hire asp.net developers – ValueCoders | Unlocking the Power of Technology: Discover the Latest Insights and Trends Valuecoders Tue, 16 May 2023 05:06:25 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.1.3 https://www.valuecoders.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/favicon-2.png hire asp.net developers – ValueCoders | Unlocking the Power of Technology: Discover the Latest Insights and Trends 32 32 .NET vs. Java: The Ultimate Battle of Web Application Assemblies https://www.valuecoders.com/blog/app-development/net-vs-java-the-ultimate-battle-of-web-application-assemblies/ Tue, 02 May 2023 06:00:38 +0000 https://www.valuecoders.com/blog/?p=31609 Java and .NET are two widely used development technologies for web applications. However, when comparing websites using server-side programming languages,...

The post .NET vs. Java: The Ultimate Battle of Web Application Assemblies appeared first on ValueCoders | Unlocking the Power of Technology: Discover the Latest Insights and Trends.

Java and .NET are two widely used development technologies for web applications. However, when comparing websites using server-side programming languages, as per W3techs.com, ASP.NET is used by 7.1% of websites, whereas Java is used by 4.7%.

As businesses seek to modernize their web applications, the choice of technology stack becomes critical. This blog will compare .NET vs Java in the ultimate battle of web application assemblies.

At ValueCoders, our team of experts has extensive experience in developing web applications using both .NET and Java. Join us as we dive into the technical details of .NET and Java, and compare them.

.NET vs Java: An Overview


NET Logo

Microsoft created the free, open-source .NET framework, which is cross-platform. For Windows, Linux, and macOS, it enables programmers to create cutting-edge, high-performing programs. A runtime, a framework, a class library, and a collection of tools comprise the .NET framework, which offers a wide range of functionality for creating online applications. When you hire ASP.NET developers, they may build web apps using C#, F#, and Visual Basic.


Java Logo

Java is a popular platform for developing web applications because of its reputation for reliability, security, and portability. It is a well-known programming language created in 1995 by Sun Microsystems, which Oracle now owns. 

It is an object-oriented language with platform independence. The programs written on Java may run on any hardware or operating system with a Java Virtual Machine (JVM) set up.

In addition to its core language, Java has a rich ecosystem of tools and frameworks; therefore, when you hire Java app developers, they can easily build web applications. Popular frameworks like Spring, Hibernate, and Struts are among them.

Java also boasts a sizable and vibrant developer community, so individuals needing assistance or those interested in learning more about the language may find a wealth of resources online.

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Pros and Cons of .NET

Pros and Cons of .NET


  • Strong Windows integration: .NET was originally developed for the Windows platform and provided tight integration with the operating system.
  • Excellent performance: .NET’s Just-In-Time (JIT) compilation optimizes performance at runtime, making it faster than Java for executing complex algorithms.
  • Easy to learn: .NET has a more integrated development environment (IDE) that provides a better-streamlined development experience.                                                                                                                                                               
  • Robust security: .NET’s security protocols are known for their robustness and make a significant reason many businesses choose .NET for their projects.
  • Wide language support: .NET supports various programming languages, including C#, Visual Basic, and F#.


  • Limited platform independence: While .NET has expanded to support other operating systems through .NET Core, it is still primarily a Windows technology.
  • Proprietary technology: Some features of .NET require licenses, which can add to the overall cost of a project.
  • Limited community support: While .NET has a large and growing community, it is not as established as Java’s community.
  • Limited scalability: While .NET can handle large traffic volumes, it is less scalable than Java for vertical scaling.
  • Limited language support: While .NET supports multiple languages, its support is more limited than Java.

Also Read: Building a Dream Team: How to Hire Top iOS, Android, and Web Developers

Pros and Cons of Java

Pros and Cons of Java


  • Platform independence: Java code can run on any platform with the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) installed, making it highly portable.
  • Strong community support: Java has a large and active developer community, with a wide variety of libraries, frameworks, and resources available for development.
  • Robust security: Java’s security features, such as built-in encryption and secure coding practices, are well-established and widely respected.
  • Excellent scalability: Java is highly scalable and can handle large volumes of traffic and data.
  • Wide language support: Java supports various programming languages, including Java, Kotlin, and Scala.


