hire healthcare developers – ValueCoders | Unlocking the Power of Technology: Discover the Latest Insights and Trends Valuecoders Mon, 15 May 2023 09:42:15 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.1.3 https://www.valuecoders.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/favicon-2.png hire healthcare developers – ValueCoders | Unlocking the Power of Technology: Discover the Latest Insights and Trends 32 32 Cloud Computing: How Will It Shape the Future of the Healthcare Industry? https://www.valuecoders.com/blog/technology-and-apps/cloud-computing-how-will-it-shape-the-future-of-the-healthcare-industry/ https://www.valuecoders.com/blog/technology-and-apps/cloud-computing-how-will-it-shape-the-future-of-the-healthcare-industry/#respond Tue, 10 May 2022 12:59:42 +0000 https://www.valuecoders.com/blog/?p=24389 Cloud computing has been rising in popularity over the past few years. It doesn’t seem to be slowing down anytime...

The post Cloud Computing: How Will It Shape the Future of the Healthcare Industry? appeared first on ValueCoders | Unlocking the Power of Technology: Discover the Latest Insights and Trends.

Cloud computing has been rising in popularity over the past few years. It doesn’t seem to be slowing down anytime soon. Now that so many businesses are using cloud-based tools to store their data, it seems only natural that it will start to make its way into other industries.

One industry that’s particularly ripe for disruption?

Yes, it is the Healthcare industry.

Cloud computing holds the key to transforming the healthcare industry from one that only delivers clinical care to patients into one that also captures. It analyzes data about what works, what doesn’t, and why, using analytics, so it can improve outcomes and lower costs.

Moreover, healthcare cloud computing presents numerous benefits, and organizations that don’t hop on the cloud computing bandwagon may soon find themselves behind the curve.

Cloud application development will play an even more vital role in healthcare in the future. Here, we will discuss how it will shape the future of the healthcare industry in 2023.

Cloud Computing In Healthcare: A Brief

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Cloud computing is poised to have a significant impact on the healthcare industry. Hospitals and other healthcare organizations are increasingly turning to cloud-based solutions to improve patient care, streamline operations, and reduce costs.

Perhaps most importantly, cloud-based solutions can help healthcare organizations improve patient care by providing easy access to data and applications.

For example, cloud-based Electronic Health Records (EHRs) can give doctors and nurses instant access to patient records. This can help improve the quality of care by allowing clinicians to make more informed decisions.

In addition, cloud-based solutions can help healthcare organizations streamline their operations. For instance, cloud-based solutions can automate administrative tasks such as billing and scheduling. This can free up staff to focus on more critical tasks, such as patient care.

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Must Read: Healthcare’s Most Intelligent Software: Simplify Process With Different Healthcare App Solutions

Healthcare organizations can save money on hardware, software, and maintenance costs by consolidating data and applications in the cloud. In addition, cloud-based solutions can help healthcare organizations save money on energy costs by reducing the need for on-site data centers.

Need for Cloud Computing in Healthcare

Currently, hospital IT systems are set up to support a more traditional model, where data and programs run on computers that are physically located in each institution. As a result, there’s no centralized system for sharing information between different hospitals or other parts of an individual’s care team.

Cloud computing helps tackle some significant challenges facing providers today: It enables users to access critical medical records and other data from multiple locations (i.e., your home computer or smartphone) instead of having to visit your provider’s office.

One of the most popular uses for cloud computing in healthcare is EMR systems. These cloud-based EMRs can be accessed from any location with an internet connection, making them much more convenient than traditional paper records.

Cloud computing also makes it easier for health professionals at different organizations to communicate electronically about patients. With the increased use of electronic medical records, cloud computing can improve everything from patient safety to overall financial efficiency in healthcare delivery.

Another everyday use for cloud computing in healthcare is for HIE platforms. HIEs exchange health information between different organizations, such as hospitals, clinics, and insurance companies.

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HIEs can be cloud-based or maintained on a local server. Cloud-based HIE systems offer the benefits of flexibility, cost savings, and easy accessibility from any location.

Finally, cloud computing is also being used in telemedicine applications, which allow patients to access healthcare services remotely via online communication. This can be especially useful for patients who live in remote areas and have limited access to healthcare providers or for those with chronic conditions that require ongoing care.

What Does Cloud Computing Have to Offer the Health Sector?

Cloud computing has several advantages to offer over on-premises deployments. It allows organizations to gain access to more powerful hardware without shelling out for their hardware and facilities.

Using virtual servers hosted off-site in a data center, businesses can pack much more processing power into less space and lower costs.

If you’re using services like Salesforce CRM or Microsoft Office 365 from a cloud provider like Microsoft Azure or Amazon Web Services, you’re already getting an idea of what being hosted on-site looks like; namely — it’s cheaper and faster than building your server room.

Must Read: A Complete Guide For Healthcare App Development

Top 10 Benefits You Can’t Ignore for Cloud Computing in Healthcare

A cloud-based system could be the most crucial step you take toward improving efficiency and cutting costs in your healthcare practice, but it can be challenging to decide whether or not it’s right for you.

As more and more medical professionals use cloud computing to manage clinical data, patient records, communication between doctors, and more, the industry has reaped significant benefits in improved care and cost savings.

1) Lowers Costs

Cloud computing not only reduces costs by allowing you to rent processing power and storage instead of buying and maintaining it on your own but also by increasing flexibility — your workload can expand or contract as needed. With cloud computing, you can also avoid some of the expensive maintenance fees of hospitals associated with legacy hardware.

