Comments on: Vue: The Best Alternative To React And Angular Valuecoders Wed, 17 May 2023 06:02:29 +0000 hourly 1 By: swathi Mon, 16 Mar 2020 06:46:43 +0000 I got the required information after reading this post and thanks for sharing such a nice article

By: julie hannah Tue, 31 Dec 2019 12:32:16 +0000 Some parts of Vue.js remind programmers of working with Angular websites. Templating, model binding, loops, conditionals, and event binding work in a similar way for both frameworks.

By: neoritter Thu, 05 Dec 2019 17:56:47 +0000 In reply to Bill Thompson.

I would say yes, I would also question the learning curve argument I hear a lot a little bit.
I’ve been doing Angular 2+ and VueJS development for a couple years now, and I haven’t found anything that Angular can’t do that I can in Vue, but I’ve found a few things that I can do in Angular and not Vue.

As far as learning curve, I think if you have experience with programming language other than just Javascript, Angular is fairly easy to pick up. The issue isn’t Angular vs Vue, it’s Javascript vs Typescript. Typescript works as a more standard Object Oriented programming language with types, etc. There’s a lot of benefit there. Javascript, bless its heart, is basically a prototyping language. So if you’ve been doing only web development in your career, which means you’ve probably been solely working in Javascript, Vuejs, which doesn’t force you to use Typscript, is going to be quicker to pick up. I think that’s where the learning curve really is here.

By: forward Sat, 03 Feb 2018 18:51:00 +0000 The bottom line is: the Mobility framework will beat both in terms of simplicity, features and flexibility. However, not yet available, release date q4 2018.

By: Benjiro Fri, 12 Jan 2018 18:43:00 +0000 In reply to John Furr.

^ This … and it applies not only to front-end but also back-end.

It becomes tiring needing to hire people for specific frameworks because companies use them ( hype of the month ), then they lose the developers and have a hard time finding replacements. Because hey, why spend time teaching somebody that framework, lets hire somebody that know it. O … we can not find somebody ( withing a reasonable price ).

Its the same for use developers who are job hunting. Instead of knowing the basic xxx language as a senior, no, your expected to know dozen of frameworks ( flavor of the month ) like a pro, maybe some other front-end technologies ( flavor of the month ) on top, a few different design patterns ( flavor of the month ) and lets not forget some SCRUM, Agile or whatever is the new flavor of the month pattern.

So fed up with it all. It sucks the fun out of the jobs.

By: Benjiro Fri, 12 Jan 2018 18:37:00 +0000 In reply to tno2007.

How about we keep things KISS …The web has been developed upon a simply system of rendering webpages on the server end.

Now we are moving logic and functionality on the front end, devices the application developer does not control.

Where we had one job, now its two jobs. I have nothing against having some dynamic responses on the front end but most websites can simply render html webpages with some jquery, instead of going full blown MVC style setups.

The company i work for got into major trouble because one of the developers decided on building a complex application very front heavy in Angular. When he quit, then came the issues of not finding people. When we stayed with basic HTML + maybe some Jquery or other simple JS, we will have finished the project ages ago.

Its tiring with people reinventing the wheel and other pay the price for it. This also applies to back-end technologies like PHP and the hundreds of frameworks, or other languages.

Where are the times people simply know there basic languages and quickly can put together the tools and function they need, instead of always running to massive overblown frameworks.

By: Sergey Dostovalov Mon, 25 Dec 2017 14:07:00 +0000 Can you show me things that come vue as framework?

By: Martin_H_Andersen Sun, 24 Dec 2017 18:16:00 +0000 Please don’t compare React or Vue to AngularJS. Compare it to Angular. When the AngularJS team started on a new version the should have given it a new name. Because it’s not the same I have coded in both and there are different frameworks.
And it not hard to get started with Angular the cli is amazing and there are a gazillion articles about Angular. RxJs is the hardest part to wrap you head around and it baked into Angular.
The biggest problem are that nobody have the time or resources to make a real application in all 3 framework.

By: Bill Thompson Wed, 06 Dec 2017 20:37:00 +0000 if you take away the learning curve, is Angular superior for some other way than Vue.js?

By: John Furr Fri, 17 Nov 2017 00:46:00 +0000 In reply to m-bored-ok.

^this. ^this ^this. I wish new people coming to web dev would at least take the time to learn and understand the benefits of proper server side templating and caching.
