Software outsourcing companies – ValueCoders | Unlocking the Power of Technology: Discover the Latest Insights and Trends Valuecoders Mon, 10 Apr 2023 11:30:06 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Software outsourcing companies – ValueCoders | Unlocking the Power of Technology: Discover the Latest Insights and Trends 32 32 5+ Reasons Your Company Should Opt For Software Development Outsourcing Mon, 06 Feb 2023 09:46:57 +0000 In today’s competitive era, staying ahead of the pack requires modern businesses to think outside the box.  By leveraging innovative...

The post 5+ Reasons Your Company Should Opt For Software Development Outsourcing appeared first on ValueCoders | Unlocking the Power of Technology: Discover the Latest Insights and Trends.

In today’s competitive era, staying ahead of the pack requires modern businesses to think outside the box. 

By leveraging innovative technological advancements and tapping into global expertise through software development and IT outsourcing, businesses can remain on top by accessing a diverse pool of talent from around the world.

Software Development Outsourcing 1

In 2023, businesses must consider two key strategies to maximize efficiency and lower costs i.e., Software Development Outsourcing and IT Outsourcing.

According to market research firm Statista, it is expected that the market for global software product development services is going to experience a surge of $270 billion from 2019 to 2027.

Another study by Deloitte showed that the global software development outsourcing market that was valued at $93 billion in 2020  is expected to reach a value of $110 billion by 2024.

The same report also revealed that North America and Europe are the two largest consumers of outsourcing services, accounting for more than 80% of the market share.

If your business is looking to leverage technology to scale the bottom line, outsourcing software development is the right way.

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5+ Reasons Why Companies Outsource

In 2023, the software development industry is estimated to be worth over $700 billion. This growth is driven by the increasing demand for digital products and services and the need for businesses to stay competitive in a rapidly evolving market. 

Reasons of Software Development Outsourcing

Hence, it is clear that software development outsourcing is going to be a huge landscape for cross-functional industries.

Software Development Outsourcing offers companies the flexibility to scale operations quickly and utilize cutting-edge technologies. This allows businesses to remain competitive in the global market and achieve desired results.

With outsourcing, companies can create a strategic plan for their software products without investing heavily in infrastructure and labor costs.

Here is a snapshot of some benefits that are explained further:

  • Increased competition
  • Access to new technologies and tools
  • Greater scalability
  • Faster time to market
  • Cost-effective solutions
  • Time zone advantage
  • Access to the talented pool of people

Get Access To A Larger Talent Pool


3124966When you outsource software product development, you can tap into a global talent pool that wouldn’t otherwise be available.

  • You can find the right professionals with the specific skillset needed for the job
  • You can also find developers who can work with different programming languages and technologies
  • You can quickly get the right people to work on your project that speeds up the MVP Development process

Also Read: Benefits Of MVP Development Approach In Product Development

Save Money

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With software development outsourcing, you don’t have to pay for the extra staff, equipment, and software that would typically be necessary to complete a project in-house. Furthermore, you can outsource the project to a provider specializing in the software development you need, ensuring the best outcome at a lower cost. 

By outsourcing the project, you can also benefit from economies of scale, as you can benefit from the provider’s existing infrastructure, tools, and processes. Therefore, if you are looking for a cost-effective way to develop software, outsourcing makes the best resource.

Furthermore, software development outsourcing is also a great way to access a larger talent pool due to its cost-effectiveness. By hiring an outsourcing company, you don’t have to pay for training and other related costs that come with hiring a permanent employee. This helps you save money while still getting access to the best possible talent. 

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Reduces Time

Reduce time

Outsourcing allows you to focus on the core business while experienced professionals work on developing your software product. This eliminates the need to hire dedicated resources for the process.

Furthermore, outsourcing allows access to an expanded array of specialized skills and know-how, potentially speeding up the creation cycle. Taking advantage of experts provides their insights and counsel, which could decrease the time allocated to development.

Outsourcing your software development needs can be a great boon for businesses. It allows them to save money and resources while reducing the time required to produce quality products.

Improves Quality

Software product development hinges on high quality and outsourcing this type of work to experienced professionals grants companies the capacity to ensure it. Skilled and knowledgeable experts are hired for the task, yielding superior results than could be accomplished in-house. In addition, utilizing outsourcing grants companies the benefit of access to up-to-date tools and technology, making the process more efficient and cost-effective.

