Hire Power BI Developers

Hire Top 1% Power BI Consultants. Pre-Vetted Professionals.

Are you looking to hire Power BI developers for your business?

At ValueCoders, we have a team of experienced Power BI developers who can help you turn your data into valuable insights and drive informed business decisions. Hire Power BI consultants with us and gain the competitive edge you need to succeed.

Our team connects to all of your data sources, consolidates them into a Dataset, and begins building your reports. We are also experts in applying dynamic roles and rights for different users based on their roles and responsibilities defined in the database.

  • Developers with 5+ yrs avg exp.
  • IP Rights & NDA (Non-disclosure Agreement) protection
  • Complete control over the team
  •  No contract lock-ins
  • On-time delivery

Build Your Team

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Trusted by startups
and Fortune 500 companies

Unlock the Full Potential of Power BI with our Expert Developers

When you hire Power BI consultants from ValueCoders, rest assured that you are getting the best.

Power BI Consulting & Strategy

Our Power BI consulting services reform and shape your essential business data into insightful reports, graphs, and functional, visual, and illustrative dashboards.

Data Analytics & Integration

Our BI consultants collect unstructured data from different sources, including business websites, social media, and others, to automate digital marketing, customer relationships, and more.

Power BI Mobile Intelligence

Our Power BI programmers incorporate the whole reporting system in an intuitive mobile app that gives access to all the features and data on the go.

Power BI Reports & Dashboards

We design, develop, and deploy interactive reports and dashboards using Power BI that provide valuable insights for informed decision-making.

Power BI Predictive Analysis

Our BI consultants help you read between the data to interpret and predict patterns in the dynamically changing business environment of customers, clients, prospects, and partners.

Power BI Managed Services & Support

We offer 24/7 support and managed services for Power BI to ensure that your system is always up and running. We also provide training and consultation services to help you get the most out of your Power BI investment.

Leverage the Technical Expertise of Our Microsoft Power BI Developers

Our Power BI developers excel in different platforms to serve businesses’ varied data analysis and visualization needs.

Relational Database

  • MS SQL Server
  • MySQL
  • Postgres
  • Azure SQL
  • AWS Aurora


  • MongoDB
  • Cassandra
  • Cosmos DB
  • Hadoop

Power BI Features

  • Power Query
  • DAX Formula
  • Parameter/ Filters
  • Drill down
  • Drag and Drop
  • Dynamic SQL  Queries
  • Role-based  security
  • Power Pivot

Analysis Tools

  • SSIS
  • SSAS
  • Data Lake
  • Azure Data  Brick
  • AWS Data Mining

Serverless Tools

  • AWS Athena
  • Azure Web Jobs
  • Azure Functions
  • Azure Data  Factory

Cloud Storages

  • AWS S3
  • Azure Blob
  • EMIR
  • Redis
  • CDN

Let's Discuss Your Idea

Get a free consultation and let us know your project idea to turn it into an amazing digital product.

Benefits of Power BI Development

Power BI is a handy and popular tool for data analysis and visualization requirements

Minimal Upfront Costs Minimal Upfront Costs

Minimal Upfront Costs

Power BI supports various subscription plans. You can start with the free subscription plan and upgrade to a higher plan as your needs grow.

Seamless Data Integration Seamless Data Integration

Seamless Data Integration

Power BI integrates with various data sources such as SQL Server, Azure, Teradata, Oracle, and more. You can easily import your data into Power BI for analysis.

Vast Features Support Vast Features Support

Vast Features Support

Power BI has a vast library of features that supports data analysis and visualization. You can use these features to create detailed reports, graphs, and dashboards.

Browser & Device Compatibility Browser & Device Compatibility

Browser & Device Compatibility

Power BI is compatible with various browsers and devices. This allows you to access your data and reports from any device, anytime, anywhere.

Centralize Data Visibility Centralize Data Visibility

Centralize Data Visibility

With Power BI, you can consolidate data from various sources into a single location for easy analysis and reporting.

Support Intelligent Apps Support Intelligent Apps

Support Intelligent Apps

Power BI supports intelligent apps such as Cortana and Microsoft Excel to access your data and reports for easy analysis.

Why Hire Power BI Developers From ValueCoders?

As a top-notch Power BI development company and service provider, we assign the best BI consultant team for the projects undertaken. Our proficient team deploys the latest technology to engineer excellent and innovative Power BI Solutions for clients.

Software Developers
Flexible Engagement
160 Man Hours
Development Manager
Analytics Capabilities
Support and
Maintenance Services
18+ Years in
650+ In-house Software
2000+ Man Years
2500+ Satisfied
Valuecoders Valuecoders

Trusted BI Developers/Consultants by Top Companies Worldwide

Our Microsoft BI Consultants have helped companies of all sizes and industries deploy offshore Microsoft power BI development projects. Here is a glimpse of some of our satisfied clients. We offer them some unmatched features, including:

  • Best code practices
  • Quick team scaling
  • Best-in-class project management
  • Global quality standards
  • Time-zone compatibility

Have any questions?

