custom software development in india – ValueCoders | Unlocking the Power of Technology: Discover the Latest Insights and Trends Valuecoders Tue, 14 Mar 2023 05:43:14 +0000 en-US hourly 1 custom software development in india – ValueCoders | Unlocking the Power of Technology: Discover the Latest Insights and Trends 32 32 Cybersecurity in Software Development: Why it Matters More Than Ever Tue, 14 Mar 2023 05:43:14 +0000 Increasing digitization has made software development a crucial part of modern businesses, ‌increasing the risk of cyberattacks. Therefore, hiring software...

The post Cybersecurity in Software Development: Why it Matters More Than Ever appeared first on ValueCoders | Unlocking the Power of Technology: Discover the Latest Insights and Trends.

Increasing digitization has made software development a crucial part of modern businesses, ‌increasing the risk of cyberattacks. Therefore, hiring software developers to protect your software is essential, as they store users’ confidential or sensitive financial and personal information.

The platform Markets and Markets estimated the digital transformation market to be worth USD 594.5 Billion in 2022 and USD 1,548.9 Billion by 2027, growing at a CAGR of 21.2%.

Digital Transformation Market
Digital Transformation Market

In this blog post, we’ll discuss the increased significance of cybersecurity in software development and the need for companies and developers to adopt a diligent security strategy.

We will also thoroughly review the current status of software security and the steps you can take to protect your users’ information, covering everything from the most typical types of cyberattacks to recommended practices for protecting your app.

Also Read: A Guide To Security In Software Development {Whitepaper}


Cyber security in Software Development
Cyber security in Software Development

Importance of Cyber security in Software Development

Importance of Cybersecurity
Importance of Cybersecurity
Your security is our top priority

Building secure software solutions, one code at a time - with ValueCoders

The following points sum up the importance of cybersecurity in software development:

Protecting User Data

Cybersecurity is essential for preventing the theft or unauthorized access of sensitive data, including financial information, user data, and personal information. Mobile apps are a prime target for cyberattacks because they gather and retain copious amounts of personal information. By putting strong security measures in place, software developers can prevent this data from being stolen or accessed without permission.

Maintaining Customer Trust

Clients give their personal and financial information to mobile software, and a security lapse can swiftly undermine that trust. Software developers can achieve the security of their client’s data and maintain their confidence by prioritizing cybersecurity. Customers are more likely to stick around and refer a mobile app to others if they feel confident using it, which can aid in the app’s long-term growth and success.

Compliance with Regulations

Sensitive information must be stored and transmitted securely as per laws like GDPR, HIPAA, and PCI-DSS, which apply to many businesses. These rules carry hefty financial consequences for noncompliance. Software developers can ensure their apps comply with these laws and prevent potential legal and financial repercussions by prioritizing cybersecurity.

Prevention of Financial Losses

A security breach can lead to the theft of sensitive information and financial losses for the affected people and the firm. Software developers can help stop these losses by giving cybersecurity priority. It is critical to give cybersecurity priority right away because, in a breach, the expense of reestablishing security and fixing damage may be significant.

Also Read: Streamlining Finance: The Benefits Of AI And ML In Fintech

Maintaining Brand Reputation

Restoring a company’s reputation after a security breach can be challenging and expensive. Software developers may protect their brand’s reputation and avert potential harm to their business by placing cybersecurity as a top priority. A software can stand out in a competitive market and draw more users with a reputation for security and dependability.

In this informative video, we explore the significance of cyber security in software development and its impact on businesses and organizations.

3 Biggest Threats to Software Security

Threats to Software Security
Threats to Software Security

Cyberattacks can take many forms, from straightforward hacking efforts to trickier phishing schemes. Companies should Hire Software Developers to protect and ensure secure software development. Some of the most typical attack types are:


Malware is software explicitly created to damage a device or steal private data as malware. An infected machine is used to carry out this kind of attack, which might cause data loss or theft by infecting it with a malicious program. Businesses should consider expert software development services to protect their apps from such threats.

MITM (Man-in-the-middle attacks)

It may alter the conversations between two parties by a third party who overhears them. For example, an attack known as a man-in-the-middle could happen if you try to carry out a secure transaction over a public Wi-Fi network. 

