ecommerce development services – ValueCoders | Unlocking the Power of Technology: Discover the Latest Insights and Trends Valuecoders Fri, 26 May 2023 10:54:48 +0000 en-US hourly 1 ecommerce development services – ValueCoders | Unlocking the Power of Technology: Discover the Latest Insights and Trends 32 32 Python for Data Science: Building Data-Driven Apps Mon, 10 Apr 2023 11:02:05 +0000 Data-driven applications are becoming increasingly popular as businesses realize the significance of using data to drive their decisions. Python is...

The post Python for Data Science: Building Data-Driven Apps  appeared first on ValueCoders | Unlocking the Power of Technology: Discover the Latest Insights and Trends.

Data-driven applications are becoming increasingly popular as businesses realize the significance of using data to drive their decisions. Python is one of the best languages to develop data science apps with minimal code and in a short time, typically a few hours. Based on its popularity, Python has ranked number one on the TIOBE index as one of the most prominent programming languages. 

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Source: TIOBE

Building apps with Python is easy and fast. We can use the top-ranked language for visualization & analysis to create robust machine-learning models. Here you will explore how to use Python to build data-driven applications for your business. You will also check out the tools & technologies used to create the app for a seamless user experience.  

Let’s dive in!

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Best Practices For Building Data-driven Apps

Now, let’s delve into some best practices for building data-driven applications. Building a data-driven application can be a complex task that requires meticulous planning and attention to detail. To simplify this, we are sharing some best practices you can use while creating your web app with Python.

Best Practices For Building Data driven Apps

  • Data quality assurance: To start building apps with Python, you must finalize the type of application you plan to create. After deciding, ensure that you use high-quality data. For data quality assurance, cleaning and preprocessing are essential before developing apps with Python

The data quality assurance process includes checking for missing values in the dataset, cleaning up messy data, and standardizing features across different datasets. Also, you should validate the dataset by running tests and looking at summary statistics such as means and standard deviations. Doing this will help the development team improve the accuracy of results & reduce errors when building apps with Python.

  • User Interface Design: Once the data quality of your data science application is ensured, designing an intuitive user interface is critical when building an app with Python. A good user interface design comprises clear labels, data visualizations (charts or graphs) for effective understanding, and an intuitive navigation system. By creating a user-friendly interface, users will more likely find value in using the data science application and continue using it over time.
  • Testing & Debugging: Next is a thorough testing & debugging of your Python web app before releasing. The reason is while developing applications for data science, it’s essential to manually test the functionality of the web app and ensure that all of its components work correctly. To ensure the efficiency of the project, you can either go for Python development services or custom application development services.  

Automated testing tools like Selenium can check the performance of a Python web app against specific criteria, such as response times and CPU utilization. Hiring a dedicated software development team can give you expert guidance and help you avoid mistakes while building data science applications. 

  • Deployment & Maintenance: One must consider the deployment & maintenance of their app after completing the steps mentioned above. Deploy applications built with Python through hosting services like AWS or Microsoft Azure. 

It’s highly recommended to hire skilled Python developers to work with hosting services & deployment processes. 

  • Security Considerations: Security is another crucial point when developing data-driven applications with Python. Businesses often store large amounts of sensitive data and require strict security protocols. When building an app, implement various security measures to ensure data safety and protect businesses from cyber-attacks. 

For instance, one can implement authentication methods to verify that the right users access the application and use encryption to protect data in transit and storage. Also, set access controls to limit the types of operations performed within the application. 

It’s wise to consult with eCommerce development services and have their help to implement the needed security protocols. With their assistance, you can be assured that your data-driven applications remain safe & reliable.

Also Read: How Python Is Best Fit For Artificial Intelligence In Web Development?

Python Libraries & Frameworks For Building Data-driven Apps 2023

Python is a top-ranked programming language excellent for custom application development because of its extensive libraries & frameworks.  

If you plan to build a data-driven application using Python, several frameworks are available that make the development process more accessible and a lot simpler. 

Python for data science

Here you can find some of the frameworks:

  • Django: A high-level, open-source framework for rapid development & clean design, Django is suitable for creating complex web applications quickly. It also provides powerful ORM (Object Relational Mapper) tools. 
  • Flask: Next is Python Flask, which provides a lightweight framework for developing web applications faster and more efficiently. Flask has many features, such as URL routing, database support, template rendering, etc. 
  • Pyramid: It is an ideal framework for building Python web apps that need scaling. Pyramid is a scalable & flexible web framework designed for creating web applications of all sizes. It has tools for building web apps like routing systems, authentication systems, & templating engines.
  • CherryPy: CherryPy is ideal for building small to medium-sized web applications. It is a minimalist & lightweight Python web framework with a modular design, allowing developers to add features as needed. 
  • TurboGears: It is a full-stack web framework with an ORM, templating engine, and support for multiple databases. It also has tools for managing authentication, caching, and more.  
  • Tornado: It is a high-performance web framework designed to develop real-time web apps. It also has tools for creating web applications comprising a non-blocking I/O system and a web server.
  • Falcon: Falcon is a high-performance web framework that builds RESTful APIs. It’s lightweight, easy to use, and includes features like request validation, middleware, and more. 
  • FastAPI: A modern, high-performance web framework designed for building APIs. It offers automatic validation of request and response data, support for async programming, and more.
  • Hug: It is a Python 3 framework for developing RESTful APIs. The lightweight of this framework makes it easy to use. It features automatic documentation generation, input/output validation, and more.

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Now let’s have a quick look at Python’s rich ecosystem of libraries that supports in development applications of data science.

  • NumPy

In Python, NumPY is a fundamental library for scientific computing often used for data manipulation and analysis. It supports large, multi-dimensional arrays & matrices and an extensive collection of high-level mathematical functions.  

  • Pandas

Pandas is often used for data exploration and preparation. It is a popular library for data manipulation & analysis. It supports working with tabular data, comprising importing, cleaning, filtering, transforming, and merging data.  

  • Matplotlib

The next Python library on the list is Matplotlib, often used for visualizing data and communicating results. It supports creating a wide range of static and interactive plots, including scatter plots, line plots, bar plots, histograms, and more.  

  • Seaborn

Seaborn is a higher-level data visualization library in Python, built on top of Matplotlib. We use it for developing publication-quality graphics and visualizing relationships between variables. 

It supports building more complex & sophisticated visualizations, including heatmaps, pair plots, and violin plots.  

  • BeautifulSoup  

For data-driven apps, BeautifulSoup can scrape data from websites and integrate it into databases or other systems. It can benefit apps requiring real-time updates, like stock tickers or weather apps. If you want to ensure the utilization of this library, consider hiring dedicated software development teams and always stay up-to-date with the latest technology.

  • Scikit-learn

Used for building predictive models and making data-driven decisions, Scikit-learn is a widespread library for machine learning in Python. We often use this library to create predictive models and make data-driven decisions. 

It supports various machine learning algorithms, such as classification, regression, clustering, and dimensionality reduction.

  • TensorFlow 

Another popular open-source library used for data science, especially for Machine Learning & Artificial Learning, is TensorFlow. The library has tools & resources for developing and training many neural networks, including deep learning models. Many companies prefer to hire Python developers with experience in machine learning and data science to get help with TensorFlow. 

  • Keras

Next is Keras, a high-level library for building neural networks. It’s built on top of TensorFlow and provides a simple API for building complex models. It’s an excellent library for beginners to deep learning. The sound Python library supports neural networks, including convolutional neural networks (CNNs) and recurrent neural networks (RNNs).

