IoT applications – ValueCoders | Unlocking the Power of Technology: Discover the Latest Insights and Trends Valuecoders Mon, 15 May 2023 09:42:15 +0000 en-US hourly 1 IoT applications – ValueCoders | Unlocking the Power of Technology: Discover the Latest Insights and Trends 32 32 IoT in Healthcare: Benefits, Challenges and Applications Thu, 30 Sep 2021 10:21:01 +0000 There have been numerous technologies going around that have created a buzz in the healthcare industry. As we have technologies...

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There have been numerous technologies going around that have created a buzz in the healthcare industry. As we have technologies such as Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Augmented Reality. Hence, you see their applications in every sphere or sector, albeit some of those are just overhyped or mere gimmicks.
But the Internet of Things (IoT) is the most flourishing technology, and IoT in healthcare has bought in myriad applications that are more than just gimmicks and are quite useful in reality.
In addition, there is a huge demand for IoT developers apart from just the healthcare sector. Businesses across various industries, including healthcare, are pouring in investments in IoT app development. Let’s have a look at the progress of IoT in the healthcare industry.

Let’s look at some stats to see the progress of IoT in healthcare:

  • It has been estimated by Business Insider that by 2020,  IoT devices in healthcare will be more than 161 million units.
  • According to a new report from, the healthcare Internet of Things market segment is poised to hit $117 billion by 2020. 
The stats have said it all. For businesses based on healthcare and professionals working in the medical sector, the time is ripe to work on implementing IoT-based applications in healthcare. But before I tell you how to implement IoT in healthcare, let’s understand the current state of IoT in the industry.

What is the current state of IoT in HealthCare?

It is not tough to say that the healthcare industry is in huge despair. With the increase in population, healthcare services have been costlier than ever. Hence, basic healthcare has gone beyond the reach of people. It has created havoc on the lives of needful, who are in general need of aid healthcare. As a result, the situation is getting worse with each passing year.

iot development

Are IOT applications the magic wand to solve issues in the healthcare industry?

I guess Yes! To make healthcare easily accessible with the right diagnosis and treatment, there is a huge possibility of redundant costs as medical diagnosis forms a huge part of hospital bills. This can be taken care of with IoT in the picture. Hence, the right diagnosis done through interconnected IoT applications will also lessen the need for hospitalization.
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What are the benefits of IoT in Healthcare?


The benefits of IoT in healthcare are:

1) Simultaneous Reporting and Monitoring:

Real-time monitoring via connected devices can save a million lives in the event of a medical emergency like heart failure, diabetes, asthma attacks, etc. With the real-time monitoring of the condition in place by means of a smart medical device connected to a smartphone app, connected devices can collect useful medical and health-related data.
The connected IoT device collects and transfers health data such as information about blood pressure, oxygen, and blood sugar levels, weight, and ECGs. The data is stored in the cloud and can be shared with an authorized person as per the sharing access authority.
In addition, The said person could be a physician, an insurance company, a participating health firm, or an external consultant, and it will allow them to look at the collected data regardless of their location and time!
Revolutionize healthcare with IoT.

Transform your business with cutting-edge IoT solutions

Also Read: Top 10 IoT Development Companies To Build Enterprise-Grade Software

2) End-to-End Connectivity and Affordability:

IoT can help in automating healthcare and patient healthcare workflow through healthcare mobility solutions. IoT in healthcare enables interoperability, machine-to-machine communication, information exchange, and data movement that makes the delivery of healthcare services extremely cost-effective.
Hence, this technology-driven setup can bring down costs by cutting down unnecessary visits and utilizing better quality resources. Thereby improving the process of allocation and resource planning.

3) Data Assortment and Analysis:

For healthcare professionals, managing a vast amount of data is not as easy as it sounds. Data collected in real-time through IoT-enabled mobile devices can be analyzed and segregated through mobility solutions powered by IoT.
This will reduce the collection of raw data and can drive vital healthcare analytics and data-driven insights, which ultimately reduce errors and speed up decision-making.

