nearshore software development – ValueCoders | Unlocking the Power of Technology: Discover the Latest Insights and Trends Valuecoders Wed, 22 Mar 2023 13:04:42 +0000 en-US hourly 1 nearshore software development – ValueCoders | Unlocking the Power of Technology: Discover the Latest Insights and Trends 32 32 Tips To Pick The Right Software Development Methodology For Your Enterprise Tue, 07 Jun 2022 10:56:11 +0000 Choosing the right software development methodology is crucial for the success of any enterprise software project. With several options to...

The post Tips To Pick The Right Software Development Methodology For Your Enterprise appeared first on ValueCoders | Unlocking the Power of Technology: Discover the Latest Insights and Trends.

Choosing the right software development methodology is crucial for the success of any enterprise software project. With several options to choose from, it can be tough to know which one is right for your team.

Hence, it’s important to consider the specific needs of your project. This article will explore some of the most popular software development methodologies and offer tips and tricks for choosing the right one for your project.

Software Development Methodologies: A Brief

Software development methodologies are rules, guidelines, and procedures that you follow as part of the software development process to ensure you can create quality code on schedule and budget. Enterprise software development methodology is constantly evolving.

Let’s Have A Quick Look At The Latest Statistics

The average Enterprise software development project takes 18 months to complete.

    • As per Business Intelligence Market, only 29% of Enterprise software development projects are considered successful.
    • According to CIO, 71% of Enterprise software development projects are delayed, over budget, or both. The most common Enterprise software development methodology is the waterfall model.
    • Agile methodology is gaining popularity, with 61% of Enterprise software developers saying they use agile methods.
      • As per the Infoworld survey, the top three Enterprise Software Development challenges are requirements gathering (38%), integration (36%), and testing (34%).

Why Do Businesses Need Software Development Methodology?

To be productive and successful in your business, you need to know exactly what you want to accomplish and how you plan to do it. Without clear goals and a concrete plan, it’s easy to lose focus, which results in wasted time and resources. 

development methodology

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Luckily, software development methodologies can help you create this framework that will keep you on track throughout the project’s lifetime. Here we have elaborated on the reasons why your business needs software development methodologies:

1) To Make Sure Everyone Is On The Same Page

When a team is creating software, all members must have a common understanding of how things will be done. For example, if you’re working on a project intended to process transactions as fast as possible, everyone needs to know what as fast as possible means. 

To ensure team members understand their roles and responsibilities, they should be provided with detailed requirements and objectives that outline project specifics.

2) To Ensure There Are No Miscommunications

Communication acts as a two-way street: as much as you want your team to understand what you want, you also need to understand what they need. To get their input, ask open-ended questions that don’t force them into yes/no answers; ask what if? Questions that leave room for multiple scenarios; and brainstorming together. Don’t be afraid to give constructive criticism, too—the best solutions are often created through an iterative process.

3) To Make Sure You Deliver What You Promise To Your Customers

All too often, businesses fail to deliver what they promise to their customers. In many cases, companies don’t start with a clear roadmap of what they need to do. By developing a methodology for software development, you can create an organized and consistent approach for building your product or service.

4) To Help You Avoid Costly Mistakes

Software development methodologies provide a set of rules for development, which are documented and enforced. They help you create easy-to-read and test code, ensuring accuracy and consistency. They also let you work with your team members in an organized way, minimizing duplication of effort. 

These things can help prevent costly errors that would otherwise arise throughout software creation. You don’t want bugs to make it into production—it’s simply not good for business!

software development team

5) To Ensure You Meet Deadlines

A deadline is a must when it comes to software development. If you don’t have set deadlines for your project, it could easily be delayed and never finished. Deadlines not only force action but also help you stay on track by giving you something to aim for and get excited about. 

Moreover, they provide clarity of purpose: When everyone knows what they need to accomplish within a given time frame, there’s no question about what needs to be done.

Example: A software development company uses an agile methodology, emphasizing fast-paced and continual innovation within each project’s time limit. Agile projects are organized in smaller timeboxes called sprints, each with a specific goal.

6) To Promote Collaboration

A good methodology will encourage collaboration between different teams and individuals, improving communication and ensuring that everyone is working towards the same goal.

7) To Increase Customer Satisfaction

By using a methodology that focuses on quality and efficiency, you can help to increase customer satisfaction with your software. This can lead to more repetitive business and improved brand loyalty.

Also Read: A Comprehensive Guide on Software Development

The Curated List Of Top Software Development Methodologies For Enterprises

  1. Waterfall Methodology

In waterfall methodologies, every step or goal needs to be met before moving on to the next part. For example – if you have five tasks that need to be completed but only three are done while one is left undone, the project can’t continue until it’s been completed. 

This system has several pros compared to other ones out there- for instance, it doesn’t require too much thinking and planning, which helps save time, and because it has steps laid out beforehand, there’s less room for error.

The main advantage of the waterfall model is its predictability. Because each stage is completed before moving on to the next, tracking progress and identifying potential problems early on is easy. 

The main downside of the waterfall model is its inflexibility. Once a stage of the process has begun, it’s difficult to make changes without starting the whole process over again from the beginning.

A spiral methodology is also called waterfall because it follows a linear pattern without backtracking. Unlike its predecessor, though- it offers more flexibility in prototyping so that we can test new ideas earlier on in the process instead of making costly mistakes later on during the development stages.


  • The phases (generally described as Requirements, Design, Implementation, Verification, and Maintenance) are easy to understand and manage.
  • Ideal for less experienced teams and managers as confusion is minimized.
  • Simple rigid model keeps things clear and easy to test.
  • A significant amount of time is saved.