  • Steep learning curve: Java has a reputation for being more complex and requiring more manual configuration, which can make it more difficult for beginners to learn.
  • Memory management: Java’s garbage collection can cause performance issues if not appropriately optimized.
  • Limited Windows integration: While Java can run on the Windows platform, it is not as tightly integrated with the platform as .NET.

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The Ultimate Battle: .NET vs Java

Infographic VCA3 T1188

Java and .NET are the most popular programming languages for creating online applications. While they have many things in common, they also differ significantly from one another, which may make one technology stack better suited for a given project than the other.

Let’s compare .NET vs Java:

  • Performance:

Both Java and .NET are high-performance programming languages. When running sophisticated algorithms, .NET is often quicker than Java, although Java performs better when managing memory. While Java employs Just-In-Time (JIT) compilation and Ahead-Of-Time (AOT) compilation for even quicker execution, .NET uses Just-In-Time (JIT) compilation to optimize speed during runtime.

  • Security:

Both .NET vs Java offers robust security features like built-in encryption and secure coding practices. However, because it is a closed environment and depends on Microsoft’s security standards, which are renowned for their robustness, .NET has a superior security reputation.

  • Scalability:

Both .NET and Java are incredibly scalable platforms that manage enormous traffic and data quantities. However, Java is better suited for vertical scalability, while .NET is better suited for horizontal scaling. This implies that a Java app development company can help you enhance the capacity of current servers, whereas .NET is better at adding new servers to a system to manage rising traffic.

  • Ease of use:

A wide range of tools, libraries, and frameworks are available in .NET and Java that simplify development. However, .NET features a better-integrated development environment (IDE), offering a simplified programming experience. On the other hand, Java has a reputation for being more complicated and needing more manual configuration.

  • Community Support

The developer communities for both .NET vs Java are sizable and vibrant, offering help, exchanging best practices, and participating in open-source initiatives. It is simpler to discover technical answers and remain current on new advancements in the industry using Java because it has been around for a long time and has a larger developer community and accessible resources.

  • Cost

Both Java and .NET have benefits and drawbacks when it comes to price. Certain features, such as sophisticated security systems, require licenses. On the other hand, Java is open-source and cost-free, although it could come with extra costs for enterprise-level features or paid support. A proprietary technology created by Microsoft is called .NET.

  • Platform Independence

Java is renowned for its “write once, run anywhere” principle, which states that Java code may be executed on any platform that has the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) installed. .NET, on the other hand, was first created for the Windows platform but has now evolved to support other operating systems through .NET Core.

  • Language Support

.NET vs Java both support a wide range of programming languages. While Java offers Java, Kotlin, and Scala, .NET supports C#, Visual Basic, and F#. Java’s support is more language-specific, whereas .NET’s support for several languages is more integrated, with a shared runtime and libraries.

  • Tooling

Both .NET and Java offer many development-related tools, libraries, and frameworks. However, the tooling for .NET is better integrated and offers a smoother development experience. Despite being more comprehensive, Java’s tools could need more manual setup and configuration.

Therefore, while .NET vs Java share many similarities, they also differ. When choosing between the two, it’s essential to consider the specific needs of your project and which technology stack aligns best with those needs.

Overall, both Java and .NET have their pros and cons. When deciding which technology stack to use for a project, it’s essential to consider its specific needs and which technology stack aligns best.

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Choosing the Right Technology Stack for Your Web Application

Choosing the Right Technology Stack for Your Web Application

Choosing the appropriate technology stack for your web application may significantly impact the project’s success. There are several things to consider while picking between .NET vs Java, including:

  1. Project requirements: The first step is to identify the specific requirements of your project. Consider the application’s complexity, scalability requirements, system integration, and device compatibility.
  2. Team expertise: Consider the skills and experience of your development team. If your team has expertise in .NET, it may be the best choice for your project. Similarly, if your team is experienced in Java, it may be more suitable for your project.
  3. Community support: Both .NET vs Java have large and active communities that provide extensive support and resources. Consider the availability of third-party libraries, frameworks, and tools and the frequency of updates and new releases.
  4. Cost: Cost is critical in choosing the right technology stack for your project. Consider each technology’s licensing costs, hardware requirements, and development costs.
  5. Compatibility: Ensure that your chosen technology stack is compatible with your existing systems and infrastructure. This includes operating systems, databases, and other third-party tools.

