and forms, the manual data listing maximizes the chance of errors and duplications. Moreover, issues emerge when the errors are not tackled properly. Shopify comes with automatic solutions to ease the data entry means and eject data duplicity.

Sometimes for non-technical people, it is hard to handle Shopify inbuilt tools and to resolve this thing you can hire Shopify programmers. The experts know everything about Shopify and this helps you in using appropriate tools at the right time. 

Advanced Functionality

Shopify renders superior functionality with a plugin/application form platform that entitles you to download, install, and customize the site. Additionally, it provides catalog management, accounting, and custom reporting. Shopify platform has the option to set email autoresponder integrations, which will help businesses send auto-generated replies to the customer’s emails.


Visually Attractive Online Store

Shopify is filled with a broad range of templates, which allows you to design unique and visually attractive online eCommerce stores. It includes various appealing themes. With the help of a theme kit, Shopify developers can develop the themes locally.

14-Days Free Trial

Shopify offers a free trial pack that you can use for understanding its features and functionalities. The only thing you require doing is generate an account by entering details (like name, email id, number, etc.) and answer a few questions about your action. After building an account, you will receive a 14-days free trial pack where you can examine all the Shopify features. 

On Shopify, you can add the build product curves, product, language support, build collections, store setup, modify storefront layout, product filter, and dashboard settings. The only work which is confined in free trial is publishing domain live. Moreover, Shopify gives its default chief domain in the form of “”.

However, Shopify experts have immense knowledge of Shopify features and functionalities and that’s why it is better to take experts’ help. This helps you get a reliable solution as per your business needs.    

Pros and Cons Of Employing Shopify

shopify pros and cons

In one person or anything else, some excellent and bad things are there which make it unique from one to another. Same like this Shopify also has a few pros and cons let’s view the same: 

Shopify Pros

  • Obtained the highest score for features and client satisfaction
  • Excellent inventory system to support you maintain your store
  • Retail across various channels, including Instagram, Facebook, Instagram, eBay, and Amazon.  

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Shopify Cons

  • The only eCommerce platform to implement its own transaction fee unless you utilize Shopify Payments. 
  • Content does not automatically reformat when switching themes.  
  • Apps can instantly add extra features to your online store.   

Famous eCommerce Apps Build Using Shopify

There are so many eCommerce applications that are built using Shopify. Some popular apps developed with Shopify are mentioned below:


Urbana Sacs

ecommerce apps

ecom apps

This eCommerce site retails a sustainable paper that one can wash like other fabric. These totes sacs are built to hold sugar, salts, cosmetics, napkins, and much more.

Happiness Abscissa

Ecom App

Ecomm Apps

Image Source: HA

Happiness Abscissa is a fragrance shop that concentrates on an upbeat vibe. They produce scents that can raise a positive attitude and bring out your passions based on the investigation.

Press London

Ecomm App

Ecomm Apps

Image Source: Press London

Cold-pressed juices are made for a variety of applications. From cleanses to weight loss to “resets.” The owners are based in London, and that’s why the name of the site is similar to that. 


Wrapping Up

Shopify features (unlimited bandwidth, customizable website, product inventory, online store, etc.) and functionalities make this eCommerce platform popular worldwide. This is the reason why it is the first choice of eCommerce businesses.

If you also want to make an eCommerce website or online store that wins every customer’s heart, hire Shopify developers from the leading IT outsourcing organization (ValueCoders). By doing this, your business can get what it needs.

ValueCoders is one of the top-notch IT organizations established in 2004. The experts of this organization have successfully delivered around 4200+ projects globally, the number is still growing. Capgemini, Dubai Police, RiskLogic, Candor, and many more are the key clients of this ISO certified company.


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Top eCommerce Trends That Will Rock in 2022 Thu, 14 Jan 2021 14:24:13 +0000 If you fall in the business bracket where you want to revamp e-commerce, bringing hefty traffic to a website, sales...

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If you fall in the business bracket where you want to revamp e-commerce, bringing hefty traffic to a website, sales queries are not new. For that, you need to understand the top trends in the eCommerce industry that’ll be a massive hit in 2022.