It is also possible for companies to maintain quality standards over the long term by outsourcing software development. By working with a trusted software development partner, companies can be assured that their project will be managed in accordance with established standards and protocols. Additionally, companies can benefit from constant communication and feedback loops, enabling them to quickly resolve any issues that may arise during the project.

There are many reasons companies should outsource software development in 2023, and these are just a few. As a result, companies can access a larger pool of talent, save money and time, scale their businesses, reduce risk, and improve the quality of their software products.

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Lower The Risk

Software Product Development requires the implementation of risk management. Design errors, technical difficulties, and non-compliance issues are potential hazards in the process. By outsourcing software development, however, organizations can utilize the knowledge and assets of experts familiar with the protocols for successful product construction.

Outsourcing can reduce the risk of delays and unexpected costs by ensuring that the work is done according to a set timeline and budget. It is possible to reduce costly errors and setbacks by leveraging the experience and knowledge of outsourced professionals in developing your software product, ensuring it meets the highest quality standards.

Scale-Up Business

When your company expands and changes, there could be a need for extra software production capabilities to accommodate customer requirements. Outsourcing is an excellent strategy to speedily expand your enterprise without hiring and supervising a permanent team.


Software Development Outsourcing allows you to access a larger talent pool and specialized skills. With outsourcing, you can choose from multiple providers who offer a wide range of services and skill sets. This allows you to quickly and easily scale up or down as needed, depending on your current requirements.

It also allows you to focus on your core business while outsourcing partners handle the software product development work. With outsourced software development, you can access a reliable team experienced in delivering quality products on time. This will help you deliver innovative products faster and more efficiently, helping you cost-effectively grow your business.

Also Read: A Guide To The Emerging Software Development Outsourcing Trends

Reduces HR Costs

Outsourcing certain HR functions can help reduce HR costs in several ways:

  • Labor costs: Outsourcing can reduce labor costs associated with hiring, training and maintaining in-house HR staff.
  • Benefits: It makes companies avoid the costs associated with providing benefits to in-house HR staff.
  • Technology: Outsourcing provides access to the latest HR technology and tools, which can reduce HR costs and improve HR processes.
  • Compliance: It can help companies stay compliant with changing HR regulations and avoid costly fines and penalties.
  • Time savings: Outsourcing can free up HR staff to focus on more strategic initiatives. Hence, it leads to time savings and reduced costs.

Overall, outsourcing can provide organizations with access to specialized HR expertise, technology and support, while reducing costs and improving HR processes.

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A Few Key Challenges You Might Face In IT Outsourcing

Problems with Outsourcing
Problems with Outsourcing

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Software development outsourcing has become an increasingly popular way for companies to cut costs, streamline operations, and tap into the expertise they don’t have in-house. However, outsourcing also presents challenges that companies must know and be prepared to overcome. 

Here, we will discuss the key challenges you might face when considering IT Outsourcing Services, why they arise, and how to mitigate them. From managing expectations to communication issues and more, read on to learn more about the pitfalls you may encounter when outsourcing.

Lack of Control

When outsourcing, the loss of control can be an alarming reality for those not accustomed to working with third-party contractors. In these cases, it’s challenging to maintain a positive outlook should something go awry.

Though ultimately, you must ensure the project reaches completion, regardless of your ability to monitor it directly.

To reduce these risks, entering into a clear and specific contract is advisable before commencing any project. This agreement should outline the various roles and responsibilities for all involved and define the desired expectations for each party.

Additionally, by researching and carefully selecting an experienced software development outsourcing provider, you can guarantee the project’s success and ensure that the best decision is made for your business.

Management Issues

IT outsourcing can be challenging because you rely on another company to handle a critical part of your business. Some ways to mitigate this risk include:

  1. Do your research: Your research should include proper references, reliable reviews, and get a sense of the track record of potential outsourcing partners.
  2. Be clear about expectations: When you contact a software outsourcing company, you need to be clear about your expectations. 
  • What are you looking for, and by when? 
  • What quality standards should be met?
  • Communicate all of this upfront to avoid misunderstandings later on.
  1. Have a contingency plan: If things go wrong, you must have a contingency plan. 
  • What will you do if the outsourced work is not up to par? 
  • How will you handle delays? 