Our managers will consult you about choosing a web-based solution for your needs.

Our Hiring Process

Take a look at our simple and straightforward process to hire software developers from ValueCoders.


We get on a call to understand your requirements and evaluate mutual fitment.

Select Power BI Consultants

Hire best Power BI Consultants from our in-house tech pool. Interview & shortlist candidates to quickly find the perfect fit for your team.

Team Integration

Our developers are now a part of your team. Assign tasks and receive daily updates for seamless collaboration and accountability.

Team Scaling

We give you the flexibility to scale your team, be expanding or reducing team size.

Collaborate With The Top 1% Developers In India

Hire a team of BI developers from ValueCoders, and you will get top-notch development and excellent customer service.

Junior Power BI Consultants

$1750 - $2500

1-3 Years Experienced

Mid Level Power BI Consultants

$2500 - $3500

3-5 Years Experienced

Senior Level Power BI Consultants

$3500 onwards

5+ Years Experienced

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are answers to some questions related to Power BI or hiring Power BI developers frequently asked by our clients:

Q. Why choose ValueCoders to hire Power BI consultants?

Ans. There are many reasons to choose ValueCoders when you need Power BI consultants. Here are just a few of the benefits:

1. We have a team of highly experienced and certified Power BI consultants who can help you with all your needs, from data visualization to data analysis and modeling.

2. We offer competitive rates for our Power BI consulting services, so you can get the help you need without breaking the bank.

3. We’re committed to providing excellent customer service, so you can always expect quick responses and timely delivery of results when you work with us.

4. We have a proven track record of helping companies improve their business performance with Power BI.

You can have all these benefits and much more by hiring Power BI consultants from ValueCoders.

Q. What is the cost of hiring Power BI consultants from ValueCoders?

Ans. ValueCoders is a Power BI consulting firm that offers a range of services at competitive prices. Depending on your specific needs, the cost of hiring a Power BI consultant can start from as low as $15 per hour.

We also provide several other benefits that make us an ideal choice for those looking to hire a Microsoft BI developer. All of our consultants are highly experienced and have worked with clients in a variety of industries. This means they will likely have the knowledge and expertise required to complete your project successfully.

Q. Can I test the skills of your Power BI consultants before hiring them?

Ans. We offer a 2-week no-obligation trial to try the Power BI engineer(s) and ensure mutual fitment before adding to your team. If you like the services, you can pay for the time and continue.

We get on a call to understand your requirements and evaluate mutual fitment

Align engineer(s)
We align engineer(s) and initiate the development process

Trial Phase
The engineer(s) work on your project, and we seek ongoing feedback

Add engineer(s) to your team
Based on the trial phase, you add the engineer(s) to your team

Q. What type of businesses can benefit from Power BI?

Ans. Businesses of all types use power BI to improve their decision-making processes. Power BI helps individuals and organizations gain insights from data to make better-informed decisions. Businesses can use the tool to track, visualize, and analyze data to improve their operations.

Some specific examples of businesses benefiting from Power BI include retailers who want to track customer behavior, manufacturers who want to optimize their production process, and financial institutions who need to monitor financial data. There are numerous other examples of how different businesses can benefit from using Power BI. Ultimately, any business that wants to use data to improve their decision-making process can benefit from this powerful tool.

Q. Can you do modeling with Power BI?

Ans. Yes, you can do modeling with Power BI. Modeling is one of the key advantages of using Power BI over other business intelligence platforms. With Power BI, you can easily build sophisticated models to answer complex questions about your data.

Modeling in Power BI is based on the Data Modeling language, a powerful and easy-to-use language for manipulating data. With the Data Modeling language, you can transform your data into any format you want and query it using standard SQL commands. This makes it very easy to get started with modeling in Power BI.

There are two main models in Power BI: Tabular and Matrix.

What Our Clients Have to Say About Us

We are grateful for our clients’ trust in us, and we take great pride in delivering quality solutions that exceed their expectations. Here is what some of them have to say about us:

James Kelly Co-founder, Miracle Choice
Judith Mueller Executive Director, Mueller Health Foundation
Kris Bruynson Director, Storloft
Mohammed Mirza Director, LOCALMASTERCHEFS LTD
Mr.Savarni Founder- sbspco.com
Jame Thompson edinstitute.com.au

2 Weeks Risk-Free Trial

We offer a 2 weeks risk-free trial for you to try out the resource(s) before onboarding. After 2 weeks, if you like the resource(s), you pay for the time and continue on. Else, we replace the aligned resource(s) or cancel the trial as per your wish.

Simple, transparent and easy - isn't it?

Start my 2 week risk-free trial now!

Book Free Consultation

Our consultants will respond back within 8 business hours or less.

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