product design – ValueCoders | Unlocking the Power of Technology: Discover the Latest Insights and Trends Valuecoders Wed, 05 Apr 2023 12:33:08 +0000 en-US hourly 1 product design – ValueCoders | Unlocking the Power of Technology: Discover the Latest Insights and Trends 32 32 The State of UI/UX Design in Mobile App Development: Trends Thu, 10 Mar 2022 04:04:18 +0000 It has been estimated that around 90% of users have stopped using a mobile app because of poor performance. This...

The post The State of UI/UX Design in Mobile App Development: Trends appeared first on ValueCoders | Unlocking the Power of Technology: Discover the Latest Insights and Trends.

It has been estimated that around 90% of users have stopped using a mobile app because of poor performance. This study has proved that a high-quality user experience (UX) design is no longer a competitive edge alone. Instead, UX is a critical element in ensuring long-term market success.

For a successful mobile app UI/UX Design, you need to first understand how to resolve the pain points of a user, learn about their latent behaviors, and needs are the only way to ensure exceptional product performance.

The relationship between humans and technology is continuously evolving; however, businesses have to make sure that they emphasize mobile app UI/UX design in their mobile app development projects.

On that point, companies need to keep abreast of all the latest and emerging UX trends to meet the changing needs of mobile users.

While the principles of UX design may not change, the trends and techniques certainly do. In this blog, I will try and identify the key UX design trends that will make it big in the year 2022.

UX mobile app related stats


74% of visitants are likely to come back to your site if it has good and attractive mobile UX

Trends in UX Design for 2022

To build a robust application, always use trending things that are liked by users, which helps you to gather mode customers. The application which has a good user interface is usually liked by all. You can also hire mobile app developers to build a robust mobile app UI/UX design. Let’s discuss a few mobile app UX design trends.

1) Voice Experiences

Mobile app Ideas

Source: Google

Brands are incorporating voice search technology more in mobile apps, and it’s the beginning to incorporate vocal user interfaces (VUI). At least, the companies are trying to integrate VUI in some capacity to meet the changing expectations of smartphone users.

There are many roadblocks in the pavement of Voice Search Experiences, and Accessibility issues are the primary concerns as current voice technologies have shown difficulties in accurately identifying instruction where heavy accents or background noise is present.

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Secondly, a VUI allows actions to be executed based on spoken commands. Changing interfaces requires mobile app designers to abandon old techniques and mindsets for what it means to design a mobile app experience. 

VUIs won’t entirely take over mobile experiences, though the technology has been showing significant potential for enabling further advancements in consumer AI technologies.

As per eMarketer,  there are nearly 150 million smartphone users who will be using Voice Assistants in 2022. 

The emergence of voice technology has given rise to almost 70% of voice searches by 2022.

To know the latest mobile app development trends Read Top 10 Mobile App Development Trends And Ideas write-up. The trends mentioned in the write-up will offer you leading ideas to develop a top-notch mobile app UI/UX design.

2) Designing for Healthier Relationships with Technology

Mobile app - Customer Engagement

Source: Google

The world is awakening to the need for a mindful relationship with technology. Mobile app users want solutions for their pain areas, but they still want their time off from the app. Instead of fighting for attention, mobile app designers should find relevance and comfort while maintaining a meaningful place in the user’s daily life.

This trend is centered around mobile UI/UX designers that need to keep up with the pace of technology to develop healthier habits and design experiences that empower and enable users to achieve their personal goals while respecting their life outside of the app. 

A relevant example that validates the trend above is Instagram’s All Caught Up Feature. The purpose of this feature is to notify users that they have viewed all the recent posts. When users are aware that they’ve reached the end of their feed, they no longer need to keep scrolling, which saves time and limits distraction.

According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS, 2009);

74% of Australian users used advanced technologies and social media platforms (Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube) in apps to share more information related to education, and this increased the figure by 84% in 2013. It also impacted customer and business relationships.

Well, along with the time the requirements and demand of the users are increasing to fulfill the same business, they have to change their ways and plan something unique to attract the users; this thing can easily be implemented by developing and using an impactful mobile application. To know more about the same read How Mobile App Development Trends Changing the Way, You Do Business?

3) Deeper Personalization with Artificial Intelligence(AI) and Machine Learning (ML)

Mobile user experience

Source: Google

The year 2022, has marked a substantial growth towards more profound and more sophisticated personalization in mobile UX. As AI and ML continue to take giant leap strides in the ability to understand user behavior and interaction, mobile-based products or apps are becoming more personalized with each passing year. 

When it comes to UX design, the key is to design something flexible as per user preferences and choices. Functionality and in-app content should match user data, such as location, purchase behavior, online communities, events, and personal calendar.

The use of artificial intelligence in mobile apps, and software are increasing day by day, that’s why Worldwide revenue from the AI market is projected to reach up to 97.9 billion U.S. dollars by 2023.

Brands such as Spotify have already been working on the user’s playlist’s customization by curating custom playlists with suggestions based on previous listening behaviors. Mobile app developers need to tap into AI and ML personalization opportunities as much as possible to supply variable content where appropriate.

4) Designing for Consistency between IoT and Wearable Devices with the Cloud

Mobile app related wearable devices

Source: Google

As the number of IoT and smart devices continue to rise drastically. Users expect seamless integration and responsive design that covers all devices and platforms. 

Mobile UX designers need to look at creating integrating experiences between physical design and the functionality of each design as well as interaction design within the whole IoT system. 

With 5G technology, slowly starting to roll out, the more stable network will allow more apps to rely on the cloud.  For mobile app developers, the cloud will be a valuable tool for designing consistency among IoT devices.