Attackers can intercept user and server communications, change the data being sent, and steal sensitive data. Protecting sensitive data by partnering with a reputed Software Development Company that ensures software security is essential.

Unsecured Wi-Fi Networks

Public Wi-Fi networks are frequently unprotected, making them open targets for hacker attacks. Users who join these networks risk having their private and financial information hacked. Therefore, using a virtual private network (VPN) or avoiding public Wi-Fi networks for critical transactions is advised.

A successful cyberattack may steal sensitive information and destroy data. Therefore, it is crucial that custom Software Development Services and developers have a proactive security strategy and put protective measures in place to guard against these kinds of assaults.

Your security is our top priority

Building secure software solutions, one code at a time - with ValueCoders

4 Best Practices for Software Security

Software Security
Software Security

Several crucial practices can protect your software from cyberattacks. The most successful techniques are:


Encryption transforms private information into a form that can communicate securely over the internet. When data is encrypted, it becomes unintelligible to people without the required decryption key. As a result, hackers have much difficulty collecting personal information. Software developers should employ encryption for sensitive data, such as login passwords, financial information, and personal information.

Security Assessments

A crucial step in protecting the security of your application is to conduct regular security evaluations. The software is rigorously tested in these evaluations to find any potential security concerns or flaws. Besides ensuring that your app is secure for your users, this enables you to address any concerns before they become bigger.

Regular Software Updates

Updating your app’s software is crucial for preserving software security. It helps with the most recent security measures and correct known security flaws. To protect your software applications against the most recent attacks, keeping the software updated is critical.

Balancing User Experience and Security

We must balance the user experience and security while software developers create their applications. On the one hand, adding extra steps or making your app more difficult to use can cause security measures, making your app less user-friendly.

Conversely, your app may be vulnerable to cyber-attacks if security measures aren’t taken care of. Finding the right balance between a secure software environment and a satisfying user experience is essential.

The Future of Software Security

The Future of Software Security
The Future of Software Security

With new technology and trends appearing regularly, the security of software apps is continuously changing. According to Mordor Intelligence, the IoT market’s global Artificial Intelligence (AI) is expected to grow at a CAGR of 27.86% from 2018 to 2028. 

The following are some of the major themes that will affect how to secure mobile applications in the future:

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

Software security could drastically change due to advances in artificial intelligence and machine learning. These innovations make it feasible for security systems to identify trends, learn from data, and detect potential threats more quickly and efficiently. Because identifying and resolving security issues is automated, it will be easier to maintain the security of your app.

Also Read: What Is The Role Of Artificial Intelligence In The Financial Sector?

Internet of Things (IoT)

The term “Internet of Things” (IoT) describes a network of increasingly interconnected items, such as wearables, smartphones, household appliances, and other gadgets. The significance of software security for these devices is growing as the number of linked devices expands.

IoT devices could be targets for cyberattacks, and if they are not adequately secured, they could jeopardize the safety of the data they gather and communicate. An increasing emphasis on protecting IoT devices from threats and securing them will be made to solve this.

Also Read: Difference Between Internet Of Things (IoT) And Artificial Intelligence (AI)


To conclude, the importance of cybersecurity in software development cannot be overstate d. With the increasing cyberattacks, companies, and software developers must proactively secure their apps and protect critical data.

ValueCoders ensures two vital practices that can help lower the danger of cyberattacks encrypting data and regularly upgrading software. With new technology and trends appearing regularly, software security is continuously changing.

We ensure to update your software with the most recent security method to protect your software from potential dangers. Making a cybersecurity investment is crucial to guarantee your mobile app’s stability and long-term profitability.

The post Cybersecurity in Software Development: Why it Matters More Than Ever appeared first on ValueCoders | Unlocking the Power of Technology: Discover the Latest Insights and Trends.

A Complete Guide to Know How Custom Software Development Amplifies Company’s Success Graph Sun, 30 May 2021 12:18:42 +0000 How do you measure advancement in your survival? What will be your strategy to bring your company’s success to its...

The post A Complete Guide to Know How Custom Software Development Amplifies Company’s Success Graph appeared first on ValueCoders | Unlocking the Power of Technology: Discover the Latest Insights and Trends.

How do you measure advancement in your survival? What will be your strategy to bring your company’s success to its peak? To answer these unstoppable quests for improvement, you need to accept the changes. Undoubtedly, we are facing the most advanced version of our survival; every single move brings changes to the way of our living.  