An old report released by IBM Research claims that cloud computing could save hospitals more than $600 billion over five years — that’s enormous savings across an industry plagued by ever-rising costs. That’s good news for patients; if hospitals are forced to make up for their losses elsewhere, you can bet that price is passed down to consumers.

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2) Improved Performance

Using cloud computing in healthcare, you can access your data and applications anywhere. Whether you’re at home or on vacation, you can be productive and work with your team remotely as long as you have an Internet connection.

So if it takes two hours for a server to reboot at your office, having that access from a remote location could save several staff members from wasting valuable time.

Plus, with improved performance come cost savings because cloud technology allows healthcare providers to pay for what they use when they need it rather than having to plan ahead or pay for unused resources.

3) Enhances Security

Cloud computing is one of today’s most important security tools. Your private data is hosted on a server, not on your computer. This makes it harder for unauthorized users to access your data and steal your identity.

It also gives you control over what type of encryption is used and how strong it is (that’s an essential factor when you consider that 56 percent of Americans haven’t updated their antivirus software in over a year).

Additionally, cloud computing in healthcare offers more frequent backups than other systems do — it can be automated, so you don’t have to worry about forgetting to back up your data or waiting until there’s time.

And if something does happen to go wrong with your system, everything can be restored from backup within minutes or hours rather than days or weeks.

4) Improves Patient Experience

One of today’s top priorities in healthcare is improving patient experience. According to a recent report from Truven Health Analytics, patients who encounter errors and delays when receiving treatment tend to be less satisfied with their care and are more likely to delay future visits or forego additional therapies altogether.

Cloud computing in the healthcare industry helps eliminate some of these concerns by providing reliable access to data, apps, and devices from anywhere at any time. This flexibility can significantly enhance patient satisfaction.

In fact, according to findings from KPMG, organizations that have implemented cloud technology have seen an increase in consumer ratings of between 15% and 25%. That translates into millions of dollars saved through the increased patient retention rates.

5) Better Access to Health Data

In an era of increased patient mobility, it’s easy to imagine a scenario where health data is scattered across devices, desktops, and laptops. That could be a huge problem if there’s an emergency at home and you need to share information with your doctor.

Cloud computing services like Microsoft Azure can help solve that issue by storing your healthcare data remotely and securely, accessible from any computer or mobile device. Plus, if multiple users have access to that information — say, your healthcare provider as well as family members — it’s easier to keep everyone on the same page.

6) Protects From Disasters

Cloud computing protects healthcare organizations from disasters since their data isn’t stored locally but is instead mirrored and backed up regularly across multiple datacenters.

Additionally, should a disaster strike, most providers have failover protocols that move operations back to the leading data center while they assess damages. In addition to making enterprises more resilient overall, cloud computing allows them to focus on growth rather than their own technology.

With cloud-based systems, businesses are able to spend less time worrying about backups and maintenance — and more time expanding their reach.

7) Increases Flexibility and Freedom

Cloud computing offers healthcare organizations a way to provide patients and doctors with access to a variety of services without having to hire specialists and invest in special equipment.

With cloud computing, hospitals have more freedom over what they can offer and how they do it. They can respond quickly to changes in technology, manage their budgets better, and focus on patient care rather than paperwork.

The move to electronic medical records has been a significant step forward for healthcare, but when implemented poorly, it can also be an enormous burden for both providers and patients alike.

That’s why cloud computing in healthcare is such an attractive option — it provides many of the benefits of electronic medical records while removing many of their most significant drawbacks.

8) Helps Manage Financial Resources

Managing healthcare can be expensive, especially when multiple care providers are involved. Cloud-based solutions make it easier to share critical financial data across providers, which allows them to keep better track of expenses, maximize reimbursement, and coordinate care.

This also helps patients ensure that they are being treated under a unified financial model, giving them more control over how their money is being spent on medical care. In short, cloud computing for healthcare gives everyone involved a better sense of where finances stand at any given time.

9) Faster Decision-Making

Cloud computing has a number of benefits for healthcare organizations, including reduced network latency and better decision-making. In a traditional environment, you’d need to purchase and implement software that use only with one particular piece of equipment.

But using cloud computing for healthcare enables you to try out that system virtually by downloading it from a server, rather than purchasing hardware and installing it locally.

If that solution doesn’t work for your organization, download another program; there are literally thousands available — and cloud computing makes trying them all possible without having to invest in any hardware whatsoever.

10) Eliminates Wastefulness

Cloud technology can help your healthcare organization become more efficient. If a doctor makes a change to an electronic medical record, that change is made instantly and efficiently, rather than having to be sent over a network or saved and printed out; doctors also have instant access to any test results and images. This means patients don’t have to wait for new information before it’s available to their caregivers.

Additionally, cloud services enable more effective interdepartmental communication by allowing all personnel with necessary security access to share secure documents. More companies are using cloud technology with telemedicine applications, which facilitate real-time two-way video communication between patients and specialists.


Significant Upcoming Changes in Healthcare

With more and more doctors turning to electronic records and patients demanding faster, easier access to their medical records, there’s no doubt that healthcare is on a promising trajectory.

But what are some significant upcoming changes in healthcare?

Let’s take a look at how cloud computing in healthcare may help fuel innovation in this industry that’s been lagging behind for years. The following factors can significantly change healthcare in our lifetime.