  • Only focuses on precise needs.
  • Does not work well for maintenance software development projects or long-term projects.
  • There is no way to know the project’s outcome in advance.
  1. Rapid App Development Methodology

Rapid Application Development provides an ideal way to take maximum advantage of software with minimal investment costs. This condensed model allows quick adjustments that speed up results, and you repeat user design/construction phases until project requirements finish (stages include: requirements planning; construction). 

However, there’s no need to go back through all four again once something has been changed in one stage.


  • More useful for projects with well-defined objectives and user groups.
  • Best for small to medium, time-sensitive projects.
  • Facilitates the development process by developing high-quality projects faster.
  • Take customer feedback for improvements and specific results.


  • A stable team with experienced developers need for this methodology to work.
  • Requires highly skilled developers to design complex problems.
  • Does not work for small budgets.
  1. Agile Methodology

This methodology makes it possible to develop software by working in small increments called iterations. It helps improve efficiency because you can find problems early on and fix them before they become bigger issues later. 

It is known as “reducing risk” or reducing uncertainty, among other things, through testing scenarios during each stage of development (user stories).

The main pros of agile software development is its flexibility. Because teams can adjust their plans, agile methodology is best for projects with rapidly changing requirements.

The main disadvantage of agile software development is that it is difficult to track progress and estimate deadlines since the project’s scope may change during the development process.


  • The model adapts to changes quickly.
  • Direct and regular communication maintains clarity about the project and goals.
  • Defects and differences in expectations are detected early, so they can be corrected before they become significant problems.


  • Focusing on the details and losing sight of the “big picture” can cause the project to drift.
  • Real-time communication requires massive engagement with users and colossal manpower investment on the part of developers.
  • May not work for larger organizations (a hybrid approach with another methodology may be useful).
  1. DevOps Deployment Methodology

DevOps deployment methodology is a game-changing approach that improves all aspects of project management. It has been proven to lower the time it takes for projects and software releases, reduce failure rates overall as well as help developers be more efficient with their work producing better results in less amount of downtime or wasted resources.


  • Significantly reduces time to market.
  •  Improves customer satisfaction and product quality.
  • Increases productivity and efficiency of employees.


  • May require ongoing system updates that customers do not want.
  • DevOps may not work for some industries that need testing before moving to operations.
  • When working with departments, some undetected problems may go unnoticed.

Also Read: Why The Involvement Of DevOps In The Business Process Is Important?

Have A Look At The Infographic: A Brief Of The Above Points

development methodology tips

Benefits Of Using Software Development Methodologies

There’s no question that software development methodologies can be extremely beneficial for enterprises. By following a set of best practices, enterprises can ensure that their software development projects are more efficient, organized, and successful.

Here we have listed the main benefits of using software development methodologies:

Improved efficiency

When software development projects are properly organized and managed, they tend to be more efficient. This means that enterprises can get their products to market faster and save money in the long run.

Greater accuracy

Using a software development methodology can help reduce errors and improve the overall quality of the final product. By following best practices, enterprises can avoid costly mistakes and deliver a product that meets customer expectations.

Better communication

Methodologies can help improve communication between all stakeholders in a software development project. By having a clear plan and well-defined roles, everyone involved will know what their responsibilities are. This can help reduce confusion and conflict and make the project run more smoothly.

Increased transparency

When enterprises use software development methodologies, they can provide greater transparency into the project for all stakeholders. This can help build trust & confidence in the enterprise and keep everyone on the same page.

Overall, using software development methodologies can be extremely beneficial for enterprises. By following best practices, enterprises can improve the efficiency, accuracy, and communication of their software development projects. Additionally, using methodologies can help increase transparency and build trust with all stakeholders.

No matter which software development methodology you choose, there are some general tips and tricks that can help ensure your project’s success:

Software Methodolofy

  • Define your objectives early on and be sure everyone involves in the project understands them.
  • Create detailed plans for each stage of the software development process.
  • Make sure you have a clear idea of who is responsible for each task and when it needs to complete.
  • Establish regular checkpoints throughout the project to track progress and identify potential problems.
  • Prepare yourself to adjust your plans as the project progresses. Unexpected changes are inevitable in any software development project, so it’s important to be flexible and adaptable.

The above tips would surely help in ensuring that your software development project is successful, no matter which methodology you choose.

software development team banner

What does The Future Hold for Advanced Software Development Methodologies?

The future of software development is looking bright, with several advanced methodologies set to take the industry by storm. Hence, we can expect to see more of the following:

Collaboration between developers and other stakeholders

To create successful applications, it’s important to understand the needs of those who will be using them. It means that developers will need to work closely with other stakeholders, such as product managers, designers, and user experience experts.

Focus on automation

Automation is key to efficiency in software development. By automating tasks like build processes and testing, developers can free up time to focus on more important tasks.

Emphasis on delivering value to users quickly

In today’s fast-paced world, users expect to regularly see new features and updates. It means that developers need to be able to deliver value quickly without sacrificing quality.

Advanced Software Development Methodologies

The software development landscape is constantly evolving. New methodologies comes, and old ones refine.

Here are just a few of the exciting new approaches that developers will be using in the years to come:

Model-based design

This methodology focuses on creating visual models of software systems, which can then use to generate code automatically. Hence, this approach can lead to more efficient and accurate development and a better understanding of complex systems.

Component-based development

This methodology takes a modular approach to software development, building individual components that can reuse in different applications. It can save time and money during the development process and make it easier to maintain and update software systems.