Having a plan will help you react quickly and effectively in the event of any problems.

Watch a Quick Video to Explore Reasons For Outsourcing

Issues with Communication

You might face a few key communication issues when outsourcing your blog content creation.

  1. Language barrier: If you’re outsourcing to a country where English is not the first language, there may be communication issues. Keep your instructions clear and concise, you can also use a tool like Google Translate to help with language barriers.
  2. Time zone difference: If you outsource to someone in a different time zone, coordinating schedules and communicating in real time becomes difficult. You should share your expectations upfront; you can also use tools like Skype or email to stay in touch.
  3. Cultural differences: What might be considered acceptable or professional in one culture might not be in another. Maintain clear and concise communication to avoid any misunderstandings.

Maintaining Quality

There are a few key challenges you might face when outsourcing your work. 

  1. Quality Control: When you’re not overseeing the work yourself, ensuring that the quality standards can be challenging. Therefore, handpicking a vendor with a proven track record of delivering high-quality work is essential.
  2. Managing Expectations: When you outsource, you’re essentially handing over control of a project to someone else. Setting clear expectations is essential to avoid unpleasant surprises.
  3. Communication: When you’re not working side-by-side with your team, keeping everyone on the same page can be challenging. Effective communication is critical to ensure everyone is on track and meeting deadlines.

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Cost-Effective Solutions

It is sometimes difficult to maintain the cost-effectiveness of the options. The challenges that come across are:

  1. Type of Work: Outsourcing some types of work is costlier than others. For example, complex engineering tasks or jobs requiring specialist skills may be more expensive to outsource than relatively simple manufacturing tasks.
  2. Supplier Location: Wages and other costs can vary significantly between different countries, so it is essential to consider this when sourcing suppliers. For example, suppliers in developing countries may offer lower rates than those in developed countries.
  3. Size and Scale of the Project: The cost of outsourcing can increase with the project’s size and scale due to improved coordination costs and communication costs.
  4. Level of Service Required: The necessary level of service from the supplier will also impact costs. For example, if you need a high level of customer support or wrapper services, this will generally cost more than if you only require essential supplier services.

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All Tasks Cannot Be Outsourced

Some specific tasks cannot be outsourced. These tasks require a high level of personal interaction or customization, time-sensitive tasks, and a high degree of knowledge about your company and products.

Some examples of tasks that cannot be outsourced include:

  1. Sales: Selling is a highly personal process requiring a deep understanding of your product and customer. It’s also a process heavily reliant on relationships – something difficult to replicate when outsourcing.
  2. Customization: If you have products or services that need to be customized for each customer, it will be tough to outsource this process. This customization requires close interaction with the customer to understand their specific needs.
  3. Time-Sensitive Tasks: Some tasks simply cannot be rushed. For example, if you’re launching a new product, you must ensure all the details are perfect before it goes live. Running this process could result in serious mistakes being made.
  4. Highly Knowledge-Intensive Tasks: Some tasks require in-depth knowledge of your company and products to complete correctly. For example, if you’re writing marketing copy, you need to understand what makes your product unique and how to position it in the market. This task is difficult to outsource because it requires intimate knowledge of your business.

Also Read: 5 Steps To Successfully Outsource Your Software Projects

How ValueCoders is Helping Businesses Optimize their Revenue?

Do you want software development services that will give the best value for money without compromising on quality? Well, software development outsourcing services from ValueCoders is your most brilliant move. 

Factors to consider before Outsourcing

Here are Some Reasons Why:

  1. A team of software experts – You don’t need to worry about assembling a software development team, as our professionals have years of experience in software development.
  2. Cost Efficiency – Software development outsourcing services from ValueCoders can help you save a lot on software development costs as we offer competitive pricing packages and flexible payment terms with no hidden charges.
  3. A Dedicated Developer – We guarantee you get the right software developer dedicated to your project.
  4. Quality Assurance – Our software developers have a proven track record of delivering quality software solutions that meet clients’ requirements.
  5. Security & Compliance – We understand the importance of data security and software compliance, and our software development team follows industry standard guidelines to ensure information security and software compatibility.

Also Read: Outsourcing vs Freelancing vs In-house Software Development – Which is Better?