The decision on .NET vs Java ultimately comes down to your project’s unique requirements and the level of experience of your development team. Before making a choice, thoroughly weigh all the options, and get advice from a seasoned development partner to ensure your web application is created to the highest standards.

Also Read: From Idea to Launch: The Ultimate Guide to App Development

Choose ValueCoders

Choose ValueCoders

ValueCoders is a leading software development company offering .NET vs Java technologies expertise. We provide end-to-end development services and can assist you in selecting the best technology stack for your project from our team of skilled professionals.

We have a proven track record of providing clients in various sectors with high-quality solutions, including e-commerce, healthcare, and finance. Due to the breadth of knowledge, our development team has in both .NET and Java development services, we can create unique solutions suited to your company’s requirements.

You can also see our case studies where we have used Java and NET for our clients. Some of them are:

  1. Performance Management Tool for Startups (JAVA)
  2. Electronic Health Record System (.NET)
  3. Developing Mother Care Application (JAVA)
  4. Online Clothing Fashion Application (JAVA)

At ValueCoders, we prioritize customer satisfaction and strive to deliver projects on time and within budget. We also offer flexible engagement models, including dedicated teams, fixed-price projects, and hourly rates, to ensure we meet each client’s unique needs.

When you partner with ValueCoders for your Java or .NET development requirements, you may lower development costs, boost scalability and performance, and accomplish your business goals more quickly.


In conclusion, there are distinct advantages and disadvantages to using .NET vs Java when developing web applications. It’s important to carefully analyze the project needs, team skills, community support, cost, and compatibility when selecting the best technology stack for your project.

The exact requirements of your project will ultimately determine whether to use Java or .Net. Businesses opt for Java development services for scalability, portability, and a large developer community, whereas .NET enables easy interaction with Microsoft systems and tools. Collaborating with a skilled development team can guide you toward the best choice and guarantees that your web application is created following the highest standards is crucial.

ValueCoders is the best Java and Asp.NET app development company, delivering proficiency on both platforms. We can assist you in selecting the ideal technology stack for your web application. In addition to prioritizing customer satisfaction to guarantee that your project is executed on time and under budget, our skilled developers can provide customized solutions suited to your unique company’s demands.

Contact us right now to learn more about our services and how we can support you in achieving your business goals if you’re searching for a trustworthy development partner for your web application.

The post .NET vs. Java: The Ultimate Battle of Web Application Assemblies appeared first on ValueCoders | Unlocking the Power of Technology: Discover the Latest Insights and Trends.

10+ .Net Core Libraries- Introducing To The New Wave Of Web Development https://www.valuecoders.com/blog/technology-and-apps/dot-net-core-libraries-introducing-to-the-new-wave-of-web-development/ https://www.valuecoders.com/blog/technology-and-apps/dot-net-core-libraries-introducing-to-the-new-wave-of-web-development/#respond Mon, 18 Apr 2022 09:46:05 +0000 https://www.valuecoders.com/blog/?p=24157 .Net Core is a cross-platform, open-source development platform for building modern applications. It provides a great foundation for creating libraries...

The post 10+ .Net Core Libraries- Introducing To The New Wave Of Web Development appeared first on ValueCoders | Unlocking the Power of Technology: Discover the Latest Insights and Trends.

.Net Core is a cross-platform, open-source development platform for building modern applications. It provides a great foundation for creating libraries that you can use on any platform.

1,713,237 live websites are built using ASP.NET. (SimilarTech)

Screenshot from 2023 05 04 11 28 36

Image Source: SimilarTech

When it comes to the world of web development, you have libraries and frameworks that can help you to develop web applications quickly and efficiently.