 Agile development

This iterative approach to software development is more flexible and responsive to changes, making it ideal for rapidly evolving projects. Also, agile methods can also help improve communication and collaboration between developers and other stakeholders.

DevOps approach

This methodology emphasizes collaboration between developers and operations teams. It helps in speeding up the software development process by making it more efficient and streamlined.

Behavior Driven Development

BDD aims to make it easier for businesses and developers to understand what to develop. Using a language you choose (e.g., Gherkin), BDD lets you write what your app should do before writing any code. It makes your specifications clearer, so there’s less back-and-forth between business and engineering teams later on.

software development team


So, which software development methodology is right for your business? Hopefully, this article has given you a good starting point and some ideas on what to consider when making your decision.

Always remember that the best methodology is the one that fits your company’s culture, processes, and goals. Hence, you can even try to experiment with different methodologies until you find the one that works best for you.

In my opinion, if you’re working on a large, complex project with ever-changing requirements, the agile methodology can be the right choice for you. However, waterfall may be a better option if you’re working on a small, predictable project with well-defined requirements.

Moreover, you need to keep an eye out for new developments and prepare to adapt as needed. For any query, you can always consult with our expert software developers @ValueCoders. We have been a leading software development company in India since 2004. 

Related FAQs

What is enterprise software development?

Enterprise software development is a term that refers to the process and methodology of developing software for large businesses and organizations. This type of development typically follows a more formal and rigid set of guidelines and procedures than other types of software development, such as web or mobile development.

The enterprise software development process often begins with requirements gathering, in which analysts work with stakeholders to understand the needs of the business. A team of developers will create a design based on those requirements. Once the design is approved, the actual coding and implementation of the software will begin.

What are the 5 software development models?

The question of which software development model to use is fairly important, as it will decide only the success or failure of a project. Here are five popular software development models to use:






What is Agile software development methodology?

Agile software development is a newer methodology for developing software that focuses on speed and flexibility. Agile developers aim to finish projects, in short, intense sprints instead of the longer, more drawn-out process of traditional software development. Hence, it allows them to rapidly test and iterate on new features, which is especially important in today’s fast-paced business environment.

A few key concepts are important to understand with agile development. The first is the “Agile Manifesto,” which emphasizes individuals and interactions over processes and tools, customer collaboration over contract negotiation, working software over comprehensive documentation, and responding to change following a plan. This philosophy is what informs the entire agile process.

What is the difference between Agile and Scrum methodology?

Agile is a software development methodology that encourages continuous improvement and iteration, while scrum is a specific framework that helps teams work in an Agile way.

Scrum regularly delivers short bursts of functionality called “sprints,” while agile allows for more flexibility in how teams approach their work. Many teams use scrum in conjunction with agile, as it provides a structure for team communication and accountability.

Is DevOps different from Agile?

DevOps is a qualitative approach to software development that stresses communication, collaboration, and integration between software developers and IT professionals. It acts as a merger of the best aspects of agile software development methodology and operations management.

The agile software development methodology is a flexible approach to software development that allows for rapid changes and adaptations to requirements as the project progresses. It relies on regular, frequent communication between team members and close collaboration between developers and users/customers.


The post Tips To Pick The Right Software Development Methodology For Your Enterprise appeared first on ValueCoders | Unlocking the Power of Technology: Discover the Latest Insights and Trends.

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A Guide To The Emerging Software Development Outsourcing Trends Tue, 24 May 2022 06:02:16 +0000 Software development outsourcing isn’t anything new, but the focus of outsourcing has changed over time as the industry has developed...

The post A Guide To The Emerging Software Development Outsourcing Trends appeared first on ValueCoders | Unlocking the Power of Technology: Discover the Latest Insights and Trends.

Software development outsourcing isn’t anything new, but the focus of outsourcing has changed over time as the industry has developed and become more complex. As per a recent report, the IT sector is currently recovering, and it’s forecasted that the trend will continue with an estimated 5% CAGR, reaching its pre-pandemic position by 2024.

Gartner has also released their latest report, predicting that worldwide information technology spending will grow by 9% this year. This strong growth is projected to continue with 5% compound annual rates during the 2020–21 and 2022-23 periods before flagging off at an anticipated rate of 2%.

Worldwide IT Spending Forecast
Worldwide IT Spending Forecast

Hence, to remain competitive in today’s ever-changing business landscape, outsourcing software development projects to firms isn’t the only way companies can cut costs and keep their employees focused on tasks that don’t require the same level of programming expertise.

While outsourcing still accounts for almost one-fifth of all software development projects, Top Software Product Development Companies like Google and Microsoft are leading the way with internal development departments responsible for nearly one-third of all programming work.

So, we can see that more and more companies are learning how to outsource software product development to take advantage of lower rates of innovation and higher quality rates.

Therefore, to pace up with the competence of today’s business world, it becomes crucial for you to partner with a reliable software product development company that can encourage you in tough times too.

Outsource your software, not your vision - let us bring your ideas to life.

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Software Development Outsourcing: An Overview

Software development outsourcing is an effective cost-saving strategy for small, medium, and large-sized businesses looking to cut down on their costs to be more competitive. Software development refers to a collection of software engineering activities performed by a software developer with varying levels of expertise.

These include requirements analysis, design, coding, unit testing, and deployment. By outsourcing these functions to qualified third parties — in locations such as India, Eastern Europe, or Latin America — companies can reduce overhead while freeing up existing employees to focus on core business processes.

Over time, most IT projects have become increasingly complex and therefore expensive due to increases in size, scope, and organizational complexity. As a result, IT spending has risen faster than other parts of corporate budgets since 2002.