For ample reasons, this will be unleashing opportunities. As the pandemic brought several changes across industry verticals, and acceleration is expected to continue in the same capacity.

eCommerce is one of the best things you would ever find in the digital marketing arena. For extensive reasons, this will hold the key.

Here we are listing the top eCommerce trends of 2022

  • Online buying will go beyond B2C products


If there is— hue and cry everywhere about the pandemic, then disruption isn’t the only thing to see. Consumers with limited options turned to eCommerce to fulfill their daily necessities and exercise their purchasing power.

Disruption wasn’t merely a buzzword in 2020 as businesses accelerated digital transformation efforts amid global changes. Consumers predominantly turned to eCommerce to get everything necessary for their daily lives.

Be it grocery, food, gadgets, or anything. Furniture, modern-day essentials also have joined the list.

Fashion and gadgets were sold online, but they also delivered to the doorstep. The sales clock is moving very fast, so the sales & retail eCommerce service will be the key to establishing eCommerce in 2022 as they are very much in trend to meet dedicated e-commerce needs.

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The buying patterns changes might slow down slightly as people have just started getting back to their regular routines, but they certainly won’t stop.

The shift of eCommerce future trends brought convenience, which means that brands need to adapt their strategies accordingly.

How To Take Advantage?

Whether you’re an entrepreneur, B2B, or something else, start selling D2C or D2B. These products are available online. You can make it easier for customers to buy.

Creating an online catalog contain all your products. Next, building a user-friendly buying experience helps augment the record with relevant content.

  • Analytics Will Flourish


In eCommerce customers, data will gain enormous value. Brands are now focusing on the basic, but vital metrics provided to them, such as click-through-rate on specific campaigns and conversion metrics to indicate where the bulk of traffic and sales generated.

However, as we have moved into 2022, they will uncover data capabilities and get even more granular.

Vanhishika Bhargava of Contensify explains :

“Segmentation is far beyond making the one-time sale and seize the customer to your brand. It is about how retail & eCommerce software development holds the key in eCommerce in 2022. Knowing your price-sensitive customers would help you segregate full-price customers and is likely to abandon carts, and so on.”

How To Take Advantage?

These days it is interesting to know your customers and eCommerce store. Are you able to gather insight? This way, you can upgrade to other ties that allow you to drill down the data.

An analytics platform helps yield better results, such as:

  1. They classify audiences based on geographical location, age, gender, buying patterns, total expenditure, and more.
  2. Identifying channels to fetch customer to the store
  3. Understanding the content demand for most conversions
  4. Generate ready-made reports
  5. Integration with  CRM, CMS by gaining a 360-degree view of your eCommerce business.

As pointed out, “This will enable you to personalize campaigns to a new level. Subscriptions to the same products help determine what’s in the trend, what’s not, what’s refunded or returned the most, which is an excellent assessment for meeting consumer needs.

Getting to save up on inventory holding costs will give eCommerce businesses more mileage and resources for expediting marketing and business growth.

  • Social Media – A Giant Platform For Shoppable Videos


The stay-at-home formula worked better for social media consumption in 2022, and brands will begin to advertise in various ways on channels such as Instagram, Twitter & Facebook.

According to Eduard Klein (A digital growth initiator)

“Zoomers spend hours scrolling social media feeds like Instagram. Merchants are on the ninth cloud as videos are the perfect channel for reaching a curious young target audience. Gen-Z can make buying decisions literally from social media feeds, and videos facilitating their buying pattern.

Brands are placing ads in stories on apps like Instagram and Snapchat, so this is just the progressive evolution of social media sales. Now Facebook launches Instagram Shops and Shopify partners. In 2022, we’ll see brands making specific changes in strategic development.

  •  Personalization will go beyond purchasing to making a bond


Customers are happier than before when it comes to meeting specific needs. And all are tailored to unique needs. As per smarter HQ,72% of customers only engage with personalized messaging.

Earlier personalization is limited to email marketing, customer expectations, and technology capabilities with changes possible.

How To Take Advantage?