Microsoft’s Azure Healthcare: Microsoft’s Azure Cloud application development has already made its way into other industries such as banking, retail, and transportation; now, it’s poised to transform healthcare.

Microsoft’s Cloud-based Health Vault Service: It will allow users to store their medical records online securely and privately. In addition, it will provide secure file sharing between providers, which could potentially improve communication between specialists — resulting in better care for patients.

It also gives doctors immediate access to patient information from any location or device with an internet connection (even if they don’t have a copy of your chart). This means they can refer you to specialists without delay while maintaining your privacy.

Also Read: Healthcare App Ideas: 20+ Ideas For Healthcare Professionals

Significant Cloud Applications Within Healthcare Industry

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Cloud technology has been changing industries for years, and now it’s changing medicine. Doctors are no longer tethered to their offices and hospitals but are free to travel from place to place. And there’s no need for an IT technician to install new hardware or software — it’s all done from a central location via a secure virtual connection.

Today, nearly all medical devices have some sort of online connectivity and can do monitoring remotely; both patients and doctors can access medical records; diagnostic imaging services like MRI scans can provide access to specialists who may be hundreds or thousands of miles away.

Plus, researchers in multiple locations can collaborate on clinical trials, making them faster and less expensive — which means lower costs for patients!

Also Read: AWS vs Azure vs Google Cloud: Which Platform Is Best?

What Kind of Security Should You Look for in a Cloud-Based System?

One of the most important things to remember when choosing a cloud-based system is to look for features. These features include encryption and checking to see if your provider offers safeguards against internal and external threats.

Encryption ensures that if someone were to hack into your account, they would not be able to view any of your data. There are two types of encryption: transport layer security (TLS) and secure sockets layer (SSL).

TLS secures communication between two endpoints, while SSL adds an extra layer by encrypting data as it travels over computer networks and servers. You should also make sure that you have both physical and technical safeguards in place in case one method fails.

Also Read: Top Cloud Computing Trends That Will Shape Businesses In The Coming Years

Privacy Concerns When It Comes To Storing Information On An External Server

Although your data is secure from all prying eyes on a private server, it could still be vulnerable if something goes wrong with your computer or if a hacker gains access to it. With online servers and other storage solutions like Dropbox, you are trading some level of security for convenience and accessibility.

There’s also an issue related to privacy when you upload your information to an external server: By sharing that information, you give others access to it as well. You could be giving away more than you want or intend.

This is why many people prefer services such as Google Docs, in which their data is on a server under their control; they know that only they can access it and share their data with whomever they choose.


Healthcare has gone digital, and it’s transforming how it operates internally and interacts with patients. Seeing the usage of healthcare software solutions, we can say that cloud computing in healthcare is inevitable. It’s happening all around us. And, it’s only a matter of time until the health sector fully adopts cloud technology into its practices.

It’s clear that the benefits for both providers and patients are vast and varied. Thus, making this technology a vital piece of the puzzle as we move into an increasingly digital future.

If you’re looking to make the switch to cloud-based systems or are just curious about what they can offer, be sure to check out our top 10 list or contact our cloud app development experts at ValueCoders, which is a leading healthcare software development company in India.

You May Find Interesting: Top 8 Healthcare Software Development Companies To Outsource Your Project

Frequently Asked Questions

What is cloud healthcare?

Cloud healthcare is the use of cloud computing technology in the healthcare industry. By moving healthcare data to the cloud, providers can securely store and access patient information. They can do this from any device with an internet connection. This not only enhances communication between providers but also allows for the sharing of information between hospitals, clinics, and pharmacies.

It also offers many benefits for patients. Patients can access their health records from any device, making it easy to share information with their doctors. They can also use cloud-based tools to monitor their health progress and manage their health conditions. Additionally, patients can save money on prescription drugs and medical treatments by using cloud-based resources.

How is cloud computing changing the healthcare industry?

Cloud computing is changing the healthcare industry. It is making it easier and more affordable for hospitals and clinics to store, manage, and access patient data. This increased efficiency and convenience are helping to improve care quality and patient outcomes.

Additionally, cloud-based software is making it easier for healthcare providers to track billing and insurance claims. Thus, resulting in substantial cost savings for the industry as a whole.

What are the types of cloud computing in healthcare?

There are three types of cloud computing in healthcare: public, private, and hybrid.

Large commercial providers usually provide public cloud services such as Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Microsoft Azure. These providers offer computing, storage, and networking resources over the Internet to anyone who desires them.

Businesses or organizations use reserved private clouds that need greater control over their data and computing resources.

Private clouds build on top of public cloud infrastructure. But the computing resources lease back to the organization rather than made available to the general public.

Hybrid clouds combine elements of both public and private clouds to provide the best of both worlds.

Also Read: Multi-Cloud vs Hybrid Cloud: Know the Difference Between Two Cloud Platforms

Which cloud provider is best for healthcare?

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question. The best cloud provider for healthcare will vary depending on the healthcare organization’s specific needs. However, when choosing a cloud provider for healthcare, some key considerations include security, data privacy, reliability, and scalability.


The post Cloud Computing: How Will It Shape the Future of the Healthcare Industry? appeared first on ValueCoders | Unlocking the Power of Technology: Discover the Latest Insights and Trends.

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IoT in Healthcare: Benefits, Challenges and Applications https://www.valuecoders.com/blog/technology-and-apps/iot-in-healthcare-benefits-challenges-and-applications/ https://www.valuecoders.com/blog/technology-and-apps/iot-in-healthcare-benefits-challenges-and-applications/#respond Thu, 30 Sep 2021 10:21:01 +0000 https://www.valuecoders.com/blog/?p=12581 There have been numerous technologies going around that have created a buzz in the healthcare industry. As we have technologies...