Because IT resources tend to make up 10% or less of total corporate expenses, some CIOs have decided that software development outsourcing provides better value than keeping those resources within an organization because it reduces IT expenses without sacrificing quality control or security standards.

Also Read: Choosing The Right Fit: In-House, Outsourced, Or Freelance Software Development

Why Do Companies Outsource Software Development?

Why Do Companies Outsource Software Development?

Image Source: Google

To succeed in today’s digital world, it is not enough for companies to have great ideas. They also need technologies that can be quickly adapted by others and delivered at scale — which often only comes through partnering with technology experts who know what they are doing best.

The digital transformation has inspired companies to rethink their workflow. Moreover, the IT innovations will increase revenues and a more creatively staffed workplace that enables employees’ best work while also freeing them from mundane tasks, inefficient methods of operation, or manual processes altogether.

However, it can cost you a lot if you develop these tools in-house. In that case, you don’t have to hire full-time software developers. Instead, outsource the development work to digital transformation services companies to save your money and efforts.

Also Read: 5+ Reasons Your Company Should Opt For Software Development Outsourcing

10 Top Software Outsourcing Trends You Can Expect to See Over the Upcoming Years

While many trends impact how this business will shape up in the next few years, these are the top 10 outsourcing trends that you need to know about to stay competitive with your peers in the industry.

1) Increased Demand For Cloud Computing Services

Cloud computing has changed software development dramatically. These days, developers have access to massive data storage capabilities that allow them to build robust applications quickly and at a fraction of their previous cost.

Cloud computing means digital transformation services companies have to look for ways to reduce costs, so outsourcing development makes so much sense in an increasingly global marketplace. It’s not just about finding inexpensive developers who can build your app; it’s also about finding talented people you can trust with your data and business.

By looking outside your local market, you open yourself up to thousands of potential options while ensuring that they will play by your rules — just as if they were sitting in your office next door.


  • Offers scalable and flexible solutions
  • More energy-efficient
  • Improved collaboration
  • Increased security
  • Enhanced competitiveness

Also Read: How Artificial Intelligence Is Redefining Success Of Digital Transformation Strategies?

2) Outsourcing Cybersecurity

Cybersecurity can be a costly undertaking, and outsourcing can help reduce these costs. In addition to saving money, outsourcing can also help businesses free up internal resources.

Many businesses do not have the workforce or expertise to adequately address their cybersecurity needs. Outsourcing can help fill this gap by providing access to skilled and experienced professionals.

Outsourcing can provide access to best-in-class security solutions and practices when done correctly. This can help businesses close gaps in their current security posture and better protect themselves against future threats.


  • Help businesses improve their security posture
  • Focus on business’ core competencies
  • Ensure compliance with regulatory requirements.
  • Improve disaster recovery and business continuity plans.
  • Reduce their liability exposure.
Outsource your software, not your vision - let us bring your ideas to life.

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3) Extension Of Remote Working Culture

This can be a great way to attract top talent, as it gives employees much more flexibility and freedom than traditional office jobs. If you don’t need to maintain a physical office, you can reduce your expenses significantly.

Additionally, remote workers may be more productive since they can create their schedules and work in environments that suit them best. Businesses can target global customers and expand their customer base.

Overall, remote work extension can be a great way to improve your business. If you’re considering it, be sure to view all of the benefits before deciding.


  • Increased flexibility
  • Increased productivity
  • Access to a global talent pool
  • Less need for on-site staff
  • Reduced environmental impact

4) Demand For Talent Over Cost

The demand for talent over cost is a significant driver of the outsourcing of software development. By tapping into a global pool of highly skilled workers, businesses can reduce their costs and headcount while still maintaining a high level of quality.

In addition, by outsourcing to countries with lower labor costs, businesses can further reduce their overhead. So, there is a growing demand for companies to choose talent over price when it comes to software outsourcing. This is because there are many benefits that can be gained by doing so:

  • Improved quality of work:

When you choose to outsource your software needs to talented individuals, you can expect to receive high-quality work. This is because they will have the skills and experience required to get the job done right.

  • Better results

Not only will you receive higher quality work when you choose talent over cost, but you will also see better results. This is because talented individuals are more likely to meet deadlines and exceed expectations.

  • Increased efficiency

By outsourcing your software needs to talented individuals, you will also see an increasing inefficiency. This is because they will be able to get the job done faster and more efficiently.

  • Lower costs

One of the main benefits of choosing talent over cost is that it can save you money. This is because talented individuals usually charge less than those who are less skilled.

5) Rise In It Consulting Services

There has been a recent rise in IT consulting services as a software outsourcing trend. This is due to the increasing complexity of software development and the need for specialized skill sets that many organizations do not have internally.

If you are considering outsourcing software development, it is important to choose a reputable IT consulting firm with a proven track record of successful projects.

Make sure to get quotes from multiple firms so that you can compare prices and services offered. Be sure to ask about their experience with similar projects and whether they have the resources necessary to complete your project on time and within budget.

Also Read: Top 20 IT Consulting Companies To Seek For Business Transformation

6) Web Design & Publishing Solutions

There are more web designers than ever now, and that means there’s a competitive marketplace of talent in most areas. That presents a problem for businesses, as it’s increasingly difficult to find capable people at competitive prices.

Luckily, one trend we expect to see over the next few years is an increase in integrated design services, which provide businesses with all of their design needs — from layout to branding — in one place.

This means outsourcing firms will be able to meet customers’ needs at lower costs and shorter deadlines by pulling together teams of professionals with skills in specific areas like front-end development or marketing communications.