  • Pygame

 Pygame is a Python library commonly used for game development. While it may not have direct applications in data-driven apps, it is still a valuable tool for developers who want to create engaging and interactive user interfaces. Data-driven applications may benefit from integrating game elements or gamification to enhance user engagement and motivation. 

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Examples of Data-driven Apps Built With Python

Custom application development services utilizing Python can help organizations create powerful data-driven applications. Python web apps are one of the best ways to leverage the language’s unique features & capabilities to generate valuable insights from data. One can create many different types of apps with Python, like: 

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  1. Web Analytics: Analyzing user behavior on web applications and websites with Python to identify trends and usage patterns. 

Examples: Google Analytics, Piwik, Matomo & Open Web Analytics.

  1. Business Intelligence: Aggregating, organizing, and analyzing large amounts of business data to uncover trends, insights, and opportunities for growth. 

Examples: Apache Superset, Redash, and Metabase.

  1. Predictive Analytics:  Utilizing predictive algorithms to forecast future outcomes based on past events and data points. 

Examples: Zillow,  UPS, and Uber. 

  1. AI-Powered Applications: Building applications that use artificial intelligence and machine learning to automate decision-making processes. 

Examples:  Siri Voice Assistant (by Apple) and  DeepDream.

  1. Database Applications: Develop custom applications to query databases and extract meaningful information. 

Examples: YouTube, Reddit, and Dropbox

  1. Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Systems: Automating customer service tasks by building apps that can integrate with CRMs. 

Examples: ZOHO & Fresh Sales.

  1. Fraud Detection App: Using web apps with Python to detect any suspicious activity or unusual transactions made through online banking or e-commerce sites.  

Examples: PayPal, Kount, and IBM Fraud and Financial Crimes Management.

Today, Python is an invaluable tool for data science, and its popularity continues to grow in business intelligence & analytics solutions. Python web apps provide robust functionality for organizations to gain insights from their data and make more informed decisions.


To conclude, Python is an excellent language for building data-driven apps. You can create efficient applications without complications with the correct libraries and frameworks. If you are well-versed in building a data-driven app, you can hire developers to help you with your project.

ValueCoders is one of the leading IT companies in the industry, having 18 years of extensive experience. Whether you need to build a custom CRM, an e-commerce platform, or a data analytics tool, ValueCoders can help. 

We use agile development methodologies to deliver high-quality software quickly and efficiently. You can find our success stories of how we helped our clients meet their project requirements. By reading these stories, you can gain insight into our approach to solving challenges and delivering high-quality software.

The post Python for Data Science: Building Data-Driven Apps  appeared first on ValueCoders | Unlocking the Power of Technology: Discover the Latest Insights and Trends.

The Future of Healthcare Software Development: Emerging Trends for 2023 Wed, 22 Feb 2023 10:33:35 +0000 Healthcare is constantly evolving, and the latest technology trend in healthcare is transforming the way we approach patient care. Gone...

The post The Future of Healthcare Software Development: Emerging Trends for 2023 appeared first on ValueCoders | Unlocking the Power of Technology: Discover the Latest Insights and Trends.

Healthcare is constantly evolving, and the latest technology trend in healthcare is transforming the way we approach patient care. Gone are the days of paper-based medical records and in-person appointments as innovative healthcare software development trends take center stage.

Since the development of Electronic Health Record (EHR) systems, demand for software solutions for the healthcare industry has evolved significantly. This led to the evolution of digital health solutions.

Grand View Research estimates that the size of the global healthcare IT market will be USD 142.7 billion in 2022 and will expand at a CAGR of 17.9% during the forecast period. If your healthcare business is yet to enter the digital world, it’s high time to start looking for a healthcare mobile app development company.

When you partner with a healthcare app development company, ensure you are updated with what’s in demand in the industry.

So, what exactly are the top technological current trends in healthcare that everyone is talking about?

The healthcare industry is on the brink of a technological revolution, from Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning to Telemedicine, Blockchain, and Wearables & IoT Devices.

This article will dive into the top healthcare software development trends and healthcare application development company to choose from in 2023 while exploring their benefits, challenges, and considerations. Get ready to be transported into a world of digital transformation and innovation in healthcare.

Top Technology Trend in Healthcare Software Development to Watch in 2023

Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning

Due to Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML), healthcare app development services and the industry are undergoing a rapid digital revolution. These technologies provide businesses with new, potent tools for evaluating vast amounts of data and making informed decisions. The innovations may change the way healthcare is provided and enhance patient outcomes.

Following are some instances of how healthcare application development services apply AI and ML:

  • Clinical Decision Support: AI and ML algorithms can analyze vast patient data to offer clinicians instantaneous suggestions and assistance with clinical decision-making.
  • Predictive Analytics: ML algorithms may examine patient data and forecast future health results, enabling healthcare businesses to manage patient health proactively.
  • Personalized Medicine: Using a patient’s medical history and genomic information, AI and ML can find novel treatment choices and create personalized care plans for them.
  • Telemedicine: From virtual diagnosis to remote patient monitoring, telemedicine services can become more accurate and efficient with the help of AI and ML.

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Custom healthcare software development services incorporating AI and ML are anticipated to impact patient outcomes and healthcare delivery substantially. To provide better patient care, healthcare organizations can:

  • Enhance clinical decision-making
  • Provide more individualized treatment
  • Optimize their operations by utilizing these cutting-edge technologies


Telemedicine companies provide medical services remotely using video conferencing, mobile apps, and other electronic devices. Telemedicine is expected to become a significant technology trend in healthcare delivery in 2023, driven by the COVID-19 pandemic pushing the need for virtual care.

Telemedicine apps give patients easier access to care, lower costs, and more patient satisfaction. Healthcare businesses can partner with the best healthcare app development company to build efficient telemedicine solutions to provide their patients with high-quality, accessible healthcare.


Another breakthrough technology trend in healthcare software in 2023 is blockchain. Data may be recorded securely and openly thanks to blockchain, a decentralized and safe digital ledger. Healthcare app developers can use blockchain technology to increase data security, streamline administrative processes, and protect patient privacy.

One of the key benefits of blockchain technology for the healthcare sector is its ability to securely share sensitive patient data among healthcare providers while ensuring privacy. This results in:

  • Improved patient outcomes
  • Quicker and more precise diagnoses

To ensure success of their digital venture, healthcare firms need to partner with custom healthcare software development services provider, who can integrate blockchain solutions as per the demands of the business.

Wearables & IoT Devices

Wearables and IoT devices are becoming current trends in healthcare, with more significance in developing healthcare software. Data on physical activity, heart rate, and sleep habits can be gathered and stored via wearables like fitness trackers and smartwatches. Healthcare app developers can then use this information to deliver more individualized and efficient care.

IoT devices, such as connected medical devices and smart home gadgets, can also contribute to healthcare by enabling remote monitoring and managing chronic illnesses. Smart home appliances, for instance, can be used to monitor and treat people with diabetes or cardiovascular disease, offering early warning indications of exacerbations and enabling more prompt interventions.

Healthcare businesses may enhance patient outcomes, lower costs, and spur innovation in their processes by utilizing wearables and IoT devices as the latest technology trend in healthcare for 2023 and beyond.