Cloud-based connected devices allow designers to keep all platforms and software up-to-date. As a result, it will provide users with seamless transitions between system elements with minimum effort, adaptation, and wasted time.

The number of usage of wearable devices worldwide has more than doubled in three years, rising from 325 million in 2016 to 722 million in 2019. The number of devices is projected to reach more than 1 billion by 2022 end.

A great example of this is Google’s Google Nest. The product helps a user control their home’s temperature. All nest products (mobile app, smartwatch app, and thermostat) stick to a similar design pattern, distribute functionality according to the device’s specifics, and build a user interface relevant to the system’s elements. Similarly, the way a user interacts with the Nest is the same across all platforms.

mobile app development

5) Coding becomes a part of the Design Process

Mobile app development

Source: Google

There’s a question that always goes around on whether a designer should learn how to code and make it a part of the design process, as a designer can come up with feasible technical suggestions, but there’s a point in this context that a designer is a designer at the end of the day and mobile app development companies should ensure that the code should not take away the designer’s designing capabilities, which is the primary role of a designer.

There are several prototyping tools, bridging the gap between designers and mobile app developers working on the design systems at a scale, helping programmers build upon designs instead of replicating them in production.

Going forward in 2022, you will see more design tools coming up, a popular example of such a tool is UXPin, which lets you design, prototype, and collaborate all in one place.

6) Designing for Speed

Mobile Apps Speed

Source: Google

The emergence of 5G has already created a stir in the world of technology. This new infrastructure will strengthen mobile connectivity, thereby improving the smartphone experience. Ten times faster than the existing wireless technology, as 5G gradually replaces 4G networks, users will notice a significant improvement in data transfer speed and latency.

This means that any mobile services, be it an application or a website, optimize it for mobile to support the speed and full capabilities of 5G networks.

86% of marketers consider improvements in speed for mobile apps, and sites are helping in increasing customer satisfaction scores.

There is news circulating about the release of iPhones in 2022, that comes with 5G capabilities. In this environment, slow applications will be seen as having a bad UX. Therefore, it is imperative to ensure that the app provides a fast, efficient, and smooth experience.

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The State of UI/UX Design In Mobile App Development

The state of UX Design in mobile app development has not taken the traditional approach; rather then it has been adapting to changes not only in user interactions, preferences, and behaviors but in physical changes to the very devices you use.

As technology changes, the design must also adapt to provide users with a varied range of options so that they can find the ones that best fit their needs. User experience encompasses all aspects of the end user’s interaction with a company, its services, and its products.

Keeping an eye ahead on the latest design trends will help UX designers and mobile app developers to innovate, collaborate all in one place and at pace.

Summing Up

The blog is all about UI/UX Design and trends in Mobile App Development, and now it’s clear that if a mobile app UI/UX design is bad, then it will for sure not attract the users, and ultimately mobile apps will be less consumed by the users. So while building, the mobile application must focus on UI/UX design, advanced technologies, features, and functionalities.

In the mobile app development process, all the development factors starting from app idea research to releasing the app on the app store or Google play store, play a vital role. If the developer skips any of the stages like testing and security configuration, it will affect the mobile app UI/UX design, functionalities, and user interface.

To manage such things before starting the development process, make the proper module as ValueCoders (one of the best outsourcing software development to India) developers made.

The iOS and Android app developers of ValueCoders are experienced, have an idea of managing the Mobile App Development process adequately. The developers of our organization have successfully delivered 500+ mobile applications globally.

If you are looking and planning to develop a unique mobile app UI/UX design, hire android app developers, or hire iOS app developers from our organization. Our development team has fulfilled so many dreams in reality, and if you also want to believe in a dream come true phrase, then just Contact Us!




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Glean Insights Into Software Product Development Process To Develop Successful Business Solutions Mon, 28 Jun 2021 11:52:11 +0000 Modern-day tech is changing humankind’s lifestyle incessantly, and spending time on different software solutions has become an everyday routine of...

The post Glean Insights Into Software Product Development Process To Develop Successful Business Solutions appeared first on ValueCoders | Unlocking the Power of Technology: Discover the Latest Insights and Trends.

Modern-day tech is changing humankind’s lifestyle incessantly, and spending time on different software solutions has become an everyday routine of people in the 21st century. It is impossible to imagine any everyday activity, especially at the workplace, without any computer-related process.  

If we look in-depth, software product development is the major process in the arena that is defined as a precise procedure, inclusive of different strict steps known as the Software Development Life Cycle. If you need a sophisticated application system (either web or mobile app), you look forward to this process. 

Surely, you would have several questions and confusions pertaining to SDLC and its processes. Thus, we will take a comprehensive look at the software product development process in this article. 

Decoding Software Product Development Process

Software product development process is a term defined as collective steps needed to develop a software product from its initial stage to market presence. Typically, it consists of a number of phases in the complex process of delivering a new product and transforming an old product notion into a marketable solution. 

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SDLC (Software Development Life Cycle) is all about the rules and practices that assist in connecting tech, non-tech teams, and project stakeholders in bringing ideas into digital products or software solutions. 

The process starts from ideation and concludes with product features, pricing strategy, and distribution strategy. In the beginning, the processes hover around the area and market. Although the product development process aims to maximize the product value and mitigate the risk, failure occurred due to poor quality, noncompetitive pricing, retard and premature entry, weak promotion, and bad brand awareness. 

So, now you would have understood what the software product development process is. Let’s take an in-depth glance into the processes it consists of.

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Step By Step Software Product Development Processes 

The software development process is an amalgamation of different processes, and each has its own significance that empowers the complete process with different attributes and insights. Owing to that, many businesses consider product development consulting to do everything right in step by step order. So, let’s take a glance at the step-by-step processes included in software product development for startups.