7) Analytics and Data Science

Analytics and data science can be exciting and intellectually challenging. Working with data can be fascinating, as you never know what you might find. And data science can help you make a real difference in the world by using data to solve problems and improve lives.

  • Improve data-driven decision making
  • Optimize processes and operations
  • Develop new products and services
  • Drive revenue growth
  • Reduce costs
  • Enhance customer satisfaction
  • Mitigate risks

8) Artificial Intelligence To Gain Attention

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a term that encompasses a wide range of technologies and techniques used to create intelligent software systems. AI has been used in a variety of fields, including healthcare, finance, manufacturing, and logistics.

There are many benefits to using AI as a software outsourcing trend. One advantage is that AI can help you automate repetitive tasks. You can use AI to create chatbots that can answer customer questions or provide customer support.

Overall, using AI as a software outsourcing trend can help you improve your efficiency and effectiveness. It can also help you save time and money. If you are looking for ways to enhance your business, then consider using AI.

Some more benefits to look at:

  • Automate repetitive tasks, freeing up your time for more strategic work
  • Make better decisions by providing accurate and up-to-date data
  • Improve customer satisfaction by providing personalized service.
  • Reduce costs by automating processes.

Also Read: What Is The Role Of Artificial Intelligence In The Financial Sector?

9) Professional Placement And Recruitment Solutions

By now, you know that it’s becoming increasingly essential to outsource in order to remain efficient and profitable. As a business owner, you’re most likely interested in finding quality resources at an affordable price while also ensuring that they meet or exceed your expectations.

If you’re looking for outsourced resources such as software development, however, it can be tough to find talented professionals who fit your specific needs — primarily if you haven’t worked with outsourced services before.

Outsource your software, not your vision - let us bring your ideas to life.

Unlock your business's potential with custom software solutions - partner with us to stay ahead of the competition.

10) More sales with E-Commerce

E-commerce is where sales are made over a computer network, most often using something called a virtual storefront. The advantages of e-commerce are apparent: more customers and higher margins from lower costs of doing business.

But to be successful at it, you have to maintain an online presence 24/7 and have a website that gets substantial traffic. If you already have those things, outsourcing your e-commerce needs to India or China makes sense.

That will help you focus on expanding your market reach rather than setting up infrastructure or maintaining accounts — tasks that can be done in much smaller increments and at far less cost outside of North America or Europe.


  • Increased reach globally
  • Cost-effective way
  • User-friendly and convenient
  • Improved customer service

Also Read: A Comprehensive Guide To Create An Ecommerce App From Scratch

10 Things to Consider When Outsourcing Software Development

Image Source: Google

1. Outsourcing software development can help save time and money by freeing up your current employees to focus on other projects related to your core business.

2. When outsourcing software development, it is vital to work with a reputable and experienced service provider who will be able to deliver high-quality results in a timely manner.

3. Before you choose an outsourcing company, do your research and evaluate multiple options based on factors such as price, quality of work, timeliness, and customer reviews or feedback.

4. To ensure that software development projects are running smoothly, work closely with your chosen provider throughout the process and make sure that clear communication channels are established from the start.

5. Consider setting up regular check-ins or milestones to review the progress of the project and provide feedback to the software development team.

6. When it comes to software development, it is essential to remember that you usually get what you pay for — so be willing to invest in a quality provider in order to get the best results.

7. Don’t be afraid to ask for help from your software development team when needed — they will likely be able to offer valuable insights or suggestions that can improve the final product.

8. After the software development project is completed, take some time to test it out thoroughly before making it live or rolling it out to users.

9. Make sure that you have a solid plan in place for post-launch support and maintenance so that you can address any software bugs or issues as they arise.

10. By outsourcing software development, you can focus on growing and evolving your core business while leaving the technical work to the experts — resulting in more time and resources for innovation and growth.

Also Read: How To Choose Between Staff Augmentation, Outsourcing, & Dedicated Team

10 Benefit of Software Development Outsourcing

1. Access to specialized skills and expertise

By outsourcing software development, you gain access to a team of skilled software developers who have extensive knowledge and experience in your industry or niche. This allows you to build software that meets your exact needs and requirements quickly.

2. Enhanced flexibility and agility

When you outsource software development, you can quickly scale up or down your team as needed, allowing you to adapt to changing business demands or market conditions rapidly. Additionally, you can also take advantage of the latest software development technologies and tools, which can help give your business a competitive edge.

3. Reduced development costs

One of the main reasons businesses choose to outsource software development is to save money on software development costs. When you offshore software product development, you can avoid the high costs associated with hiring in-house software developers or purchasing expensive software development tools and platforms.

4. Increased focus on core business activities

By outsourcing software development, you can free up your internal resources and allow them to focus on more critical tasks, such as marketing, sales, and customer service. This can help improve your overall business performance.

5. Improved quality of software products

When you outsource software development, you can benefit from software built with best practices and tested rigorously before being deployed. This allows you to create software that meets the highest standards of quality and reliability.

Outsource your software, not your vision - let us bring your ideas to life.

Unlock your business's potential with custom software solutions - partner with us to stay ahead of the competition.

6. Faster time-to-market for software products

You can quickly turn your software ideas into reality by outsourcing software development. This allows you to get your software products or services to market faster and stay ahead of your competitors.

7. Better risk management and mitigation strategies

By partnering with an experienced software product development company, you can improve your risk management strategies and reduce the risks associated with software development projects. This helps ensure that your software products are delivered on time and within budget, without sacrificing quality or functionality.

8. Improved customer satisfaction

When you outsource software development, you can benefit from software designed to meet your customers’ specific needs and expectations. This can help improve customer satisfaction levels and loyalty, increasing sales and revenue.