The post IoT in Healthcare: Benefits, Challenges and Applications appeared first on ValueCoders | Unlocking the Power of Technology: Discover the Latest Insights and Trends.

There have been numerous technologies going around that have created a buzz in the healthcare industry. As we have technologies such as Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Augmented Reality. Hence, you see their applications in every sphere or sector, albeit some of those are just overhyped or mere gimmicks.
But the Internet of Things (IoT) is the most flourishing technology, and IoT in healthcare has bought in myriad applications that are more than just gimmicks and are quite useful in reality.
In addition, there is a huge demand for IoT developers apart from just the healthcare sector. Businesses across various industries, including healthcare, are pouring in investments in IoT app development. Let’s have a look at the progress of IoT in the healthcare industry.

Let’s look at some stats to see the progress of IoT in healthcare:

  • It has been estimated by Business Insider that by 2020,  IoT devices in healthcare will be more than 161 million units.
  • According to a new report from MarketResearch.com, the healthcare Internet of Things market segment is poised to hit $117 billion by 2020. 
The stats have said it all. For businesses based on healthcare and professionals working in the medical sector, the time is ripe to work on implementing IoT-based applications in healthcare. But before I tell you how to implement IoT in healthcare, let’s understand the current state of IoT in the industry.

What is the current state of IoT in HealthCare?

It is not tough to say that the healthcare industry is in huge despair. With the increase in population, healthcare services have been costlier than ever. Hence, basic healthcare has gone beyond the reach of people. It has created havoc on the lives of needful, who are in general need of aid healthcare. As a result, the situation is getting worse with each passing year.

iot development

Are IOT applications the magic wand to solve issues in the healthcare industry?

I guess Yes! To make healthcare easily accessible with the right diagnosis and treatment, there is a huge possibility of redundant costs as medical diagnosis forms a huge part of hospital bills. This can be taken care of with IoT in the picture. Hence, the right diagnosis done through interconnected IoT applications will also lessen the need for hospitalization.
Want to explore IoT App Development for your next project? Hire Expert IoT Developers Here!

What are the benefits of IoT in Healthcare?


The benefits of IoT in healthcare are:

1) Simultaneous Reporting and Monitoring:

Real-time monitoring via connected devices can save a million lives in the event of a medical emergency like heart failure, diabetes, asthma attacks, etc. With the real-time monitoring of the condition in place by means of a smart medical device connected to a smartphone app, connected devices can collect useful medical and health-related data.
The connected IoT device collects and transfers health data such as information about blood pressure, oxygen, and blood sugar levels, weight, and ECGs. The data is stored in the cloud and can be shared with an authorized person as per the sharing access authority.
In addition, The said person could be a physician, an insurance company, a participating health firm, or an external consultant, and it will allow them to look at the collected data regardless of their location and time!
Revolutionize healthcare with IoT.

Transform your business with cutting-edge IoT solutions

Also Read: Top 10 IoT Development Companies To Build Enterprise-Grade Software

2) End-to-End Connectivity and Affordability:

IoT can help in automating healthcare and patient healthcare workflow through healthcare mobility solutions. IoT in healthcare enables interoperability, machine-to-machine communication, information exchange, and data movement that makes the delivery of healthcare services extremely cost-effective.
Hence, this technology-driven setup can bring down costs by cutting down unnecessary visits and utilizing better quality resources. Thereby improving the process of allocation and resource planning.

3) Data Assortment and Analysis:

For healthcare professionals, managing a vast amount of data is not as easy as it sounds. Data collected in real-time through IoT-enabled mobile devices can be analyzed and segregated through mobility solutions powered by IoT.
This will reduce the collection of raw data and can drive vital healthcare analytics and data-driven insights, which ultimately reduce errors and speed up decision-making.

Also Read: A Complete Guide For Healthcare App Development

4) Tracking and Alerts:

Real-time tracking and alerts in life-threatening situations can turn into a savior to safeguard a critical patient’s health with constant notifications and real-time alerts for proper monitoring, analysis, and diagnosis. Healthcare mobility solutions powered by IoT enable real-time tracking, alerting, and monitoring.
This permits hands-on treatments, better accuracy, and apt intervention by doctors hence improving the complete patient care delivery results.

5) Remote Medical Assistance:

It is a terrible situation for a patient looking for medical assistance, yet being unable to connect to a doctor due to hindrances such as location and lack of knowledge. The problem has got its fixture in the IoT-enabled mobility solutions that can help patients with proper medical assistance on the go. 
Patients can take medical prescriptions right at home through healthcare delivery chains connected to patients through IoT devices.
There are two sides to this coin. IoT applications in healthcare have also met several challenges on the way
Transform your healthcare organization with IoT technology.

Transform your business with cutting-edge IoT solutions

What are the challenges of IoT in healthcare?

1) Data Security and Privacy:

One of the most significant challenges faced by IoT is Data Security and Privacy. IoT-enabled mobile devices capture data in real-time, but most of them lack adherence to data protocols and standards. 
There is significant ambiguity regarding data ownership and regulation. Hence, the data stored within IoT-enabled devices are prone to data thefts and it makes the data more susceptible to cybercriminals that can hack into the system to compromise personal health information.
Some examples of misuse of IoT device data are fraudulent health claims and the creation of fake IDs for buying and selling drugs.