Other Technology Trends in Healthcare:

Cloud Computing: One of the current trends in the healthcare industry, cloud computing enables firms to store and access data from any location with an internet connection. By doing so, on-premise data storage options can be less expensive while increasing data security and accessibility.

EHR Interoperability: Electronic Health Records (EHRs) have revolutionized the healthcare industry and become a technology trend in healthcare. However, interoperability between various EHR systems has proven to be a significant hurdle. To improve patient care and clinical workflows, a greater emphasis will be placed on creating solutions that enable smooth data interchange between various EHRs in 2023.

Virtual and Augmented Reality: Virtual and augmented reality (VR and AR) are current trends in healthcare that can drastically change the way healthcare is offered by giving patients new methods to engage with their doctors and receive treatment. The possibilities range from computerized simulations of surgical procedures to augmented reality-based medical education.

Predictive Analytics: Predictive analytics, the latest technology trend in healthcare, uses data, statistical algorithms, and machine learning approaches to anticipate upcoming events and trends. Predicting disease outbreaks, identifying high-risk patients, and directing public health policies are all made possible in the healthcare sector because of predictive analytics.

Patient-Generated Health Data: Due to the increasing involvement of patients in making healthcare decisions, there has been a rise in the use of Patient-generated Health Data (PGHD). Any health data created, recorded, or gathered by patients or their caregivers are called PGHD and can include information from wearable technology, smartphone apps, and other sources. As healthcare mobile app development companies work to increase patient involvement and outcomes, PGHD will likely be used more frequently in 2023.

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Challenges & Considerations

Despite various current trends in healthcare and many advantages of healthcare software development, there are also several difficulties, including interoperability, security, privacy, and regulatory compliance. To obtain the best results, healthcare mobile app development companies must engage with essential stakeholders and consider these issues when implementing these trends.

Regulations governing healthcare, such as HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) and GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation), must be followed by healthcare businesses. This is referred to as regulatory compliance. These restrictions carry heavy financial fines and reputational risks for noncompliance.

Data security and privacy are important issues despite technology trend in healthcare since it is necessary to protect sensitive patient data. Enterprises establish strong data security measures, like encryption and access controls, to avoid unwanted access and breaches.

The difficulty of ensuring that various healthcare systems can easily communicate and exchange information with one another is referred to as a need for interoperability. This is especially crucial for electronic health records (EHRs), where enhanced clinical workflows and interoperability are crucial for patient care.

Therefore, to get the greatest results while implementing new and current trends in healthcare software development, firms must be aware of these difficulties and consult with essential stakeholders. Healthcare businesses can benefit from the many advantages of software development while limiting potential risks and ensuring regulatory compliance by adopting a proactive strategy.

Deliver better patient care

Customized healthcare solutions to empower your business

Why Choose ValueCoders For Healthcare Software Development?

There are several reasons why healthcare organizations might choose ValueCoders healthcare mobile app development company, for their healthcare software development needs:

  1. Expertise: ValueCoders has extensive experience and expertise in developing healthcare software solutions, from current trends in healthcare like EHRs to telemedicine apps and beyond. Our team of developers is well-versed in the latest technologies and best practices in healthcare software development, ensuring that clients receive high-quality, reliable solutions.
  2. Cost-Effective Solutions: ValueCoders offers cost-effective healthcare application development services, helping organizations maximize their budgets while receiving top-quality solutions.
  3. Customizable Solutions: ValueCoders works closely with clients to understand their unique requirements and provide custom healthcare software development services that meet their specific needs. This ensures that organizations receive solutions tailored to their particular use cases and workflows.
  4. On-Time Delivery: ValueCoders is committed to delivering projects on time, ensuring that clients receive their solutions promptly and can begin realizing the benefits as soon as possible.
  5. Data Privacy and Security: With the sensitivity of patient data, ValueCoders is committed to ensuring that all healthcare software solutions are designed with data privacy and security in mind. This includes implementing robust security measures to prevent unauthorized access and breaches.

ValueCoders is a dependable partner for healthcare organizations aiming to enhance their clinical operations and patient care using cutting-edge software.


The adoption of current trends in healthcare technologies for creating software solutions is driving the digital transformation of the healthcare sector. The top healthcare software development trends of 2023 are expected to significantly impact how healthcare is delivered and patient outcomes.

However, healthcare businesses must also consider the difficulties and issues of implementing these trends, including regulatory compliance, data privacy, and security, and a lack of interoperability.

Partnering with the right healthcare software development company could be the first step to ensure a smooth digital transformation and a positive impact on the bottom line in the long run.

The post The Future of Healthcare Software Development: Emerging Trends for 2023 appeared first on ValueCoders | Unlocking the Power of Technology: Discover the Latest Insights and Trends.

Top eCommerce Development Companies In India To Change Business Fortunes Fri, 24 Sep 2021 09:00:35 +0000 As per stats by Statista, e-commerce is all set to hit $4.5 trillion in sales in 2023. Nothing can compete...

The post Top eCommerce Development Companies In India To Change Business Fortunes appeared first on ValueCoders | Unlocking the Power of Technology: Discover the Latest Insights and Trends.

As per stats by Statista, e-commerce is all set to hit $4.5 trillion in sales in 2023.

Nothing can compete with eCommerce when it comes to generating online revenue. Everyone wants to purchase or sell products/services online. Earlier it was a trend but now a necessity! For entrepreneurs, developing a business-friendly website is no less than a fairy tale. It gives fodder— to growing e-Commerce development companies to scale innovations every hour. So the ball in your court is how to outsource software development to India for having better returns in the online industry. Outsourcing addresses your pain areas in pandemic times.

Like every coin has two aspects, e-Commerce is widespread, possessing full of challenges & vulnerabilities.

When you subscribe to the idea of e-commerce business, you should know the fierce competition. Yes, everyone is selling the same thing, but it matters how appealing your marketing strategies are? Searching for an eCommerce design company may give you some hard times too.

So the right thing to do is to ‘set the ball rolling.’As we know, the website is your sole online business platform. You should treat a website like a glass wall. Hence, this blog helps choose top e-commerce development companies for setting up an e-commerce platform.

Based on these pointers, I have compiled a list of top eCommerce Companies. 

1) Years of experience & expertise

2) Projects Completed

3 Clutch Ratings

4) No. of Employees

5) Avg. Hourly Rates

6) Satisfied Services

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Let’s have a look at top eCommerce development COMPANIES in India

1. Infinijith Apps & Technologies


A full-stack development company based in Coimbatore with top-notch technology and agile software methodology for the software development process. The company works with a primary objective of customer satisfaction within the budget. Services that make it popular: e-commerce, healthcare, travel, education, etc.

Moreover, it has gained accolades for developing secure eCommerce development to drive business in top gear.


Employees: 11-50

Hourly rate: $15 to $ 25 per hour 

Established: 2014

Clutch Ratings: 5/5

2. PixelCrayons

Screenshot from 2023 05 08 17 18 19


PixelCrayons is one of India’s popular eCommerce development companies with an excellent track record. The innovative software solution provides services to start-ups to large-scale industries. Because of the meticulous approach, it primarily works in e-commerce development. 

Furthermore, the main USP is never compromising on performance and on-time project delivery. It has such a fantastic client retention record. 


Employees: 201-500  

Hourly rate:  $25 per hour 

Established: 2004

Clutch Rating: 5/5

Specialized Services: Software development services, E-commerce Services, Mobile app development

3. ValueCoders

Screenshot from 2023 05 08 17 09 19

ValueCoders is also one of the fastest-growing offshore development companies and renowned as the best eCommerce development company in 10 years.

