it outsourcing – ValueCoders | Unlocking the Power of Technology: Discover the Latest Insights and Trends Valuecoders Thu, 08 Jun 2023 05:11:51 +0000 en-US hourly 1 it outsourcing – ValueCoders | Unlocking the Power of Technology: Discover the Latest Insights and Trends 32 32 Cracking the Code: Overcoming Challenges in Outsourcing to India Fri, 28 Apr 2023 11:09:57 +0000 Outsourcing to India has been a popular business strategy for years, offering companies the opportunity to tap into a highly...

The post Cracking the Code: Overcoming Challenges in Outsourcing to India appeared first on ValueCoders | Unlocking the Power of Technology: Discover the Latest Insights and Trends.

Outsourcing to India has been a popular business strategy for years, offering companies the opportunity to tap into a highly skilled and cost-effective workforce. Not only that, India was ranked the most attractive outsourcing destination by Outsource2India.

However, despite the many benefits, some businesses are still reluctant to outsource to India. Why is this the case?

Outsourcing Attractiveness of Offshore Locations

This blog will explore common problems of outsourcing to India and discover how businesses can overcome these concerns to unlock the potential of this booming outsourcing destination. So, buckle up and get ready to uncover the secrets of outsourcing success!

Helpful Resource: Comparing Software Outsourcing Services: Platforms, Companies, And Freelancers

Problems & Solutions When Outsourcing to India

Problems Solutions When Outsourcing to India
Problems Solutions When Outsourcing to India

Some of the most common problems and their solutions when outsourcing to India include the following:

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Problem: Lack of trust in the quality of work

One of the biggest challenges when outsourcing to India is a lack of trust in the quality of work. This can be a valid concern, as outsourcing often means handing over critical tasks to an external team with whom you have limited control or visibility. However, this does not mean outsourcing to India is inherently risky or unreliable.


  • Choose reputable software outsourcing services with a proven track record of delivering high-quality work. Look for vendors with industry certifications, positive customer reviews, and a strong reputation in the market.
  • Establish clear communication channels and set quality control measures that align with your business objectives. This could include regular progress reports, periodic quality assessments, and key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure performance.
  • Build a culture of trust and accountability. This means being transparent about your expectations, providing constructive feedback, and celebrating successes.
  • Invest and hire dedicated software development teams that provide training and upskilling opportunities that align with your business needs.

At ValueCoders, we understand the importance of quality and trust. That’s why we have robust quality control processes, including regular audits, performance metrics, and feedback loops. We also heavily invest in our team’s training and development to ensure they have the skills and expertise to deliver high-quality work. With years of experience in software development and a team of over 450 talented developers, we have the expertise and resources to help businesses overcome their outsourcing challenges and achieve their goals.

We use the most recent technologies to provide our clients cutting-edge solutions, including AI, machine learning, blockchain, and others. React, Angular, Node.js, Python, Ruby on Rails, and other technologies are just a few of the ones our team has previously worked with. So, we have the skills and knowledge necessary to produce outcomes whether you want to construct a web or mobile app, an eCommerce platform, or adopt an AI-powered solution.

Problem: Communication barriers

Another common outsourcing issue that businesses face is communication barriers. With teams often working in different time zones and speaking different languages, miscommunication and misunderstandings may occur, leading to errors, delays, and project failure.


  • Establish clear communication channels and protocols, including expectations for response times, communication frequency, and preferred communication method.
  • Use technology to facilitate communication, such as video conferencing, chat, and screen-sharing tools like Zoom, Slack, or Microsoft Teams.
  • Establish a common communication language to ensure all team members can communicate effectively.
  • Build cultural awareness and sensitivity into your communication protocols to overcome cultural differences.

At ValueCoders, we recognize the critical role that communication plays in IT outsourcing services. That’s why we have a dedicated team of project managers and communication specialists who work closely with our clients to establish clear communication channels and protocols. We use the most recent communication tools and technologies, such as Slack and Zoom, to facilitate real-time collaboration and ensure all team members are on the same page.

We are conscious of the value of cultural sensitivity and awareness. Our team is adept at managing cultural differences and has extensive experience dealing with customers worldwide. We can assist businesses in overcoming the difficulties of outsourcing and achieving their objectives due to our knowledge and dedication to transparent communication.

Also Read: How To Choose Between Staff Augmentation, Outsourcing, & Dedicated Team

Problem: Time-zone differences

Another significant challenge businesses may face with Indian outsourcing companies is the time zone difference. With India being several hours ahead or behind many other countries, it can be challenging to schedule meetings and ensure that all team members work together effectively. Time zone differences can lead to delays in communication, missed deadlines, and project delays.


  • Establish precise schedules and timelines that take into account the time zone difference.
  • Partner with software consulting services companies that use collaboration tools and technologies like Trello, Asana, and JIRA to manage projects and keep track of progress across different time zones.
  • Schedule check-ins and status updates regularly to ensure all team members are up-to-date and working together effectively.
  • Partner with a company with developers working in shifts, such as ValueCoders, to ensure you can connect anytime.

At ValueCoders, we understand the importance of time zone differences in outsourcing. That’s why we have multiple locations worldwide, allowing us to provide 24/7 support and ensure that projects stay on track, regardless of the time zone. We use collaboration tools and technologies like Asana, JIRA, and Trello to manage projects and keep track of progress across different time zones. Our project managers and their teams work closely with clients to establish precise schedules and timelines, ensuring that projects are delivered on time and within budget.

By outsourcing to custom software development services companies with a global presence, businesses can benefit from round-the-clock support and faster turnaround times. At ValueCoders, we’re committed to delivering top-notch software solutions that meet our clients’ unique business needs, regardless of their location or time zone.

Problem: Cultural differences

Another outsourcing to India problem that businesses may face is cultural differences. India has a diverse culture, with a different approach to communication, work, and problem-solving than many Western countries. These differences can create misunderstandings, lead to miscommunication, and affect the project’s overall success.


  • Educate the outsourcing team about the client’s culture and working style.
  • Establish clear communication channels and protocols to avoid misunderstandings.
  • Encourage regular feedback and check-ins to address any cultural differences that arise.
  • Use collaboration tools and technologies like video conferencing, instant messaging, and screen sharing to facilitate communication and understanding.
  • Consider outsourcing offshore software development services to a partner with experience working with clients from different cultural backgrounds, like ValueCoders.

Also Read: Offshore Vs Nearshore Outsourcing: A Detailed Comparision

At ValueCoders, we recognize the importance of cultural sensitivity in outsourcing. Our team of experts has experience working with clients from diverse cultural backgrounds, allowing us to understand their unique needs and working styles. We use collaboration tools and technologies like instant messaging, video conferencing, and screen sharing to facilitate communication and understanding between our team and clients.

To overcome cultural differences, we regularly give feedback and check-ins, ensuring that the project continues and that our clients are happy with the results. Businesses may gain from a more efficient outsourcing process and prevent cultural miscommunications by outsourcing to a partner with expertise in working with clients from various cultural backgrounds. At ValueCoders, we’re committed to delivering top-notch software solutions that meet our clients’ unique business needs, regardless of their cultural backgrounds.

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Problem: Security concerns

Due to the sensitive nature of shared information, companies may have security issues while outsourcing to India. Concerns about intellectual property theft, data breaches, and other cybersecurity risks could harm the business.


  • Implement strict security protocols and measures to protect sensitive information.
  • Ensure all employees and contractors sign non-disclosure agreements (NDAs) and undergo a comprehensive background check before accessing sensitive information.
  • Employ encrypted email, VPNs, and safe file-sharing services as secure communication and collaboration tools.
  • To identify and stop security breaches, you should routinely monitor and audit the outsourced team’s access to critical data.
  • Consider outsourcing to a partner with a strong security and compliance track record, such as ValueCoders.

ValueCoders takes security and compliance very seriously. We have implemented robust security protocols and measures to protect our clients’ sensitive information, including secure servers, data encryption, and restricted access controls. Our employees and contractors sign NDAs and undergo background checks before accessing confidential data.

We also employ secure file-sharing sites, VPNs, and encrypted email as collaborative tools to exchange information. We routinely audit and monitor our team’s access to critical information to identify and stop any security lapses.

By outsourcing to offshore consultants in India like ValueCoders, who have a strong security and compliance track record, businesses can rest assured that their sensitive information is safe. We understand the importance of protecting our clients’ confidential data and have taken all necessary steps to ensure that we maintain the highest levels of security and compliance.

Problem: Legal issues

When outsourcing to India, businesses may face legal issues such as violation of intellectual property rights, breach of contract, and non-compliance with local laws and regulations. These legal issues can lead to costly litigation and damage the business’s reputation.


  • To prevent ambiguity or misunderstanding, make sure that legal professionals thoroughly design and evaluate all contracts and agreements.
  • Ensure the outsourcing partner complies with all relevant rules and regulations by performing extensive due diligence on them.
  • Add in the contract language that addresses legal concerns and details the remedies that may be used in the event of a violation.
  • Use technology and tools for project management to enable real-time project progress tracking and ensure deadlines are fulfilled, lowering the likelihood of disagreements and legal concerns.
  • Work with reputable Indian outsourcing companies with a strong track record of legal compliance, such as ValueCoders.

ValueCoders recognizes the significance of legal compliance and makes every effort to abide by all relevant laws and regulations. A team of legal professionals reviews all contracts and agreements to make sure they are straightforward and clear.

We thoroughly investigate each client to ensure they abide by all relevant laws and regulations. Our contracts also contain terms that deal with legal concerns and outline the appropriate remedies for a breach.

Our project management tools and technology enable real-time monitoring of project progress and guarantee that deadlines are fulfilled, lowering the risk of disagreements and legal concerns. Businesses may reduce the risk of legal problems and concentrate on their main business operations by partnering with a reliable outsourcing partner with a proven track record of legal compliance, like ValueCoders.