Also Read: IoT vs AI: The Difference Between Internet of Things (IoT) and Artificial Intelligence (AI)

2) Integration: Multiple Devices & Protocols:

The integration of multiple types of devices causes hindrance in the implementation of IoT in the healthcare sector. The reason behind this hindrance is that device manufacturers haven’t reached a consensus regarding communication protocol and standards.
This results in a scenario where every manufacturer creates its own separate ecosystem of IoT devices that do not work with the devices and applications of competing manufacturers. In such a situation, there is no synchronous protocol that could be followed for data aggregation. This non-uniformity slows down the process and reduces the scope of scalability of IoT in healthcare. 

3) Data Overload and Accuracy:

Due to the non-uniformity of data and communication protocols, it is difficult to aggregate data for vital insights and analysis. IoT collects data in bulk and for proper data analysis, the data need to be segregated in chunks without overloading with precise accuracy for better results. Moreover, the overloading of data might affect the decision-making process in the hospitality sector in the longer run.

4) Cost:

You might not be surprised to see this point here.  Costs are one of the greater challenges when planning to consider IoT app development for healthcare mobility solutions. However, the costs are completely worth it if the IoT implementation is one that solves a genuine problem.

While you will spend a significant amount of money and resources in developing an IoT application, the returns will be equally huge when your business saves time and manpower, all while improving the business processes, generating more revenue streams, and creating more business opportunities through IoT.


iot development

What are the applications of IoT in Healthcare?

IoT applications in healthcare are meant not just for the healthcare institutions, but for the patients too! In a nutshell, IoT in healthcare does the following: 
  1. Reducing emergency room wait time
  2. Tracking patients, staff, and inventory
  3. Enhancing drug management
  4. Ensuring the availability of critical hardware
Now, these benefits cannot be realized without the various types of IoT devices leveraged in the healthcare sector, some of the popular types of IoT devices are as follows:

1) Hearables:

Hearables are touted as the new age hearing aid for people who have suffered hearing loss and have lost interaction with the real world. The way IoT-powered devices have transformed the world with hearing aid solutions is commendable. 
Hearables are compatible with your smartphones, you can sync your Bluetooth with the device. It also allows you to filter, equalize and add layered features to real-world sounds.
One of the prominent examples of Hearables is Doppler Labs.

2) Ingestible Sensors:

A genuine modern science marvel, Ingestible Sensors are well, ingestible pill-sized sensors that get inside our bodies to monitor the medications and warn users/doctors in case of any irregularity. These sensors can be a boon for diabetic patients as it would help in curbing symptoms and provide an early warning for diseases. 

One of the prominent examples is Proteus Health, which is used for better insights, analysis, and care.

Related Blog: Top 8 Healthcare Software Development Companies To Outsource Your Project

3) Moodables:

A mood-enhancing device that can help in enhancing your mood all throughout the day! It might sound fictitious but it is not far from reality.  
Thync and Halo Neurosciences are already working on mood elevator sensors. “Mood-ables” are head-mounted wearables that send low-intensity current to the brain to elevate mood.

4) Computer Vision Technology:

Computer Vision Technology along with Artificial Intelligence has given rise to drone technology which aims to mimic visual perception to enable decision making based on it. 
Drones like Skydio, use computer vision technology to detect obstacles and navigate around them. This technology has also greatly helped visually impaired people to navigate effectively. 

5) Healthcare Charting:

IoT-powered devices reduce much of the manual work. For instance, a doctor has to use IoT devices during patient charting. Here, IoT sensors can measure all types of od data such as blood pressure, body temperature, etc., and chart it all into an app connected to measurement devices through IoT.

In addition, it makes the patient’s data readily accessible for review. Such an IoT application could save up to 15 hours/ week of a doctor’s manual charting.

How would you want to apply IoT in HEALTHCARE?

In Conclusion, we know that IoT has clearly changed the game of the healthcare industry. Healthcare is one of the most critical industrial sectors unaffected by every major technology except for the Internet of Things. In addition, IoT app development has changed the way facilities and services are delivered in the healthcare sector.
So, if you want to jump into this transition, hire IoT developers, set up a project, and take a step towards building the future of healthcare. Moreover, there are many leading IoT development companies that have been providing a pool of  IoT development services but there are only a few who deliver as per client requirements and expectations.

We at ValueCoders, have experienced IoT developers working on multiple IoT-based healthcare software projects.

The post IoT in Healthcare: Benefits, Challenges and Applications appeared first on ValueCoders | Unlocking the Power of Technology: Discover the Latest Insights and Trends.

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A Complete Guide For Healthcare App Development https://www.valuecoders.com/blog/technology-and-apps/a-complete-guide-for-healthcare-app-development/ https://www.valuecoders.com/blog/technology-and-apps/a-complete-guide-for-healthcare-app-development/#respond Thu, 24 Dec 2020 14:23:43 +0000 https://www.valuecoders.com/blog/?p=16923   Mobile applications have a huge adoption rate in the healthcare industry. Today, various healthcare apps are actively contributing to...

The post A Complete Guide For Healthcare App Development appeared first on ValueCoders | Unlocking the Power of Technology: Discover the Latest Insights and Trends.


Mobile applications have a huge adoption rate in the healthcare industry. Today, various healthcare apps are actively contributing to the betterment of people’s health while enhancing and streamlining medical services.

Do You Know?