Also Read: A Complete Guide For Healthcare App Development

4) Tracking and Alerts:

Real-time tracking and alerts in life-threatening situations can turn into a savior to safeguard a critical patient’s health with constant notifications and real-time alerts for proper monitoring, analysis, and diagnosis. Healthcare mobility solutions powered by IoT enable real-time tracking, alerting, and monitoring.
This permits hands-on treatments, better accuracy, and apt intervention by doctors hence improving the complete patient care delivery results.

5) Remote Medical Assistance:

It is a terrible situation for a patient looking for medical assistance, yet being unable to connect to a doctor due to hindrances such as location and lack of knowledge. The problem has got its fixture in the IoT-enabled mobility solutions that can help patients with proper medical assistance on the go. 
Patients can take medical prescriptions right at home through healthcare delivery chains connected to patients through IoT devices.
There are two sides to this coin. IoT applications in healthcare have also met several challenges on the way
Transform your healthcare organization with IoT technology.

Transform your business with cutting-edge IoT solutions

What are the challenges of IoT in healthcare?

1) Data Security and Privacy:

One of the most significant challenges faced by IoT is Data Security and Privacy. IoT-enabled mobile devices capture data in real-time, but most of them lack adherence to data protocols and standards. 
There is significant ambiguity regarding data ownership and regulation. Hence, the data stored within IoT-enabled devices are prone to data thefts and it makes the data more susceptible to cybercriminals that can hack into the system to compromise personal health information.
Some examples of misuse of IoT device data are fraudulent health claims and the creation of fake IDs for buying and selling drugs.

Also Read: IoT vs AI: The Difference Between Internet of Things (IoT) and Artificial Intelligence (AI)

2) Integration: Multiple Devices & Protocols:

The integration of multiple types of devices causes hindrance in the implementation of IoT in the healthcare sector. The reason behind this hindrance is that device manufacturers haven’t reached a consensus regarding communication protocol and standards.
This results in a scenario where every manufacturer creates its own separate ecosystem of IoT devices that do not work with the devices and applications of competing manufacturers. In such a situation, there is no synchronous protocol that could be followed for data aggregation. This non-uniformity slows down the process and reduces the scope of scalability of IoT in healthcare. 

3) Data Overload and Accuracy:

Due to the non-uniformity of data and communication protocols, it is difficult to aggregate data for vital insights and analysis. IoT collects data in bulk and for proper data analysis, the data need to be segregated in chunks without overloading with precise accuracy for better results. Moreover, the overloading of data might affect the decision-making process in the hospitality sector in the longer run.

4) Cost:

You might not be surprised to see this point here.  Costs are one of the greater challenges when planning to consider IoT app development for healthcare mobility solutions. However, the costs are completely worth it if the IoT implementation is one that solves a genuine problem.

While you will spend a significant amount of money and resources in developing an IoT application, the returns will be equally huge when your business saves time and manpower, all while improving the business processes, generating more revenue streams, and creating more business opportunities through IoT.


iot development

What are the applications of IoT in Healthcare?

IoT applications in healthcare are meant not just for the healthcare institutions, but for the patients too! In a nutshell, IoT in healthcare does the following: 
  1. Reducing emergency room wait time
  2. Tracking patients, staff, and inventory
  3. Enhancing drug management
  4. Ensuring the availability of critical hardware
Now, these benefits cannot be realized without the various types of IoT devices leveraged in the healthcare sector, some of the popular types of IoT devices are as follows:

1) Hearables:

Hearables are touted as the new age hearing aid for people who have suffered hearing loss and have lost interaction with the real world. The way IoT-powered devices have transformed the world with hearing aid solutions is commendable. 
Hearables are compatible with your smartphones, you can sync your Bluetooth with the device. It also allows you to filter, equalize and add layered features to real-world sounds.
One of the prominent examples of Hearables is Doppler Labs.