And, Software Development is a significant game-changer of digitization. Every single cutting-edge gadget such as smartphones, personal computers, tablets, or the Internet of things (IoT) is workable because of software. 

Although we are facing the most critical time due to the COVID-19 pandemic, software development is still in trend. The latest software technologies are custom software development, data science, AR/VR, artificial intelligence, and Point of Sale (POS) systems. These all advancements are meant to make our survival more convenient and comfortable.  

According to NASSCOM, Indian software companies are worth Rs. 243.5 billion or US$ 5.7 billion in 1999-2000. But, if you check the worth of companies ten years back, it was about less than Rs. 3 billion. So, it is quite predictable to figure out the success of software development firms.

What is custom software development?

Delivering the desired services to customers is about custom software. It is also known as tailor-made software or bespoke software. When you want to meet the specific needs of your customers, you need to create customized software. It will help an organization to add features and functions to an application in order to improve its user experience. It is also beneficial to meet the distractedly changing business needs. 

In today’s business world, things are getting more challenging for a consumer. By managing complex applications, they feel puzzled and stressed sometimes. If you are in business, your first step should be developing customized software as per your customers’ requirements. Moreover, offering the most customized software solutions allows customers to meet their requirements.

According to research, software companies spend about 27% of their budgets on custom software development. In this estimation, they manage software languages, application software, testing, and qualities related problems. 

what is custom software solution

Here, don’t get confused with commercial off-the-shelf software (COTS). The available software products in the market are considered COTS. For example, Adobe Reader is a software used to view PDF or sometimes creates it. It is an example of COTS, but if you want to develop software to address the issues of your employees with digital tools, then it comes under customized software development.

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Key benefits of custom software development are:

  1. It provides high scope and significant future progress.
  2. It helps in meeting the demands of competitive business.
  3. With custom software, you can get rid of issues related to cybersecurity.
  4. Supportive for other software platforms.
  5. If it comes to cost, developers can use some open-source tools.

Also Read: Benefits of Custom Software Development Over Off-The-Shelf Software When Working From Home

Reasons to know why companies need custom software development

Serious effort for business progress definitely replicates your strategies and planning. If you want to achieve your business objectives, you must know how to engage your target audience. For that, connecting with the top custom software development companies must be your first step. 

Are you still in a dilemma of opting for tailored-made software to meet your industry’s demands? Let’s have a detailed discussion on the benefits of adding custom software development to your business planning:

1. Secured and agile 

The most significant advantage of custom software applications is their flexibility. Being a boss, you are free to add many functions to your software applications as per your requirements. At the same time, you want to create secured work operations. 

Usually, hackers target off-the-shelf software more likely as compared to bespoke software. By sharing your requirements with custom software developers, you will get more enhanced and secured software applications.

2. Budget-friendly

It might seem like an expensive move by developing customized software applications. It may feel costly to invest in software outsourcing companies at the very initial stage but not in the longer term. You can have an eye on the entire development process and design your software according to your necessities. With the availability of your budget, you can add or delete or modify software features. 

3. Personalized software application

How can you provide your company’s touch to your internal operations? When it comes to increasing your overall productivity, it is beneficial to have internal software. 

With highly responsive custom software development solutions, you can provide an enhanced work environment to your employees and allow them to work comfortably. Moreover, it helps you to promote your business identity.

4. Effective maintenance & support 

By choosing the top custom software companies, you will find the best support to handle technical queries. Through personalized support, you will resolve technical glitches and eradicate security loopholes (if any) in minimum time. 

Moreover, custom software developers are experts in building the desired software applications and offer effective maintenance whenever needed.

5. Better integration with existing systems

Generally, big organizations and companies have to operate different software to organize the operations of various departments. Therefore, they face integration and compatibility issues resulting in degrading efficiency and reducing production. 

Simultaneously, custom software development solutions allow them to handle multiple systems by integrating them into central software applications. Custom software extends the functionality of existing digital tools and develops new similar programs for better workflow.

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6. 100% Scalability 

Business growth brings lots of challenges and more complex issues into an organization, which have to be adequately addressed. If you are not prepared for better tomorrow, you will find roadblocks in your success path. 