The global mHealth apps market is predicted to reach $11.17 billion, showing a growth of 21.1% CAGR by 2025. (med gadget)

Apple, Fitbit, Omada Health, Jawbone Health Hub, Boston Scientific Corporation, Livongo Health, Abbott Omron Healthcare are the key players of the mHealth Apps Industry.

To meet current market needs and improve ROI, numerous medical institutes, hospitals, and physicians have embarked on focusing on app development. The apps built by the healthcare sector not only intensify the well-being of people but also encourage medical experts to reach more and more people.

Well if you want to develop a leading healthcare app, then just follow each step of healthcare app development listed here.

Step-By-Step Guide To Develop a Healthcare App

To simplify the healthcare app development process, you must follow each step. This will ultimately help you to build excellent healthcare apps. Well, if you are facing difficulty in following the steps, then you can also avail of healthcare software development services from the recognized IT company.

healthcare software development

Brainstorm And Confirm The App Idea

It is really essential to know the purpose of developing a mobile application as this will help you meet a business goal. Well, along with that, it is also necessary to do market research that will help you analyse the current market trend. 

In order to create impactful health apps, it is crucial to collect knowledge about the healthcare market, existing mobile apps, and make a list of advanced features. Furthermore, make sure not to build an application similar to the existing one in the market.

The key features of the mHealth app will depend on the type of application you are designing. Below I have mentioned the few basic features of mHealth apps. 

  • Record Accessibility
  • Limited Access and Permissions
  • Minimal Data Collection
  • Application-level Security
  • Clear Communication and More
  • Secure Authentication

healthcare app development

Select Omnichannel For Healthcare Application

Mobile Heath App Development


Once after doing market research and selecting the app features, choose the platform for your app.

Android, iOS, or both??

To determine the platform, you should focus on your business requirements and resources. If you want to launch an application only on the Google Play Store, then you can choose the Android platform to develop an app, or if you’re going to launch the app on the app store, then you can select the iOS platform.

Well, if you want to run the app on all omnichannel (Android and iOS), or if your audience is spread across both iOS and Android incline to hybrid mobile app development. Native iOS and Android applications offer excellent user experience (UX), but in this case, healthcare application development needs a lot of time and resources.

The healthcare sector, other startups, SMEs, and larger enterprises usually prefer Hybrid app frameworks (React Native, Ionic, and Flutter) to build the application. These frameworks stimulate the app development process as they enable Healthcare App Developers to extend a single codebase simultaneously in both the platforms (iOS and Android).

Build An MVP Healthcare Mobile App

MVP Healthcare Mobile App

Most of the businesses have a dream of developing the perfect business app. However, following an MVP-first approach can contribute more to your app’s victory.           

A minimum viable product (MVP) is the primary app version that has all the main features and is void of additional features that can be consolidated later during future advancement of the app.  

An app like Facebook, Uber, Instagram commenced as MVPs, following their footsteps will surely help you start better. It will also offer a chance to add features as per the users’ feedback to your application.  

To make your app popular first bring the simplest version of your health care app in the market and then later introduce advanced features in the app, this will help you build a full-fledged mobile app.

If in case you are confused in framing the MVP approach for your app, then you can hire mobile app developers as those will help choose and build a better approach for your business app. 

Design & Develop the App for Excellent User Experience


The user experience can make healthcare mobile apps popular as it impacts on its usability as well as user engagement. Apps that offer a superb user experience have more possibilities of attracting users. So, pay more attention to designing the UI/UX of your healthcare app as it not only requires functioning well but also requires looking well.

Adopting an iterative path and developing an app in different modules allows the mobile app developers to make alterations without affecting the all over functionality of an app. Well, integrating the app with frameworks and third-party APIs fastens the healthcare app development process by reducing the requirement for reinventing the wheel. 

App integrations with EHRs and EMRs are crucial to driving healthcare interoperability. Including innovations on the Internet of Medical Things (IoMT), unites the app with fitness wearables and also allows gathering and storing the data. Advanced healthcare applications can also use AI algorithms to manage the data to get insightful and actionable results.

Test the Developed App

Due to the popularity of mCommerce and virtual reality (VR) hardware, Virtual Commerce is becoming popular and is likely to completely replace e-commerce. 

Virtual Commerce is only possible with Artificial Intelligence (AI), the Internet of things (IoT), and blockchain with high speed of networking. By correlating to VR devices, V-commerce resembles to be developing as part of mCommerce. 

The healthcare mobile application quality, security, and accuracy are quite high. So, the testing phase of the app should be completely bugs and errors free. You should check the below-mentioned factors while testing the healthcare application. 

  • Data Security – Healthcare app data is more inclined to hacks, and that’s why recognizing and reducing all the areas of vulnerability in the testing phase is important. Encrypting data through a transport layer security will promote data validation in your healthcare app.  
  • Data Privacy and Confidentiality – Set up stern authorization and access control measures within your app to make sure information is collected by its proposed recipients only.
  • Usability— Usability queries in your app can succeed in clinical problems affecting the results of the patients’ health. Even a small problem found in the app will be a turn off for the users. So, accurate testing of the app’s usability will enhance its overall appearance.

The top-notch healthcare app development company developers know all essential factors related to testing, and that’s why I will recommend you hire mobile app developers. This will finally support completing the mobile app testing efficiently.

Don’t Miss Data Security & Launching Of App

mHealth apps that collect personally-identifying data must meet the regulatory agreements like HIPAA. These agreements apply to both the hidden entities and their business allies. Besides, the consequences of non-compliance can result in heavy fines. 