Successful Projects Done By ValueCoders

ValueCoders is a software development company that provides a wide range of services, including web and mobile app development, e-commerce development, and enterprise software development. We have also worked on various projects for clients in several industries. Some examples of successful projects that ValueCoders has completed include:

  • A web-based platform for a leading provider of HR and payroll services that automates HR processes and improves efficiency.
  • A mobile app for a leading real estate company that allows users to search for properties, view listings, and schedule viewings.
  • A platform for a leading provider of online education that offers a wide range of courses and interactive learning materials.
  • An e-commerce platform for a leading fashion retailer that allows users to browse and purchase products online.
  • A cloud-based platform for a leading provider of logistics and supply chain management service provider that enables real-time shipments and inventory tracking.

These are just a few examples of the many successful projects that ValueCoders has completed. We have a team of experienced developers proficient in various programming languages and technologies. They work closely with clients to understand your specific needs and deliver solutions that meet them.

Moreover, we have worked with many startups and enterprise clients across various domains, including Healthcare, Real Estate, E-commerce, Banking and Finance, Education, Logistics, etc.

Awards & Recognitions Achieved By ValueCoders



So, we have seen that software development outsourcing is the most demanded business strategy for many companies nowadays. It helps them access global talents to reduce costs and speed up production time. Businesses can focus on their strengths and achieve better results quickly by outsourcing their tasks to trusted partners.  

Software development outsourcing provides many advantages, but it’s also important to know its potential challenges. By partnering with experienced software development outsourcing companies, businesses can leverage a wide range of capabilities to bring their products to market quickly and efficiently.

ValueCoders is a leading provider of Software Development Outsourcing Services with more than 18 years of experience in helping businesses overcome these challenges and succeed. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help your company grow.

The post 5+ Reasons Your Company Should Opt For Software Development Outsourcing appeared first on ValueCoders | Unlocking the Power of Technology: Discover the Latest Insights and Trends.

Top 9 Software Development Companies In India Sun, 01 Nov 2020 12:49:53 +0000 Nowadays, everything we use in our day-to-day lives has a connection with computers or the software, developed by software outsourcing...

The post Top 9 Software Development Companies In India appeared first on ValueCoders | Unlocking the Power of Technology: Discover the Latest Insights and Trends.

Nowadays, everything we use in our day-to-day lives has a connection with computers or the software, developed by software outsourcing companies. The software programs available in the market not only help in boosting the growth of the businesses but also streamlines the various processes and offer improved communication between B2B & B2C.

Based on the IBEF study, the IT sector has generated nearly $191.0 billion in early 2020 and expected to reach $350.0 billion by 2025 with a surging CAGR of 7.7%.

According to NASSCOM, India is the leading outsourcing destination around the world, holding around 55.0% market share in the global outsourcing market worth $200-250 billion in 2019-20. Across the globe, India has also become the digital capabilities hub with nearly 75.0% of digital talent present in the country. 

Thus, India is a well-known name in the ground of software development companies and widely outsourced by the majority of startups and enterprises from across the globe for software development.

But are all software development companies in India worth considering?

Well, the answer is no.

And to help with that, today, in this blog, I am going to shortlist the top 9 software outsourcing companies in India which you can consider for your project.

So, I have shortlisted the top 9 software development companies based on the following factors- 

  • Rated by Clutch and Good firms. 
  • Years of Experience 
  • Number of employees
  • Number of Projects delivered 
  • Number of clients’ detail 
  • Partnered with Big Brands 

Let’s start! 

Top 9 Software Development Companies in India


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In February 2002 Wipro achieved ISO 9000 certification to be the first software company and since then it has won the hearts of millions of people across the globe. It is a leading global information consulting, technology, and business process service company. 

The company harness the power of hyper-automation, cognitive computing, cloud, robotics, analytics, and the latest technologies to support the clients to adapt to the digital world. From developing more adaptive “business-anywhere” frameworks to the emerging technologies that boost the intelligent enterprise. 

  • 18+ years of experience
  • Over 160,000 employees 
  • Clients in more than 110 countries
  • 1200+ active clients 

The company has partnered with big brands, including IBM, AWS, Adobe, Citrix, Google, Huawei, and Hitachi. Wipro is boosting a more silent future for communities and customers, but quite over the budget for a startup.