#1. Brainstorming The Ideas & Planning 

Brainstorming is the initial stage of this cycle, where we define the concept for the product. First, it begins with a great idea that you need to carefully think over in order to implement. Besides, the processes can also be termed as idea generation, as we think of every step or stage of the product. 

The fact is that a business generates a number of ideas, and a handful is good. The process may include : 

  • Discussing the project value and idea with the development team
  • Gather information from the market or go through the market statistical occurrence 
  • Describing the concept and idea on a document and sought approval of stakeholders 

Once you brainstorm over all the ideas and decide the one to implement, It’s time for planning. Meticulous planning is one core phase of software development. It determines the scope of the project and defines means that can meet strategic business objectives. 

Image source 

Moreover, planning also includes considering resource availability & allocation, cost determination and budgeting, timeframe, and determining solutions. Once the perfect plan is determined, you are ready to move forward. Although having a detailed plan is another perk that can turn out very fruitful. 

#2. Product Research & Requirement Analysis 

It is critical to have the right product concept in your mind. If you miss out on this, you can fail to validate your idea first and then end up losing precious time in re-considering. Product research and validation enable you to ensure that you are going to develop a product that users will like to pay for, and you won’t be wasting time or money. Here are the ways you can conduct product research to validate your idea. 

  • Conduct an online survey to get feedback 
  • Begin a crowdfunding campaign 
  • Asking for feedback on forums like Quora or Reddit 
  • Researching in the demand 

During this phase, you would be able to define the project in detail and analyze the feasibility. During this process, you need to gather a deeper understanding of the project goal and collect all requirements.  

Image source 

Moreover, product development engineer carry out the feasibility analysis that allows them to consider all technical and economic aspects and impacts on the development process, time, resources, tasks, team members, and calculating ROI is majorly defined in the feasibility analysis. 

Although requirement analysis assists in identifying risks in the beginning stage, it helps identify the risk mitigation strategies that can be implemented from the beginning. 

#3. Prototyping & Design 

Prototyping is the process of creating the preliminary product to test the design of the product and validate the idea. It enables product developers to cater a solution to stakeholders, which can be used for marketing purposes. Once you develop a prototype, your product starts taking a form. 

After prototyping comes the design of the product, where the actual conceptualization of the solution happens. In design, the detailed software architecture gets developed to meet specific project requirements. The custom-tailored software design helps in defining workflow and standards. 

(Design Principles In Software Development


(Design Principles In Software Development)

Image source 

Moreover, it encompasses overall solution design along with the database. In this phase, the complete product is developed as a mockup or prototype for the next stage of custom software development. From features of the solution to defining hardware and software components are inclusive. 

#4. Development & Coding 

Once the designing has been done, now comes development, which majorly includes code writing and transforming design documents into an actual software project. It is the lengthiest cycle of a software development project, as being the backbone of the process. 

The whole process relies on this and a vital thing to pay attention to. The work of the software engineering team is that its code meets the software requirement specification and matches the stakeholder’s requirement. However, the previous stage of software is fulfilled carefully then a ready-to-use software is bound to match the needs. 

In this phase, the software release cycle takes place in three stages, including alpha, beta, release to actual product. 

#5. Integration & Testing 

Now when the software is developed, then comes the next phase involving system testing and integration. The process can vary due to the testing processes. But Typically, QA engineers leverage a wide range of frameworks along with integration executing unit tests, automation compilation, and manual testing. 

QA team performs a number of tests, including functional testing, interoperability, system integration, and acceptance testing, etc., in order to ensure that code is clean and the business goals of the solution are met. 

Meanwhile, validation and verification are critical aspects of software product development services, ensuring the application/solution is completed successfully. When the software turns into a bug-free solution, deployment starts.

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#6. Implementation and Deployment 

It is the process where actual thing-installation happens of the solution. It is a retrospective process after the implementation plan. In this phase, the newly developed and tested application goes forwards to the production stage with the inclusion of data and component transfer. 

 Implementation and Deployment

Image source 

However, the specific changes will be deployed during the release. Moreover, it can be a straightforward release depending on the complexity of the project. After this, system analysts and end-users can actually try the ready-made application. 

#7. Operations & Maintenance 

Now comes the final stage, where the software development life cycle includes maintenance and regular updates. The phase is regarded as of utmost importance as you collect the real-world feedback and tweak the solution in order to polish it, enhance, and upgrade the fine-tuned solution. 

In this phase, the performance gets looked at, and an upgrade takes place to modify the solution according to need and performance aspects. The actual need of the end-user and new capabilities are met by additional user requirements. 

Wrapping Up 

As a matter of fact, the software development processes vary from company to company depending on the aim, such as delivering the best quality product that satisfies the need of product demand. Moreover, customer demand is the major aspect targeted during the processes. 

The processes of product development engineering can be shaped and altered depending on the need of each particular project, such as app development, a software provider to identify precise action, and the particular goals achieved. At the same time, the process declaration is a foundation measure to arrange the model for defining frameworks and equip team members in both technical and non-technical works. 

From the quality of code and solution in general, the expectation needs to meet the project manager’s decision-making progress and more. In the end, the final product is all that matters. Relevant software development processes can help in meeting the customer’s expectations and by well-tailored and great software solutions that meet business needs and offer exceptional customer satisfaction. 

However, SDLC helps programmers to stay on top and keep complete information of the project, while the management team can focus on determining the ways to the timely and efficient delivery of software. Moreover, if you have a dedicated product development team, then you can be a step ahead in software engineering and achieve great results. 



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7 Stages In Software Product Development – A Successful Project Onboarding Wed, 02 Jun 2021 11:39:14 +0000 Everyone has ideas. But do we realize how difficult thriving, workable products or services? Indeed, a hard nut to crack....