9. Access to world-class software development tools and technologies

You can take advantage of the latest software development tools and technologies by outsourcing software development. This allows you to create software products at the forefront of technology, giving you a competitive edge in the marketplace.

10. Increased competitiveness in the global marketplace

By outsourcing software development, you can access a worldwide pool of skilled software developers. This gives you the ability to create competitive software products in the global marketplace.

Also Read: Offshore Vs Nearshore Outsourcing: A Detailed Comparison

What Does the Future Hold for Software Development Outsourcing?

Software development outsourcing is a field that has had its ups and downs in terms of popularity and acceptance, but it’s not going anywhere. If recent trends continue, software development outsourcing will only become more common.

Here are some signs that suggest a bright future for software development outsourcing

-> It helps you reach new markets. If your product or service targets people or companies outside your local market, you may have to consider outsourcing at some point.

-> Software products are rarely limited by geography, so taking advantage of low-cost overseas developers can help save money on production while still reaching new customers.

-> It helps improve code quality. No matter what country they come from or how good their English skills are, local developers almost always care more about their projects than yours.

-> It allows you to scale up quickly without having to make any long-term commitments or spend too much upfront capital.

-> Software development outsourcing isn’t just about lowering costs; it also lets you cut down on overhead expenses like office space, equipment maintenance, and other administrative expenses.

Also Read: Offshore Resource Hiring-E-Guide


As software development continues to gain importance for companies, the need for outsourced software development is also increasing. It can help your business stay ahead of the competition and thrive in today’s rapidly changing business landscape.

Do remember: Software development outsourcing trends are constantly changing, and that’s why it’s essential to stay up-to-date on these changes if you plan on running an efficient software company.

At ValueCoders, we follow various best practices to provide high-quality software product development services. We have developed a competent team of developers who can deliver quality work on time and within budget.

Our dedicated professionals follow industry standards while developing software products and services. By partnering with us, your company will be able to compete effectively with other players in your industry by gaining access to high-quality products or services with an affordable cost structure.

The post A Guide To The Emerging Software Development Outsourcing Trends appeared first on ValueCoders | Unlocking the Power of Technology: Discover the Latest Insights and Trends.

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A Comprehensive Guide on Software Development Sun, 08 Nov 2020 12:21:58 +0000 Software Development is a broad term. In the most basic sense, software development is a field of IT concerned with...

The post A Comprehensive Guide on Software Development appeared first on ValueCoders | Unlocking the Power of Technology: Discover the Latest Insights and Trends.

Software Development is a broad term. In the most basic sense, software development is a field of IT concerned with the development of software applications powered by hardware to help in execute business processes, connecting businesses to their customers, amongst meeting other organizational needs.

In this IT-driven age, companies have been investing and generating revenues through software development or product development. It is time for businesses to invest in software development that can benefit businesses in the long run.

Many software development companies in India have been providing software development services to ease out project requirements from the start.

Our Comprehensive Guide is Meant for:

  1. Anyone who wants to gain knowledge on and about software development and more.
  2. For businesses and entrepreneurs who want to go all out in understanding the concept of software development for their business.
  3. Businesses that are looking forward to adapting software development methodologies and processes for their development process.

This guide will cover the following:

  • Software Development Process & Implementation
  • Software Development Features
  • Tools for Software Development
  • Software Development Future Trends for 2020

Here we go.

What do you mean by Software Development?

Software development involves analyzing requirements, designing prototypes, programming code, documenting requirements, testing, and debugging to create and maintain applications, frameworks, or other software components.

It is a set of programmable instructions and is independent of hardware to run the specific set of commands.

software development services

The four basic types of software as per your business application:

  1. System Software:  System Software is used to provide core functions such as operating systems, disk management, utilities, hardware management, and other operational necessities.
  2. Programming Software:  It facilitates the software programmer or developer’s needs with development tools such as text editors, compilers, linkers, debuggers, and other tools to create code.
  3. Application Software: Application Software is an application or app that can be used to perform tasks. Famous examples of application software are Office productivity suites, data management software, media players. They can also be referred to as web applications that can be used to shop on e-commerce websites and also can be used in socializing with social media websites.
  4. Embedded Software:  Embedded System Software can be used to control machines and devices through telecommunications networks, cars, industrial robots, and more. You can connect the devices and their software as part of the Internet of Things (IoT).

The software development process is carried out through programmers, software developers, and engineers. However, there is no difference in how the designation is pronounced in different companies as per their naming convention structures.

You can always lookout for a  SOFTWARE OUTSOURCING COMPANY  to help meet your requirements. 

Let’s move ahead and find out how software is developed and the steps involved in the software development process or methodology:

What do you understand by Software Development Process:

Software Development Lifecycle goes through six phases that include Planning, Analysis, Design, Development & Implementation, Testing, and Maintenance.

Let’s Study Each of Them in Detail:

  1. Planning: Curating a perfect plan is one of the most crucial steps in the software development process. Without the ideal method of action, you can’t calculate the estimated risks involved during the development process. A plan will help you monitor the project’s success in stipulated time in the later stages of development. 
  2. Analysis: You can analyze the performance of your software at various stages. If there is an additional requirement, you can note the requirement that can be added during the later stages of development. It is always crucial to analyze the requirements to avoid any pitfalls in the later stages.
  3. Design: After the initial analysis, designing comes into play, where you can work on the software prototype or architecture for the project. This step will help remove all the possible flaws by setting a standard and sticking on to it.