Personalization realized a long-lasting customer relationship by recording information about customers (with their consent) and remembering. Things like making an online purchase, types of items usually bought for the recommendations for next steps.

Enfamil NeuroPro (Infant milk brand): It requested the due date from pregnant mothers to allow them to sign up for an email list. What does it do? It provides relevant information throughout the pregnancy as the baby develops.


  • Influencers Will Become Brand Partners


Brand matters whether it is any article or brand. Most eCommerce are tapping into influencers over the years to leverage the advantage of a large pool of customer base. According to Influencer Marketing Hub’s stats, the industry was expected to reach $9.7B in 2020.

How To Take Advantage?

Reach out to influencers in your niche and create content for business:

  1. Make a list of local or micro-influencers that share your brand value. Building a relationship will help to grow their audience first and providing free merchandise.
  2.  Building a relationship with help and grow their audience first and work on merchandise.
  3.  Giving them the freedom they want to make.

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Pro-tip: Take advantage of NEW features on online retail trends since the algorithm rewards the adoption of these new features. For example, a sudden spike in Reels on Instagram to get more organic reach than regular posts or stories. So, every time there’s a new feature, you get the bandwagon and experiment.

Influencer content is no longer limited to ads for B2C companies either as the goal should be about providing value for your customers.

For example,  Dell Luminaries podcast realized transformation and business growth discussions with tech experts.

Why is influencer marketing such a significant boon for e-commerce brands? Jordie Black of ZINE breaks it down for us,

“Many eCommerce brands face a content crunch – as they are unable to post acceptable content at scale to transform their marketing strategies. In 2022, brands looking for influencers as content creators support the content creation process in place of a content agency. We’ll also witness brands add paid media to the content so that they can control the reach and audience.”

  • Green Consumerism Will Grow In Popularity


Nothing is impossible on the online platform. In the same manner; nothing is permanent too. Changes in the behavior pattern are in the economic, cultural, or social landscape. 

The trend has shifted towards making the environment cleaner. Furthermore, when you join hands with an eCommerce website development company like ValueCoders, you will be assured of green consumerism.

As the pandemic in a decade like event taught us many lessons, saving the earth is crucial.

Sustainability is no longer a prerogative. Changes in the economic, social, and cultural landscape in countries worldwide have shifted the focus towards protecting the environment.

Leading brands such as Amazon have taken a giant step towards eCommerce brands are likely to be following suit as humans find ways to reduce waste and preserve the earth for future generations.

According to the Harvard Business Review, green consumers are also significant contributors, with  65% of buyers wanting to make purchases from brands aim at sustainability.

How To Take Advantage?

You can analyze the current products to determine if they are being made through biodegradable products or not. If they aren’t, considering a change helps in adoption or more, reducing packaging waste or outlining ways for customers to recycle products once done.

  • AI will get more artificial and natural


AI will continue to benefit in 2022 and will be a massive hit as realized. Machine learning and chatbots will continue to flourish and will replace human interaction. In previous years, artificial intelligence was a bit early to be discovered in eCommerce development solutions but will change dramatically in 2022.

Concepts such as machine learning and chatbots will be viable in the mainstream; brands now leverage AI to yield real business impact.

For example, AI could make recommendations on which customers should purchase the product based on behavioral purchasing. Brands can also leverage concepts such as voice search to position their products in the market. They will also be able to assist on the backend and make inventory predictions.


How To Take Advantage?

Buy into AI and be rest assured AI tools streamline marketing, improve the customer experience, or perform critical tasks to expedite business better.

For example, SparkToro crawls social profiles to determine podcasts, and gaining popularity with your audience. AI is now, as brands are always using it to their advantage.

Dylan Max of Netomi points out : 

“Retailers are now leveraging the benefits of AI artificial intelligence– be it operations or inventory management— to create good customer service and loyal customers.”

There are many tasks that eCommerce brands might have hired a virtual assistant to cover.

AI can help you tackle, allowing you to put your human resources in more creative roles.