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Everyone has ideas. But do we realize how difficult thriving, workable products or services? Indeed, a hard nut to crack. You need to be innovative while still delivering worth a penny.

According to Mckinsey Global Institute data, only 1 out of 7 ideas result in a successful product, and the failure rates for newly launched products are between 25%-45%. Using a structured approach, you’ll stand a greater chance of avoiding any pitfalls resulting in your new product’s failure.

As said by late Apple founder Steve Jobs: “People are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do.”

But that does not guarantee that the new product will sell like hotcakes. You need to invest time with good command of customer & market needs, your competitors, and offering products with clear value to beat the odds.

This is where there 7 Stages Of Product Development Helps :

 Stages Of Product Development

Source: Google

Involving customers at the early stage helps NPD process and understand their problem before executing ideas into process, tools, and technology. 

Necessity leads to invention. That’s where the New Product development Process(NDP) will help. A very simplified process to convert ideas into a tested concept into viable products and eliminate non-feasible ideas.

That’s where the new product development process (NDP) comes into play. This process is designed to aid the conversion of new and untested concepts into viable products and market them while allowing you to weed out non-feasible ideas.

What Is new product development?

New product development is all about converting an idea into a business-strategic workable software development product.

The New Product Development (NPD) process involves researching existing products in the market with a customer-centric approach, feasibility of the idea, delivering working software and latching on the market opportunities, and delivering working software.

Product development is an umbrella term that covers six stages of SDLC and working and has a POC. The New Product Development approach revolves around an entirely new idea, where the uncertainty around its development and the next option remains high. Software product development companies are progressively exploring NPD facets to address development glitches.

Since it is about releasing the latest software product, you should seek services from leading software product development services; then, always a fair idea to join hands with leading firms.

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Stage 1: Idea Generation

Emphasize On Customer Problems: A good entrepreneur can scan the issues faced by the target audiences.  You can always identify the issues’ customer is facing.

a) Personal Roadblocks

Whether you’re an entrepreneur or a buyer, the customer’s tendency always remains the same. All you need to do is prioritize one problem, derive a solution, and tag them” one for all. If you’re looking to set the tone right before product development, subscribing to product design and development companies could help. 

You need to apply your brain behind digital offerings. The communication gap often leads to many problems—– and is the biggest hurdle towards the path to productivity.

Building a product and launching it can have some ups and downs, but there should focus on making up a great business idea.

b) Qualify Each Of The Listed Problems

Here is the 4 U strategy:

Let’s discuss each of these aspects in detail.

Unworkable: Figure out whether the brainstormed product concepts will address some real problems. Will the product be able to fill the existing customer experience gaps and will achieve product-market fit?

Unavoidable: Is the problem that you are working on inevitable to the extent that it becomes mandatory to comply? You need to find out whether solving that problem is a choice or a compulsion.

Urgent: Is the problem urgent and is highly demandable by the target market? If the answer is affirmative, this could be your chance to cover the white space in the market with your original product.

Underserved: Are there no available products that address the existing user problems? Look for the whitespace in the market and hold on to the idea that looks promising.

c) Emerging With Possible Solutions 

Once the problem gets figured out, you can start looking for possible solutions with a product development firm to produce feasible solutions. For every new user problem, there’ll be a new NPD service.

If you have figured out the problem, it’s time to look for possible solutions. For every user problem, there ought to be potential new product development opportunities.

Here’s the workflow that starts from a problem and ends up with strategizing around the solution.

d) Narrowing Down The Problems

Categorize all shortlisted problems using a comparison chart with solutions. Circulate the findings across the organizational structure to come up with a viable problem set.

In case stakeholders are reserved, you can Replicate, Re-purpose, and with an upgrade approach.

Replicate:  You can create a similar product w.r.t. a competitor and launch it in the new market conditions. Once MVP(Minimum Viable Product) is launched, then you should prioritize out-of-the-box features.

Re-Purpose:  You can rewire the existing business model and present it in the most viable manner.

It focuses on rewiring an existing business model—for instance, LinkedIn Learning & e-learning platform.

Upgrading: This concept of NPD revolves around the existing model with some improvements. Be it performance, speed, or addressing challenges of competitors with added functionalities. 

Also Read: Top 20 Fantastic Software Ideas in 2021 to Nurture Start-Up Dreams

Stage 2: Idea Screening      

The new product development stage is about choosing the idea that gives you the highest potential for success. You can put all your ideas collectively for internal review, i.e., seek the advice of people with industry knowledge and experience.

When developing a new product idea, leverage the advantage of POC (Proof of Concept) to check the feasibility of the concept. One can’t zero on an idea that is not technically feasible to build.

You can consult the Agile development team—–expertise helps understand the technical side of things and help shortlist ideas worth building a PoC. In India, software product development services leading-age technology solutions give the prospects a smooth development experience

SWOT (Strengths, Weakness, Opportunities & Threats) is prevalent and good practice while shortlisting New Product development ideas.

Agile development team, product owner, the scrum master, and the product manager go through a detailed analysis and shortlist ideas——— opportunities and strengths, threats picture and weaknesses.

Conducting a SWOT is relatively simple, and you need a simple 2×2 grid to get started:

SWOT Analysis Template | New Product Development

In all, your New Product Development idea should be unique so that you do not have to convince people to pay for it.

SWOT Analysis

Image Source: Google

Stage 3: Concept Development & Testing

Evaluation of value proposition is the first step towards testing and development. It ensures you assess the problem in advance and can course-correct earlier. It saves from piling new technical debts.