With innovative & in-depth software solutions, their services are widespread, i.e., .start-ups to large-scale industries. It gained accolades for better delivery and on-time project maintenance. In terms of client retention, they compete with the best in the business. Moreover, you save cost up to 60% of your estimated budget.


Employees: 700+  

Hourly rate: Up to $25 per hour 

Established: 2005

Clutch Rating: 5/5

Specialized Services: E-commerce development, Software development services, Mobile app development

Also Read: Key Factors To Consider For Measuring E-Commerce Success

Harness the potential of eCommerce

Supercharge your business fortunes with cutting-edge eCommerce solutions from India's finest developers.

4. SemiDot Infotech

semidot 2

SemiDot Infotech is the leading eCommerce website development company. They have always worked focusing on clients’ requirements & assisting them with top-class solutions. SemiDot Infotech offers a variety of custom e-commerce websites & mobile app development services at worthwhile while focusing on building trust & keeping transparency with their clients.


Employees: 100-120

Hourly rate: $25-$30 Per Hour

Established: 2010

Clutch Rating: 4.9/5

Specialized Services: Web Development, eCommerce Development, Web Design, CMS Development, Open Source Development, QA Testing Services, Digital Marketing,

5. VerveLogicvervelogic-ecommerce-development-company-

An eCommerce development company with a group of developers focus on web designing. In addition, their popular expertise is innovation and development in logo design.


Employees: 51-200  

Established: 2011

Hourly rate: $15 to $25 per hour

Clutch Ratings: 5.0

Specialized Services: E-commerce development, Mobile application development, Responsive website development, Digital marketing, SEO services


6. TechMagnate 

techmagnate-ecommerce-solution-Suppose you’re looking for one of the leading digital marketing agencies to give a push to your online business. Moreover, it ticks all the boxes. As a top e-commerce development company, their professionals deliver top-notch services for clients like Airtel, Bajaj Finserv, Reliance Communications, etc.


Employees: 51-200  

Hourly rate: $15 to $25 per hour

Clutch Ratings: 4.0

Specialized Services: Web and e-commerce development, Search Engine Marketing, Social Media Marketing, App marketing services


7. Sparx IT Solutions

sparxit-ecommerce-solution-It is a privately held IT initiative. By offering 100% client satisfaction and full effort, Sparx developers empower businesses in app development projects, creating a niche for producing top-notch digital services. Hence, it would be a wise decision to start your next project with this company.


Employees: 201-500  

Established: 2007

Hourly rate: $10 to $20 

Clutch Ratings: 5/5

Specialized Services: Web Development, Android, and iOS app development, JavaScript expert, Open source development.

8. Angular Minds

angularminds-custom-ecommerce-development-company-Angular Minds is an eCommerce web design company to executes eCommerce projects. They provide clients with innovative business solutions to transform business value(BV). Working with a mission helps provide innovative & creative solutions to meet customer aspirations. Moreover, it focuses on Ionic, Reacts Native, and React to JS services.  


Employees: 11-50  

Established: 2016

Hourly rate: $22/hr

Clutch Ratings: 5/5

Specialized Services: Mean Stack App Development, Mobile Apps, Angular JS, Blockchain, IoT

Experience the Next Level of Online Success

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9. Brainvire Infotech Inc

brainvire-ecommerce-web-development-company-It provides a time-tested service in e-commerce web development. IoT, Blockchain & machine learning are their key services. Also, they work in an open-source framework like Python, PHP & web app development.

Furthermore, they are also involved in open-source frameworks like NodeJS, Python, PHP, and web development. Their products include AuroCRM and Control ERP.  


Employees: 501-1000

Established: 2000 

Hourly Rate: up to $25 

Clutch Ratings: 5/5

Specialized Services: Point of Sale (POS) system, MongoDB development, Android & iPhone application development. 

Related:  A Comprehensive Guide To Launch eCommerce Business In 2021-22

10. Tvisha Technologies 

tvisha-technology-ecommerceTvisha Technologies is a system integration and network consulting company. In addition, it helped companies to enhance digital workplaces. With the widespread reins of technology everywhere, It has stepped into the web, mobile application development, and e-commerce development with full-fledged techniques. 


Employees: 51-200  

Establishment: 2002

Hourly Rate: $25/hr

Clutch Ratings: 5/5

Specialized Services: Web and mobile application development, Digital marketing, SEO services, E-commerce development.

11. Digital Silk

digitalsilk-web-development-company-Digital Silk is a top eCommerce development company you would find. It is adept at developing and creating outstanding digital marketing services. Moreover, you can drive as a website is the reflection of your business they prioritize your eCommerce development projects to a spike in user traffic with a  focus on user engagement.


No. of Employees: 50-99

Established: 2017

Minimal Budget: $10,000 to $25,000

Clutch Ratings: 4.5 /5

Specialized Services: E-commerce development, Web & mobile application development, Digital marketing, SEO services

12. Magneto IT Solutions

Magneto IT Solutions is an Indian eCommerce Development Company that offers a host of services to its clients. They believe in providing scalable, user-friendly websites at competitive prices. Moreover, the company has over ten years of experience working with businesses all across the country! Their team consists of highly skilled eCommerce developers who work hard to meet your business goals. 


Employees: 51–200

Hourly rate: $25 — $49 / hr

Established: 2009

Clutch Rating: 4.8/5

Specialized Services: Yii Development, PHP Development, iOS and Android Apps Development, Responsive Web Design, Custom eCommerce Solution, WordPress development, Digital Marketing, PPC, SEO, Ionic Development, and more.

13. Kadam Technologies Pvt. Ltd

Kadam Technologies is one of the top-notch eCommerce development companies that specialize in Magento, WordPress, and Shopify platforms. Moreover, the organization has been able to gain massive success for its clients across the world who have trusted them with all of their online business needs. Whether you’re looking to start from scratch or develop your existing online store, Kadam has a team of eCommerce experts to assist you through every stage of the process.


Employees: 51–200

Hourly rate: < $25 / hr

Established: 2015

Clutch Rating: 5/5

Specialized Services: Web and Mobile development, E-commerce Application, Front End Development, eCommerce development services, CRM solution development, Healthcare solution development, Digital Marketing, and more.

14. Octal IT Solution

Octal IT Solution is one of the excellent eCommerce development companies in India. They offer a host of services to help businesses succeed online, including eCommerce applications and mobile apps for both iOS and Android devices. Moreover, the corporation includes a team that has extensive experience working with various trending technologies, from AI to Blockchain.


Employees: 51–200

Hourly rate: $25 — $49

Established: 2007

Clutch Rating: 4.6/5

Specialized Services: Mobile Application Development, Web Design and Development, Microsoft Solutions, Custom Software Development, SaaS Development, Enterprise Solutions, Digital Marketing, and more.

Give a Read: Know The Key Differences Between B2B and B2C eCommerce Websites

15. Dynamic Dreamz

Dynamic Dreamz is an eCommerce development company that offers you a range of services. They are experts at web design, custom website development & online marketing strategies using SEO/SEM techniques. Moreover, their eCommerce development team has years of experience working on Magento and OS Commerce platforms which means they can build your site from the ground up or help with any customization you require.


Employees: 51–200

Hourly rate: $25 — $49

Established: 2004

Clutch Rating: 5/5

Specialized Services: Web Design & Development, eCommerce Development, Android app development, Responsive Website Design, Magento, WordPress development, eCommerce development, Laravel, PHP, and more.