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  • Omnichannel selling will be the norm 


“Omnichannel selling will become the new normal. As witnessed moving into space with tools like Amazon personalize and pinpoint. Most interestingly, this could be disruptive in the most exciting manner, but the bottom line is the cheaper and far accessible capability.

2022 will be the year that will produce technologies and if you want to do something out of nothing.

Most businesses have the awareness that customers want to explore content in many ways. Tablets, mobile phones, and desktops are still the start. And we’ve mentioned in other eCommerce trends; brands are discovering ways to sell their products through social media.

Amazon Pinpoint and Amazon personalize are two products from Amazon Web Services (AWS) that enable brands to improve the customer experience while communicating across multiple channels.


The transformation in eCommerce will produce significant opportunities that’ll be the driving force in times to come. The unique thing about digital marketing as it gives endless possibilities, unlike any other sector. These mentioned eCommerce ideas will further boost your decision if you’ve just put a foot forward in the versatile industry. Hence, the demand for custom eCommerce software solutions increased as dedicated experts took your digital aspirations to a new level.


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How will WooCommerce CMS Help You To Grow e-Commerce Business? Wed, 13 Jan 2021 14:30:12 +0000 According to a survey conducted, 2.3 million e-commerce stores across the globe are getting benefits of WooCommerce. They are especially...

The post How will WooCommerce CMS Help You To Grow e-Commerce Business? appeared first on ValueCoders | Unlocking the Power of Technology: Discover the Latest Insights and Trends.

According to a survey conducted, 2.3 million e-commerce stores across the globe are getting benefits of WooCommerce. They are especially friendly to new e-commerce merchants as it ensures simplicity giving you incredible power, flexibility, and features.

That said, let’s now find out more things about WooCommerce such as what is the platform, all about, the features it offers, and the advantages that a business will get after adopting it into their system. 

What is WooCommerce? 

As known, it’s a WordPress plugin, which adds e-commerce functionality to your WordPress website for efficiently running a web store. With just a few clicks, you can manipulate a WordPress website into a fully-functional e-commerce website. 

Among entrepreneurs, who want to thrive in business, WooCommerce experts would give impetus to the e-commerce platform.

What does WooCommerce do?

WooCommerce entails basic store functionality right out of the box, with a free plugin available from the plugin repository or the WordPress dashboard.

It includes available loads of extensions – more thereon during a bit! – and offering incredible functions right out of the box.

Watch This Video on Why Woo Commerce is  Best Solution:

Why WooCommerce?

WooCommerce is a popular open-source, utterly customizable e-commerce platform for entrepreneurs across the globe. Hence, giving your e-Commerce business new horizons beyond the confines of traditional e-commerce solutions, penetrating your imagination.

Top WooCommerce Features:

  • Powered by Trust: WooCommerce is developed on WordPress; this software gives you the leverage of quite 34% online. Regularly audited by Sucuri, as they’re the industry leader in providing robust security.
  • Content at the core: Being referred to as one of the world’s hottest content management systems, WooCommerce seamlessly integrates commerce with range. You get everything under one umbrella.
  • A Modular System: WooCommerce is kept lean, so you’ll add just the choices you would like. It’s made to figure alongside your favorite WordPress plugins, so you’ll keep the features you already love.
  • Sell anything:  It sells physical products and digital downloads to subscriptions, content, and even appointments. Using the WooCommerce platform users can sell anything from anywhere.
  • No limits: WooCommerce is entirely open source, which suggests you’ll modify and customize anything and everything. Because you’ve got complete control, you can add unlimited products and users with complete orders.
  • Worldwide Community: WooCommerce stores and developers come from everywhere on the planet – from Norway to South Africa from Canada to Japan.

eCommerce developers

Given Below Are The Ten Advantages of WooCommerce :

1) Easy Installation, Setup, and Integration

WooCommerce is meant to kick-start things as soon as possible, with an easier installation and setup wizard to urge your e-commerce store up and running together with your WordPress theme.

WooCommerce Setup Wizard

  • Installation The WooCommerce plugin is installed similar to other plugins; look for it within the Plugins options in your WordPress dashboard, and install and activate with a few clicks.
  • Setup Once you install WooCommerce, the Setup Wizard will walk you through configuring steps to urge your store up and running. The e-commerce options are virtually endless, and therefore the setup wizard cuts to the chase and highlights vital opportunities to professionals, so you never miss a step.