These steps easy-to-follow steps include :

  1. Quantifying gain/pain Ratio
  2. Conducting a competitor analysis 
  3. Enlisting major product features
  4. Creating a value proposition chart

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Stage 4: Value Proposition Strategy 

A great asset of product development companies in India before they launch any product. You should be very particular about the capabilities of new products. Once you are good to go with the idea’s utility, you can pitch it clearly to the end-user. It ensures that a product or service positions around customer exact values and needs.  

In the form of a value proposition, you can showcase what your product is capable of doing.

 value proposition

Stage 5:Concept Testing

Once you are ready with the proposition in software product development, you can now present it to the set of selected customers. The key is to have trust and belief in your ideas. Since the concept doesn’t look promising, you’ll repeat steps to develop a new project.

You can get meaningful insight by focusing on four critical aspects:

  • Identification of the focus group, i.e., people who would benefit from the new product under development
  • Assessment of other alternatives to be offered to the focus group
  •  Devising a foolproof plan for the New Product Development right from features, marketing, pricing, and distribution
  • Integration of unique product features into the customer’s mind for findability and discoverability.

Image Source: Google

Stage 6: Product Development

When product development software companies start, execution of ideas occurs, the business strategy is documented —- you can go ahead with the product development cycle. 

The New Product Development starts with developing the prototype followed by MVP.

1. Prototype

Creation of UI/UX of the product and share with the stakeholders helps visualize the product’s feasibility in the marketplace.

2. Minimum Viable Product (MVP)

Using Agile for the new products gives a different look.  Once the product goes through the design & steps — the product gets launched with minimal features.

Agile Product development is better than conventional. The waterfall model complements the to-and-fro movement across the development cycle and ideal for last-time changes.

Maintaining Communication & Synchronization are the key highlights of Agile Model

Stage 7: Market Testing

Steps in New Product Development aims to reduce the uncertainty revolving around the software product development, i.e., checking the viability of the new product or its marketing campaign.

There are two market testing strategies to follow:

1. Alpha Testing

This type of testing allows testing engineers to judge any product based on performance and map the marketing mix.

In case of any issues, the changes are planned and implemented before the final go-ahead.

2. Beta Testing

The selected group of customers gives unbiased feedback to the organization. It is all about listening to customers’ voices when issuing a move back to the development team for fixtures.

Here’s how Alpha and Beta testing are different from each other:

The third form of testing conveyed product validation and is called In-Home Usage Test (IIHUT). Development products are meant for intended customers who will use the products.

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Last Stage: Market Entry/ Commercialization

Image Source: Google

If you go step by step as shown, nothing can stop your product from being a market-centric fit and set the stage to become a leading product development firm amidst software development services.

Here are some must-do marketing activities that will help gain traction:

  •   Marketing The Concept Over The Product
  •   Having A Brand Voice
  •   Market-friendly Webinars 

Here are some of the main advantages you’ll gain from using the new product development process.

Create an innovative culture –  a new product bring newness in ideas too. Creating a culture of innovation reaps the rewards and help business greatly.

Keep pace with your consumers consumers can have changing demands because of no. of factors. New product development ensures you keep pace with consumers and ensure product relevance. 

Discover new opportunitiesby focusing on your customer’s needs and not your shareholders, you’re able to uncover new opportunities and further your business’s growth and development.

Drive higher value propositiondesigning products meeting consumers needs 

Improve your brand reputationconsumers are often inclined to companies and test their latest products which keep innovating.

Enjoy faster time to market a streamlined process identifies and creates plans for any loophole in the product development cycle.

Avoid feature creep – allows better management and response to requests for intriguing features.

Avoid common pitfallsWeed out the snares which lead to failure by identifying them first.

  1. Failure to meet your customers’ requirements
  2. Too high quotation
  3. Misaligned advertising
  4. High development and resource costs
  5. Stiff Competition
  6. Misinterpretation of the market size

Also Read: How Digital Transformation Is A Decisive Factor For Business Turnaround


As mentioned, an Idea is the best seed for business. Since the whole theory lies in software product development and converting new ideas into workable products, it gives you a competitive advantage and monopolizes the market. 

New Product development is a step-by-step process that includes New Product development—— idea generation and screening, concept development and testing, market strategy/business analysis, product development, market entry/ commercialization.

Many product development software companies follow the thumb rule to innovate new ideas while delivering values simultaneously to attract business. A software product development firm like ValueCoders thrives your business in the software development trade since it is a 16+ offshore development firm.


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Staggering Insights Into WordPress Design & Development For Small Businesses Mon, 26 Apr 2021 12:25:04 +0000 Who doesn’t know about WordPress now? From businesses to college students, everyone knows about this PHP-based open-source that enables people...

The post Staggering Insights Into WordPress Design & Development For Small Businesses appeared first on ValueCoders | Unlocking the Power of Technology: Discover the Latest Insights and Trends.

Who doesn’t know about WordPress now? From businesses to college students, everyone knows about this PHP-based open-source that enables people to procure website applications at ease. Being a famous tool, it enables everyone to create their own website for both business and personal use. 

Doubt and questions related to WordPress, we cover all in this article. So, stay hooked with me and gain staggering and useful insight into WordPress website development. 

Have a look at staggering insights into WordPress design & development:

As of March 2021, WordPress is used by 40.5%+ websites of the top 10 million. It is a huge number and shows how popular and frequently used CMS WordPress is. Surely, you too would be wondering that can you use this website builder CMS to secure an enterprise-grade website. 

What Is WordPress? 

It is the most frequently asked question on the internet related to website development. If you are new to this concept, you too would be wondering. Actually, it is a free, open-source Content Management System developed using PHP and MySQL. 

It is a ready-made backend interface that allows you to update and edit your website interface at ease. WordPress was initially designed for blog publishing and evolved swiftly to support other web content management such as traditional mailing formulas and lists, learning management systems, online stores, media galleries.