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Benefits of Outsourcing to India

Benefits of Outsourcing to India

Businesses aiming to simplify processes, save costs, and boost efficiency can profit significantly from outsourcing to India. Some of the main advantages are as follows:

  • Cost savings: Indian outsourcing companies can significantly reduce labor costs, as labor is much cheaper in India compared to other countries. According to a study by NASSCOM, outsourcing to India can save businesses up to 80% in operational costs.
  • Access to a large talent pool: Engineers, software developers, and data scientists are just a few of India’s highly qualified and educated professionals. Businesses now have access to various skills and knowledge they would not otherwise have.
  • Faster time-to-market: Using the knowledge and resources of their outsourcing partner, companies may shorten the time to market. Businesses can keep ahead of the competition and react rapidly to shifting market needs with shorter development cycles.
  • Flexibility: Businesses can expand or contract their operations as needed. Businesses that want to enter new markets or those whose workloads fluctuate will find this helpful.
  • Cost-effectiveness: The management of non-core company operations can be done affordably by outsourcing to India. Businesses can focus on their core competencies and strategic goals by outsourcing these functions to a reliable and experienced partner like ValueCoders.

As Exploding Topics mentioned, a study shows India is the most attractive country for outsourcing business services. It also had the highest GSLI score in 2021. In fact, they have mentioned that 7 of the top 10 outsourcing countries are in the Asia-Pacific region: India, China, Malaysia, Indonesia, Vietnam, Philippines, and Thailand.

Businesses aiming to streamline their operations and boost their bottom line might profit significantly from using Indian outsourcing companies. Outsourcing to India is a viable and effective choice for companies of all sizes and sectors since it offers cost savings, access to a vast talent pool, flexibility, and quicker time to market.

Also Read: 5+ Reasons Your Company Should Opt For Software Development Outsourcing


Firms may get access to a vast pool of trained labor, a quicker time to market, and better flexibility by cost-effective outsourcing to India. If you are wondering – is outsourcing good or bad – it is a cost-effective option to access the skilled talent pool. Businesses that outsource to India, however, may run into several difficulties.

Fortunately, companies may overcome these difficulties and reap the rewards of outsourcing to India by working with a reputable source like ValueCoders. We have offered affordable and high-quality software development, digital marketing, and IT consulting solutions to clients across the globe,

Partnering with ValueCoders will help your business foster innovation and growth. Thus, don’t allow the difficulties to deter you from outsourcing to India. You may reap the rewards of outsourcing to India if you partner with the right organization.

The post Cracking the Code: Overcoming Challenges in Outsourcing to India appeared first on ValueCoders | Unlocking the Power of Technology: Discover the Latest Insights and Trends.

5+ Reasons Your Company Should Opt For Software Development Outsourcing Mon, 06 Feb 2023 09:46:57 +0000 In today’s competitive era, staying ahead of the pack requires modern businesses to think outside the box.  By leveraging innovative...

The post 5+ Reasons Your Company Should Opt For Software Development Outsourcing appeared first on ValueCoders | Unlocking the Power of Technology: Discover the Latest Insights and Trends.

In today’s competitive era, staying ahead of the pack requires modern businesses to think outside the box. 

By leveraging innovative technological advancements and tapping into global expertise through software development and IT outsourcing, businesses can remain on top by accessing a diverse pool of talent from around the world.

Software Development Outsourcing 1

In 2023, businesses must consider two key strategies to maximize efficiency and lower costs i.e., Software Development Outsourcing and IT Outsourcing.

According to market research firm Statista, it is expected that the market for global software product development services is going to experience a surge of $270 billion from 2019 to 2027.

Another study by Deloitte showed that the global software development outsourcing market that was valued at $93 billion in 2020  is expected to reach a value of $110 billion by 2024.

The same report also revealed that North America and Europe are the two largest consumers of outsourcing services, accounting for more than 80% of the market share.

If your business is looking to leverage technology to scale the bottom line, outsourcing software development is the right way.

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5+ Reasons Why Companies Outsource

In 2023, the software development industry is estimated to be worth over $700 billion. This growth is driven by the increasing demand for digital products and services and the need for businesses to stay competitive in a rapidly evolving market. 

Reasons of Software Development Outsourcing

Hence, it is clear that software development outsourcing is going to be a huge landscape for cross-functional industries.

Software Development Outsourcing offers companies the flexibility to scale operations quickly and utilize cutting-edge technologies. This allows businesses to remain competitive in the global market and achieve desired results.

With outsourcing, companies can create a strategic plan for their software products without investing heavily in infrastructure and labor costs.

Here is a snapshot of some benefits that are explained further:

  • Increased competition
  • Access to new technologies and tools
  • Greater scalability
  • Faster time to market
  • Cost-effective solutions
  • Time zone advantage
  • Access to the talented pool of people

Get Access To A Larger Talent Pool


3124966When you outsource software product development, you can tap into a global talent pool that wouldn’t otherwise be available.

  • You can find the right professionals with the specific skillset needed for the job
  • You can also find developers who can work with different programming languages and technologies
  • You can quickly get the right people to work on your project that speeds up the MVP Development process

Also Read: Benefits Of MVP Development Approach In Product Development

Save Money

5208999 3

With software development outsourcing, you don’t have to pay for the extra staff, equipment, and software that would typically be necessary to complete a project in-house. Furthermore, you can outsource the project to a provider specializing in the software development you need, ensuring the best outcome at a lower cost. 

By outsourcing the project, you can also benefit from economies of scale, as you can benefit from the provider’s existing infrastructure, tools, and processes. Therefore, if you are looking for a cost-effective way to develop software, outsourcing makes the best resource.

Furthermore, software development outsourcing is also a great way to access a larger talent pool due to its cost-effectiveness. By hiring an outsourcing company, you don’t have to pay for training and other related costs that come with hiring a permanent employee. This helps you save money while still getting access to the best possible talent. 

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Reduces Time

Reduce time

Outsourcing allows you to focus on the core business while experienced professionals work on developing your software product. This eliminates the need to hire dedicated resources for the process.

Furthermore, outsourcing allows access to an expanded array of specialized skills and know-how, potentially speeding up the creation cycle. Taking advantage of experts provides their insights and counsel, which could decrease the time allocated to development.

Outsourcing your software development needs can be a great boon for businesses. It allows them to save money and resources while reducing the time required to produce quality products.

Improves Quality

Software product development hinges on high quality and outsourcing this type of work to experienced professionals grants companies the capacity to ensure it. Skilled and knowledgeable experts are hired for the task, yielding superior results than could be accomplished in-house. In addition, utilizing outsourcing grants companies the benefit of access to up-to-date tools and technology, making the process more efficient and cost-effective.

It is also possible for companies to maintain quality standards over the long term by outsourcing software development. By working with a trusted software development partner, companies can be assured that their project will be managed in accordance with established standards and protocols. Additionally, companies can benefit from constant communication and feedback loops, enabling them to quickly resolve any issues that may arise during the project.

There are many reasons companies should outsource software development in 2023, and these are just a few. As a result, companies can access a larger pool of talent, save money and time, scale their businesses, reduce risk, and improve the quality of their software products.

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Lower The Risk

Software Product Development requires the implementation of risk management. Design errors, technical difficulties, and non-compliance issues are potential hazards in the process. By outsourcing software development, however, organizations can utilize the knowledge and assets of experts familiar with the protocols for successful product construction.

Outsourcing can reduce the risk of delays and unexpected costs by ensuring that the work is done according to a set timeline and budget. It is possible to reduce costly errors and setbacks by leveraging the experience and knowledge of outsourced professionals in developing your software product, ensuring it meets the highest quality standards.

Scale-Up Business

When your company expands and changes, there could be a need for extra software production capabilities to accommodate customer requirements. Outsourcing is an excellent strategy to speedily expand your enterprise without hiring and supervising a permanent team.


Software Development Outsourcing allows you to access a larger talent pool and specialized skills. With outsourcing, you can choose from multiple providers who offer a wide range of services and skill sets. This allows you to quickly and easily scale up or down as needed, depending on your current requirements.

It also allows you to focus on your core business while outsourcing partners handle the software product development work. With outsourced software development, you can access a reliable team experienced in delivering quality products on time. This will help you deliver innovative products faster and more efficiently, helping you cost-effectively grow your business.

Also Read: A Guide To The Emerging Software Development Outsourcing Trends

Reduces HR Costs

Outsourcing certain HR functions can help reduce HR costs in several ways:

  • Labor costs: Outsourcing can reduce labor costs associated with hiring, training and maintaining in-house HR staff.
  • Benefits: It makes companies avoid the costs associated with providing benefits to in-house HR staff.
  • Technology: Outsourcing provides access to the latest HR technology and tools, which can reduce HR costs and improve HR processes.
  • Compliance: It can help companies stay compliant with changing HR regulations and avoid costly fines and penalties.
  • Time savings: Outsourcing can free up HR staff to focus on more strategic initiatives. Hence, it leads to time savings and reduced costs.

Overall, outsourcing can provide organizations with access to specialized HR expertise, technology and support, while reducing costs and improving HR processes.

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A Few Key Challenges You Might Face In IT Outsourcing

Problems with Outsourcing
Problems with Outsourcing

Image Source

Software development outsourcing has become an increasingly popular way for companies to cut costs, streamline operations, and tap into the expertise they don’t have in-house. However, outsourcing also presents challenges that companies must know and be prepared to overcome. 

Here, we will discuss the key challenges you might face when considering IT Outsourcing Services, why they arise, and how to mitigate them. From managing expectations to communication issues and more, read on to learn more about the pitfalls you may encounter when outsourcing.

Lack of Control

When outsourcing, the loss of control can be an alarming reality for those not accustomed to working with third-party contractors. In these cases, it’s challenging to maintain a positive outlook should something go awry.

Though ultimately, you must ensure the project reaches completion, regardless of your ability to monitor it directly.

To reduce these risks, entering into a clear and specific contract is advisable before commencing any project. This agreement should outline the various roles and responsibilities for all involved and define the desired expectations for each party.

Additionally, by researching and carefully selecting an experienced software development outsourcing provider, you can guarantee the project’s success and ensure that the best decision is made for your business.