2) WordPress Theme Integration 

 Since WooCommerce is compatible with WordPress, it works well with most WordPress themes. It allows selecting the Storefront theme if you’d wish to use the official music– a bit like the plugin, and freed from charge!

3) Data Control- Giving Assurance With High-Stake Projects

It doesn’t cause you to worry about losing control of your data – WooCommerce will put you in the driver’s seat.

4) Data Protection – Don’t Allow Invader to Misuse Data

When you use a third-party platform for e-commerce, if they close, your data is lost. With WooCommerce, you can hire WooCommerce Programmers to get complete control over data. Data associated with customer purchase history to store performance critical for running a successful e-commerce website.

5) Feature-packed Shopping Cart- Gives Vital Options

Tailor your site visitor’s checkout process from start to end with strategies that help convert visitors into customers. From payment gateway to see out URLs, or find out your site your way.

Also Read: Top 5 eCommerce Platforms To Launch Online Store & Rocket Up Sales

6) Payment Gateways – Ensures No Hassles In Making Payments

With WooCommerce, you can accept checks, cash on delivery, bank transfer, or use PayPal to accept major credit cards and other PayPal payments. Prefer Stripe? You’ll configure stripe as a payment gateway using the Setup Wizard.

7) Geo-Location and Automatic Taxes – No Hidden Charges/ Cost

WooCommerce gives you a more straightforward choice to activate geolocation and automatic taxes; your shop will display the right price, including taxes, to your customers, regardless of the location.

8) Customizable Checkout Process – Ensures Customer Convenience

You are controlling the checkout process from start to end. You’ll prefer to sell to specific countries or worldwide, set your checkout flow URLs, enable/disable guest checkout, and force secure checkout.

9) Default Currency – No Discrepancy In Currency

An in-depth range of obtainable currencies help choose the currency you would like to use for the shop.

10) Redirect Cart- Adds Flexibility To The Cart

They give you the most straightforward choice to redirect customers to their cart once the product is added.

WooCommerce gives 41.2%  market share and competitors in e-commerce :

The best indexing techniques combined with advanced data science are watching the market share of over 12,500 technology products, including e-commerce.

In the e-commerce category, WooCommerce will offer a market share of including and competing products during this category:


  • WooCommerce (26 %)
  • Shopify (21%)
  • Lexity (5.86%)
  • BigCommerce (3%)
  • Open Cart (3%)
  • Magento (9%)
  • Others (37%)

eCommerce developers

Top Industries Using e-commerce:


What Is The Longer Term Of WooCommerce beyond 2020?

Enlisted clients want to implement WooCommerce service and gain market share in the future. They are reaching a tipping point with a vast ecosystem of WooCommerce’s experts, themes, plugins, and selecting WooCommerce with immediate advantages for an e-commerce website compared to other platforms.

So, a great opportunity if you’re looking to make quick money with WooCommerce. Hence, providing excellent WooCommerce tutorials on the way to start with WooCommerce in 2021.

It allows newer developments within the pipeline so that WooCommerce becomes available on Bringing an entirely new market, increase market share even further in 2021

With all this in mind, I even have better knowledge than WooCommerce isn’t going anywhere – or a minimum,, in coming years.


With the piece mentioned above, we must have learned the potential of WooCommerce for online shopping, which is vital to revive your online entrepreneurship goals. It will prove very essential if you want to streamline eCommerce projects in the ever-competitive & dynamic eCommerce industry. 

If you’re looking for an e-commerce platform as mentioned above, then using WooCommerce will give you the right launchpad. So what are you waiting for? For your high-stake eCommerce projects, hire WooCommerce developers and increase visibility, traffic, and business revenue. 


ecommerce developers

The post How will WooCommerce CMS Help You To Grow e-Commerce Business? appeared first on ValueCoders | Unlocking the Power of Technology: Discover the Latest Insights and Trends.

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