16. Icecube Digital

Icecube Digital is a leading eCommerce website development company. The firm offers you custom-built eCommerce websites that can be fully integrated with your existing business processes. In addition, the eCommerce app developers of the organization are highly skilled and have already worked on various platforms such as Magento, Drupal, and WordPress, which means they are capable of building highly complex online stores for businesses in any industry — not just fashion or electronics!


Employees: 11–50

Hourly rate: $25 — $49 / hr

Established: 2008

Clutch Rating: 5/5

Specialized Services: iOS app development, Responsive web design, Magento Development, Shopify Development, WordPress Development, Mobile App Development, Typo3 Development, PHP Development, SEO, and so on.

Harness the potential of eCommerce

Supercharge your business fortunes with cutting-edge eCommerce solutions from India's finest developers.

17. Webnexs

Webnexs is a top-notch eCommerce web development company. The eCommerce website developers of the organization have years of experience in developing customized eCommerce online stores. Moreover, the firm focuses on creating quality applications and offering digital marketing solutions for its clients.


Employees: 11–50

Hourly rate: $25 — $49 / hr

Established: 2015

Clutch Rating: 5/5

Specialized Services: Magento, Android app development, iOS, digital marketing, Video on demand, Live streaming, Ride-Hailing Script, Tracking Script, eCommerce development services, Magento Migration, App Development, and more.

18. Cirkle Studio

Cirkle Studio is an outstanding eCommerce web design company that proffers comprehensive solutions related to eCommerce website development to businesses at very affordable prices. Moreover, the corporation has a pool of talented and experienced professionals, which gives them the ability to work on any eCommerce website development project.


Employees: 11–50

Hourly rate: $25 — $49 / hr

Established: 2012

Clutch Rating: 5/5

Specialized Services: UI/UX Design, Web Application Development, Mobile Apps Design, Quality Assurance Services, Mobile Apps Development, eCommerce website development service, Digital Marketing, Internet Marketing Service, Digital Service, and more.

Also Read: Top eCommerce Development Companies In India To Change Business Fortunes

19. BrancoSoft Private Limited

BrancoSoft is an outstanding eCommerce development company that specializes in custom-built online stores. Moreover, the firm has been around since 2012, and its eCommerce developers have delivered multiple eCommerce projects for various enterprises globally, including those from India.


Employees: 11–50

Hourly rate: $25 — $49 / hr

Established: 2015

Clutch Rating: 5/5

Specialized Services: Website Development, Digital Marketing, Business Analysis, iOS App Development, Designing, Strategy & Consulting, Brand Strategy, SEO, and Social media marketing, and more.

20. BlueTech Research

BlueTech Research is an extraordinary eCommerce development company that offers you solutions for all your online business demands. The eCommerce developers of the firm have created small to big level projects! Moreover, the firm’s development team is so talented that they can handle startups, SMEs, and large enterprises projects in a simple way.


Employees: 11–50

Hourly rate: Undisclosed

Established: 1984

Clutch Rating: 5/5

Specialized Services: Custom app development, iOS application development, Android app development, eCommerce development services, UI/UX design, mobile app development, Java, PHP, Magneto web app development, and more.

21. Fluper Ltd

Fluper Ltd is a leading eCommerce website development service provider that has been in the industry for over a decade. The firm offers customers a complete package of solutions which includes custom website design, web development, and mobile app development. Moreover, What makes them stand out from the crowd is their highly skilled team that can work on any project — be it an eCommerce site or a social media campaign!


Employees: 201–500

Hourly rate: < $25 / hr

Established: 2013

Clutch Rating: 4.1/5

Specialized Services: Web & Mobile App Designing, eCommerce App Development, CMS Development, ERP Apps Development, iOS and Android App Development, PHP Development, Java Development, Cross-platform app development, Augmented Reality Apps, and more.

22. Mxpertz

Mxpertz offers you a wide range of eCommerce website development services that can be tailor-made to suit your business’s unique needs. Hence, they have been providing web design and custom software solutions for around three years now, which makes them one of the most experienced digital agencies in India!


Employees: 11–50

Hourly rate: < $25 / hr

Established: 2018

Clutch Rating: 5/5

Specialized Services: Information Technology, Web Development, Design and development, Onsite Resource, Software Engineering, Mobile App Development, eCommerce app development, Custom Software Development, and more.

23. Vrinsoft Technology

Vrinsoft Technology is a premium eCommerce development company that provides businesses with the most innovative and feature-rich websites. In addition, the organization has been developing custom mobile apps, responsive sites & complex portals for international brands as well as SMEs, which means you can rely on them to provide your business website development needs at an affordable price.


Employees: 51–200

Hourly rate: $25 — $49 / hr

Established: 2009

Clutch Rating: 4.8/5

Specialized Services: Web Designing and Development, eCommerce Web Development, Search Engine Optimization, Mobile Application Development, iPhone Application Development, Android App Development, Web Application Development, and so on.

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24. 7EDGE

Being the top-notch eCommerce website development company, 7EDGE has a team of talented eCommerce web developers who are passionate about creating innovative online shopping websites. Moreover, the corporation professionals can help you develop an integrated website that is designed to increase your business revenue exponentially!


Employees: 51–200

Hourly rate: $25 — $49 / hr

Established: 2010

Clutch Rating: 4.9/5

Specialized Services: Marketing Cloud, Consulting, Digital Marketing, Digital Media, Web Solutions, Mobility Solutions, DevOps, Big Data, Analytics, Internet of Things (IoT), Cloud Computing, Automation, Artificial Intelligence, SMAC, Digital Transformation, and more.

25. Axis Web Art Pvt Ltd

Axis Web Art is a prominent eCommerce website development company that offers you top-notch solutions related to your needs for online retail websites. In addition, the organization has a team of highly skilled professionals, which allows them to create custom web apps using the most advanced technologies available in the market — all at very affordable prices!


Employees: 11–50

Hourly rate: $150 — $199 / hr

Established: 2011

Clutch Rating: 5/5

Specialized Services: Website Design, Joomla, WordPress, Magento development, Joomla Extension Development, eCommerce Solutions, Responsive website development, digital marketing, SEO, Facebook Ads, Google Adwords, Angular, React, Android, iOS, and more.

26. Om Software Pvt Ltd

Om Software is a custom web design company that provides top-quality eCommerce website development services to businesses at unbeatable prices. Moreover, they have worked on several projects for local and international clients, which means you can be sure they are best-suited to handle your business website needs!


Employees: 51–200

Hourly rate: < $25 / hr

Established: 2008

Clutch Rating: 4.1/5

Specialized Services: Application Development, CRM Development, SaaS Development, ERP Solutions, Hosting, Designing, Staffing, CMS, Marketing, Publishing and Editing, Digital Marketing, IOS APP, Business development, and more.

How does an e-commerce development company work?

It delivers and develops a quality platform by typically assessing critical parameters:

♦ Client Brief: The first ladder starts with discovery & research. The company collects reviews on future projects, goals, purpose and agree upon features & solutions.

♦ Planning: In the second stage, the creation process further induces an action plan, and the sitemap includes customer wishes. That’s why sitemap is critical in linking different strategies to decide on project needs.

♦ Design: The development process includes the creation of all visual parts of the future website. After the design stage, the customer will confirm or amend. At this stage, the team edit text, write headlines site description & preliminary product information. As a result, the process should approve before the coding.