About .NET Core Libraries

A .NET core library allows developers to add functionality and implement custom code. Without having to reinvent the wheel when it comes to underlying architecture functions, making it more efficient & productive at the same time, freeing up your time for more important tasks such as making your application stand out from the crowd.

In this blog post, take a look at some of the best .Net Core libraries that are available today. These libraries can help you build better applications more quickly and easily!

So let’s get started…

Also Read: .NET vs. PHP vs. Java vs. Python – Which Language is Better for Web Development?

Why are .NET libraries popular?

We live in a world where everything moves at a fast pace, nothing stays still, and only what is growing matters. Well, that’s how it feels with .NET libraries as well.

The Microsoft community constantly keeps on delivering high-quality open source projects that help developers build amazing things.

.NET Libraries are less popular than frameworks like Angular or React but still very valuable and important if you want to create business apps that work on any platform or system, thanks to their cross-platform nature.

They also come with enough docs and examples so even a non-.NET developer can easily find out what they are all about and use them for whatever purpose they have in mind.

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Top 10 .NET Core Libraries Every Web Developer Should Know

Here is the list of some of the most useful .NET Core libraries that can help you build better applications. Moreover, these libraries are easy to use and come with great documentation.


1. AutoMapper


Image Source: TechMeet 360

AutoMapper is available as a free and open-source software project on Github. You can install it using the NuGet package manager.

The AutoMapper library is a convention-based object-to-object mapping library. It can automatically map the properties of one object to another, making it easy to convert data between different formats.

In general, AutoMapper offers mapping from an input object type to an output object type, although custom conventions can be developed by deriving from existing conventions and overriding convention behavior.

The Auto in AutoMapper refers to how mapping information is read from .NET attributes. A convention for defining these attributes allows for strongly typed mapping configuration with minimal boilerplate code.

The Mapper part of AutoMapper refers to the automatic generation of C# POCO (Plain Old CLR Object) classes that serve as mapping factories for your objects and their properties when you use attributes for defining mappings.

2. SaasKit


Image Source: SaasKit

SaasKit is a set of libraries that make it easy to build SaaS applications on top of ASP.NET Core. It provides features such as multi-tenancy, subscription management, billing, and more.

SaasKit is a set of NuGet packages that help reduce boilerplate code and simplify common tasks when building a Software as a Service application. It includes many services like Google Analytics, Twilio, Disqus, SendGrid, MailChimp, and others. Using this library is super easy!

Just install them from NuGet or the package manager console and start using them! The library also integrates with other libraries, so there’s minimal setup to get started.

Moreover, it’s very powerful, stable, and works well in both multi-tenant and single-tenant cases. You can choose whether to host your own instance or use SaasKit Cloud Services ( SaaS ).

3. Polly


Image Source: Polly

Polly is a dotNET framework library that allows developers to build reliable applications by enabling resilience and transient fault handling. Polly is fully integrated with an application’s event system, but it is also usable independently, as well.

This makes it possible for specific events or series of events to be translated into different failure types in code blocks. It offers several built-in implementations such as Retry, Circuit Breaker, Timeout, Bulkhead Isolation, and Fallback, which can be configured according to the environment and business needs.

More than 200 libraries are already using Polly in their production apps, such as Google AdWords, AirBnB, etc. The best thing about Polly is that it supports NLog along with System. Diagnostics for logging exceptions.

Moreover, it also offers remote configuration through Azure Application Insights so that it can be updated dynamically. If there is any change in policy, then changes could directly be pushed without writing any code changes.

Developers could get started right away by including just two files into their project –the NuGet package and adding some attributes. Its performance doesn’t depend on batching, so if there is one exception during the retry process, then everything else would continue to execute successfully before calling the OnRetry method.

4. MailKit .NET Library


MailKit provides a simple and powerful email sending API. The library is 100% managed C# code and allows developers to take advantage of SMTP connections, custom envelope data, attachments, TLS/SSL communication, and more.

