Healthcare application development services – ValueCoders | Unlocking the Power of Technology: Discover the Latest Insights and Trends Valuecoders Tue, 28 Mar 2023 12:39:03 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Healthcare application development services – ValueCoders | Unlocking the Power of Technology: Discover the Latest Insights and Trends 32 32 A Complete Guide For Healthcare App Development Thu, 24 Dec 2020 14:23:43 +0000   Mobile applications have a huge adoption rate in the healthcare industry. Today, various healthcare apps are actively contributing to...

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Mobile applications have a huge adoption rate in the healthcare industry. Today, various healthcare apps are actively contributing to the betterment of people’s health while enhancing and streamlining medical services.

Do You Know?

The global mHealth apps market is predicted to reach $11.17 billion, showing a growth of 21.1% CAGR by 2025. (med gadget)

Apple, Fitbit, Omada Health, Jawbone Health Hub, Boston Scientific Corporation, Livongo Health, Abbott Omron Healthcare are the key players of the mHealth Apps Industry.

To meet current market needs and improve ROI, numerous medical institutes, hospitals, and physicians have embarked on focusing on app development. The apps built by the healthcare sector not only intensify the well-being of people but also encourage medical experts to reach more and more people.

Well if you want to develop a leading healthcare app, then just follow each step of healthcare app development listed here.

Step-By-Step Guide To Develop a Healthcare App

To simplify the healthcare app development process, you must follow each step. This will ultimately help you to build excellent healthcare apps. Well, if you are facing difficulty in following the steps, then you can also avail of healthcare software development services from the recognized IT company.

healthcare software development

Brainstorm And Confirm The App Idea

It is really essential to know the purpose of developing a mobile application as this will help you meet a business goal. Well, along with that, it is also necessary to do market research that will help you analyse the current market trend. 

In order to create impactful health apps, it is crucial to collect knowledge about the healthcare market, existing mobile apps, and make a list of advanced features. Furthermore, make sure not to build an application similar to the existing one in the market.

The key features of the mHealth app will depend on the type of application you are designing. Below I have mentioned the few basic features of mHealth apps. 

  • Record Accessibility
  • Limited Access and Permissions
  • Minimal Data Collection
  • Application-level Security
  • Clear Communication and More
  • Secure Authentication

healthcare app development

Select Omnichannel For Healthcare Application

Mobile Heath App Development


Once after doing market research and selecting the app features, choose the platform for your app.

Android, iOS, or both??

To determine the platform, you should focus on your business requirements and resources. If you want to launch an application only on the Google Play Store, then you can choose the Android platform to develop an app, or if you’re going to launch the app on the app store, then you can select the iOS platform.

Well, if you want to run the app on all omnichannel (Android and iOS), or if your audience is spread across both iOS and Android incline to hybrid mobile app development. Native iOS and Android applications offer excellent user experience (UX), but in this case, healthcare application development needs a lot of time and resources.

The healthcare sector, other startups, SMEs, and larger enterprises usually prefer Hybrid app frameworks (React Native, Ionic, and Flutter) to build the application. These frameworks stimulate the app development process as they enable Healthcare App Developers to extend a single codebase simultaneously in both the platforms (iOS and Android).

Build An MVP Healthcare Mobile App

MVP Healthcare Mobile App

Most of the businesses have a dream of developing the perfect business app. However, following an MVP-first approach can contribute more to your app’s victory.           

A minimum viable product (MVP) is the primary app version that has all the main features and is void of additional features that can be consolidated later during future advancement of the app.  

An app like Facebook, Uber, Instagram commenced as MVPs, following their footsteps will surely help you start better. It will also offer a chance to add features as per the users’ feedback to your application.  

To make your app popular first bring the simplest version of your health care app in the market and then later introduce advanced features in the app, this will help you build a full-fledged mobile app.

If in case you are confused in framing the MVP approach for your app, then you can hire mobile app developers as those will help choose and build a better approach for your business app. 