♦ Coding and development: The work done previously will be used to program an actual web store, marketplace, or different e-commerce website, via frameworks, CMS, coding platforms, and search engine optimization tools.

♦ Testing and Launch: Once the e-commerce product is ready, the team carries out quality assurance before a site is published.

♦ Maintenance: Launching the site is not only a priority. A few websites require maintenance through a constant checks, support, and regular updates.

Top  E-commerce development companies In India: A Key To Your Digital Assets

It conveys why you need an e-commerce solution for business and how setting up e-commerce development works?

Developing a website from BPOV is critical. Things like load time, interface of the website are nearly essential to keep hooked up to services. However, it all depends on the complexity of client requests, the scope of work, platform, future websites, proposals, etc. 

It makes an e-commerce web design company work as a great partner if you are relatively new to entrepreneurship.

A well-established company delivers a typical website in less than preliminary 4 months. They create a platform that usually inputs design ideas about the shopping cart, images, price calculator, templates, user registration/login, purchase cycle. Furthermore, the UI teams specialize in brand recognition to ensure quality content for websites across all digital platforms.

Payment Integration: E-commerce development companies enable your website with payment gateway integration, i.e.PayPal – the most viable payment method for top e-commerce companies with more than 254 million users, or Google Pay with 25 million monthly active subscribers. Apple Pay with over 39  million users. It implies the importance of a payment gateway in an e-Commerce website.

SEO & Marketing:  E-commerce developers improve visibility, sales & traffic boost. With quality SEO, you attract visitors and potential buyers, increase hot leads into conversions. At the same time, it helps brand recognition, graphics, and excites customers to make purchases.

Technical Ongoing Support:  It is critical as post-launch, regular updates, bug fixing, troubleshooting, further enhancements, etc., expert eCommerce development company can deliver all things in a bundle.

Let’s Discuss Your Project

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How can you choose the best e-Commerce development companies In India?

Before you go and take a step further, choosing the most suitable e-commerce development checking priorities is essential.

#How experienced are your team and employees?

An e-commerce development company deploys multi-taskers possessing the necessary skills to create your project. The team should have expertise in JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Python, PHP & Ruby languages. Equipped with skills in website design, front-end and back-end development, data analysis, search engine optimization will be an extra advantage.

Also Read: ValueCoders as Clutch’s Top E-Commerce Developer in India

#How much is the charge for dedicated service? How much does it cost to hire?

Various parameters determine the quality, quantity, and end result. The price ranges from $400 – $1,000, depending on the complexity and specifications of the project. You’ll see some companies offer calculators on their websites where one can count the approximate price of the final product and decide if that suits your budget. 

Final Words:

I hope we now have vital information at our fingertips post reading a piece on top e-commerce development companies in India (2023-24). Moreover, these enlisted companies work with a ‘SAME MISSION BUT A DIFFERENT VISION’ to meet diverse client needs. I tried to exhibit their real expertise in e-Commerce development. It could be the right moment for you to go ahead and seize the best offers available post-COVID-19 economic distress.

Hence, What Is Stopping Now? Choose the company you think could be the driving force to tale your eCommerce development dreams to scale new heights. My gut feeling says I should go with names like VALUECODERS, PIXELCRAYONS & VERELOGIC.


The post Top eCommerce Development Companies In India To Change Business Fortunes appeared first on ValueCoders | Unlocking the Power of Technology: Discover the Latest Insights and Trends.

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A Comprehensive Guide To Launch eCommerce Business Wed, 15 Sep 2021 10:27:24 +0000 Gone are the days when visiting brick and mortar stores was an everyday task. Thanks to technology, now virtual stores...

The post A Comprehensive Guide To Launch eCommerce Business appeared first on ValueCoders | Unlocking the Power of Technology: Discover the Latest Insights and Trends.

Gone are the days when visiting brick and mortar stores was an everyday task. Thanks to technology, now virtual stores are commerce kings. 

Everything you need can get delivered to your doorstep in a few clicks on your mobile or computer. Ecommerce has radically changed the way we buy things in the present. Thus, many offline businesses are struggling to acquire customers. 

While some of them are preparing to rise on the internet, though, launching an online eCommerce startup can turn out a big headache if not implemented well from the very beginning if you are striving to take up your business internet. 

Thus, I have decided to explain to you everything from scratch. So, if you want to successfully launch eCommerce business in 2021, stay hooked with me here.  

1. Recognizing eCommerce Business Model & Audience 

Researching is the key to success for everything. Thus, you must not forget to do this. Growing and successfully launching your business is an investment of both time and money. So, you need to do it well. 

First, you know that a single business structure can work well for every entrepreneur. Thus, you need an understanding of available business models of your niche. 

Same applies to eCommerce business, as it plays a significant role in your business structure. To understand eCommerce business models, you can get online eCommerce business blueprint videos.  

In short, here are the ten eCommerce models available currently. 

  1.  Business To Business Ecommerce
  2.  Business To Consumer Ecommerce
  3.  C2C ECommerce
  4.  Consumer To Business Ecommerce
  5.  Government / Public Administration Ecommerce
  6.  Drop-Shipping
  7.  Wholesaling And Warehousing
  8.  Private Labeling And Manufacturing
  9.  White Labeling
  10.  Subscription-Based Ecommerce

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All of these business models have their own set of features and include separate revenue sources. From having your own warehouse to outsourcing your delivery to small vendors, eCommerce consists of a vast market and variety of operations. 

eCommerce Business Model

So, you must gain an understanding of these models before getting into the eCommerce business. Once you would recognize the initial understanding of these models, you would have a clear idea of your direction. You would be able to decide end goals in terms of operation, target audience, and customers. 

As recognizing your model will give you insight into your customer, you can research more to recognize your target customer’s pain. Once you recognize what your eCommerce business model is, you need to research: 

  • Platforms where your target audience is available. 
  • What Your target audience is looking for? 
  • How to reach them? 

Finding answers to these questions would give you understanding to your target audience. Once you have done this, now it’s time to validate your target market and products. 

Moreover, don’t ignore that you would have to hire eCommerce developers to effectively implement your business model. 

2. Deciding On Target Market And Products

I am sure now you’ve identified a niche and a business model, you may be tempted to start looking to sell products.

 Before you think of product ideas, don’t forget to think about the persona. If you don’t know what your target audience is expected to buy, what you can sell, who you are selling your product.

Who is your business? What does your store showcase? Who are your ideal clients? Projecting a consistent brand image should be your priority from beginning to the end.  

Fortunately, Facebook makes it relatively easy for us to find your target audience online. In particular, know exactly how many people you can target. You can drill down for very specific numbers and a broad demographic.

If you want a brand aimed at hardcore triathletes who also enjoy mountain biking, you may need to expand a bit more. You can’t build a business if your target audience is only 100,000 people.

Once you recognize the image you want to project and the customer you are serving, it’s time to think of product ideas. I would recommend you to start one product and then expand if you want to sell more using affiliate marketing can turn out effective. 

If you want to sell groceries, or clothing, or fashion products, social media channels can help you a lot about your audience interest. 

eCommerce business market

3. Analyzing Your Profit Margin

Indeed, your major concern would be how much traffic you can make and how much you would have to spend to grow your business. 

I would like to clear this that you would have to continuously spend in marketing and promoting your business online after the initial investment. Apart from these, you would have to consider how much profit you can make on each product after excluding actual product cost, marketing cost, and delivery cost. 