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Well, not every founder birth with the sliver spoon some have to struggle and earn the name like ValueCoders. ValueCoders is a leading software outsourcing company in India that offers an on-demand software team facility. The company was incorporated in 2014 with a handful of people and now has a family of 450+ employees. 

The company has a track record of delivering services to startups, digital agencies, enterprises, and software product development companies in India at an affordable price. The company is specialized in IT consulting, mobile app development, and eCommerce website development. 

software development

  • 15+ years of experience 
  • More than 450 employees 
  • 2500+ happy customer
  • 4200+ projects in 31+ countries 
  • 97.0% client retention 

The company is recognized by NASSCOM, Deloitte, and  ISO 9001 as a  top-notch software development company and has a 5.0 rating from Clutch and GoodFirms. So far, the company has worked with Dubai Police, UNESCO, Capgemini, Thomas Reuters, and TEKION. 

Here are some snapshots of ValueCoders’ Case Studies


Vofox Solutions Pvt Ltd - YouTube

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Vofox solution was incorporated in 2005 and witnessed as an emerging software outsourcing development companies in India. The company has been delivering scalable, high-quality, and cost-effective offshore software solutions. As a top-notch software development company, it develops, strategizes, and executes solutions into the client’s project efficiently. 

The company develop and design software solutions and share expert knowledge to add value to their client’s business. Rent a coder from the pool of their professionals at an affordable cost.   

  • 14+ years of experience 
  • More than 130 employees
  • 500+  satisfied clients 
  • 100+ projects 

The company is specialized in software outsourcing services, IT consulting, QA/Testing services, content management, and frontend development. The company has 5.0+ ratings given by GoodFirms. The company has a good track record of working with renowned clients across the globe. 

Here is the screenshot of some testimonial of Vofox Solutions Pvt Ltd-



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CapitalNumbers was established in 2012 and has gained immense popularity in this short span of time. It is certified by ISO 9001 and ISO 27001 as a top-rated digital solutions company. The company has an innovative “In-Demand Skills” / On-Demand Skills” that allows businesses to reform their team for Mobile, Web, and DevOps needs. 

The company is a leading global provider of mobile app development and web application development services. It helps digital agencies, brands, start-ups, and entrepreneurs to expand their business globally. 

  • 8+ years of experience 
  • 400+ employees 
  • 1500+ delivered projects 
  • 237+ satisfied clients 

The company offers various services, including SaaS applications, Online retail, digital publishing, and financial. It has 5.0+ ratings from Good Firms and Clutch and has been recognized by Deloitte. The company has worked with Silicon Valley, CONDE NAST, Thomson Reuters, HUDSON Regional Hospital. 

Here is the list of some best CapitalNumbers case studies- 


AllianceTek Inc. - Crunchbase Company Profile & Funding

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AllianceTek transform your business with its user-centric and agile software development approach. The company was incorporated in 2006 and has completed hundreds of projects to date. The company provides a technology bridge to the start-ups and enterprises to offer prosperity in their businesses. 

As a world-class software outsourcing company, it helps businesses to achieve their goals and implement strategies that are customized, unique, and advanced. They provide industry-specific services that align processes, people, and systems to add value to the business. 

software development

  • 14+ years of experience 
  • 480+ successful projects 
  • 12+ global locations 
  • 87+ employees 

The company has 5.0+ ratings from GoodFirms and Clutch and is recognized by Deloitte ISO, as a top software development company in India. The company has worked with Microsoft silver partner, salesforce, and KWIZCom. 

Here is the snapshot of AllianceTek case study:


Velotio Insights & Weekly Reading — 21st Sep 2018 | by Velotio Technologies | Velotio Perspectives | Medium

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Velotio was established in 2016 and known as a top-notch software outsourcing company in India. The company has an offshore agile development team that works with full caliber to deliver the project on-time. Businesses can hire developers to fulfill the technological gaps and provide a better experience to their clients. 

The company is helping start-ups, engineering leaders, enterprises, and entrepreneurs build exceptionally high-performing offshore teams. Apart from consulting service, it offers to rent a coder facility too to those who have a budget constraint. 

  • 4+ years of experience 
  • 80.0% YoY growth 
  • 125+ employees 
  • 90+ happy clients 
  • 70.0% client retention 

Clutch and GoodFirms have given Velotio 4.0+ ratings.  The company has partnered with COMCATE and BlueDot for software outsourcing services. 