Management Issues

IT outsourcing can be challenging because you rely on another company to handle a critical part of your business. Some ways to mitigate this risk include:

  1. Do your research: Your research should include proper references, reliable reviews, and get a sense of the track record of potential outsourcing partners.
  2. Be clear about expectations: When you contact a software outsourcing company, you need to be clear about your expectations. 
  • What are you looking for, and by when? 
  • What quality standards should be met?
  • Communicate all of this upfront to avoid misunderstandings later on.
  1. Have a contingency plan: If things go wrong, you must have a contingency plan. 
  • What will you do if the outsourced work is not up to par? 
  • How will you handle delays? 

Having a plan will help you react quickly and effectively in the event of any problems.

Watch a Quick Video to Explore Reasons For Outsourcing

Issues with Communication

You might face a few key communication issues when outsourcing your blog content creation.

  1. Language barrier: If you’re outsourcing to a country where English is not the first language, there may be communication issues. Keep your instructions clear and concise, you can also use a tool like Google Translate to help with language barriers.
  2. Time zone difference: If you outsource to someone in a different time zone, coordinating schedules and communicating in real time becomes difficult. You should share your expectations upfront; you can also use tools like Skype or email to stay in touch.
  3. Cultural differences: What might be considered acceptable or professional in one culture might not be in another. Maintain clear and concise communication to avoid any misunderstandings.

Maintaining Quality

There are a few key challenges you might face when outsourcing your work. 

  1. Quality Control: When you’re not overseeing the work yourself, ensuring that the quality standards can be challenging. Therefore, handpicking a vendor with a proven track record of delivering high-quality work is essential.
  2. Managing Expectations: When you outsource, you’re essentially handing over control of a project to someone else. Setting clear expectations is essential to avoid unpleasant surprises.
  3. Communication: When you’re not working side-by-side with your team, keeping everyone on the same page can be challenging. Effective communication is critical to ensure everyone is on track and meeting deadlines.

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Cost-Effective Solutions

It is sometimes difficult to maintain the cost-effectiveness of the options. The challenges that come across are:

  1. Type of Work: Outsourcing some types of work is costlier than others. For example, complex engineering tasks or jobs requiring specialist skills may be more expensive to outsource than relatively simple manufacturing tasks.
  2. Supplier Location: Wages and other costs can vary significantly between different countries, so it is essential to consider this when sourcing suppliers. For example, suppliers in developing countries may offer lower rates than those in developed countries.
  3. Size and Scale of the Project: The cost of outsourcing can increase with the project’s size and scale due to improved coordination costs and communication costs.
  4. Level of Service Required: The necessary level of service from the supplier will also impact costs. For example, if you need a high level of customer support or wrapper services, this will generally cost more than if you only require essential supplier services.

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All Tasks Cannot Be Outsourced

Some specific tasks cannot be outsourced. These tasks require a high level of personal interaction or customization, time-sensitive tasks, and a high degree of knowledge about your company and products.

Some examples of tasks that cannot be outsourced include:

  1. Sales: Selling is a highly personal process requiring a deep understanding of your product and customer. It’s also a process heavily reliant on relationships – something difficult to replicate when outsourcing.
  2. Customization: If you have products or services that need to be customized for each customer, it will be tough to outsource this process. This customization requires close interaction with the customer to understand their specific needs.
  3. Time-Sensitive Tasks: Some tasks simply cannot be rushed. For example, if you’re launching a new product, you must ensure all the details are perfect before it goes live. Running this process could result in serious mistakes being made.
  4. Highly Knowledge-Intensive Tasks: Some tasks require in-depth knowledge of your company and products to complete correctly. For example, if you’re writing marketing copy, you need to understand what makes your product unique and how to position it in the market. This task is difficult to outsource because it requires intimate knowledge of your business.

Also Read: 5 Steps To Successfully Outsource Your Software Projects

How ValueCoders is Helping Businesses Optimize their Revenue?

Do you want software development services that will give the best value for money without compromising on quality? Well, software development outsourcing services from ValueCoders is your most brilliant move. 

Factors to consider before Outsourcing

Here are Some Reasons Why:

  1. A team of software experts – You don’t need to worry about assembling a software development team, as our professionals have years of experience in software development.
  2. Cost Efficiency – Software development outsourcing services from ValueCoders can help you save a lot on software development costs as we offer competitive pricing packages and flexible payment terms with no hidden charges.
  3. A Dedicated Developer – We guarantee you get the right software developer dedicated to your project.
  4. Quality Assurance – Our software developers have a proven track record of delivering quality software solutions that meet clients’ requirements.
  5. Security & Compliance – We understand the importance of data security and software compliance, and our software development team follows industry standard guidelines to ensure information security and software compatibility.

Also Read: Outsourcing vs Freelancing vs In-house Software Development – Which is Better?

Successful Projects Done By ValueCoders

ValueCoders is a software development company that provides a wide range of services, including web and mobile app development, e-commerce development, and enterprise software development. We have also worked on various projects for clients in several industries. Some examples of successful projects that ValueCoders has completed include:

  • A web-based platform for a leading provider of HR and payroll services that automates HR processes and improves efficiency.
  • A mobile app for a leading real estate company that allows users to search for properties, view listings, and schedule viewings.
  • A platform for a leading provider of online education that offers a wide range of courses and interactive learning materials.
  • An e-commerce platform for a leading fashion retailer that allows users to browse and purchase products online.
  • A cloud-based platform for a leading provider of logistics and supply chain management service provider that enables real-time shipments and inventory tracking.

These are just a few examples of the many successful projects that ValueCoders has completed. We have a team of experienced developers proficient in various programming languages and technologies. They work closely with clients to understand your specific needs and deliver solutions that meet them.

Moreover, we have worked with many startups and enterprise clients across various domains, including Healthcare, Real Estate, E-commerce, Banking and Finance, Education, Logistics, etc.

Awards & Recognitions Achieved By ValueCoders



So, we have seen that software development outsourcing is the most demanded business strategy for many companies nowadays. It helps them access global talents to reduce costs and speed up production time. Businesses can focus on their strengths and achieve better results quickly by outsourcing their tasks to trusted partners.  

Software development outsourcing provides many advantages, but it’s also important to know its potential challenges. By partnering with experienced software development outsourcing companies, businesses can leverage a wide range of capabilities to bring their products to market quickly and efficiently.

ValueCoders is a leading provider of Software Development Outsourcing Services with more than 18 years of experience in helping businesses overcome these challenges and succeed. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help your company grow.

The post 5+ Reasons Your Company Should Opt For Software Development Outsourcing appeared first on ValueCoders | Unlocking the Power of Technology: Discover the Latest Insights and Trends.

How To Choose between Staff Augmentation, Outsourcing, & Dedicated team Tue, 03 Jan 2023 08:30:11 +0000 As companies adopt new strategies to grow their business and meet project goals, choosing the best strategy can be difficult....

The post How To Choose between Staff Augmentation, Outsourcing, & Dedicated team appeared first on ValueCoders | Unlocking the Power of Technology: Discover the Latest Insights and Trends.

As companies adopt new strategies to grow their business and meet project goals, choosing the best strategy can be difficult. These options include IT staff augmentation, outsourcing, and dedicated teams that help businesses to achieve the desired project results. Each of these has its benefits and detriments that must be considered before making a final decision. 

With so many options available, it’s easy to become overwhelmed by all the possibilities. But don’t worry! This blog post will explore when these choices may work well for your company or why they might not be the best solution for you, leaving you with information about what each one provides, so let’s begin.


Outsourcing Vs IT Staff Augmentation Vs Dedicated Team

Outsourcing Vs IT Staff Augmentation Vs Dedicated Team

IT Staff Augmentation

IT Staff Augmentation is a Software Outsourcing Service that offers businesses a flexible, cost-effective alternative to hiring in-house IT personnel. This service is typically used when companies require additional IT resources for special projects or to supplement the existing IT team during peak periods.

With IT staff augmentation, the business can bring in specialized IT professionals with the necessary skills and expertise to handle specific tasks or projects. 

Companies also benefit from shorter ramp-up times since the experts are already familiar with the project scope and can hit the ground running. 

Furthermore, IT staff augmentation allows companies to benefit from the most up-to-date skills and technologies while reducing costs associated with hiring and training new personnel.

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Benefits of IT Staff Augmentation


IT staff augmentation is a cost-effective way to gain access to specialized skills and expertise without hiring, training, and managing the personnel yourself. By leveraging existing resources, you can reduce your overhead costs and the cost of hiring and onboarding new personnel.


With IT staff augmentation, you can choose precisely who and how many people you need for a project or task. This allows you to scale up or down quickly as needed, making it easier to meet changing project requirements.

Access to Experts:

With IT staff augmentation, you can easily access the best and brightest in the industry, regardless of location. This allows you to work with the most experienced and knowledgeable professionals who can bring their skills and expertise to your organization.

Improved Efficiency:

By utilizing an IT staff augmentation approach, you can improve your overall efficiency by reducing the time and money spent on training and managing new personnel. As a result, you can focus more of your time and resources on delivering quality results faster.

Reduced Risks:

IT staff augmentation reduces the risk of hiring personnel that may not meet your needs or can perform up to expectations. With an IT staff augmentation provider, you can vet each individual before hiring them, ensuring they have the right skills and knowledge for the job.


Also Read: A Complete Guide To IT Staff Augmentation Services


Drawbacks of IT Staff Augmentation

Despite the many advantages of IT Staff Augmentation, there are a few drawbacks.

  • Firstly, since you don’t have direct control over the IT staff, there is no guarantee that they will meet your standards
  • The lack of direct supervision could lead to delays in project delivery due to miscommunication and misunderstandings
  • Compliance issues may arise if you use a foreign IT staff augmentation company

When Should Companies Choose For IT Staff Augmentation?

IT Staff Augmentation is a great way to supplement the existing IT team with specialized skills and expertise. This type of service allows companies to add a small group of experienced IT professionals on a short-term basis to help complete complex tasks that would otherwise require more internal resources.

When deciding whether to choose IT staff augmentation, it is essential to consider the following factors:


If a project requires a short-term solution, or the timeline is too tight to find and onboard the right staff internally, then IT staff augmentation may be the best option.


Depending on the scope of the project and the expertise needed, hiring additional IT staff could be more cost-effective than outsourcing the entire project or hiring a dedicated team of experts.