So, if you hire mobile app developers then once tell them to go through the HIPAA compliance checklist before building and launching the app. Once examining the data security launch the application on Google Play Store or app store. Well, while launching a mobile app on Google play or app store, make sure that your app is meeting all launching criteria.

healthcare app development

Maintenance and Support

Healthcare App MaintenanceThe healthcare app development journey doesn’t end at the launch of the application but somewhat prolongs beyond that. Maintenance, support, and scalability are also the other crucial determinants that you should analyse while planning for app development. 

These factors are not only about resolving the bugs but also transforming the application to enhance its appearance in the market. Healthcare App maintenance and improvement will also help you to meet the app with the newest industry trends and stay competitive in the market.

Famous Healthcare Mobile Apps

From below, you can view the most popular Healthcare mobile apps. These apps include top-level features and functionalities, and that’s why all stated apps became popular all over the world. 

  • WebMD
  • Couch-to-5K
  • Fooducate
  • RunKeeper
  • Strava Cycling
  • Fitbit
  • Epocrates Plus
  • iBlueButton
  • Curofy
  • Medscape



Wrapping Up

These are the crucial aspects that you must know to build a futuristic healthcare app. Following these steps will absolutely help you to create a leading healthcare application that will benefit you to level up your business.

In order to make a unique presence in the healthcare market, you can also hire mobile app developers from the top-notch healthcare app development company (ValueCoders); this will help you shorten the healthcare app development process and launch the app on the app store within less time frame. 

ValueCoders is one of the top-rated IT outsourcing companies offering healthcare software development services since 2004. The company has successfully delivered 4200+ projects globally, and the number is still increasing each month. The Healthcare App Developers of this organization minimum have 3+ years of experience. 


mobile app development


The post A Complete Guide For Healthcare App Development appeared first on ValueCoders | Unlocking the Power of Technology: Discover the Latest Insights and Trends.

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The convergence of AI/ML and Wearables: What’s in store for the Healthcare Industry https://www.valuecoders.com/blog/technology-and-apps/the-convergence-of-ai-ml-and-wearables-whats-in-store-for-the-healthcare-industry/ https://www.valuecoders.com/blog/technology-and-apps/the-convergence-of-ai-ml-and-wearables-whats-in-store-for-the-healthcare-industry/#respond Mon, 04 May 2020 15:21:12 +0000 https://www.valuecoders.com/blog/?p=13573 Wearables have become a part of our day to day lives. The first digital hearing aids were released in the...

The post The convergence of AI/ML and Wearables: What’s in store for the Healthcare Industry appeared first on ValueCoders | Unlocking the Power of Technology: Discover the Latest Insights and Trends.

Wearables have become a part of our day to day lives. The first digital hearing aids were released in the year 1980, and back from then, we couldn’t have imagined it to today become an inherent part of our lives. 

Wearables have become a huge trend in 2004, which was officially marked as the year of wearable technology, while there was a sudden rise in activity trackers once Apple Watch was introduced, the innovations that have been happening in the Wearable sector are no less than complete transformations. 

The evolution behind wearable devices has been driven by IoT in the healthcare industry, which is now being known as the Internet of Health Things (IoHT), where medical devices and applications are connecting to the healthcare IT system.

But we must wonder why wearables and the Internet of Things (IoT) are working without an AI engine and why do we need AI in wearables technology in the first place. 

It is because the true value lies in insights and what better than AI and Machine Learning, two vital tools for insights. 

Without an AI engine, the precise data from a wearable would lack any value to the vendor as well as the user.

That’s the reason why our machine learning app experts are developing wearable AI applications by increasingly adding AI Engine inside in various wearable health solutions.

AI-enabled wearables in Healthcare & Fitness:

AI enabled wearables in Healthcare & Fitness

AI in healthcare has enabled wearables to assist fitness with their routine training activities. Most fitness wearables help the user to track their activities. 

However, the limitation with these wearables is that after a certain point people don’t understand how to utilize the data. 

AI enabled wearables can not only track the data, but also define what the user needs to eat, how much they should sleep, and how they should train to improve their fitness among other insights.

Nowadays, wearables are coming in different forms, shapes, and sizes, thanks to technological advancement such as Intelligent Voice assistant (Alexa, Siri, etc.) integration.

Technology advanced sensors are embedded into these wearables for tracking, analyzing, and improving fitness or sport specific activities of users by generating real-time user insights.

Going the extra mile, these smart wearables provide actionable insights to the user to reduce the risk of injuries as well. e.g Smart helmets for bikers, smart glasses,  smartwatches, fitness bands,  yoga  pants which assist for correct poses

Now, let us talk about some of the popular use cases of AI in wearable healthcare.

What are the best possible AI-enabled Wearable Applications?

The wearable intelligence market is poised to reach USD180 Billion by 2025.  

This can open avenues for healthcare application development companies to develop AI-enabled wearable applications for markets across the globe. AI has always been popular in the techno market space.

The coming together of AI and Wearables can forge Smart wearable devices to sustain double-digit growth, with 780 Million units poised to sell between 2018-2022.

HealthTech Startups can take references from the AI Wearable Applications listed below to mark their foot-longs in the AI enabled wearable market.

Some of the  popular AI enabled Wearable Applications are:

  • AI-enabled Bluetooth Headphones:

AI enabled wearables in Healthcare & Fitness

The AI enabled Bluetooth Headphones to double up as a fitness tracker and are featured with biosensors that detect heart rate, elevation, motion, proximity, and touch. 