Everything can be accomplished through MailKit’s object-oriented interface in just a few lines of code. For example, below is a quick snippet that sends an email with MailKit. The whole process takes less than 15 seconds. No configuration is required.

The current version supports .NET 4.5, Windows Phone 8.1, and Windows Store applications using XAML and Window 8 Metro (Windows Runtime) applications written using C# or Visual Basic .NET language.

Moreover, MailKit also includes a MIME and message parser for parsing messages from different sources such as webmail services or third-party APIs. This library does not have any 3rd party dependencies.

5. Dapper

Dapper .NET
Dapper .NET

Image Source: GitHub

If we’re talking about libraries for accessing and querying data, Dapper is a must-have. It’s a simple, lightweight library that makes working with databases incredibly easy — a perfect way to work with your existing relational database from .NET.

It exposes a simple interface over data that removes virtually all of the boilerplate code that would otherwise be required when writing SQL statements by hand or using other ORM systems. After you have something in memory that represents your data, getting it into another format takes only a single line of code.

In most cases, it’s possible to do it without ever having to leave a memory! Its power comes from its simplicity: there are no events or rules attached to queries in order to produce clean, readable code.

You don’t even need any knowledge of TSQL (or LINQ). Simply create your command, add parameters as needed and call execute(). With dapper, dealing with databases in C# has become fun again.

Sometimes it might be difficult for normal people to make use of the Polly features and functionalities; in that case, you can hire developers. To hire a dedicated team of developers, you can get connected with one of the top dot NET companies in India.

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6. Ocelot


It is a set of APIs that sits on top of Topshelf and aims to simplify complex server management tasks.

Ocelot features include automated container creation, service auto-restart, service communication metrics, load balancing, interprocess communication through queues, fault tolerance, and graceful shutdown.

This means once your container is created, it will bootstrap an instance of Topshelf with it and let Ocelot worry about hosting.

It can automatically create multiple instances of your services, balance traffic across those instances using DNS, then be informed if an individual process crashes so that it can restart just that process.

It doesn’t care how many instances are running as long as one instance is up. If they all crash, they’re simply going to start up again the next time a request comes in; no need for manual intervention by system administrators.

7. CacheManager

Cache Manager
Cache Manager

It is the dependency injection container and inversion of the control library. Allows you to use a request/dependency injection approach and decorate controllers with DI features like service calls, scoped services, etc.

CacheManager also implements your application’s IDisposable interface, meaning that it can be used with .NET’s using statements as well.

In order to access services from CacheManager and other services, your controller action must explicitly declare its dependencies using dependency attributes; these allow for declarative service locators on actions, which is especially useful for strongly typed clients or for automated unit testing.

The two components in CacheManager that you’ll need to know about are IServiceProvider (ISP) and ServiceLocator.

8. NLog


Image Source: Coralogix

NLog library allows developers to log messages in their applications. It is especially useful for debugging purposes, allowing developers to easily track down bugs and errors in their programs.

The logging information can be used with a number of different output methods, and it supports remote debugging. This makes it an extremely versatile tool that every developer will find useful at some point or another.

An exceptional logging system like NLog could make all the difference when it comes to debugging your applications. Fortunately, there are now many excellent logging libraries available for .NET.

One such solution is NLog. So if you’re still using legacy tools such as Log4Net or Enterprise Library, then switching to something more advanced would certainly be worth considering.

Also Read: Node.js vs .NET vs. PHP: Choosing the Right Stack for Software Development

9. Diagnostics.HealthChecks

You may want a background process that regularly checks your system for certain conditions and warns you if they are detected.

Diagnostics.HealthChecks offers support for checking items such as file space, registry keys, scheduled tasks, sockets, performance counters, and services.

It also provides methods for sending email alerts if these conditions are met. This library would be particularly useful in continuous integration scenarios where it is necessary to send out an alert when something is about to break but does not yet have any known way of breaking.

With HealthChecks, you can let monitoring systems know about upcoming problems so that issues can be resolved before they affect end users. In addition to several .NET CLR-based health monitors, HealthChecks also supports writing health monitors in Windows PowerShell.