If a project requires specialized knowledge or skill sets, it might be better to utilize IT staff augmentation than to teach current employees or find and hire new full-time staff members.

Ultimately, it is essential to evaluate the individual needs of each project to determine the best course of action for a company’s IT needs.

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Outsourcing is when companies assign specific tasks or services to an external provider, usually at a cheaper cost. Companies use outsourcing for various reasons, including cost savings, access to new technologies, focus on core competencies, and access to talent outside their workforce. 

It is often used for labor-intensive tasks, requires specialized expertise, or takes too much time for the internal staff to manage. Outsourcing can be an excellent way for businesses to maximize their resources and increase efficiency without sacrificing quality.

According to IT outsourcing statistics by Statista, the ​revenue in IT outsourcing is projected to show a yearly growth rate (CAGR) of 8.93% from 2021. It will result in a market volume of US$551,956.3M by 2026.


Software Outsourcing Trends

Also Read: Offshore Vs Nearshore Outsourcing: A Detailed Comparision

Benefits Of Outsourcing

When it comes to choosing the proper method for staffing IT needs, outsourcing is a popular option. By outsourcing IT services, businesses can reap various benefits, including:

Cost Saving:

One of the most significant advantages of outsourcing is that companies don’t need to pay different salaries and overhead costs associated with recruiting and managing an in-house team. As multiple clients share the resources used by the outsourcing vendor, companies have access to quality resources at competitive prices.

Quality Work:

Outsourced projects are handled by experienced professionals with the relevant expertise to work on complex projects. This eliminates any risks related to novice handling of tasks or inadequate knowledge. 

Also, since most vendors are ISO certified or follow other international standards, customers can rest assured about the quality of work delivered.


Companies no longer need to worry about having insufficient resources or technical capabilities when there’s an urgent requirement or quick project turnaround times. They need to contact the vendor who will be able to deploy additional resources as per their requirement. This scalability allows companies to take up new opportunities without worrying about resource constraints.

Focus On Core Business Activities:

Outsourcing frees the company to focus more on core business activities instead of non-core activities like recruitment, training, etc., as these can be easily outsourced. This allows them to use their time and resources better and gain more efficiency in their operations.

24/7 Service:

Most providers offer 24/7 support for critical systems. This ensures that problems are addressed promptly, even outside regular working hours.


In terms of expertise, the quality of service by external service providers is usually higher than internal teams.

Risk Reduction:

Since external service providers handle routine maintenance tasks, they help reduce system downtime caused due to failure or breakdowns. This helps reduce financial losses due to system outages and internal issues.


Professional outsourcing firms typically provide standardized procedures, processes, and workflows, leading to higher customer satisfaction. All these factors make outsourcing an attractive option for companies looking for efficient staff augmentation solutions.

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Drawbacks of Outsourcing

When it comes to outsourcing, some drawbacks need to be considered. Let’s look at them:

  • First, finding a reliable outsourcing partner with the skills and experience required to handle the job efficiently can take time and effort
  • Due to the differences in language and culture, communication can be challenging
  • Outsourcing can lead to unexpected costs and delays if not appropriately managed
  • Lastly, businesses relinquish control over specific processes when outsourcing, which could lead to potential security and privacy issues

When should Companies Outsource?

Companies should outsource when they need a quick and cost-effective solution. They need the resources or the capacity to hire, train, and manage the staff necessary for a particular project or task. This is especially true for non-critical operations that can be controlled externally. 

The benefit of outsourcing is that you only pay for the services you need and can scale quickly if your needs change. Furthermore, outsourcing gives you access to specialized expertise without investing in training or resources you may not need.

Outsourcing vs Staff Augmentation

The most significant difference between outsourcing and IT staff augmentation is the degree of control and responsibility each provides. On the other hand, by leveraging these services, organizations can supplement their existing IT teams with experienced professionals specializing in specific technologies or processes needed for their projects.

Outsourcing Staff Augmentation
The external organization has complete control over the project and all its components. You have greater control over the entire process, and your internal IT staff is still involved in the project.
Outsourcing may require a significant investment of money and resources. You can expect a faster turnaround time since the team you hire will only be working on the specific tasks you assign.
It is often used for labor-intensive tasks, requires specialized expertise, or takes too much time for the internal staff to manage. IT staff augmentation services provide an affordable alternative.
One of the best ways to maximize resources without sacrificing quality. This allows organizations to respond quickly to changing business needs without committing to long-term resources.

This allows organizations to get their projects up and dash without investing heavily in hiring full-time IT professionals. IT Staff Augmentation Services are also ideal for organizations that need assistance during periods of high workload or special projects that require an additional workforce. 

This allows organizations to answer quickly to changing business needs without committing to long-term resources.

Dedicated Team

A Dedicated Software Development Team is the best solution for businesses looking for a long-term commitment and extended hours. They are an ideal choice for companies with complex technical needs or are building new systems.

With a dedicated team, the organization benefits from access to professionals with the specialized skills and expertise needed to get the job done. 

Additionally, dedicated teams help organizations save on recruiting costs since they are usually hired as a package deal and don’t require additional recruitment and onboarding costs. 

Finally, these teams offer organizations a cost-effective way to build their IT infrastructure without investing in other resources.

software development team banner

Benefits of Dedicated Teams

A dedicated team is ideal for companies looking to scale up their IT operations without investing in extra resources. When a company opts for a dedicated team, it hires a group of developers and other IT professionals focused solely on the assigned tasks. Below are the benefits of a dedicated team.


Organizations can save money with a dedicated team since they don’t have to pay extra infrastructure costs or recruitment fees.


A dedicated team provides flexibility because teams can be adjusted according to business requirements. Teams can be scaled up or down as needed to meet specific demands.

Quality Control:

Companies can ensure that their dedicated team delivers quality results by carefully managing workflow processes.

Easy Access:

Companies can easily access and communicate with the dedicated teams as required.


Companies can quickly scale up or down their teams depending on business requirements, so they have control over the size and capacity of their teams‌.

Long-term Relationship:

Companies can build long-term relationships with their dedicated teams since they work together over an extended period.


Also Read: A Complete Guide On Hiring Dedicated Development Team


Benefits of Staff Augmentation, Outsourcing and Dedicated Teams


Drawbacks of Dedicated Teams

Having a dedicated team of IT professionals is a great way to ensure that your business is up-to-date and running optimally, but it also comes with some drawbacks.

  • One major downside of a dedicated team is the cost of setting up such an arrangement. As you are responsible for providing office space, computer equipment, software outsourcing services, and other necessary tools for the dedicated staff, the overhead costs becomes relatively high.
  • Once the dedicated staff has been trained, there needs to be more flexibility in changing their role or skillset. This means if the technology changes or new systems are implemented, one must retrain the entire team, which can be expensive.
  • Finding the right people for a dedicated team can take time and effort, as the right combination of knowledge and experience may be available locally.


Outsourcing Dedicated Teams
It refers to any tasks that may be outsourced to a third-party provider. It specifically refers to teams of people who are part of the company and are assigned a specific task or project.
It  is better suited for simpler tasks that do not require close supervision and can be easily managed by a third-party provider. Dedicated teams are better suited for complex projects requiring great coordination between different departments within the organization.
It is usually the most cost-effective option as third-party providers are usually cheaper. It tends to be more productive & efficient as they have a deeper understanding of the company’s operations and culture.
Outsourcing allows organizations to focus on core competencies. Dedicated teams offer more flexibility and scalability.


When Should Companies Hire Dedicated Teams?

Companies should hire dedicated teams when they need highly specialized skills, experience, and expertise to complete a project. Dedicated teams are best used when a business requires long-term support or the completion of an ongoing project. 

For instance, if a company needs an app to be built or an enterprise software system developed, it would require the expertise and knowledge of a dedicated team.

Finally, businesses that don’t have an in-house IT department or lack the necessary resources to develop an IT infrastructure can benefit from hiring a dedicated team. These teams offer flexibility and scalability, enabling companies to adjust the size of their team based on their needs. 

A dedicated team of IT professionals will be able to create customized solutions for a business’s specific requirements.


When it comes to IT staffing, many options are available to businesses. Each option offers different advantages and disadvantages depending on the needs of the business. 

IT Staff Augmentation can be an excellent choice for businesses that need extra help but don’t want to commit to long-term hiring. 

Outsourcing can be beneficial for companies that require specialized skills or knowledge. Dedicated teams can be the perfect solution for businesses that need ongoing IT support and development. 

No matter what option you choose, it is essential to carefully consider all aspects of your IT staffing needs before making a decision. Research each option thoroughly to ensure you make the best choice for your business. 

By understanding the differences between IT Staff Augmentation, Outsourcing, and Dedicated Teams, you can choose the most effective solution for your company’s IT needs.

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The post How To Choose between Staff Augmentation, Outsourcing, & Dedicated team appeared first on ValueCoders | Unlocking the Power of Technology: Discover the Latest Insights and Trends.

What Is Staff Augmentation & How Does It Works? A Complete Guide Tue, 06 Dec 2022 06:14:05 +0000 As organizations struggle to keep up with technological innovations and adapt to new practices, it’s not surprising that IT staffing...

The post What Is Staff Augmentation & How Does It Works? A Complete Guide appeared first on ValueCoders | Unlocking the Power of Technology: Discover the Latest Insights and Trends.

As organizations struggle to keep up with technological innovations and adapt to new practices, it’s not surprising that IT staffing needs are constantly changing. Keeping up-to-date on new technologies and finding professionals with the right skills to work at your company can be daunting.

Fortunately, there are many ways in which you can meet your staffing needs while ensuring those workers stay satisfied and engaged in their roles. One of the most effective methods is IT Staff Augmentation.

This e-guide will walk you through everything you need to know about Staff Augmentation Services, from what they are and how they work to choosing the best one for your business.

Before exploring or ready to make a decision, just go through some awesome stats on IT staff augmentation services:

According to a study by Deloitte, the global IT staff augmentation services market is expected to reach $88.9 billion by 2022. The study also found that the North American market for these services is growing at a rate of 5.6% per year.

As per a recent study by Market Research Future, the global IT staff augmentation services market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 10.8% from 2018 to 2023.