2) Ingestible Sensors:

A genuine modern science marvel, Ingestible Sensors are well, ingestible pill-sized sensors that get inside our bodies to monitor the medications and warn users/doctors in case of any irregularity. These sensors can be a boon for diabetic patients as it would help in curbing symptoms and provide an early warning for diseases. 

One of the prominent examples is Proteus Health, which is used for better insights, analysis, and care.

Related Blog: Top 8 Healthcare Software Development Companies To Outsource Your Project

3) Moodables:

A mood-enhancing device that can help in enhancing your mood all throughout the day! It might sound fictitious but it is not far from reality.  
Thync and Halo Neurosciences are already working on mood elevator sensors. “Mood-ables” are head-mounted wearables that send low-intensity current to the brain to elevate mood.

4) Computer Vision Technology:

Computer Vision Technology along with Artificial Intelligence has given rise to drone technology which aims to mimic visual perception to enable decision making based on it. 
Drones like Skydio, use computer vision technology to detect obstacles and navigate around them. This technology has also greatly helped visually impaired people to navigate effectively. 

5) Healthcare Charting:

IoT-powered devices reduce much of the manual work. For instance, a doctor has to use IoT devices during patient charting. Here, IoT sensors can measure all types of od data such as blood pressure, body temperature, etc., and chart it all into an app connected to measurement devices through IoT.

In addition, it makes the patient’s data readily accessible for review. Such an IoT application could save up to 15 hours/ week of a doctor’s manual charting.

How would you want to apply IoT in HEALTHCARE?

In Conclusion, we know that IoT has clearly changed the game of the healthcare industry. Healthcare is one of the most critical industrial sectors unaffected by every major technology except for the Internet of Things. In addition, IoT app development has changed the way facilities and services are delivered in the healthcare sector.
So, if you want to jump into this transition, hire IoT developers, set up a project, and take a step towards building the future of healthcare. Moreover, there are many leading IoT development companies that have been providing a pool of  IoT development services but there are only a few who deliver as per client requirements and expectations.

We at ValueCoders, have experienced IoT developers working on multiple IoT-based healthcare software projects.

The post IoT in Healthcare: Benefits, Challenges and Applications appeared first on ValueCoders | Unlocking the Power of Technology: Discover the Latest Insights and Trends.

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How is IOT Leveraging the Mobile App Development Industry? Wed, 02 Jan 2019 13:19:03 +0000 With the fast pace, the mobile app development industry is experiencing useful and innovative changes due to the emergence of...

The post How is IOT Leveraging the Mobile App Development Industry? appeared first on ValueCoders | Unlocking the Power of Technology: Discover the Latest Insights and Trends.

With the fast pace, the mobile app development industry is experiencing useful and innovative changes due to the emergence of various modern technologies. IoT is one of the most popular technologies that has again come in the limelight in recent years. In fact, IoT solutions are enjoying their existence in many fields like agriculture, retail, healthcare, and much more.

IoT can facilitate interaction and communication at all levels. Ease of use and the growing demand for such applications are two main factors responsible for the increase in IoT application development services.

As per the stats, this technology got huge importance in 2018. It is estimated that by 2022 there will be approximately 1.5 billion IoT devices with cellular connections which is actually a big number.

In 2020, the installed base of the Internet of Things devices is forecast to grow to almost 31 billion worldwide.

What makes IoT different from other technologies?

-> Software and hardware capabilities: The IoT network and related software must be able to handle complex business operations and be compatible with mobile application solutions.

-> Selection of programming framework: You need to make sure it prior to whether the app would be compatible with the existing IoT network or not while selecting the programming framework.

-> Compatible with license agreements: The IoT application must be compatible with the current licensing standards and agreements.

-> Aspects of connectivity: Wi-fi or Bluetooth, mobile applications enabled for IoT need continuous connectivity.