Thus, it is advised that you make a marketing budget, and analyze delivery costs can arise in each location you are targeting. Truly, you can gain humongous money in the eCommerce market; all you just need to do is manage each task separately. 

Moreover, ensure that your product provides a better profit margin and ensure catering good product quality as incompatible product quality can lead to bad reviews and unfavorable promotion. So, think about each aspect deeply.

Must Read: Why Is Shopify So Popular For eCommerce Business?

4. Register Your Business

To run a successful business, you would have to connect with your target audience. Thus, it is critical to recognize personas and create eCommerce brands. To sell your products to corporate entrepreneurs, you would have to think accordingly. 

But before setting up your store and getting into the finer nuances of brand building, there are some basic steps you’ll need to take.

Register your business

Finalize a business name and register your business with your government. There are legal protections and tax benefits to include, so don’t skip it.

Choose your store name.

Your site name and your business’s legal name don’t need to be the same, but keeping them consistent has its benefits. Make sure what you choose fits your niche; you don’t want to choose a brand at the last minute.

Get a business license.

Know the processes to get a license. The Small Business Association has many resources to get you started, including a protected mentor network and small business basics. Actively Seek Sponsors – Their advice can be invaluable, even for small things like getting a business license.

eCommerce business license

Apply for a business license and permit

Operating an online store does require certain business licenses and permits. Check with your city, country, and state what type of sales tax license or home business license you need and approve before you start operating.

Find the right sellers.

You have a lot of competition to sell products online, so it is in your best interest to sell your products or find the best quality and best prices for the products you use. Shop until you find a supplier you want to trade with long-term; this includes your e-commerce software (your “shopping cart”). Think scalable from the start.

Create your brand logo 

Don’t pay fret for it, but make sure no other company in your niche is using it. However, the logo design should be very original (and it really shouldn’t be).

Moreover, Carefully consider your brand colours, the images you use, and the typefaces or fonts you use. If you have not received the quote, you can contact a software designing company to create a design report for your company. If not, you can make your own. Just stay consistent and read the marketing tips designed to promote your brand.

Let’s Discuss Your Project

Get free consultation and let us know your project idea to turn it into an amazing digital product.

5. Develop Your Ecommerce Store

Now once you have done registering your business with the go, it is time to kick-start online. Register your domain name and redirect your URLs to your domain. Now it comes to build your online store. 

To build your eCommerce store, you would have to hire eCommerce developers who can employ the best technologies and CMS to create your eCommerce site. Yes! Indeed, there are websites like Spotify and Magento where you can get your eCommerce store launched easily. 

Though, you would need eCommerce website developers to create the store and manage data on the site initially. Actually, these platforms make eCommerce store development easier, but expert developers are essential for using the advanced feature. 

Except for creating your online store, you can also purchase a White Label eCommerce Website -a custom-made solution created for clients’ specific needs. Actually, these days white label eCommerce software solutions are being termed as viable software solutions for enterprises. 

This software development model allows you to acquire a ready-made solution optimized & deployed for your business within one or two weeks. In contrast, custom eCommerce solution development requires you to spend 6-8 weeks just for development. This means it takes ten weeks to launch an eCommerce business online. 

If you want to create a custom eCommerce store, using themes of BigCommerce, WooCommerce, Shopify, and more can reduce hassles. Moreover, you can sell your products on Amazon, but this way you wouldn’t be able to create your brand presence.

Also Read: How WooCommerce CMS will Help You Grow an e-Commerce Business?

Steps to create eCommerce Business Development

Moreover, here are the steps you would have to follow for creating your eCommerce store.  

  •  Finalizing on eCommerce application development platform & technology 
  • Deciding on features, you want to infuse within your eCommerce solution. 
  • CMS you want to leverage 
  • Marketing effective plugins to ensure the ranking of product pages
  • Payment options 
  • Delivery & inventory management system 

It looks easier at one glance but requires hours of effort and continuous dedication. Thus, I would recommend you have a white label solution to reduce development & implementation time and make processes prompt.

6. Launch Your Business & Marketing

Majorly, your business launch is done when your eCommerce store is live and running effectively. But! You would have to ensure that you are getting the attention of your target audience. 

Thus, you would have to market your product well. You can opt for pre-marketing as well, which allows you to run awareness campaigns on social media. 

In contrast, you can use SEO, paid promotion, and affiliate marketing options to boost your product sales. But, you must have to consider your audiences’ buying behaviour to target them for a successful eCommerce business launch. 

Summing Up 

To launch an eCommerce business successfully, you would have to ensure having a user-friendly online store. While on the other hand, you would have to serve them the best quality product, services and attractive deals & discounts. 

To get the desired outcomes, you would have to put in efforts in the right direction. Moreover, consulting with a software outsourcing company can also get you a great insight into the eCommerce startup launch. 

The post A Comprehensive Guide To Launch eCommerce Business appeared first on ValueCoders | Unlocking the Power of Technology: Discover the Latest Insights and Trends.

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How to Build a Remote Team for eCommerce Development: Tips and Strategies Wed, 09 Dec 2015 09:51:14 +0000 For an eCommerce business, you know that having a strong and effective development team is critical to your success. And...

The post How to Build a Remote Team for eCommerce Development: Tips and Strategies appeared first on ValueCoders | Unlocking the Power of Technology: Discover the Latest Insights and Trends.

For an eCommerce business, you know that having a strong and effective development team is critical to your success. And a remote team plays a significant role in eCommerce development.

It allows you to tap into a global talent pool and can be more cost-effective than hiring in-house staff.

According to Statista, retail e-commerce sales reached 4.9 trillion U.S. dollars worldwide in 2021. And it is estimated to grow by about 7.4 trillion dollars by 2025.

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Now, you may be wondering how to go about building a remote team for eCommerce development. It can seem like a daunting task, but with the right tips and strategies in place, it can be done successfully.

In this blog post, we will chalk out some tips and strategies for building a successful remote team for eCommerce development.

We’ll cover everything from finding the right people to set up communication protocols and workflows. So if you’re ready to take your business to the next level, keep reading!

Steps to Build a Remote Team For Ecommerce Development

  1. Create a Well-Defined Team Structure

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When it comes to building a remote team for eCommerce development, having a well-defined team structure is essential for success. By establishing clear roles and responsibilities, you can ensure that everyone knows their part in the process and can work together effectively. Some of the key roles you’ll need on your team include:

  • Project Manager

The project manager is responsible for overseeing the entire project and ensuring that it is completed on time and within budget. They will work with the team to develop a timeline and allocate resources and will be responsible for reporting progress to the client.

  • Web Developer

The web developer is responsible for building the website, including designing and coding the pages. They will work closely with the project manager and graphic designer to ensure that the site meets all of the client’s requirements. You can also hire an eCommerce developer to develop an efficient eCommerce website.

  • Graphic Designer

The graphic designer is liable for creating the look and feel of the website, including the logo, graphics, and fonts. They will work with the web developer to ensure that the site is visually appealing and meets all branding requirements.

  • Copywriter

The copywriter is responsible for creating the website’s content, including the text for the pages and the marketing materials. They will work with the project manager to make sure that the site’s content is accurate and up-to-date.

  • SEO Specialist

The SEO specialist is liable for optimizing the website for search engines so that it can be found by potential customers. They will work with the web developer and copywriter to ensure that the site is search engine friendly.