The United States is the largest market for IT staff augmentation services, accounting for more than 35% of the global market in 2019. Other major markets include Western Europe and Asia-Pacific.

Also Read: What is Staff Augmentation? How It Can Boost Startups

IT Staff Augmentation: A Brief

Staff Augmentation supplements an organization’s existing IT staff with additional personnel. We can do this in many ways, including hiring new employees, contracting with outside firms, or using temporary workers.

Many reasons an organization might choose to augment its IT staff. One common reason is to boost workforce capacity to meet the increased demand for Software Outsourcing Services.

Another reason might be to fill a skills gap within the existing staff. For example, if an organization is implementing a new software system, it may need to supplement its staff with personnel with expertise in that particular software.

Whatever the reason, IT staff augmentation can be a helpful way to meet an organization’s needs. It can provide flexibility and allow an organization to respond quickly to changes in demand. It can also help reduce costs by allowing an organization to use highly skilled workers on a part-time or project basis rather than hiring them full-time.

In staff augmentation, a company hires and takes advantage of employees’ talent from an outside staffing firm that provides services to meet your company’s needs.  

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Looking to increase productivity and reduce costs? Staff augmentation could be ideal for you!

Types Of Staff Augmentation

While many IT staff augmentations are available, we can categorize them into three types. Here’s a quick rundown of each category:


These are staff augmentation tasks that freelance contractors can easily and quickly handle. A quick search for a freelancer will turn up dozens of qualified candidates within minutes. There is no interview process to find the perfect person for the job. If you have one-time projects and need someone on your team to complete them, commodity staff augmentation is perfect.


Non-commodity IT staff augmentation tasks are more in-depth and require skills or knowledge that are hard to find. If you’re looking for a specialized skill set, such as someone who knows how to design websites, you’ll probably have to conduct an extensive search, even if it means hiring someone full-time.


Skill-based staffing is used when a business needs to fill an open position with a skill set it doesn’t currently have on its payroll. There are often high barriers to entry for these positions because these skills are hard to find, so staffing agencies may require potential employees to take tests or prove their qualifications before being considered.

Highly Skilled:

High-skilled staff augmentation falls into short-term and long-term categories. Short-term is what it sounds like, workers who come in for short periods (often weeks) while your regular team takes a vacation. Long-term hires typically stay on your payroll full-time, but you cannot handle 100% of their workload. They work as support while your regular team handles the heavier stuff.

Different Types of Staff Augmentation Models 

Staff Augmentation models can increase productivity and efficiency while providing access to skilled professionals who can help a company achieve its goals. Companies can improve their bottom line with the right model while successfully managing projects.

Staff Augmentation Models are divided into four main categories: Dedicated Team, Time and Materials, Project-Based Outsourcing, and Managed Services.

The Dedicated Team Model

It is the most commonly used Staff Augmentation Model. This model involves hiring a team of dedicated professionals to provide specialized skills and expertise to a company. This team is then managed as part of the internal team, with all resources and expertise provided by dedicated professionals.

The Time and Materials Model

It involves engaging an external service provider hourly to supplement a company’s in-house staff. The service provider typically provides the necessary infrastructure and professional services to accomplish the project.

The Project-Based Outsourcing model

It involves having a service provider manage and execute the entire scope of a project from start to finish. This typically includes designing, developing, testing, and deploying the project. The service provider manages all aspects of the project life cycle and can provide specialized resources as needed.

Managed Services

It is a Staff Augmentation model where the service provider provides managed services such as hosting, maintenance, and support to a company. This arrangement allows companies to focus on their core business activities without worrying about managing and executing IT projects themselves.

No matter which type of Staff Augmentation Model is used, it is important to ensure that the chosen service provider is reliable and provides quality service. It is also essential to have a well-defined agreement in place that outlines the terms and conditions of the partnership, as well as any other key details.  

With the right model in place, companies can reap the benefits of staff augmentation without sacrificing quality or efficiency.

Ultimately, one should select a suitable Staff Augmentation model based on the needs of the company and its budget. By selecting a reliable service provider, combined with a well-defined agreement, companies can ensure that they can maximize resources and achieve their goals.


Helpful Resource: Top 20 IT Staff Augmentation Service Companies

Why Should You Hire An External Support Team?

Rely on an external support team for your IT needs when you need a more consistent and personalized level of service. When staff augmentation is in place, your company will be more productive because it’s free from responsibilities that take up valuable time and energy.

These Augmentation Services come in many flavors, but their commitment to the customer is their common denominator.

You can hire either onsite or remote employees. Both have advantages and disadvantages, depending on your business needs.

Onsite Staff Augmentation 

Onsite staff augmentation means working with IT support professionals in your company’s office space. It gives them a direct line of sight into what’s happening with your network and your technology infrastructure to address the issues quickly and immediately.

Onsite staff augmentation is more expensive, but it gives you direct access to your support professionals. You can also choose when and how you would like their assistance.

Remote Staff Augmentation

Remote staff augmentation means they work from another location outside of your office space, usually at home or in a co-working facility.

With remote staff augmentation, software outsourcing services are cheaper overall because there is no cost associated with office space or equipment that a contractor must use. However, these workers often require more oversight because they aren’t sitting in front of your company’s network daily.

How Do IT Staff Augmentation Services work?

There are a number of ways that IT staff augmentation services work. Typically, these services provide IT professionals to organizations on a contract basis. This can be done in a number of ways, including:

  • Providing IT professionals to fill specific roles within an organization on a short-term or long-term basis
  • Providing IT support on an as-needed basis
  • Offering managed IT services to supplement an organization’s existing IT staff

IT staff augmentation services can be customized to meet an organization’s specific needs. For example, an organization may need help with a specific project or application. In this case, the staff augmentation provider would supply the necessary personnel to get the job done. 

Alternatively, an organization may need ongoing support for its IT infrastructure. In this case, the staff augmentation provider would offer managed IT services to supplement the organization’s existing staff.

Let's Discuss Your Project

Looking to increase productivity and reduce costs? Staff augmentation could be ideal for you!

When To Opt For IT Staff Augmentation Services?

There are certain situations when opting for IT staff augmentation services makes sense. If your in-house team is already stretched thin and you’re facing an upcoming project with a tight deadline, augmenting your staff with outside help can be a lifesaver.

Another reason to consider staff augmentation is if you need expertise that isn’t available in-house. For example, if you’re planning a major website redesign, you may need to bring in a user experience (UX) expert or someone with specific design skills.

Finally, staff augmentation can be a cost-effective way to maintain a high level of quality control. If you’re working on a critical project, augmenting your staff with additional quality assurance (QA) resources can help reduce the risk of errors and ensure a successful outcome.

When deciding whether to augment your staff, it’s important to consider the cost and timeline of the project, as well as the skills and experience of your in-house team. You may contact a reputable IT staffing firm for advice if you’re unsure whether staff augmentation is right for your project.

IT Staff Augmentation

Let's Discuss Your Project

Looking to increase productivity and reduce costs? Staff augmentation could be ideal for you!

Know The Advantages of IT Staff Augmentation Services

There are many advantages to IT staff augmentation services. By utilizing these services, businesses can effectively and efficiently manage their technology needs while reducing costs. Here are some of the key advantages: 

Access to a Wider Pool of Talent

When you partner with an IT staff augmentation firm, you will have access to a much wider pool of talent than you would if you were to try and hire internally. This is because these firms have established relationships with many different IT professionals, making it easier for them to find the right fit for your needs. 


One of the main advantages of Staff Augmentation Services is that they offer businesses flexibility. Businesses can scale their IT workforce up or down depending on their current needs. This is a major benefit for businesses that may not have the budget to hire full-time staff or may only need additional help on a project-by-project basis. 

Cost savings

Utilizing staff augmentation services can also help businesses save money. When you partner with an IT staff augmentation firm, you will only pay for your needed services. This is a cost-effective solution for businesses that do not need a full-time IT staff member but still require occasional assistance. 


When you utilize staff augmentation services, you can be sure that you are getting expert assistance. The IT professionals who work for these firms are highly skilled and have a wealth of experience. This means that they can provide your business with the best possible service. 

Improved Productivity

Businesses can improve their productivity by utilizing staff augmentation services. These services can help businesses free up time and resources that would otherwise be spent on managing their IT needs. This allows businesses to focus on their core competencies and goals, which can lead to improved overall performance. 

IT Staff augmentation services can offer businesses several advantages. These services can help businesses save money, improve productivity, and gain access to a wider talent pool. If you require assistance with your IT needs, consider partnering with a staff augmentation firm.

Pros & Cons

What If Your Company Already Has A Strong In-house Technology Department?

If your company already has a strong in-house technology department, there is still good reason to hire an outsourcing provider. IT Staff Augmentation covers the unique skill sets required for specific projects or tasks. Still, it can’t be supported by an in-house IT team due to technical or logistical limitations.

When staffing increases during peak periods, you may need temporary staff to augment the existing team. Outsourcing providers allow your organization to utilize this increased availability with little overhead.

IT staff augmentation companies can provide you with highly skilled & experienced resources who know how to work with your systems and processes. Additionally, they can be contracted to bring on temporary staff when a significant workload increases. This gives you an agile technology team uniquely qualified to tackle projects of all sizes and scopes and allows you to concentrate on running your staff augmentation development company.

Also Read: A Complete Guide To IT Staff Augmentation Services

IT Staff Augmentation Services By ValueCoders

Staff augmentation is a business strategy that involves hiring outside personnel to supplement your existing workforce. This can effectively get your needed skills and expertise without increasing your headcount or breaking the bank.

ValueCoders is a leading provider of IT staff augmentation services. We have a group of knowledgeable experts who can assist you with a range of projects, from the creation of websites to the testing of applications. Additionally, we provide a selection of adaptable engagement models that may be tailored to your unique requirements and spending plan. To fulfil the demands of our clients, we provide a comprehensive range of IT staff augmentation services.

These services include:

  1. Technical Support

We provide technical support to our clients on various issues, including hardware and software problems, network connectivity issues, and email and web hosting problems. The company also offers 24/7 telephone support to its clients.