Now it has become a full-fledged tool for website development that is enabling anyone with a small understanding of PHP to create a website from scratch and publish it on the web. Besides, you can also secure enterprise-grade solutions with the help of WordPress developers for hire. Moreover, in simpler understanding, WordPress is the simplest, time-saving, and swift way of creating a website or blog. 

While technically, it is a CMS licensed under GPLv2, it allows anyone to create/modify their website through WordPress for free. Being a content management system, it helps you to manage aspects of the website, such as content without programming.

The drag and drop feature of WordPress allows you to manage everything on a website from scratch, and you don’t need to know to have a great programming skill with WordPress. 

Using this system, people who are not developers can build and manage their own websites. And! There is no fee to use this tool. 

So, won’t you like to create your own website on WordPress? Whatever your choice is, Let’s dive into the pool of knowledge to know WordPress thoroughly. 

Latest Version Of WordPress : 

WordPress 5.5.1 is the latest version that is still in a maintenance release. While Eckstine WordPress Version 5.5 is the latest version in use, fueled with a wide range of features and plugins that boost your website’s UX and performance.

Also Read: 10 Reasons Why WordPress Is Better Than Other CMS

Why Choose WordPress For Website Development? 

WordPress is one of the major tools today that is a highly recommended tool for website creation. But! You must be having several doubts regarding why you should use WordPress. 

So, here are some features of WordPress inferring the importance of using WordPress for website development. 

Simplicity: WordPress makes it exuberantly easy to publish and build a website in the shortest period of time. As a beginner also you can use WordPress without any difficultly. 

Flexible: WordPress enables you to develop many types of websites, including online stores, personal blogs, online magazines, and newspapers.  

Easy to use: Using WordPress is as simple as Microsoft Word; you can easily drag and drop the components and use design themes. Moreover, you don’t need to do backend coding; the platform does it itself.  

No Cost Of Development: WordPress software ( is a completely free tool that you can easily use and download. In short, it facilitates no-cost development. Only you would have to pay for web hosting and domain purchase. 

Eliminates Coding: WordPress CMS removes the need for coding, as you can simply drag and drop components for designing your website from scratch. Besides, it offers access to a number of website themes that make web design and development smooth and flawless. 

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Open-Source: WordPress is GNU General Public Licensed open-source software tool that means it is owned by a single company. Moreover, hundreds of developers and users collaborate and contribute to enhancing this software free of cost.  

Access To Plugins For Extended Features: WordPress software enables you to access a variety of modern features with WordPress plugins. Actually, plugins are software that you upload to your website to infuse some more features such as payment gateways, contact forms, SEO, backups ad more. Currently, the web is brimming with an enumerable number of WordPress plugins that you can find on the directory and paid plugin hubs. 

Escalating Customization: WordPress themes are greatly accessible over the internet that enable you to test the website customization profoundly. A simple click and your entire website can look ravishing and rich; all you can do by applying a theme. There are advanced WordPress themes that bestow complete control of your website layouts. In short, if you are seeking more customization in your website, you would have to hire dedicated WordPress developers. 

Bestow Security: Since security is the most critical aspect for everyone, WordPress ensures strengthening the security of the platform in each release. And! Now it has improved various areas of security and fixed up the bleeding edges. Major WordPress security issues arise due to user error. 

Premium Plugin And Theme Industry: There is no dearth of free plugins and themes. However, serious WordPress website owners use premium themes and plugins due to continual updates, security patches, and better customization. Actually, if you use a premium theme or plugin, you pay for ongoing development and support for features you are using. 

So, the above features are enough to conclude that WordPress website development is beneficial currently. If you are worried about what different types of websites you can develop using WordPress, then don’t ponder much, as it facilitates the development of a wide range of web applications, including: 

  • Blog 
  • E-commerce Website 
  • Membership Website 
  • Portfolio Website 
  • Forum Website 
  • Business Website 
  • Event Website 
  • Wedding Website, and more. 

It means you can leverage this CMS to create every kind of application depending on your professional and personal needs with the help of a deft WordPress development company. However, there are many other areas of industry-specific WordPress development that you can explore to leverage the popularity of WordPress. 

Also Read: Which CMS is better? WORDPRESS or DRUPAL: Let’s find out!

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Let’s look at some WordPress custom development trends that gain the interest of businesses and startup aspirants that strive to use the potential of WordPress development. 

Custom WordPress Development:

It allows you to secure a customized website that ensures that it possesses a higher quality user experience and all desired features. Moreover, it also enables you to procure customized plugin, tailor-made website, extension for both personal and business usage. 

Here are the major areas of custom development where businesses and startup aspirants usually invest. 

WordPress Theme Development:

WordPress themes are in great demand, and so they have become a major point of interest for investors and developers. A rich theme can enable you to learn huge revenue, and besides, a personalized theme also improves your visitors’ interest in the application. Thus, WordPress theme development is a major business currently among both WordPress developers and businesses.

WordPress Plugin Development: 

Plugins are energies that infuse extra potential into your website. Thus, plugin development and adoption both are popular in the space of WordPress development. You can embrace plugin development for both reasons, either to sell out the plugin or to improve your website capabilities. 

WordPress Website Development:

Enterprise business needs the WordPress website customized for their users’ need and themes only offers basic functionalities of the application. Thus, developers’ assistance is critical to infuse user-specific features in the web application. For which, you would need custom WordPress website development or hire WordPress developers.

WordPress API Integration & Customization:

Indeed, you can build a WordPress website on your own. However, there are some tasks that require you to do a little of coding, such as WordPress API integration & customization. Integrating various APIs such as data security API, payment gateway, database redirection, and customization are tricky jobs that a developer can perform better and reduce the chances of glitches. 