Therefore, be ready with more advanced tools to accommodate future growth. Software development firm allows business owners to tackle these hurdles with custom software. Indirectly, it provides 100% scalability to your business progress.

7. Optimized business operations & workflow

Being a business entity, just evaluate how efficiently you handle various in-house processes and your business model. If you are facing issues in changing your business processes as per your software packages, you require custom software. 

Make sure to hire a custom software development company to tackle your business requirements and develop the best software accordingly. Doing so will help to optimize your business operations instead of replacing them.

8. Reduced hardware costing

Customer software development solutions are the best answer to reducing unnecessary hardware costing. Developers know how to design software inlining with existing hardware capabilities and eliminate additional hardware costs. The most significant benefit of customized software is that it can be created as per existing business. 

9. Add innovation into your organization

As you know, customized software helps you make the right decision to handle business functionality and technology. By manifesting the right custom software ideas, you can add trendsetting disruptive technologies to your organization. Software development allows you to be creative and organize your business processes as you want them to work.

10. Promotes adaptability 

The most significant thing about any organization is to adopt the changes in the market trends. Keeping the dynamic market changes in mind, you can add valuation to your organization by creating customized software. Through tailored software development, you can integrate these new changes into your existing processes and remain abreast of your competitors. 

Example of top 5 companies using custom software

I think a blurred image of a custom software development service is already created in your mind. Now, you have ideas on how you can boost your company business seamlessly with bespoke software. For more clarification, see how top companies expand their footprints in the business world with a custom software solution:

Amazon: Biggest Online Retail Industry 

Once Amazon was the online retailer of only books, now, it amazingly handles every basic need of a person. From groceries to clothes, the company is continuously fulfilling customers’ demands. 

By understanding customers’ dynamically changing preferences through data collection and analysis, the company provides hassle-free shopping digitally. They use customized software to lead the eCommerce market. Currently, the company is also doing business in selling its technologies.

Netflix: Popular in Video Streaming (Paid)

From nobody to known video streaming application, Netflix is capturing the market of digital videos with fantastic user engagement. After producing the biggest hits (Stranger Things, Jessica Jones, or Extraction), the company is continuously working with custom software development services for innovation in its platform. The technological advancement of the company reflects viewers’ seamless experience with back-end technology, content art customization to increase viewership, and improved suggestions based on watching history. 

McDonald’s: Most Popular Fast Food Company

Using the best custom software ideas, Mcdonald’s became the leader of a fast-food supply chain. It adds large touch screen menus and lets consumers create their own burgers by creating a self-serve kiosk. The company calls it the “Restaurant Experience of the Future.” Besides, you can ask for help or place your order at the counter as well.

Uber: Famous Cab Service Provider

Uber provides effective cab services across the world. Through tailored software development, they cater the seamless experience to drivers as well as riders in their ecosystem. Uber has grown its market in the U.S. by 76% with the help of an intelligent system. By connecting a rider to a nearby driver, the company provides the best experience for hassle-free travel communication.

Telus: Top Telecommunication Company

Using the best technological knowledge, Telus has created a workforce management platform to organize its business processes precisely. The idea was awarded as the best management solution and adopted by many other industries. 

Through custom software development, developers integrate new features to existing applications and develop Telus Business Services and Telus Health Solutions. 

How do you choose the right custom software companies in India?

For the best custom software development solutions, you need to connect with the top software solution company. However, choosing the right platform to share your requirements and receive the most desired outcomes is a complicated task. 

If you are struggling with making the right decision, you should go through the following checklist and select the best custom software development company in India:

  1. You should know about your business requirements and how to implement them as workable custom software ideas.
  2. Before making your decision, check out the profiles of custom software development firms. Evaluate companies’ services and technical expertise.
  3. Seek referrals when you want to hire a top custom software development company. Better communication will help you to get a list of top custom software developers.
  4. Keep your budget in your mind while considering any company for bespoke software development. You can make appropriate implements according to your budget.
  5. Make a wise decision by digging out complete knowledge of technology that is going to be used in your custom software application. Don’t go for age-old technologies to degrade your business growth.
  6. Decide a timeline in your mind and discuss it with your selected custom software developer. It helps you to meet your business objectives.
  7. Your foremost priorities of any software application should be its security and robustness. So, don’t compromise with security in any condition.