  1. Training and Development

We offer training and development services to our clients on various topics, including web development, Offshore Software Development, and project management. The company also offers a variety of online courses to its clients.

  1. Consulting Services

We provide consulting services to our clients on various topics, including business process outsourcing, application development, and e-commerce. The company also offers a variety of online tools and resources to its clients.

  1. Staffing Solutions

We provide staffing solutions to our clients on a temporary, permanent, or contract basis. The company also offers a variety of online tools and resources to its clients.

  1. Project Management:

We provide project management services to our clients on various topics, including web/mobile app development, software development, and e-commerce. The company also offers a variety of online tools and resources to its clients.

Which Business Functions Will You Outsource?

When outsourcing IT functions, it is important to start with the tasks that will have the least impact on your current staff’s workload. But what if you need help from outside companies to understand which IT services are best for your company? Consider asking for a free consultation from ValueCoders Consultants.

Determine which IT Staff Augmentation solutions will have minimal impact on your current staffing. Look at projects that don’t need to complete immediately or tasks that can be delayed. Your outsourcing provider should have no trouble helping you identify and prioritize which applications you should handle internally vs. which ones you should outsource.

The distinction is easier when your company only has a few IT personnel, and there aren’t any pressing needs for new software or hardware. For example, outsourcing services make sense if your business doesn’t need video conferencing equipment until your needs change and expand.

Next is to make sure you always have an outside contractor to fall back on. This allows you to keep things under control in your business and take advantage of outsourcing when it makes sense for your company.

For example, if you need help installing a new database management system, you can contact an IT Staff Augmentation provider for assistance. Afterward, go back to handling database management internally by leveraging a remote cloud database server from Amazon Web Services (AWS).

Be sure to research your options carefully and find an IT staff augmentation provider that you feel confident in. Each outsourcing agreement is unique, but all of them should offer a contract where you have complete control over when your company is on call for support and what happens when that time comes. 


IT Staff Augmentation helps companies reduce operational costs and enhance core competencies. Companies must outsource their IT requirements to reduce operating costs and enhance core competencies. They must thoroughly understand how it works and choose the right service provider before outsourcing any part of their business operations to save operational costs.

If you’re looking for an IT Staff Augmentation provider to support your business now and in the future, ValueCoders may be a good fit. We have assisted enterprises, startups, and SMEs with their digital transformation for over a decade.

The post What Is Staff Augmentation & How Does It Works? A Complete Guide appeared first on ValueCoders | Unlocking the Power of Technology: Discover the Latest Insights and Trends.

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Outsourcing vs Hiring In-House Teams: Modern Scenario Tue, 21 Jun 2022 11:53:26 +0000 The trend of outsourcing has been on the rise for many years and continues to be popular among organizations. The...

The post Outsourcing vs Hiring In-House Teams: Modern Scenario appeared first on ValueCoders | Unlocking the Power of Technology: Discover the Latest Insights and Trends.

The trend of outsourcing has been on the rise for many years and continues to be popular among organizations. The decision between in-house development or offshore outsourcing can often cause difficulties when choosing an option that will work best for business needs.

Some critical factors need consideration, such as budgeting constraints and ideas about talent acquisition, which can help make a better decision for choosing between Offshore Outsourcing vs. Hiring In-House Teams.

Are You Aware Of?

  • 78% of businesses worldwide feel buoyant about outsourcing partners. (Fortunly)
  • The chief reason for outsourcing (70%) is expenditure reduction. (CapitalCounselor)
  • By 2025, global offshore IT outsourcing will be worth $397.6 billion.
  • Around 51% of small businesses prefer hiring new employees means building an in-house team. (TheManifest)

Read on to know more about offshore outsourcing vs. hiring in-house teams!

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In-House Teams

In-house teams are often more efficient and can help your business maintain a strong sense of culture. However, in-house teams are typically less flexible and take longer to start.

On top of that, you’ll need to spend time training employees before they become productive team members. If you hire an in-house team, it’s important to ensure everyone on your team has a defined role and is working towards a common goal.

Advantages Of Hiring In-House Teams

Benefits of In-House Teams

The advantages of hiring an in-house team are numerous; some of them are described below. Moreover, seeing the advantages, you can easily decide to Hire Software Developers for your company.

Also Read: Offshoring Vs Outsourcing – Differences And Comparison

Full Control

With an in-house team, you have full control over what they do and how they do it. You can set rules and standards and confirm that your employees are doing their job according to them.

This way, you don’t have to worry about whether or not they will be able to complete a project on time or if they will meet your expectations.

With an in-house team, you can also choose who works with you and who doesn’t. If one of your employees isn’t performing well or isn’t a good fit for your company culture, then you can let them go without worrying about whether or not someone else will be able to pick up where they left off.

Better Quality

When you hire an in-house team, you can be sure they will provide a better quality of work than if you hired someone from an outsourcing company. The employees at an outsourcing company are usually independent contractors who work on several projects at once.

It means they may not always be able to give your project their full attention or may even lose interest in it altogether before they finish it.

With an in-house team, your employees will be dedicated to working on only one project at a time and will be more motivated to do a good job because they’ll know that their performance will directly affect how much you’re willing to pay them.

So, in this case, the Offshore Outsourcing vs. Hiring In-House Teams battle winner is In-House Teams.


Work Immediately

If you hire an in-house team, they will be able to start working on your project immediately. It means you won’t have to wait weeks or months before seeing any results. You can also work with them more closely and give them feedback as they’re working on your project so that they can adjust their approach accordingly.

If you hire an outsourcing company, it may take several weeks or even months before you get started because of all of the paperwork involved in hiring a new employee.

In-Depth Understanding

When you hire an in-house team, they will better understand your business and what you’re trying to accomplish with it. This means that they will be able to provide more detailed feedback on your project and will be able to suggest ways to improve it.

When you hire an outsourcing company, however, their only concern will be completing your project as quickly as possible so they can move on to other clients.

They won’t necessarily care about whether or not it’s a good fit for your business or if there are many ways that they can improve it. Many people think hiring an in-house team is better than hiring an outsourcing company because of all these advantages.

Disadvantages of Hiring In-House Teams

The disadvantages of hiring an in-house team are also many, some of which are given below.

Great Expenses

Hiring an in-house team can be very expensive. You will have to pay them a high salary, which will cut your profits. There are also other expenses, such as office space and equipment. When you hire an in-house team, you need to assure that they have all of their equipment and that it’s up to date.

If not, you may need to purchase new equipment so that they can do their jobs effectively. It’s also important to consider whether or not you can provide them with a private office space where they can work without distraction from others.

Absence Issues

If you hire an in-house team, you need to consider that they will likely have a lot of absences. You need to be sure that their lack won’t impact your business.

You may want to hire a temp or another freelancer to fill in for them when they are absent. It’s also important to remember that many people who work from home often work from home because they don’t like working with others.


If you hire an in-house team, you need to consider that getting them up to speed will take time. You may have to train them and show them how to do their jobs. It can be difficult for new employees who don’t know your business well enough to do their jobs effectively.

You also need to consider that it will take time for you and your employees to work together to be on the same page. If you cannot spend a lot of time with your employees, they may not be able to perform their best or even at all.

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Offshore Outsourcing

Offshore outsourcing has been a hot topic of conversation over recent years, and it’s not hard to see why. While some people are concerned about sending jobs overseas, there are many benefits to working with an offshore team that you can’t get when you hire in-house.

Working with a remote team saves you money on office space and overhead costs while allowing your business to grow quickly without sacrificing quality. And as a business owner, it’s important to remember that not all work can be done by employees who work out of your physical location.

If you want to keep growing your business but don’t have room in your budget for more full-time staff members, offshore outsourcing might be right for you, so, at this point in Offshore Outsourcing vs. Hiring In-House Teams battle, Offshore Outsourcing is a clear winner.

Also Read: India Is Top IT Outsourcing Destination! Everything You Must Know To Outsource To India

Advantages Of Offshore Outsourcing

Benefits of Offshoring

If I talk about offshore outsourcing advantages, there are plenty. Knowing these in detail, you can decide whether it is suitable for your business and decide whether to connect with Dedicated Offshore Development Center or not.

Access to Experts

With an offshore outsourcing company, you can hire experts from all over the world. By hiring an expert from another country, you’ll have access to a much larger talent pool than if you were only hiring locally.

The best part about it is that since they are so far away, they are often willing to work at a lower rate than someone in your area. It means you can get better quality work at a lower price.

Economic Efficiency

Another advantage of outsourcing your work to an offshore company is that you can save money. Since they are located in a different country, their labor costs will be much lower than if you were to hire someone locally.

For example, if you’re trying to find a web designer in your area, they will likely charge at least $50 per hour for their services.

Competitive Advantage

When you outsource your work to an offshore company, you can gain a competitive advantage over your competitors. It is because they can offer lower prices than you would be able to offer if you were hiring locally. By offering lower prices, they will get more customers and, in turn, make more money.

However, even though they make more money, their labor costs will still be much lower than yours. It means they’ll have a higher profit margin than you and therefore be able to undercut your prices and steal away some of your customers.

It’s essential to remember that while outsourcing can give you a competitive advantage over your competitors, it can also put them at an advantage over you.

Faster Turnaround Time

When you outsource your work to an offshore company, you’ll be able to get your work done much faster than if you were to do it in-house. This is because they have a larger workforce and more resources.

For example, if you need something done within a week, there’s a good chance that they can finish it in less time. However, if you hire developers locally, there’s a good chance that it would take a longer time to complete a project.

Also Read: Offshore Resource Hiring-E-Guide

Disadvantages Of Offshore Outsourcing

Here are some of the main disadvantages of offshore outsourcing:

Time Zone Differences

When you hire an offshore team, there will be a time difference between your location and theirs. It can cause problems with communication, as well as make it difficult to manage tasks.

For example, if you have a task that needs to be completed at 8 AM your time, but they’re located in India, and it’s 2 AM their time, then you’ll need to wait several hours before you can discuss or review anything. It can lead to delays in productivity and ultimately a loss of revenue for your business.