A Windows PowerShell script is run every time one of its conditions changes state; there’s no need to recompile your project or restart your application (if one exists).

10. LiteDB


Image Source: GitHub

It is a NoSQL in-memory database that combines speed and power; it performs up to 100x faster than SQL databases.

LiteDB works well with SQL code, so if you already know SQL language and want an in-memory database, then LiteDB is perfect for your next project.

LiteDB supports Microsoft .NET Core which means it will be available on Linux, Mac OS X, and Windows. If you are using .NET on any platform other than Windows or do not have Java installed, LiteDB is another alternative for your project.

Not only can LiteDB connect to SQL, but it also comes with a high-performance client library named LightSpeed, which can be used as an alternative to Entity Framework Core as well as NancyFx.

If you need flexible data storage options, then open-source programming can improve your programs without incurring extra costs.

11. Bcrypt.net


The Bcrypt library provides methods for hashing and password verification for software that needs to work with passwords, keys, and other sensitive material.

It is broadly compatible with existing Unix crypt(3) implementations but offers significant performance advantages both in software speed and in reduced memory usage.

The default algorithm used by Bcrypt is adaptive, using an array of cryptic constants developed by its author, which are based on a modified version of Blowfish.

As an alternative algorithm, Bcrypt also supports the MD5 algorithm without requiring any additional libraries (such as OpenSSL).

This can be done either via direct use of . NET’s System.Security.Cryptography namespace or via Microsoft’s extension method as defined in Microsoft’s MSDN documentation for BCrypt.HashData.

In addition, if one wishes access just to the string representation of their hash, then they may do so via GetHashString() without having to actually generate it first.

12. FastReport


Image Source: GitHub

This is a really useful reporting tool, which is developed in C#. FastReport provides object-oriented programming and works well with different databases. It is lightweight and easy to use.

FastReport helps developers in developing applications that require reporting capability. You can generate reports by calling their methods or properties; no need for any coding while generating reports.

For example, creating a pie chart from database table data is possible without writing a single line of code. Its charts are very customizable; as an example, you can change the report background color and paper margin from code without modifying your application UI form.

The fast report generates data quickly due to its low memory footprint, so it does not affect system performance when running on production servers.

Another advantage of using a fast report is caching feature, which automatically caches previously available reports if they have not been modified, thus saving time in re-generating them again.

Also Read: MEAN Stack vs. PHP vs .Net: What’s the Best Choice for You?


.NET Core libraries are a great way to improve your application without sacrificing performance. Each of these libraries can help you in different ways, so it is important to choose the one that best suits your needs.

Additionally, to make your project easier, some of these libraries have Nuget packages, which you can install with a few simple commands. If I talk about the top three .NET Core libraries, then I will suggest you go with AutoMapper, Polly, or Dapper. As per the research, I found these three are the libraries that are widely used by the developers.

So go ahead and try out one or more of these libraries in your next project. If you have any sort of difficulty in using the dotNET core libraries, then get connected with the best ASP NET development company in India (ValueCoders). Doing so will help you in getting your project done on time and also within your budget.

The post 10+ .Net Core Libraries- Introducing To The New Wave Of Web Development appeared first on ValueCoders | Unlocking the Power of Technology: Discover the Latest Insights and Trends.

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Glean Insights Into Implementing DevOps & .Net To A Banking Solution https://www.valuecoders.com/blog/technology-and-apps/glean-insights-into-implementing-devops-net-to-a-banking-solution/ https://www.valuecoders.com/blog/technology-and-apps/glean-insights-into-implementing-devops-net-to-a-banking-solution/#respond Tue, 23 Feb 2021 18:16:43 +0000 https://www.valuecoders.com/blog/?p=17992 Surely, you would be aware of the potential of DevOps and why it is so popular in the IT sector....

The post Glean Insights Into Implementing DevOps & .Net To A Banking Solution appeared first on ValueCoders | Unlocking the Power of Technology: Discover the Latest Insights and Trends.

Surely, you would be aware of the potential of DevOps and why it is so popular in the IT sector. As per the 2015 DevOps Report, IT companies are deploying DevOps 30X more frequently with 200X shorter lead times. Owing to that, they have 60x fewer failures and recover 168x faster. 