Top 5 Custom Software Development Companies in India:

1. ValueCoders: Top Custom Software Development Company

ValueCoders provide high-performing and technology-driven software development solutions to more than 40 countries with a pool of talented developers. With them, problems become the solutions, and ideas become a reality. 

Why Choose ValueCoders?

The company has 16+ years of experience in handling more than 4000 projects with a 97% client retention rate.

The team of software developers is best in the following services:

  • Custom software development
  • Software consulting
  • SaaS & software products
  • Modernization and migration services

ValueCoders serve 40+ countries and manage technical queries of many industries. 

Some popular clients of the company are Jackson Healthcare, Thomson Reuters, Infosys, Capgemini, and Hellopeter.

2. PixelCrayons: Award-Winning Software Development Firm

PixeclCrayon is India’s most trusted custom software company, catering the secure, robust, and scalable technical-driven solutions worldwide. The creativity of their developers’ minds reflects digital advancement while building any software application.

Why Choose PixelCrayons?

The company has a record of 6800+ happy customers in 38+ countries by delivering highly modernized and robust technological solutions.

Their software developers provide advanced software security through data encryption, high-security plugins, and a secure admin dashboard. 

They provide advanced digital solutions to all major industries that include travel & tourism, healthcare, banking & finance, education & e-learning, and so on.

Their significant areas of expertise are:

Their list of clients uncovers Puma, Adobe, Tesco, Valkaswegan, John Deere, and Vodafone.

3. TatvaSoft: Best in Solving Complex Business Challenges via Technology

TatvaSoft is best in resolving technological glitches with the most innovative and latest digital tools. The company has topped the list of Top SME Custom Software Development companies in India. 

Why Choose TatvaSoft?

The company has started its journey in 2001 and expanded its workforce of 900+ IT professionals in the US, Canada, UK, Australia, and Development Center in India.

To date, they have completed more than 1800 projects and add many awards and accolades to their business identity.

Their dedication and technological understanding reflect in the following services:

Their primary clients are Anglo American, Pepsico, KFC, De Beers Group, Macquarie University, etc.

4. Cyient: Leading Digital Market with Resilience

The company makes its name in the top 20 custom software development companies in India, from building design to managing software solutions. With a pool of 15000 employees in 20 countries, they are ready to meet their clients’ business requirements.

Why Choose Cyient?

The company serves the most advanced technological solutions to crucial industries, including aerospace and defense, energy, industrial & heavy equipment, geospatial, medical technology & healthcare. 

Since 1991, Cyient provides software solutions, digital technology, and advanced analytics capabilities to more than 300 customers.

Consider the company’s profile for the following prime services:

  • Augmented Reality / Virtual Reality
  • Predictive Maintenance
  • Supply Chain Management
  • Engineering Application Development
  • Analytics & IoT

Their primary clients are Boeing, Pratt & Whitney, Airbus, Alstom tom, Qualcomm, Bombardier, and Philips.

5. Cybage: Leading Software Solution Provider

Using a data-driven model of operational excellence, the company offers the latest product engineering services globally. It is an ISO 27001 certified company and leading the market in global IT and business process outsourcing.

Why Choose Cybage?

The company won Asia’s Best Employer Brand award and the Big Data & Analytics Award for Best Analytics Service in Talent/HR Analytics in 2017.

Their excellent team of 6300 employees serves more than 15 countries across North America, Asia, Europe, and Australia. 

Choose to buy advanced digital solution under the following expertise:

  • Offshore Software Development
  • Supply Chain Management
  • eCommerce Development
  • Business Intelligence & Data Science
  • Testing & QA

Their primary clients are 123Insight, Marketwire Systems, DealerTrack, DealerTrack, and RateHighway.

Also Read: Top 20 Fantastic Software Ideas in 2021 to Nurture Start-Up Dreams

Final Thoughts:

When you are targeting to achieve success and better workflow management, count every factor centering on your business progress. In such a case, having custom software is the right approach. 

Select the best one from the hub of custom software development companies and meet all your requirements effectively. It would be an advantage to hiring a software developer from ValueCoder, a top software outsourcing company in India, with a 97% client retention rate.


The post A Complete Guide to Know How Custom Software Development Amplifies Company’s Success Graph appeared first on ValueCoders | Unlocking the Power of Technology: Discover the Latest Insights and Trends.