In this blog, we will discuss how the mobile app development industry is leveraged with IOT technology. Check out the various supporting reasons below:

1) Cost-effective

IoT can give a boost to the brand and reduce the cost of developing mobile applications. IoT can allow mobile application developers to integrate several components in a cost-effective way. It also makes the application more interactive and provides a space for innovation. In a way, IoT can save a lot of money.

2) High security

When it comes to security, mobile application development services focus on improving security because the IoT concept deals with a large amount of personalized data. Such personalized and confidential data should be avoided in the wrong hands. IoT-based mobile application development solutions, therefore, need more attention to data security.

3) Valuable insights

IoT is a network of connected devices, servers, and other equipment. All these devices collect and access critical data to work seamlessly and stay synchronized with different devices and equipment. In this process, the IoT system can provide you with valuable information. You can use this information to make decisions in real time and simplify your complex business processes.

4) Highly convenient apps

The development of IoT mobile applications offers more convenience for users. It is obvious that we use smartphones more than laptops. In addition, we can take the smartphone everywhere with us. In other words, we can manage the entire IoT network in our work in a simple way. Features such as notification and integration of social networks can also be offered in the IoT mobile application.

5) Easily customizable and interactive

It is no exaggeration to mention that IoT can make mobile applications more interactive. In addition, this technology can open the doors to new personalization options. This means that your company’s mobile application can remain relevant and up to date with the functionality related to IoT and other necessary features. Hence, it will create feature-rich and futuristic mobile apps that would help you stay ahead from the growing competition.

IoT technology can provide you with simple customization options for the enterprise mobile application. It’s because developers can easily meet the needs of connected devices when they create applications for their business.

6) Niche Segment

Being a popular technology for mobile app development, it is still found that many companies have not yet adopted IOT. So, if you integrate IoT at your workplace, there are probably higher chances for getting a competitive edge and thus you can address a niche market that has IoT-based mobile application solutions.

By hiring proficient IOT developers, you can easily integrate the most important features to your business mobile applications. In fact, this technology makes the entrepreneur’s and the developer’s life easy.

7) Efficient

Customer participation can be significantly increased through an IoT mobile application. The IoT application can provide an excellent user experience and help your employees work more efficiently. The IoT network is designed to simplify and automate business processes. It can certainly increase productivity and efficiency. When it comes to the development of mobile applications, IoT can make the development process easier to use and users can work more efficiently with greater convenience.

8) Location independence

The IoT mobile application can be used anywhere, regardless of time and place. Even if you are far from the workplace, you can easily control the IoT system. In summary, IoT offers location independence. Only smart devices are needed to run a mobile application based on IoT.

What makes IoT more valuable for custom mobile application solutions is the fact that this technology can affect all domains in various sectors of the industry. Whether you are in the health sector or in agriculture, IoT can easily meet your business needs and the personalized mobile application can take full advantage of this technology.

While IoT has many benefits to offer, the focus will still be on improving the security aspect because IoT applications are more vulnerable to cyber attacks.

9) Easy integration

IoT can be easily integrated with other emerging technologies such as AR, VR and Machine Learning. Therefore, it is easy to integrate the features of these futuristic technologies into the mobile application. However, IoT needs specialization for proper implementation. Mobile application developers with IoT experience can integrate technological advances.


So far we have seen that IoT is configured to bring radical changes to the traditional mobile application development process.

By taking advantage of the benefits of IoT, enterprise-class mobile applications can increase the productivity and efficiency of your complex business processes. You can control the entire IoT network at your workplace through your fingertips. The future of mobile apps will undoubtedly bring about better solutions if mobile development companies can get it right.

At ValueCoders(a leading software development company), we have a large and efficient mobile team that has successfully delivered more than 500 apps across 20+ countries. We offer end-to-end application solutions based on IoT. Our dedicated mobile app developers can meet business needs.

The post How is IOT Leveraging the Mobile App Development Industry? appeared first on ValueCoders | Unlocking the Power of Technology: Discover the Latest Insights and Trends.

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