By establishing these clear roles and responsibilities, you can create a well-defined team structure that will enable you to build a successful remote team for eCommerce development projects.

Also Read: A Piece of Comprehensive Decisive Information To Hire Remote Team of Developers

2. Find the Perfect Candidates

Once you have a proper team structure in place, it’s time to start looking for the perfect candidates. Moreover, it can be a challenging task, but by using the right tools, you can make it a little easier.

One of the excellent ways to find qualified candidates is to use online job boards. There are a number of job boards that focus exclusively on web development jobs, such as and You can also post your job on job boards like Craigslist or

Another great way to find qualified candidates is to network with other professionals in your industry. Attend industry events and meetups, and connect with people on social media. This way, you can also find the right candidate for your team.

3. Screen Candidates Carefully

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Once you have a pool of candidates, it’s important to screen them carefully. This will assist you to weed out the unqualified candidates and ensure that you are only interviewing the best candidates.

One of the excellent ways to screen candidates is to ask them to complete a project or take a test. This will deliver you a clear idea of their skills and abilities. You can also ask them to provide references from past employers.

4. Hire on a Probation Period

Another great way to screen candidates is to hire them on a probation period. This will give you a chance to see how they work with the rest of the team and determine if they are a good fit for the company.

5. Have the Right Tools in Place

When it comes to building a perfect remote team for eCommerce development, having the right tools in place is essential for success. By having the right software and hardware, you can ensure that your team has everything they need to get the job done.

Some of the key tools that you will need include:

  • A project management tool, such as Asana or Trello, to help manage the project timeline and tasks.
  • A code editor, like Sublime Text or Atom, for coding the website pages.
  • A graphic design tool, such as Photoshop or Illustrator, for creating graphics and logos.
  • A content management system (CMS), such as WordPress or Drupal, for managing the website content.
  • An SEO tool, such as Moz Pro or Raven Tools, for optimizing the site for search engines.

By having these tools in place, you can ensure that your team has everything they need to succeed.

Also Read: A Comprehensive Guide To Create An Ecommerce App From Scratch

6. Cultivate a Positive Remote Work Environment

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Creating a positive and sustainable work environment is crucial for any team, but it’s especially important for a remote team. By establishing clear standards and expectations and providing adequate training and support, you can help your team to work together effectively.

Encourage your team members to effectively communicate with each other regularly, and make sure that they have access to the tools they need. You should also set up regular check-ins to ensure that everyone is on track.

7. Establish Team Security Policies

When you work with a remote team, it is important to establish security policies to protect your data and information. This will help to ensure that your team is working in a safe and secure environment.

Some of the key security policies that you should establish are the following:

  • Password Policies

Establish strong password policies that require all team members to use unique passwords and change their passwords often.

  • Data Security Policies

Try to ensure that all data is stored securely and is access-controlled.

  • Email Security Policies

Encrypt all emails containing sensitive information and require two-factor authentication for access.

  • Web Security Policies

Implement firewalls and malware protection on all web servers and make sure that all software is up-to-date.

By establishing these policies, you can help to keep your team safe and secure.

Also Read: Top 10 Ecommerce Platforms for Start-ups, Enterprises, and Small Business

The Benefits of Building a Remote E-Commerce Team

  1. Cost Savings

One of the most obvious benefits of building a remote team for eCommerce development is cost savings. When you don’t have to pay for office space, equipment, or even salaries for employees in-house, your expenses go down significantly.

Of course, you will still require to pay your remote team members for their time and expertise, but you can often find talented individuals who are willing to work for less than you would pay in-house employees.

Moreover, you can also hire a dedicated development team to work on your eCommerce development project.

2. Flexibility and Scalability

Another big benefit of having a remote eCommerce team is that it’s much more flexible and scalable than an in-house team. When you have employees working remotely, it’s easy to add or remove team members as required.

If your business is growing faster and you need to add more staff, it’s as simple as finding and hiring new remote team members. And if you need to downsize for any reason, it’s just as easy to let go of remote employees.

This flexibility can be a huge advantage, especially for small businesses that are still trying to find their footing.

3. Access to a Global Talent Pool

Another big benefit of building a remote eCommerce team is access to a global talent pool. When you’re looking for talented individuals to join your team, you have a much wider range of options when you can look for people who are located all over the world.

This can be a huge advantage, especially if you’re looking for someone with specific skills or experience. You’re not limited to candidates who live in your city or country, which means you can find the best possible fit for your team.

4. Increased Productivity and Lower Absenteeism

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Remote workforces will typically have higher productivity and lower absenteeism. According to Stanford University research, there was a 12% increase in productivity for those who worked from home.

This is likely because people feel more comfortable working in their own space without distractions from colleagues. Additionally, people are less likely to call in sick when they work from home.

5. Better Efficiency

One of the main benefits of having a remote eCommerce team is that it can often lead to better efficiency. When all the team members work in the same office, it can be difficult to avoid distractions and collaborate effectively.

But when team members are working remotely, they can typically focus on their work without being disturbed. This leads to higher productivity and less wasted time.

Concluding Thoughts

By following the above-discussed tips, you can set your eCommerce business up for success by recruiting and managing a remote team effectively. By having the proper tools and resources in place, you can ensure that your team has everything they need to succeed.

In addition to this, you get multiple benefits from having a remote team. From cost savings to increased productivity, there are plenty of benefits businesses can get.

So, if you’re eying a more flexible and scalable workforce, then a remote eCommerce team may be the perfect solution for you.

You can also contact any top-class eCommerce development company like ValueCoders to help you with creating your remote team successfully.

Also Read: 7 Key Factors To Consider For Measuring E-Commerce Success

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1 What is eCommerce development?

Ecommerce development is the process of creating a website where users can buy and sell products and services online.

This process typically involves designing and building a custom shopping cart system, integrating payment processing software, setting up shipping options, and configuring security measures to protect customer information.

Ecommerce development also includes creating an online storefront that is visually appealing and easy to use.

Q2 What are the different types of eCommerce?

There are four main types of ecommerce: business-to-consumer (B2C), business-to-business (B2B), consumer-to-consumer (C2C), and consumer-to-business (C2B).

B2C eCommerce is the type of eCommerce that most people are familiar with. It involves businesses selling products and services to consumers through an online platform. The most common examples of B2C eCommerce are online retail stores, such as Amazon and eBay.

B2B eCommerce is similar to B2C eCommerce, but the transactions take place between businesses rather than between businesses and consumers.

Moreover, the platforms on which these transactions take place are often called marketplace platforms, and they can be used by businesses of each size. The most common examples of B2B eCommerce platforms are Alibaba and Global Sources.

C2C eCommerce is a type of eCommerce that involves consumers selling products and services to other consumers. The most common examples of C2C eCommerce platforms are eBay and Craigslist.

C2B eCommerce is a type of eCommerce that involves consumers selling products and services to businesses. The most common examples of C2B eCommerce platforms are Fiverr and Upwork.

Q3 What are significant questions to ask while hiring eCommerce developers?

When hiring eCommerce developers, it’s important to ask questions that will help you determine their level of experience and expertise. Here are a few questions to ask:

1. What eCommerce platforms are you familiar with?

2. Do you have any experience developing for Shopify or Magento?

3. Have you built any ecommerce stores from scratch? If so, can I see examples?

4. What kind of testing and debugging procedures do you typically use when building an eCommerce store?

5. Are you comfortable working with CSV files for importing/exporting product data?

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