So, these are major custom WordPress development trends that you can leverage currently. 

WordPress Web Design 

While website development with WordPress is popular, web design is also handy with it. WordPress enables you to use a variety of templates that makes front-end designing hassle-free and swift. 

Wondering what templates are on WordPress? Actually, templates are PHP source file that generates the page on the screen, mostly the way visitors request it. The screen output appears as HTML. In short, Templates include HTML, PHP, Tags of WordPress Templates. 

WordPress empowers you to separate templates depending on the needs of your site. Having too many templates isn’t essentials. However, having different template files makes your file fully functional. Design templates are chosen and generated based upon the template hierarchy, and these templates get integrated into particular themes.  

In short, templates are part of WordPress themes. For example, index.php is a template file that each webpage on the website can use. Moreover, there are many more template files that you can use, such as : 

  • style.css: It is the main stylesheet that every Theme must include. It includes information about the header of the Theme. 
  • rtl.css: It sets the text direction of the website from right to left and gets generated via RTLer plugins. 
  • comments.php: It is the comments template.
  • front-page.php: It is the front page template.
  • home.php: It is a home page template, front page by default. 
  • single.php: It is a single post template for a single post to be queried. 
  • page.php: It is a page template. It is mostly used when an individual Page is queried.
  • category.php: It is a category template. Used when a user query category. 
  • tag.php: It is the tag template tag that is queried.
  • taxonomy.php: Being a term template, it is leveraged when a term in a custom taxonomy is queried.

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These are some examples of templates; there are many more templates that contribute to the development theme, and the themes setups the UX/UI experience of your website. WordPress’s design largely depends on the templates. At the same time, WordPress themes are a major aspect of WordPress Web Designing. 

Also Read: Top WordPress Development Companies To Seek In 2021

Wrapping UP

There are a number of aspects of WordPress that can’t be discussed in a single blog. However, it is confirmed the WordPress holds a great potential to turn the future website development.

The way it keeps evolving and expanding its potential, possibly it can turn out a major website development tool with enormous capabilities. Currently, Indian WordPress developers are using their fullest potential to bestow small businesses with high-level website solutions. You can also secure the one at ease. 


The post Staggering Insights Into WordPress Design & Development For Small Businesses appeared first on ValueCoders | Unlocking the Power of Technology: Discover the Latest Insights and Trends.

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How Did We Create An eCommerce Web Solution In Just 3 Days? Mon, 14 Sep 2020 12:42:12 +0000 Ecommerce solutions have turned out to be a major online store for improved sales and customer outreach. By 2040, 95%...

The post How Did We Create An eCommerce Web Solution In Just 3 Days? appeared first on ValueCoders | Unlocking the Power of Technology: Discover the Latest Insights and Trends.

Ecommerce solutions have turned out to be a major online store for improved sales and customer outreach. By 2040, 95% of purchases are anticipated to take place over eCommerce platforms. Altogether, these solutions have become a boon for small businesses & startups that struggle to make profits. 


Image Source: statista

The arrival of the coronavirus pandemic has also boosted the usage of eCommerce solutions among people. Worldwide customers are tempted to use reliable online stores to procure services & products. 

Thus, it makes sense for businesses to leverage a solution that can reach out to a worldwide customer base & boost their sales. Thus, we created an eCommerce web solution in 3 days for our clients. 

Why Do You Need A Swift Ecommerce Solution Development Strategy? 

Be it Startups, SMEs, Retail Stores, or market leaders; businesses are striving to make a profit from these solutions. Don’t you want to create an eCommerce solution to kick start your business? 

Indeed, it is the best strategy to have an online sales platform in this changing marketplace of purchase and sales to thrive. However, this playfield is full of competitions and challenges.  

Leaders like Amazon, Alibaba, Flipkart are already ruling the market place and continuously improving their services. Altogether, startups are entering the field with unique plans and ideas.  

If you want to function an eCommerce business, you must have to make haste and finish development and start processing now. To accomplish the development before the time, you need to consult a company that provides an eCommerce development solution. Thus, we help our client secure an eCommerce application in a time of less than a week. Let’s see how we did this. 

How Do We Create An Ecommerce Website Solution In 3 Days?

As I mentioned above, you need to be swift and decisive to gain recognition in the market, and development time to eCommerce solutions for small businesses can be a significant barrier. 


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Our team has come up with a frequent and trustworthy approach that enables us to customize the application in just 3-4 days. Let’s see how we created an eCommerce solution in 3 days for our client. 

Here is our comprehensive plan & development algorithm for eCommerce web & mobile application development. 

1) Preliminary research

Our first step is dedicated to doing research into worthwhile ideas and setting up initial pointers. 

To set up every business, whether it is eCommerce, you need to examine the niche and target audience closely. Thus, our team analyzes customer interest and trends using trending products like TrendHunters, Amazon, & Google trends to figure out what issues modern customers are facing, and their needs. 

We perform in-depth research into buying trends, features that are boosting sales, the pain of customers, and strategy that allows brands to make more profit.

In our preliminary research, we analyze all of these aspects and craft a roadmap for development that delineate all elements that require attention during the development.


2) Gathering Client Requirement

If you are striving to kick start a business, you would have already conducted initial research. This analysis would have helped you find out what products, services, and convenience you want to cater to your users. 

Meanwhile, you also come across some functionalities and ideas that you want your eCommerce solution to have. Hence, In the development of each eCommerce web solution, we understand our clients’ needs and expectations. 

In this development as well, we heard from our clients, whose needs majorly include the features like shopping cart, easy product search option, and efficient payment option. 

It was a simple eCommerce solution for small businesses; thus, it didn’t include any new technology integration, while some businesses required AR/VR and AI integration for more personalized user experience. For such requests, we ensure best-in-class support & development. 