Design & Develop the App for Excellent User Experience


The user experience can make healthcare mobile apps popular as it impacts on its usability as well as user engagement. Apps that offer a superb user experience have more possibilities of attracting users. So, pay more attention to designing the UI/UX of your healthcare app as it not only requires functioning well but also requires looking well.

Adopting an iterative path and developing an app in different modules allows the mobile app developers to make alterations without affecting the all over functionality of an app. Well, integrating the app with frameworks and third-party APIs fastens the healthcare app development process by reducing the requirement for reinventing the wheel. 

App integrations with EHRs and EMRs are crucial to driving healthcare interoperability. Including innovations on the Internet of Medical Things (IoMT), unites the app with fitness wearables and also allows gathering and storing the data. Advanced healthcare applications can also use AI algorithms to manage the data to get insightful and actionable results.

Test the Developed App

Due to the popularity of mCommerce and virtual reality (VR) hardware, Virtual Commerce is becoming popular and is likely to completely replace e-commerce. 

Virtual Commerce is only possible with Artificial Intelligence (AI), the Internet of things (IoT), and blockchain with high speed of networking. By correlating to VR devices, V-commerce resembles to be developing as part of mCommerce. 

The healthcare mobile application quality, security, and accuracy are quite high. So, the testing phase of the app should be completely bugs and errors free. You should check the below-mentioned factors while testing the healthcare application. 

  • Data Security – Healthcare app data is more inclined to hacks, and that’s why recognizing and reducing all the areas of vulnerability in the testing phase is important. Encrypting data through a transport layer security will promote data validation in your healthcare app.  
  • Data Privacy and Confidentiality – Set up stern authorization and access control measures within your app to make sure information is collected by its proposed recipients only.
  • Usability— Usability queries in your app can succeed in clinical problems affecting the results of the patients’ health. Even a small problem found in the app will be a turn off for the users. So, accurate testing of the app’s usability will enhance its overall appearance.

The top-notch healthcare app development company developers know all essential factors related to testing, and that’s why I will recommend you hire mobile app developers. This will finally support completing the mobile app testing efficiently.

Don’t Miss Data Security & Launching Of App

mHealth apps that collect personally-identifying data must meet the regulatory agreements like HIPAA. These agreements apply to both the hidden entities and their business allies. Besides, the consequences of non-compliance can result in heavy fines. 

So, if you hire mobile app developers then once tell them to go through the HIPAA compliance checklist before building and launching the app. Once examining the data security launch the application on Google Play Store or app store. Well, while launching a mobile app on Google play or app store, make sure that your app is meeting all launching criteria.

healthcare app development

Maintenance and Support

Healthcare App MaintenanceThe healthcare app development journey doesn’t end at the launch of the application but somewhat prolongs beyond that. Maintenance, support, and scalability are also the other crucial determinants that you should analyse while planning for app development. 

These factors are not only about resolving the bugs but also transforming the application to enhance its appearance in the market. Healthcare App maintenance and improvement will also help you to meet the app with the newest industry trends and stay competitive in the market.

Famous Healthcare Mobile Apps

From below, you can view the most popular Healthcare mobile apps. These apps include top-level features and functionalities, and that’s why all stated apps became popular all over the world. 

  • WebMD
  • Couch-to-5K
  • Fooducate
  • RunKeeper
  • Strava Cycling
  • Fitbit
  • Epocrates Plus
  • iBlueButton
  • Curofy
  • Medscape



Wrapping Up

These are the crucial aspects that you must know to build a futuristic healthcare app. Following these steps will absolutely help you to create a leading healthcare application that will benefit you to level up your business.

In order to make a unique presence in the healthcare market, you can also hire mobile app developers from the top-notch healthcare app development company (ValueCoders); this will help you shorten the healthcare app development process and launch the app on the app store within less time frame. 

ValueCoders is one of the top-rated IT outsourcing companies offering healthcare software development services since 2004. The company has successfully delivered 4200+ projects globally, and the number is still increasing each month. The Healthcare App Developers of this organization minimum have 3+ years of experience. 


mobile app development


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Why Investing in Healthcare App Development is Good? Tue, 26 Nov 2019 08:49:21 +0000 Application of innovative technology has been constantly contributing to boost healthcare services delivery to worldwide patients since a long time....