Here is the screenshot of Velotio top-most case studies- 


Talentica's Competitors, Revenue, Number of Employees, Funding, Acquisitions & News - Owler Company Profile

Img Src: Google

Talentica was introduced in 2003 and has a track record of developing more than hundreds of technology products for startups, entrepreneurs, and enterprises. It helps businesses deploy the latest technologies, leverage emerging tools, and set up the right architecture into their solutions. 

It is an innovative outsourced product development firm that supports small businesses and startups to build unique products. The company empowers businesses to transform their ideas into successful solutions. 

  • 17+ years of experience 
  • 250+ employees 
  • 140+ projects 
  • 80.0% client retention 

The company has gained 4.0 ratings from Clutch and GoodFirms. The company has worked with big brands such as Opera, TALA, Citrus, and Limetray. It is recognized by Deloitte, Red Herring Asia, and Microsoft Partner. 

Here is the snapshot of Talentica top-most case studies- 


Net Solutions profile

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Net Solutions has 12+ years of experience in delivering world-class software outsourcing services to thousands of people. The company follows an agile approach and end-to-end process to deliver customized solutions. 

The company offers highly advanced and tailor-made solutions that maximize efficiencies, delight users, and boost revenue. It has a proven record of helping start-ups and enterprises optimize their online businesses for massive growth. 

  • 12+ years of experience
  • 275+ employees 
  • 500+ projects 
  • 110+ clients 

software development

The company has a strategic design and unique consultancy facility that combines creative design thinking with the agile development approach under one expert roof. The company has worked with big organizations, such as Microsoft AWS, and Paypal. It is recognized by Clutch, Good Firms, Gartner, and Adobe as a top software outsourcing company. 

Here is the snapshot of Net Solutions’ case studies-


Rushkar Information Technology LLP, Satellite - Website Hosting Services in Ahmedabad - Justdial

Rushkar was incorporated in 2010, an Indian software outsourcing company that aims at offering highly qualitative, cost-effective, and timely delivered software solutions. It helps businesses harness the power of technology advances and developments. 

The company with its innovative delivery frameworks provides enterprises, start-ups a way to create business value by outsourcing excellent business IT solutions. 

  • 8+ years of experience
  • 250+ successful project 
  • 50+ talented employees 
  • 220+ satisfied clients 

The company has 4.0 ratings from GoodFirms and Clutch. It is recognized as the emerging software outsourcing companies in India.  

Here is the snapshot of Rushkar famous case studies- 

Why Hire a Software Outsourcing Company from India?  

Following are some of the reasons why outsourcing a software development company from India – 

  • Enormous talent pool 
  • No communication barrier 
  • Lower operational costs 
  • Time zone benefits 
  • Superior quality 
  • Extensive expertise 
  • Real-time project access
  • End-to-end service 
  • Latest Technology Integration 


Well, deciding which company to outsource for your next software is no doubt though. But there are many companies, such as ValueCoders or Wipro who are 24*7 available, affordable, and are just one call away. So, if you are looking to rent a coder or want to hire a software development company then considering the above list would be the right choice. 


software development



The post Top 9 Software Development Companies In India appeared first on ValueCoders | Unlocking the Power of Technology: Discover the Latest Insights and Trends.

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Why Outsourcing is Important For Startup Product Development? Mon, 28 Sep 2020 09:22:36 +0000 In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, most tech startups, in fact, enterprises have drifted away from developing new software...

The post Why Outsourcing is Important For Startup Product Development? appeared first on ValueCoders | Unlocking the Power of Technology: Discover the Latest Insights and Trends.

In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, most tech startups, in fact, enterprises have drifted away from developing new software products in-house. But is it right to stop growth in the face of a disaster such as this?

Make no mistake, the novel coronavirus is as big as a problem as it gets. But the world will eventually come out of it. At that time, would you want your startup to take its time to freshen up and understand the needs of the market? Or would you want to start preparing a great software product so you’re ready when the market needs it most?

I’m pretty sure your choice would be the latter, but most businesses have their hands tied. They’re unable to operate due to lockdowns, disruption in supply chains, unavailability of staff, and out of myriad problems created by COVID-19. Yet, there are few businesses that are fortunately working as smooth as ever, especially in the software outsourcing sector.