    Let’s Discuss Your Project

    Get free consultation and let us know your project idea to turn it into an amazing digital product.

  4. Development and Implementation: The next step is Development and Implementation, where the development of software starts with data recording and fetching in the background. Once the software is developed, the stage of implementation comes into the picture through a pilot mode to check the software’s functionalities.
  5. Testing: The testing stage will assess the software for potential errors and bugs that can ruin the software’s functionality in the longer run.
  6. Maintenance: Once the software passes through all phases of the software development process without any hassle, it will undergo a maintenance phase where it will be maintained, upgraded, and updated from time to time to adapt to technological changes. Almost every software development company in India follow these six steps to offer a viable product at the end.

software development company

Why Businesses should opt for Software Development Service Companies?

Software development is essential for businesses as it will help companies to differentiate among themselves hence forging competition.

It can improve customer experiences, bring more innovative, feature-rich products that are faster to market to make operations more efficient, safe, and productive.

The reasons why businesses should adopt to Software Development Service Companies are as follows:

Software Development can bring your business to new heights of integration as it will allow your business to be accessed from anywhere via smartphone or computer.

It will help in improving your sales cycle as you have an online platform that makes it easy for customers to reach your product and services.

Now you can efficiently implement your online marketing strategy for your product promotion through paid ad verticals that can target different sets of audiences at the same time, saving your time and cost.

It will help in increasing customer engagement as your customers will come back to you if you strike the perfect personalized conversational string with them.

It can save your money in the longer run, as the software is optimized to your business to ensure smooth and seamless operations with reduced redundancies and inefficiencies.

Let’s Discuss Your Project

Get free consultation and let us know your project idea to turn it into an amazing digital product.

What are some of the key features of Software Development?

Below are the Key Features of Software Development that you will enjoy if you outsource your software development project with us. We are one of the leading software application development companies.

  1. Save Upto 60% Development Cost:  If you choose us as your next software development company, you can easily save up to 60% of your development cost with our flexible plans that can vary from an hourly basis to dedicated or fixed plan models.
  2. 100% Transparency: With our software development expertise, you can expect 100% transparency without any disclosure of intricate details at any point and time.
  3. Non-disclosure Agreement: You can sign NDA ( Non-Disclosure Agreement)  to ensure data integrity and privacy.
  4. Flexible Engagement Models: There are flexible engagement models that you can choose as per your project requirements, be it a dedicated, flexible, or hourly model. Choose the one that best fits your needs.
  5. No Box Approach: As a software development company, we follow a no-box approach for software development for  project agility and effective collaboration 
  6. Agile/DevOps Process Enablement:  Our DevOps/Agile process primarily focuses on business needs and outcomes, and it streamlines and builds efficiency into all phases of software development.

What are some of the popular software development tools?

The top 5 software development tools that you can use are as follows:

A) Cloud9:

software development companies in India
Pricing Model: Quote Based

Reference link for more information:

Deployment:  N/A

Top Integrations:  Python, Ruby on Rails, Perl, Node.js, JavaScript

Cloud9 is a cloud-based integrated development environment that allows you to write, execute, and debug your code within the same browser. It is compatible with programming languages such as Perl, Python, JavaScript, C, C ++, PHP, Ruby, and Node.js.

It comes with a built-in terminal that allows you to clone the entire development environment. 

Key Benefits of Cloud9 are:

  • Improves accuracy and precision
  • Enhanced Performance
  • Reduced Risks
  • Automate Market Attribution
  • Generate Reliable Campaign ROI

b) Dataiku DSS

mobile application development companyPricing Model: Quote Based

Reference link:

Deployment:  Open API, Cloud Hosted, On-Premise

Top Features: Machine Learning, Models In Production, Data Mining, Data Wrangling

Dataiku DSS is a collaborative data science software platform that can be used to connect more than 25 data storage. It automatically detects the schema and format of your data, so you need not write the format settings before reading a data set.

Data analysts use it, scientists, and data engineers to research, prototype, build, and deliver their data products. It comes with more than 80 built-in functions to prepare, clean, mix, and clean data.

It has visual-user interface tools to create and update models in Python or R, to obtain instant visual and statistical comments on the performance of the model.

Key Benefits of Dataiku DSS are:

  • Access to all kinds of Data
  • Real-time Monitoring
  • Fast and Reliable
  • Supports more than 25 Connectors
  • 90+built in visual processors
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C) Axure:

top software development companiesPricing Model: Free/ Monthly payment/ Annual Subscription

Reference link:

Deployment:  Cloud Hosted, Open API, On-Premise

Top Features:  Dynamic Content, Conditional Flow, Adaptive Views, Match Functions, Easy Team Collaboration

Axure is one of the best software development tools. You can use it for creating prototypes, wire creation, and document creation.  It is a feature-rich tool that will allow you to create product prototypes without a single line of code.

You can run Axure with a MySQL or Microsoft SQL Server database on Microsoft IIS. It is an excellent tool for business analysts, product managers, and IT consultants.

Key Benefits of Axure:

  • Set up Team Project for Collaboration
  • Reduce Costs
  • Documentation Features
  • Easily Create Wireframes, Prototypes, and Diagrams

D) CodeLobster:

software development company

Pricing Model: Free/One-time payment

Reference link:

Deployment:  On-Premise

Top Integrations:  CodeIgniter, Symfony, Phalcon, AngularJS, jQuery, CakePHP

It is one of the best software development tools. CodeLobster comes with a suite of features such as HTML inspector, DOM elements, smart autocomplete, supports code highlighting, etc. It is compatible with content management systems such as Drupal, Joomla, WordPress, and Magento. It simplifies the process of PHP development.