Communication and Language Issues

Because you’re working with a team that doesn’t speak your language, it can be difficult to communicate effectively. It can cause miscommunication and delays in productivity. It can also make managing tasks more difficult.

For example, if you want something done by a certain time, but they don’t understand what by a certain time means, then there could be delays in getting things done on time.

This will affect your business in terms of revenue or productivity. And because you aren’t communicating face to face with them, it may be challenging to read their body language or understand their tone of voice over email or phone calls.

Geopolitical Unrest

If you’re outsourcing to a country experiencing political unrest, then there could be problems with your business. For example, if you outsource to China and there’s a major political upheaval, your team may be unable to work or get paid. It can lead to delays in productivity and revenue loss.

Offshore software development companies are also vulnerable to natural disasters like earthquakes and tsunamis. If one occurs in their area, they won’t be able to work or get paid. It can lead to delays in productivity and revenue loss.

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Also Read: Setting up a Dedicated Offshore Development Center: The Basic Principles

Offshore Outsourcing vs. Hiring In-House Teams

Offshoring vs In-House Team

Things To Consider Before Choosing Offshoring Outsourcing and In-House Teams

Now that we’ve looked at the offshore outsourcing vs. hiring in-house teams comparison table, here are some parameters you should compare while deciding on choosing between the two Offshore Outsourcing vs. Hiring In-House:

1. Quality Work

Offshore outsourcing firms usually deliver high-quality work. This is because they have a team of experts in their field. They also have the latest tools and resources to complete the work quickly and efficiently. So if you want to get your work done quickly, hire a Software Outsourced Product Development Company.

On the other hand, in-house teams may not be as efficient or knowledgeable as offshore outsourcing firms. This is because they’re not working in their area of expertise. And they may not have the latest tools and resources.

2. Cost-Effective

Offshore outsourcing is usually more cost-effective than hiring an in-house team. This is because you don’t have to pay for overhead costs or benefits. You also don’t have to worry about training them or managing them.

In-house teams can be costly because you have to pay for their overhead costs, benefits, and training. You also have to manage them, which can be time-consuming.

3. Flexibility

Offshore outsourcing firms are usually more flexible than in-house teams. This is because they can scale up or down quickly, depending on your needs. They can also work around your schedule.

In-house teams may not be as flexible because they’re limited to the number of people you have on staff. And they may not be able to work around your schedule.

4. Industry Knowledge

Offshore outsourcing firms usually have a lot of industry knowledge. This is because they have a team of experts familiar with your industry. They also keep up with the latest trends so they can offer you the best possible solution.

In-house teams may not have as much industry knowledge because they’re not working in their area of expertise. And they may not be familiar with the latest trends.

5. Cultural and Social Differences

There can be cultural and social differences when offshore outsourcing. It is because the team you’re working with is in a different country. They may have different values and beliefs than you do. It can lead to miscommunication and misunderstandings.

It is not an issue when you hire an in-house team because they’re in the same country as you are. You share the same values and beliefs. It can help to avoid miscommunication and misunderstandings.

So, these are some things you should consider when deciding between offshore outsourcing vs. hiring in-house teams.

Also Read: Offshore Vs Nearshore Outsourcing: A Detailed Comparision


Making a final decision for Offshore Outsourcing vs. Hiring In-House Teams entirely depends on the specific needs of your business. Outsource Software Product Development Company may be the best option if you need a high-quality, cost-effective, and flexible solution. But if you need a team with cultural understanding, then hiring an in-house team may be the better choice.

Moreover, in my opinion, you should pick the offshore outsourcing option as it comes with a plethora of benefits that an in-house team can’t provide. It is an excellent option to save on costs and get the job done quickly and efficiently.

What do you think? Let me know in the comments below!

The post Outsourcing vs Hiring In-House Teams: Modern Scenario appeared first on ValueCoders | Unlocking the Power of Technology: Discover the Latest Insights and Trends.

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Why Outsourcing is Important For Startup Product Development? Mon, 28 Sep 2020 09:22:36 +0000 In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, most tech startups, in fact, enterprises have drifted away from developing new software...

The post Why Outsourcing is Important For Startup Product Development? appeared first on ValueCoders | Unlocking the Power of Technology: Discover the Latest Insights and Trends.

In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, most tech startups, in fact, enterprises have drifted away from developing new software products in-house. But is it right to stop growth in the face of a disaster such as this?

Make no mistake, the novel coronavirus is as big as a problem as it gets. But the world will eventually come out of it. At that time, would you want your startup to take its time to freshen up and understand the needs of the market? Or would you want to start preparing a great software product so you’re ready when the market needs it most?

I’m pretty sure your choice would be the latter, but most businesses have their hands tied. They’re unable to operate due to lockdowns, disruption in supply chains, unavailability of staff, and out of myriad problems created by COVID-19. Yet, there are few businesses that are fortunately working as smooth as ever, especially in the software outsourcing sector.

So if a business (maybe yours) is unable to work on an in-house software project due to COVID-19, is it a wise choice to outsource it to an offshore software development company? Why outsourcing is important? What are the benefits of outsourcing a software development project?

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Say, if you’re a tech startup in desperate need to capitalize on an opportunity and establish a market presence, then:

1- This isn’t the best time to run your business.

2- Once we’re done with COVID-19, the state of the market at the time will present unprecedented opportunities that startups could capitalize on.

But at the same time, your startup could be competing with 100s of established enterprises looking to capitalize on the same opportunities.

Is there something you could to have an edge over potential competitors in such a scenario? Product Development Outsourcing could be the masterstroke for a competitive advantage in the long-run. Here’s why.

outsourcing product development

As you may know, there are multiple options available in the market to build functional software products. However, when it comes to startups, there’s a conventional line of thought which says that the benefits of outsourcing are for enterprises only.

But you can certainly outsource product development as a startup and this is important to your business as well, especially in this pandemic situation. 

Benefits of Outsourcing

There are multiple benefits of outsourcing IT and software development services. let’s start with cost.


Managing a budget is a big challenge for startups. However, outsourcing helps a lot to do it right.

In fact, according to a research, 87% of US companies outsource product development to save cost. 

Outsourcing provides a global talent pool at a low cost. You hire a backend developer (in-house) at  98000 USD/year and it comes down to 22000 USD/year when you outsource.

The risk is lesser

In the case of new products whose market is yet to be tested, outsourcing plays an important role in mitigating the risks of trying out something new.

Since the outsourced teams work on flexible models the risks are definitely lower.

It’s Faster

Outsourcing the development helps in faster development with the Agile model and helps in tremendously reducing the time to market.

9% PEOPLE GLOBALLY outsource only to fasten their process.

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Technical Expertise

You may be new to the market. That’s not an issue until you have technical expertise with you. If you already have that, then it’s good, however, if you don’t- then it is better to outsource.

15% PEOPLE GLOBALLY outsource to access expertise

Free up time and more focus

For startups, investing time into high priority things is very important. One of the greatest benefits of outsourcing is that you free up your time for other important things. This helps a lot.  This image will show you some other reasons why is outsourcing important:

Why is outsourcing important

You can also check this list from about successful startups that leveraged the benefits of outsourcing successfully.

key steps for your startup to effectively outsource product development

Choose the Right Vendor

Choosing the right vendor for outsourcing application development is a must. An outsourcing company with expertise in the required development skills will surely be helpful. Picking up freelancers is definitely not advisable, as they cannot be relied upon, for taking up product ownership.

One of the important points to consider while selecting a vendor for outsourcing development is the flexibility of hiring models.

This helps the startup choose a hiring plan that will optimize the costs of outsourcing in accordance with the development requirements.

It is also important to evaluate the portfolio of the hiring vendor to understand the level of specialization in different business verticals.

Defining The Scope Of The Project

The second most important step in outsourcing your product development is to define the scope of the project. First, you need to convert the business idea into a business plan and then put down what all you need from a successful product. Defining the technology with which you wish to develop your product is another crucial decision. This also helps in defining the skill levels of the teams you wish to hire.

Once the scope of the project is defined and the vendor for product development has been chosen, the service level agreement with the vendor can be created.

This helps in ensuring that the outsourced teams are working according to the plan of action.

The outsourced teams must be clearly communicated about the expectations and the milestones. This helps in developing mutually beneficial relationships with the outsourcing partner.

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Keeping in touch with the outsourcing partner on a regular basis and reviewing project work in progress on a constant basis is important. This is helpful in improving project productivity levels. Motivating remote teams with incentives and appreciation is helpful in getting better business results.

Overall, a continuous communication helps you to finish tasks smoothly.

Wrapping Up

Looking to outsource your startup project? Here are some key benefits of outsourcing you software development needs to ValueCoders:

  1. Flexible hiring models
  2. Advanced technical project consultation
  3. Agile methodology and timely project delivery

ValueCoders( a leading software development company in India)provides expert agile teams for all kinds of startup site and application development. We have teams across all our departments, all 350 of them working remotely to assist all your software development outsourcing requirements.

We know these times are rough, but our entire team is working through it. And we are doing it for small businesses, startups, and enterprises like yours; so everyone could come out safely this pandemic, together!


Planning to Outsource Software Development Servires 1

The post Why Outsourcing is Important For Startup Product Development? appeared first on ValueCoders | Unlocking the Power of Technology: Discover the Latest Insights and Trends.

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Present and Future of IT Outsourcing Wed, 18 Sep 2019 13:03:17 +0000 Do you know 50 million businesses are given birth every year? You will be shocked to know that approximately 50%...

The post Present and Future of IT Outsourcing appeared first on ValueCoders | Unlocking the Power of Technology: Discover the Latest Insights and Trends.

Do you know 50 million businesses are given birth every year? You will be shocked to know that approximately 50% of small businesses fail within the first five years of their business. This clearly shows a loophole in the business process. 

Now that we will be soon dealing with the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic, we will probably see more businesses dying. The economic impacts of the novel coronavirus will create a graveyard of failed startups, small-scale businesses, and even a few large-scale enterprises. How will your business prevent itself from making a place in this graveyard?

Here the need to optimize the business process arises. The prime weapon applied to achieve such optimization is IT services. This has given a major boost to the IT outsourcing sector.