3) Listing Required Features 

IT wise, there are several features that need to be considered depending on the type of application. If you are creating an eCommerce web application, you will need a domain, web hosting, a payment service. Or! If you are creating an eCommerce mobile app solution, then you will have to decide on the payment gateway, ASO strategy, and platform (iOS and Android).

Our team outlines these features and the best payment gateway services to adopt for seamless user-experience. Altogether, this process is also dedicated to listing all the features that clients expect to be infused in applications such as login options, security features, and reward systems.


After outlining the required features, it becomes clear what new and contemporary features need to be infused in your eCommerce solution. 

So, what is next? After this, begins the actual application development process.


4) Optimizing Ready-made Ecommerce Solution Per Need

Aren’t you curious to know how we created a complete eCommerce application in just 3 days? Here is our secret – we optimized a ready-made eCommerce solution per our clients’ requirements. 

Actually, ready-made eCommerce solutions are software programs that we developed earlier and now constitute our inventory of ready-made software. Basically, it is inspired by a white-label software service, where you rent the software service from the company that created the solution. 

Over these years, ValueCoders team has crafted several best eCommerce software solutions that include a wide range of features. We optimize these solutions and tweak their UI/UX, and codebase to deliver a completely new application in minimum time. 

Ready-made eCommerce solutions for small businesses are the most effective strategy to make money, as it allows them to secure all major features in the least possible time. Here I am enlisting features you can secure by using a ready-made custom eCommerce solution. 

  • Features You Can Cherish While Securing Ready-made E-commerce Solution

When you adopt custom made eCommerce web app solutions, you get features pertaining to three major categories, namely: Inclusive, Security, and Scalability. For a clear understanding, here I am enlisting some features.  

  ♦ SignUp Options: It infuses several account creation options to both web and mobile applications, such as Google Account Login, FB Sign Up, mobile number, and email.  

  ♦ Shopping & Home Delivery store: It allows users to browse the products in the store and add them to the shopping cart to make purchases.  

  ♦ Wish List: It enables people to create a list of products they want to buy in the future. It provides them with easy access to products they like.  

  ♦ Payment Gateway: The system includes payment methods such as debit card/credit card/ P2P transfer systems to make the electronic purchase seamless.  

  ♦ Two-tier Authentication: For every payment, eCommerce solutions have two-way authentication to implement high-grade security into the solution. 

  ♦ Anti-fraud Agent For credit card info security: E-commerce web and mobile app solutions are incorporated with encrypted security layers that avert credit card frauds. 

  ♦ Personalized User Experience: Our custom eCommerce solutions allow users to edit shopping carts, search products, and browse related recommendations.


♦ Admin Module: The eCommerce solution we customize provides an admin module that enables you to add new products into the store and maintain data.

  ♦ Social Media Support: It enables users to connect with social media channels right from the app to share. 

  ♦ Automatic BackUp & Reporting: The solutions include a system for automatic backup and cater inventory, sale/purchase reports to admins. 

  ♦ Order Management: The feature allows you to manage orders, collect order data, and send alerts for order delivery.

  ♦ Shipping Awareness: It enables users to know the status of delivery, while admin can to maintain/update the delivery status for each order. 

These are the basic features our ready-made customized eCommerce web, and mobile app solutions entail that minimize development time.


5) Integrating Desired Features 

After optimizing our custom ready-made eCommerce web solution as per our clients’ needs, we work on integrating desired features per our client needs. Here are the features our team integrates into the said eCommerce solutions: 

ecommerce solutions for small businesses


  • Cloud Integration: Integrating cloud in the eCommerce system allows you to acquire enhanced readability, security and reduces cost. To create a highly secure and scalable platform, we integrated cloud in customized solutions on the request of our client. 
  • Chatbot Integration: Chatbot improves customer service by infusing an agent for reporting and assistance. Our team built an AI chatbot in the application that sends responses to users’ queries and provides initial support to customers. 
  • Trade Portal: To provide B2B eCommerce features on the request of our client, we integrated a trade portal that tracks inventory, sales, and profit to ease business processes. 


6) Test Features And Performance 

Once the integration of major features gets accomplished, here comes the most critical phase. Testing features and performance of the application. This includes both automation and manual test cases that enable bug detection and bug fixing. 


The process is dedicated to improve app performance and fix the bugs to ensure a seamless user experience. During the process, we ensure that each module is offering the expected results and the solution is safe and faster. 


7) Deploying E-Commerce Solution 

Once the testing completes, and the app functions eloquently. Developers deploy the solution according to the platforms. Web solutions carefully get deployed on web hosting and begin to function. 

While mobile eCommerce applications upload on App stores and undergo ASO, once successfully deployed, your solution is ready to function & market to create a frenzy among users. 

So, are you ready to deploy an eCommerce solution to kickstart your business?


Final Words 

Procuring a ready-made custom eCommerce application is a billion-dollar strategy for small businesses and fledgling startups, who want to cater to undulated and enriching shopping experiences to online customers. 

If you are striving to develop a b2b eCommerce solution to excel your business over different digital channels, you must adopt a white-label or ready-made eCommerce solution. 

At Valuecoders, we provide ready-made custom eCommerce solutions for small businesses, entrepreneurs, and enterprises who want to make a fresh start and invest in this profitable market vertical. 

So, want to develop an eCommerce solution for your business in the shortest time? Get in touch with a trusted eCommerce development company deft in modern tech stack and practice to create the best solution even in the eleventh hour. 


ecommerce developers


The post How Did We Create An eCommerce Web Solution In Just 3 Days? appeared first on ValueCoders | Unlocking the Power of Technology: Discover the Latest Insights and Trends.

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