You must be thinking, why do companies need DevOps, and why it has become a center of attraction among enterprises. Let’s take a glance at this aspect.

Before that, take a look at some DevOps statistics: 

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Every enterprises’ end goal is to provide the absolute best services and features to deliver customers as early as possible. While developing software and managing operations require a huge some time to deliver value to end customers. Due to this, the work field becomes a war field where businesses fight to deliver value to customers.  

Here comes the DevOps. It delivers a great number of benefits to organizations: 

  1. Fast Delivery time: The basic principles of DevOps – automatic, continuous delivery, and fast response loop – focus on creating software to improve performance quickly and efficiently. DevOps, an extension of the agile system, uses automation to keep SDLC flowing at ease. By promoting a culture of interaction & greater collaboration, it provides a measure of rapid and continuous responses so that any issues are fixed over time and the release is done quickly.
  2. High-level collaboration: Today, more than ever, development teams need to break the branch-office and engage in active communication, 24 hours a day. DevOps paves the way for business development by providing the necessary spirit of collaboration, communication, and integration between the globally distributed teams in IT. Boundaries are set by activities that are transparent in the DevOps stimulus environment. All team members are responsible for meeting the desired features/quality and timing of what will be brought together.
  3. Quality customer experience: With DevOps, organizations can increase their frequency by 200x, turnaround time by 24x, and reduce change to error rates by 3x. By adjusting the transmission line, it becomes possible to have the reliability and stability of the application after each new release. If the application works seamlessly in creation, organizations benefit from greater customer satisfaction.

    So, do you want to leverage the benefits of DevOps for your organization? If yes, then reach out to the Best DevOps Consulting company & secure an agile solution.

    Considering these aspects, it was decided to implement DevOps into banking solutions and transform the .Net Framework to .NetCore. In this article, we would have a complete case study of this transformation. So, stay tuned with me.

  4. Implementing DevOps In Banking Solution & Changing .Net Into. NetCore The product is a banking solution that caters to credit societies and cooperative banks. The application was running slow, and users were facing issues with updates. So, we decided to change the legacy technology and cater to an agile solution with higher scalability. 


Image source 


Major Challenges 

The system has got so many loopholes that need to be fixed, and we encountered so many challenges such as: 

  • The lack of resources in the test and build environment caused excessively long software builds and test cycles.
  • The delivery date was due because of quality and efficiency issues. 
  • Our quality team finds a variety of issues, and customer work also caused rapid and inadequate test coverage. 
  • The version of the software was unstable, and there were a variety of problems that weren’t detected during the testing phase. 
  • Moreover, the migration from .Net Framework to .NetCore and implementation of DevOps solution to increase efficiency, deployment of high-quality code, and scaling the demand.
  • Deciding what automated DevOps tool would be best for implementation. 

There were major challenges, and our team had to undergo rigorous research and strategy development to implement DevOps in this software system. But! Our most critical challenge was to decide on an automation tool for deploying DevOps. 

Thus, here we are enumerating some tools that you may find useful in implementing DevOps in your system software.

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DevOps Automation Tools That You Must Know 

There is no dearth of DevOps Automation Tools that you can use, but it completely depends on your need for development. Here I am discussing a tool for .net that you can use to implement DevOps. 

1) Azure

The most popular and latest option, availed by Microsoft, is a fully functional integrated DevOps, named Azure Pipelines. It gets plugged in into an existing project with nicety and enables lots of options to use for the teams. Azure pipeline enables you to integrate containerization like Kubernetes. 

It functions for a serverless option, swiftly deployed Azure Web Apps, and severely complex VMs. This tool is a one-stop shop for streamlining the work of .net developers. Azure DevOps service enables you to free CI/CD targets via an Azure Repo or GitHub repo. Moreover, the pricing depends on the number of pipelines or user licenses you need.