According to research by Technavio, the rising need to optimize business processes will be the key driver for the IT outsourcing market. It is estimated that during 2019-2023, the IT outsourcing market will grow at a CAGR of 4.42%.  

Undoubtedly this growth is contributing towards revolutionizing the way industries operate. Are you coping up with these changes successfully? Today is the age of moving ahead of time to survive in the cutthroat competition.   

Even if you are incorporating the latest tech trends including machine learning, IoT, artificial intelligence and many more in your business processes, it is not enough. You need to find a way to achieve perfection at a minimal cost.

For this purpose, IT outsourcing companies are being hired by businesses all around the globe. There are various benefits that a smart business person can reap by hiring an efficient software outsourcing firm

Benefits of IT Outsourcing

Save infrastructural cost

If you hire software developers, your investment in giving them the right infrastructure to develop your software will get saved.

Save the cost of in-house software developers

Every business is not required to hire developers full-time in their office. Hiring full-time employees add to the cost even if there is no need for software developers. 

IT outsourcing services

Enhanced efficiency

When you hire software developers who have extensive experience in your niche, you will never face any issue of low-quality outcomes. 

No time boundary

Your hired software developers in the outsourcing company will work even when you will be off for the day. 

Focus on Core process

If you will get your projects outsourced, your energies will be free to use somewhere else which cannot be outsourced from anywhere. It gives you time to invest in core areas like branding.  

These benefits of IT outsourcing are the reasons why a huge investment is done every year in these services. It is estimated by Statista this year, the spending on IT services will reach 1, 088 billion U.S. dollars. 

IT services spending 2019

The present-day market scenario of the IT outsourcing industry is equivalent to perfection. It can offer you ample benefits to revive or sustain your business processes. But this industry is dynamic which expects the businesspersons to walk along with the changes it witnesses.

The future is uncertain but here is an attempt to find out the top trend that will be prevailing in the IT outsourcing industry. These changes are mainly directed by technological advancements which are enhancing tremendously.

Top future trends of IT outsourcing

  1. Increase in automation outsourcing
  2. Need for more specialization
  3. Cloud sourcing
  4. Increase in AR/VR service needs
  5. Introduction to new business models
  6. Less attention on cost
  7. Demand for cybersecurity and compliance
  8. Rise of New outsourcing destinations

IT outsourcing Trends #1: Increase in automation outsourcing 

Automation has made human lifestyle highly convenient. In contemporary times, automation is embraced in all major arenas from enterprises to homes. Technologies like Artificial intelligence and robotic process automation are in great demand these days.

The market for artificial intelligence is predicted to reach US$ 190.61 billion by 2025. The huge investment has created the need for artificial intelligence project developments. The overall demand for AI experts, data scientists, and big data analysts are rising at exponential rates every year.   

business process optimization

IT outsourcing Trends #2: Need for more specialization

Gone are those days when the software was created just to take your business online or to make it compatible with the latest industry happenings. Today, businesses are getting dependent on their applications for core processes

For this, they require Custom Software Solutions according to their individual demands. The skills of developers have become an important factor in choosing an IT outsourcing company. It is assumed that in future the requirement for polished skills will increase.

Businesses have forgotten to compromise with quality. The need for personalization of services and products have motivated developers at varied locations to improve their skills, communication and innovation power. 

Here is a tabular representation of the skill rating of developers in different outsourcing destinations. 

Top IT Outsourcing countries
HackerRank and TopCoder are the two rating organizations that have ranked the skills of developers at different IT outsourcing destinations. Businesses are choosing the destinations with the most skilled developers irrespective of the geographical boundaries. 

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IT outsourcing Trends #3: Cloud sourcing

Enterprises are transforming digitally which has resulted in greater public cloud adoption. By 2020, 83% of workloads of enterprises will be on the cloud according to the finding of the LogicMonitor’s Cloud Vision 2020: The Future of the Cloud Study.

In their findings, it was concluded that AI and ML will be the greatest catalyst in increasing cloud computing adoption by 2020.  This will require IT outsourcing service providers to develop more online data centers and equipment.

With cloud computing, the security issue will increase. 66% of IT professionals think that security will be the primary concern while adopting cloud computing. Ultimately, expert knowledge of professionals working in IT outsourcing companies will be considered to save businesses from the loss caused by possible data breaches. 

Importance of AI and ML

IT outsourcing Trends #4: Increase in AR/VR service needs 

Overall AR/VR headsets sales to reach worth US dollars 9.7 billion by 2020. The not-so-old technology has allured customers of all sizes. Businesses in all industry domains, from healthcare to e-commerce are incorporating these technologies to add another reality to their products.

According to a survey, 73% of mobile AR users are satisfied or highly satisfied with their experiences. This paves a safe and healthy future for these technologies. In future businesses are going to invest in AR and VR projects incredibly. 

These technologies have boosted online shopping experiences, social networking sites, entertainment apps. There was still a lot of potential to be explored. Small businesses are turning up these technologies to offer something unique to their customers. 


IT outsourcing Trends #5: Introduction to new business models

IT Outsourcing business models

Ideas have become the essence of software industries. If you have an idea of getting a custom app developed, it will solve half of your problem. This is why in future businesses will shift to business models that will safeguard their idea. 

New business models in the IT outsourcing industry will be based on outcomes rather than outputs.  Do you know the difference between the two? The output is the result of the organization’s activities and the outcome is the level of success achieved by these activities. 

This will increase the pressure to deliver impeccable results to the software developers. The future models will also be witnessing contracts wherein the risk and responsibility will be shared among businesses and the IT outsourcing partner. 

IT outsourcing Trends #6: Less attention on cost

As I have written that business models will be more focussed on quality rather than the mere completion of work. Along with this shift, the focus from cost has also shifted. Businesses will no longer run behind the lowest cost quotation by software developers. 

Although we cannot deny that a true businessperson will always focus on cutting their expenditures. But the value delivered has taken the place of primary concern. An ideal IT outsourcing company will be the one with skilled labors and outstanding outcomes at the least cost. 

Here is the cost of developers and QA in different popular IT outsourcing destinations. 

Cost of developers in Top IT Outsourcing countries

Along with this, you can match the skill ratings of the app developers in different locations. The quality-price match can be an ideal choice for any business developer. For example, India is a destination with low-cost developers and placed at a considerably good rank among different destinations. Such combinations are in high-preference for developers. 

IT outsourcing Trends #7: Demand for cybersecurity and compliance

When it comes to the industry of information technology, security becomes a primary area of concern. Since its inception, this industry has been facing threats and thefts. When top-notch companies like Facebook witness such security issues, it brings fears into the SMEs and startups as well.

This has raised awareness among businesses which has turned into a demand. Companies demand that high-end security measures should be taken while developing an application for their business.  

Cyber attack preperation

One of my friends started a startup for an e-commerce store. He was not well-informed about the security checklist that should have been followed by his hired web developers. Once he got his web app developed, he faced issues in the payment gateway. The sensitive data like card details of customers who were logged into his e-commerce site started getting leaked. 

This is a very small experience that I have witnessed very closely. A business can face a lot of such issues when it comes to security. This is why 66% of IT professionals think that security will be the primary concern while adopting cloud computing. 

Cyber Security

The data encryption still has a long way to go. Cybercriminals have not and still not leaving any stone unturned in attacking the sensitive data.  IoT devices are at the most vulnerable position when it comes to cyber-attacks.

According to a report by Spiceworks, only 36% of IT professionals are confident in their ability to respond to cyber-attacks. This is quite scary! If the IT professionals are unsure then who are we relying on the safety of our data onto! 

Undoubtedly, in the future, the demand for optimum security from IT outsourcing companies will be on a rising spree.  In order to survive in the competition, it will become a necessity for IT outsourcing companies to provide highly secure applications. 

IT outsourcing Trends #8: Rise of New outsourcing destinations

The major destinations for IT outsourcing are located in Eastern Europe, South America and Asia pacific. These are the top destinations mentioned in the table below.

Top IT Outsourcing Destinations

These locations have the largest share of global outsourcing revenue. Today India and China are the leading destinations among these fourteen locations. The export of the IT industry of India in 2019 is expected to reach 135-137 billion US dollars.

But it is being speculated that in future years central and eastern European countries will provide stiff competition to China and India. As of now, according to a Deloitte survey, 59% of the respondents are already outsourcing their custom software development services from India. Here is the complete graph of their findings:

Companies outsourcing software development services

Although, in my opinion, India will continue to lead the IT outsourcing destinations with maximum projects. Few reasons for the same are:


  • Supportive policies by the Indian government for IT companies: Every year, the government of India provides schemes for the fiscal benefit of IT companies. Moreover, it has also recognized IT as of the 12 champion service sector. 


  • Indian companies follow international quality standards: Some of these standards are the International Standards Organization (ISO 9000), Six Sigma Quality Certification, Total Quality Management (TQM), etc.


  • The abundance of developers: According to Statista, India has the second-largest number of Android developers in the world. 


Mobile app development costs worldwide

  • Moreover, India has the most hardworking force: In a survey, 69% of the Indians expressed satisfaction in working for 6 days a week. It is a strategically right decision to invest in mobile app developers in India in 2020. It can be summed up that India will emerge as an even more flourishing IT outsourcing destination for businesses all over the globe. 

Wrapping Up

These top future trends of IT outsourcing promises a bright future not only for top-notch brands but also for startups and SMEs. The COIVD-19 outbreak is making it more difficult than ever for businesses to operate and develop software products in-house. Undoubtedly, this is the golden time for businesses to avail of the benefits of IT outsourcing.

The need for innovation has kept businesses as well as IT outsourcing companies at toes for a decade. After reading the top future trends of the IT outsourcing industry, I am sure you would be imagining ways to explore the opportunities for your business. 

I hope all your confusions regarding outsourcing software developers in India have settled down by now. If you have something to share about the IT outsourcing market then you are welcome to write to me in the comment section below. 

I welcome your reviews, suggestions, and appreciation. Let’s exchange our ideas and knowledge to have a better view of the present and future of the IT outsourcing industry! 



The post Present and Future of IT Outsourcing appeared first on ValueCoders | Unlocking the Power of Technology: Discover the Latest Insights and Trends.

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