So if a business (maybe yours) is unable to work on an in-house software project due to COVID-19, is it a wise choice to outsource it to an offshore software development company? Why outsourcing is important? What are the benefits of outsourcing a software development project?

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Say, if you’re a tech startup in desperate need to capitalize on an opportunity and establish a market presence, then:

1- This isn’t the best time to run your business.

2- Once we’re done with COVID-19, the state of the market at the time will present unprecedented opportunities that startups could capitalize on.

But at the same time, your startup could be competing with 100s of established enterprises looking to capitalize on the same opportunities.

Is there something you could to have an edge over potential competitors in such a scenario? Product Development Outsourcing could be the masterstroke for a competitive advantage in the long-run. Here’s why.

outsourcing product development

As you may know, there are multiple options available in the market to build functional software products. However, when it comes to startups, there’s a conventional line of thought which says that the benefits of outsourcing are for enterprises only.

But you can certainly outsource product development as a startup and this is important to your business as well, especially in this pandemic situation. 

Benefits of Outsourcing

There are multiple benefits of outsourcing IT and software development services. let’s start with cost.


Managing a budget is a big challenge for startups. However, outsourcing helps a lot to do it right.

In fact, according to a research, 87% of US companies outsource product development to save cost. 

Outsourcing provides a global talent pool at a low cost. You hire a backend developer (in-house) at  98000 USD/year and it comes down to 22000 USD/year when you outsource.

The risk is lesser

In the case of new products whose market is yet to be tested, outsourcing plays an important role in mitigating the risks of trying out something new.

Since the outsourced teams work on flexible models the risks are definitely lower.

It’s Faster

Outsourcing the development helps in faster development with the Agile model and helps in tremendously reducing the time to market.

9% PEOPLE GLOBALLY outsource only to fasten their process.

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Technical Expertise

You may be new to the market. That’s not an issue until you have technical expertise with you. If you already have that, then it’s good, however, if you don’t- then it is better to outsource.

15% PEOPLE GLOBALLY outsource to access expertise

Free up time and more focus

For startups, investing time into high priority things is very important. One of the greatest benefits of outsourcing is that you free up your time for other important things. This helps a lot.  This image will show you some other reasons why is outsourcing important:

Why is outsourcing important

You can also check this list from about successful startups that leveraged the benefits of outsourcing successfully.

key steps for your startup to effectively outsource product development

Choose the Right Vendor

Choosing the right vendor for outsourcing application development is a must. An outsourcing company with expertise in the required development skills will surely be helpful. Picking up freelancers is definitely not advisable, as they cannot be relied upon, for taking up product ownership.

One of the important points to consider while selecting a vendor for outsourcing development is the flexibility of hiring models.

This helps the startup choose a hiring plan that will optimize the costs of outsourcing in accordance with the development requirements.

It is also important to evaluate the portfolio of the hiring vendor to understand the level of specialization in different business verticals.

Defining The Scope Of The Project

The second most important step in outsourcing your product development is to define the scope of the project. First, you need to convert the business idea into a business plan and then put down what all you need from a successful product. Defining the technology with which you wish to develop your product is another crucial decision. This also helps in defining the skill levels of the teams you wish to hire.

Once the scope of the project is defined and the vendor for product development has been chosen, the service level agreement with the vendor can be created.

This helps in ensuring that the outsourced teams are working according to the plan of action.

The outsourced teams must be clearly communicated about the expectations and the milestones. This helps in developing mutually beneficial relationships with the outsourcing partner.

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Keeping in touch with the outsourcing partner on a regular basis and reviewing project work in progress on a constant basis is important. This is helpful in improving project productivity levels. Motivating remote teams with incentives and appreciation is helpful in getting better business results.

Overall, a continuous communication helps you to finish tasks smoothly.

Wrapping Up

Looking to outsource your startup project? Here are some key benefits of outsourcing you software development needs to ValueCoders:

  1. Flexible hiring models
  2. Advanced technical project consultation
  3. Agile methodology and timely project delivery

ValueCoders( a leading software development company in India)provides expert agile teams for all kinds of startup site and application development. We have teams across all our departments, all 350 of them working remotely to assist all your software development outsourcing requirements.

We know these times are rough, but our entire team is working through it. And we are doing it for small businesses, startups, and enterprises like yours; so everyone could come out safely this pandemic, together!


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