Image source 

2) Azure Pipelines

Azure Pipelines is the backbone of Azure DevOps that handles the traffic of each offer. It is a major platform and language agnostic and provides orchestration between cloud providers, both AWS and Azure. Basically, the pipeline itself is cloud-hosted, which means you don’t need to download and install anything. 

Pipelines have lots of extensibility and enable you to leverage a good built-in option for integrated reporting and testing. If you have just begun with performing CI/CD in the cloud-hosted world, then the documentation works excellent, and workflow helps you entirely do things right.  


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3) Kudu

Sometimes you don’t need a fancy arrangement for your project. For quick projects where I needed constant integration with Azure web apps (formerly Azure websites), I hosted the app; I used the Kudu Service App build server that was connected to my GitHub hosted repository. Azure is a little trivial to set any application service you create directly from the deployment center menu to the Azure UI. 

Kudu monitors your GitHub login and rewrites your code, and converts it to Azure whenever a change occurs. One of the most painful ways to set up a CI / CD quickly is when you need MSBuild to compile your app and deploy your update service. Bonus Works for free – the only paid part is the cost of your Azure App service. It comes on the go and does not require a separate Azure DevOps subscription.

These are major automation tools that you can use to implement DevOps. However, we used various different solutions to implement the solution due to obvious reasons. Now, let’s glance at the implementation of the project into DevOps settings.  

Implementing a solution to the requirement with the following approach

Project Preparation:

  • The team integrated the current architecture for optimal continuous integration, continuous testing, continuous deployment, and CCM (Continuous Change Management) operations.
  • Demonstrated hierarchical test execution model to automate each lifecycle test step
  • Assembled tool framework including Restful API to organize all DevOps operations
  • Initial specialist services that support a logical phased implementation plan and a smooth transition from existing infrastructure, minimizing disruption to the existing development, testing, and release process.
  • A monitoring solution is implemented that provides the necessary measures to manage the operational performance of DevOps systems for continuous monitoring management (CCM) and continuous improvement.

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Solution Implementation:

  • To streamline the initial stages, the CloudHedge team began by adding code to source code version control which was a much-needed step.
  • Necessary changes to the source code included removing system dependencies (similar to hard-code routes in context).
  • Configured source control, information received, and needs analysis using the build system. Srl.
  • It has formal design and implementation of microservices.
  • It includes a demonstrated baseline validation of building validation, configuration identification, environmental variables, construction installation, and operation for the deployment pipeline and related environments.
  • At UAT and Release, the team demonstrated the creative process and implementation of the deployment process, also creating a promotion process.
  • We also designed a solution and implemented it to present documents to KYC bank.
  • Key migration reports were analyzed and searched for interfaces as well as after-sales services. API migration of the .NET Core is successfully tested.

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As DevOps develops, there will be more efficiency gains. High-quality implementation with a larger quality code will allow ISVs to deliver more to their customers.

  • Improve timely market/delivery times, which improves ROI.
  • Better collaboration between teams (business / DevOps).
  • DevOps paved the way for improving business agility by promoting a much-needed environment of mutual collaboration, communication, and integration between teams allocated worldwide.
  • It is a stable/reliable operating environment.
  • It has 60% OpEx, and 50% operating time savings for clients.
  • Improve overall security by reducing vulnerabilities
  • To increase scalability, we migrated the .Net Framework to .NetCore in a semi-automated way within weeks.

I am sure this explanation would help you get through the nerves of DevOps implementation and figure what challenges can be faced during the processes. If you want to integrate a DevOps-based solution into your business setting, I would recommend you to connect with experienced DevOps developers to secure the best solutions

Wrapping Up

Implementing DevOps to your solutions can bring in unmatched agility and efficiency within your works and processes. The above representation of converting a .net solution into DevOps have shown you how crucial the transformation is.

Actually, DevOps-based solutions also make it easy for teams to collaborate in a definite space. Moreover, you can also reduce the cost of manual processes and labor by integrating a full-fledged solution. In today’s world, to implement security & efficiency through DevOps concepts, you must consult with a DevOps engineering & solution company renowned for developing one-of-a-kind solutions. And! For more insights into DevOps, stay hooked with me.


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