Key Benefits of CodeLobster:

  • Saves Cost
  • Streamline development process
  • Multi-language Support
  • Extensive Plug-ins
  • Free internal debugger

E) Atom:

software development company


Pricing Model: Free

Reference link:

Deployment:   Open API

Top Features: Multiple panes, File system browser, smart autocompletion, Built-in package manager, Packages and themes

It is highly compatible with operating systems such as Windows, macOS, and Linux. The best thing about the Atom is that you can customize the way you want without touching the configuration file. It helps with flexibility, simplicity, and effectiveness that attracts many developers and experts.

This tool helps you to write the code faster and smarter with a flexible autocomplete feature. It comes with a simple user interface and allows you to explore the entire project or multiple projects in a single window.

Benefits of Atom are as follows:

  • Free and Open Source
  • Fully-featured app
  • Codes Faster
  • Flexible autocomplete feature
  • Avail Customization

What does the future of software Development hold for the upcoming year 2020?

2020 is just around the corner. A lot of technologies, programming trends, and approaches are coming to software development that has been gripping to take over the trends in the upcoming year.

So, let’s take a look at the most promising trends in software development in 2020:

1) The dominance of Artificial Intelligence:

AI-based software isn’t precisely a new thing. There is a strong possibility that it will solidify its position in the year 2020. The global AI software market is expected to grow to an astounding size of $14.7 billion.

AI has become a dominant force in the world of technology, hence for the upcoming year; you can expect accelerating growth in the adoption of AI-based software. 

2) Internet of Things ( IoT): 

The adoption of IoT has been a far fetched thought so far. Still, for the coming year 2020, IoT connected devices are about to take a huge leap forward in 2020, towards a fivefold increase from 2015 that will bring the total amount to 75.44 billion devices worldwide in 2025.

Software developers and software development companies have been focusing on IoT connected devices or IoT software development for the coming year.

3) The emergence of 5G:

The most exclusive trend that will change the game for mobile apps in the year 2020 is the emergence of 5G networks and how it will be adopted at a wider regional level. With high-speed wireless connectivity, lower latency, and greater bandwidth availability, 5G is sure to revolutionize the devices we use daily.

It will be challenging to see how 5G will adapt to the software development methodologies.

Consult us as your next custom Software  development company.

4) Rise and Emergence of Outsourcing:

Regardless of several outsourcing models by Indian outsourcing development companies, they are embracing new skills to service the demand. They are focusing on a more user-centric approach that will help clients with user-centric design and experience, opening new ways for innovation and market opportunities for outsourcing industries.

Let’s Discuss Your Project

Get free consultation and let us know your project idea to turn it into an amazing digital product.

5) Progressive Web Apps:

It’s finally time to move over to PWAs where you can enjoy the benefits of both worlds, and it acts like native mobile apps that can run on both the browser and mobile application interface.

So, instead of developing a mobile application for their existing website, businesses prefer to move over to PWAs, which has been acting as a perfect solution for both businesses and visitors.

Many top software development companies have been developing Progressive Web Apps. Some of the popular examples for Progressive Web Apps are Starbucks,, Flipboard, MakeMyTrip, Uber, Pinterest, etc. to name a few.

In a Nutsell:

In this article, we have tried to convey a small piece of information related to software development, its phases, trending tools, and software development trends in 2020.

software development is an umbrella term that upholds various kinds of activities in itself. I would also like to give some tips that will help to better perform software development:

  1. Create a clear work environment
  2. Organize time and priorities
  3. Plan the development process beforehand
  4. Create a list of all the software requirements
  5. Go for methods like agile and DevOps
  6. Choose the developers wisely or just outsource your projects

With a substantial rise in custom software development, We at ValueCoders, a custom software development company, believe in forging your development needs at an optimal level. You can hire custom app Indian programmers from us who are capable to deliver robust software solutions in a timely manner.

Now you can grow your business ROI with our software development services that can help consumers in the maximum possible ways. We are unfolding business ideas for better throughput revenue cycles.



Frequently Asked Questions:

What are the types of software development?

These are the 10 basic types of software development:

  • Web Development
  • Mobile Development
  • Data Science
  • Application Development
  • Back-End Development
  • Software Tools Development
  • API Development
  • Embedded Systems Development
  • Security Software Development
  • Financial Software Development
  • Cloud Development

What is cross-platform development?

Cross-platform development refers to the development of apps or software that can freely run on multiple operating systems with a single codebase.

How long does software development take?

The timeline of a custom software depends upon the scope of the work that the project requires. As we have discussed earlier the software development lifecycle has 6 different phases. Each phase takes some particular time that is based on the requirements of the project, So, it is difficult to put a particular number as a timeline.

What does it cost to build custom software?

The cost of building a software application depends upon some criteria like software size, features to include, the platform it’s built for, etc. If you share your software idea with us, we can give you a better quote for your project with an ETA.

Why should I outsource software development?

There are some benefits that IT outsourcing can bring to your custom software projects:

  • Outsourcing to get higher expertise
  • Clarify project requirements
  • Outsource to save your money
  • Focus on core business tasks
  • Set more scalability and flexibility
  • Anytime availability
  • Get you access to the latest trends & technologies

What are the best companies to hire software developers?

These are the best companies to hire offshore developers for your projects:

  • ValueCoders
  • PixelCrayons
  • SparxITSolutions
  • Appinventiv
  • Skelia
  • DOIT Software

The post A Comprehensive Guide on Software Development appeared first on ValueCoders | Unlocking the Power of Technology: Discover the Latest Insights and Trends.

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