The post Why Investing in Healthcare App Development is Good? appeared first on ValueCoders | Unlocking the Power of Technology: Discover the Latest Insights and Trends.

Application of innovative technology has been constantly contributing to boost healthcare services delivery to worldwide patients since a long time.

With the latest advancements in technology, Artificial Intelligence has evolved as the modern booster for healthcare industry and nowadays one can find several Artificial Intelligence developers contributing to this sector. At present, AI implementation in the healthcare sector has produced outcomes that could never have been fathomed several years back from now.

In this blog post, we will explore the diverse application areas where AI is transforming the healthcare sector. Additionally, we will help you understand why you must invest in healthcare application development.

Understanding AI Application in the Context of Modern Healthcare

Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare Industry

The current healthcare industry has made significant achievements in standards of healthcare service delivery owing to the supporting force technologies like AI have been providing for quite some years now.

From diagnosis to drug recovery and Virtual nursing to remote patient monitoring; the impact of AI on healthcare is fairly evident.

The advancements in Machine Learning, Deep Learning and Artificial Neural Networks and their consequent application in healthcare have provided the much-needed assistance to global healthcare industry professionals.

Then we have the AI-based Da Vinci robot that helps surgeons perform the most complex and delicate surgeries with high precision. AI has indeed made diagnosis of some of the most critical diseases like Cancer simplified.

In fact, by analyzing the patient’s test reports and supporting medical images, the system can accurately diagnose the disease, thereby allowing the physicians to formulate a comprehensive healthcare plan for the patient.

Deciphering of massive medical imaging data to reveal tissue properties and effect of a specific drug can be easily analyzed as well. Google Deepmind Health and IBM Watson also require special mention when it comes to discussing significant contributors to the healthcare industry.

Not only can AI facilitate analyzing the underlying molecular structure of any drug and predict its effect; but it also helps in formulating a new improved drug that has faster, much effective impact on the patient.

Virtual nursing based applications further extend the scope of medical care beyond patient’s discharge from the hospital.

Such applications can be accessed as wearable as well and enable providing guidance to patient in cases like reminding the daily medicine schedule, answer generic treatment-specific queries and more.

Impact of Prominent AI Based Healthcare Apps – A Quick Overview

With advent of Smartphones came the need to pack AI into mobile-friendly healthcare solutions.

Consequently, the healthcare sector witnessed a plethora of feature-enriched apps designed and developed for the sole aim of simplifying things for the physicians and patients.

Among the several AI based healthcare apps, Babylon deserves special mention. Often referred as the Doctor app, Babylon analyzes patient data by comparing research papers and millions of data points as derived from other global patients to diagnose the disease and generate accurate report as output.

Built by a London based healthcare company, ADA is an AI based app developed along similar lines. It not only provides diagnosis by asking symptom based questionnaire to patients but also offers the remedial measures to be followed like booking appointment with a professional physician.

Developed using the health records of over 2 billion global health events, K Health is another app that takes the patient through different rounds of ailment-based questions and then records the answers for analysis, providing accurate diagnosis report as output.

Intelligent Investment in AI is The Need of the Hour for Global Medical Industry

If you do require delivering superior healthcare services and experience to patients, investing in AI should be of paramount importance to you. Though AI based research is typically quite expensive, it unleashes the potential to strengthen your existing healthcare service delivery.

It makes the process swift, more accurate and systematic; thereby relieving that awful tremendous pressure on physicians and healthcare professionals. Consulting a healthcare app development company should thus be your next move in case you desire to have a robust healthcare app built.

An experienced healthcare application development services provider can systematically guide you on ensuring an improved healthcare service delivery experience as you invest in AI based healthcare apps.

You simply need to discuss your precise requirements with a healthcare software development company to leverage the best of what AI based healthcare applications have on offer.

The post Why Investing in Healthcare App Development is Good? appeared first on ValueCoders | Unlocking the Power of Technology: Discover the Latest Insights and Trends.

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