These headphones have AI based personal trainers, which helps in working out in a  smarter way by providing real-time tracking of running, cycling and other exercises. 

A popular implication of AI enabled Bluetooth Headphones is Vinci

Powered by AI smart assistance and intelligence, Vinci is your wearable headphones with voice and personal assistance, with intelligently sensored noise cancellation and immersive 3D sound.



  • Wearables for Preventive Health:

AI enabled wearables in Healthcare & Fitness

About half of Americans have one or more chronic diseases during their lifetime. 

The blatant chronic diseases include heart disease, diabetes, kidney disease, arthritis, asthma and more. With the use of preventive disease wearables &t trackers, you can monitor patients vitals such as their blood pressure, heart rate and more, it will be easier for doctors to determine their patients’ symptoms and accurately diagnose them. 

These medical media allow patients to communicate with doctors by constantly synchronizing their medical information over the phone, allowing you to access your medical information with the touch of a finger.

Some of the popular applications for Preventive Healthcare are: Heartisans, which let your blood pressure, Anywhere. Anytime. 

Another popular application is: 100Plus, which lets you monitor the body weight, blood glucose and much more with a single tap.



  • Wearables for Medical Consultation:

AI enabled wearables in Healthcare & Fitness

Telemedicine or online medical consultations have become a trend now. Insights tracked through wearable applications can be synced with medical professionals at a health center for online assessments and medical consultations.

While you detect an abnormality, the patient can report them to their consulting physician or an AI doctor.

An AI intelligence doctor is generally a standalone neural network with a deep learning algorithm that can detect ailments faster than an actual doctor could.

The machine learning algorithm ensures the platform makes minimal mistakes and maximum detections through a self-learning module.

While it shares the same amount of data as the platform, the machine learning algorithms are stronger in nature, delivering detailed reports.

Zesty is one such application that allows connected care partners to push data into the clinical record. Their platform empowers patients to manage their own care, right from their smartphone.



  • Wearables for Medication Management:

AI enabled wearables in Healthcare & Fitness

An AI-based doctor may prescribe you medication. Under the surface, the neural network that empowers doctors to AI connects when discovered to the platform to collect the necessary medical data and prescribe medicines for the patient.

The prescription is then sent to the patient’s wearable who he can refer to or even order the medication using the integrated contactless payment system with the NFC chip embedded in the consumable.

Even a consumable health app can remind you when it’s time to take medicine.

One such implication can be seen through Proteus, which consists of inviolable sensors, a small consumable sensor patch, a mobile device application, and a provider portal. When implemented, Proteus Discover unlocks unprecedented insights into patient health patterns and medication treatment efficiencies, making health care decisions more informed for all involved.



  • Wearables for tracking pulse and blood pressure for stress monitoring:

AI enabled wearables in Healthcare & Fitness

Wearable and fitness monitoring apps help track all activities like heart rate, sleep patterns and a wide range of other biomarkers.

These devices are useful if a patient follows a training routine to improve his condition. If so, these apps can show their improvement effectively.

wearable healthcare application solutions that monitor pulse and blood pressure for stress monitoring

In addition, the patient can use these devices by requesting them to request daily walking reminders, heart rate, blood pressure, blood sugar and weight statistics

One such implementation is –Omron Heartguide, a clinically accurate, wearable blood pressure monitor in a wristwatch form factor that helps in tracking your heart data and learning how your behaviors impact your heart health. 


AI and wearable devices are two cutting-edge technologies that destroy many industries. Healthcare is an industry that can get a huge amount of benefits from both AI and wearable technology.

In this blog, we saw how a combination of the two can bring significant changes and make our health sector more effective.

Moreover, this can play a significant role in improving the health of patients with chronic diseases.

In the coming years, we will improve both of these technologies, which will lead to an even better healthcare system.

At  ValueCoders, we always work towards making immersive applications with the latest technologies. For AI Wearable Applications, you can consult us and hire machine learning app programmers for your next project.

Few Frequently Encountered Questions

q1) How is AI used in healthcare?

Artificial Intelligence (AI) in healthcare uses comprehensive algorithms and software to simulate human cognition in the analysis of complex medical data. The main goal of health-related AI applications is to analyze the relationships between prevention or treatment methods and patient outcomes.

Q2) How AI will transform healthcare?

AI succeeds in classifying data, especially when it is exposed to a large amount of data on this subject. AI will transform the health sector with wearable AI-enabled devices to better understand and share data.

Q3) Why is artificial intelligence important in healthcare?

In the healthcare sector, artificial intelligence (AI) can help manage and analyze data, make decisions, and conduct conversations, so it is destined to radically change the way doctors work in everyday practice.

Q4) How can AI help doctors?

Primary care physicians can use AI to take notes, analyze their conversations with patients, and enter the necessary information directly into EMC systems. These applications will collect and analyze patient data and present it to primary care physicians along with an understanding of the patient’s medical needs.

Q5) How can artificial intelligence benefit hospitals?

Artificial intelligence offers a number of benefits when exploring a healthcare landscape. Artificial intelligence technology can help doctors make more informed decisions based on data. This can have a positive effect on reducing mortality. AI can help improve the diagnosis, management, and treatment of diseases.

The post The convergence of AI/ML and Wearables: What’s in store for the Healthcare Industry appeared first on ValueCoders | Unlocking the Power of Technology: Discover the Latest Insights and Trends.

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