Java vs JavaScript: Which Is A Better Choice?

Java and JavaScript are two languages that have been used to create complex applications for a wide variety of purposes. While they may seem similar at first glance, there are many differences between the two languages that make them unique.

Both the languages are good, but it will be quite challenging to find if I talk about the best one. So if you want to know which one is best among Java vs JavaScript, then you are on the right page as here you will be able to know much more about Java and JavaScript, ultimately helping you find the excellent one for web app development.

Let’s move further to know which technology Java or JavaScript, will win the race of JavaScript vs Java.

Java Overview

Java vs JavaScript: Which Is A Better Choice?

Image Source: Data Science Central

Java is a very powerful object-oriented programming language. It has been one of the most popular languages for Java web development, as well as other types of software. Java also runs on many platforms, including Android and iOS devices, desktops, servers, etc.

Important Features of Java

  • Classes: Classes in Java provide the ability to create objects with data and behavior attached. For example, a person’s class might contain two data fields: name and age. It could also have methods that would get the current age of the person or convert their name to uppercase letters.
  • Javadoc Comments: Javadoc Comments are a specialized type of Java comment which can provide additional information about the class and its methods, including what parameters it takes, return values, or exceptions.
  • Data Types: Java has a variety of data types that include the usual numeric and string values, but also boolean, byte (a small integer), char (single characters), long (larger integers), and many more.
  • Operators: Expressions in Java can be manipulated with various operators. For instance, multiplication (*) or division (/).


JavaScript Overview

Java vs JavaScript: Which Is A Better Choice?

Image Source: Creative Blog

JavaScript (JS) is a scripting language which basically developed to make web pages more interactive and dynamic. It has also been used for developing other types of software such as games, animations, JavaScript app development, or simple utilities. JavaScript runs on many platforms, including desktops, servers, and mobile devices, with the help of a browser plugin called “JavaScript engine.”

Important Features Of JavaScript

  • Statements Looping: JS statements such as for, while, and do can be used to execute a group of instructions repeatedly.
  • Functions: JavaScript functions are similar to Java’s methods in that they provide a means of modularizing code into reusable sections. Calling an existing function is much like calling any other script from the browser page, making it possible to reuse scripts on different web pages.
  • Objects and Classes: JavaScript can create objects of predefined classes, which are similar in some ways to Java’s class-based programming.
  • Events Handling: Events can be used with a form control such as an input field, radio button, or checkbox that enables it to respond when clicked on by the user. For instance, a form with text fields may come pre-equipped with an “OK” button that is triggered by the user clicking on it.

Java vs JavaScript: Which Is A Better Choice?

Java vs JavaScript: In Market Growth Of Both Programming Languages

Here I have compared various market stats; seeing this, you can analyze which one is Java or JavaScript is having a good reach to the market.

Worldwide Most Used Programming Languages Among Developers (2021)

Java vs JavaScript: Which Is A Better Choice?

Image Source: Statista

As of 2021, JavaScript (JS) is a commonly used programming language among software developers worldwide, with nearly 65% of respondents stating that they used JavaScript and where just 35% used Java.

However, both technologies come under the top 5 position when it comes to using the best programming languages for web app development.

Usage of Both Languages In Website Development

Java vs JavaScript: Which Is A Better Choice?

Image Source: w3techs

  • Java and JavaScript are used by 3.6% and 1.5% of all the websites, respectively.
  • JavaScript and Java are used by 2.8% and 4.6% of all the websites that rank in the top 1,000,000, respectively.
  • 9.7% and 5.6% of all websites that rank in the top 100,000 uses Java and JavaScript programming languages, respectively.
  • 15.6% and 10.2% of all sites that rank in the top 10,000 uses Java and JavaScript, respectively.
  • Both Java and JavaScript are used by 23.2% and 14.4% of all web apps that rank in the top 1,000, respectively.

Seeing the above stats, if you want to make a web app using Java, avail of Java development services from the best and top-rate Java development company.

Big Brands Using Java and JavaScript (JS)

9809 corporations reportedly use Java in their tech stacks, including Uber, Airbnb, and Google.

Java vs JavaScript: Which Is A Better Choice?

Image Source: StackShare

12759 companies reportedly use JavaScript (JS) in their tech stacks, including Slack, Airbnb, and Instagram.

Java vs JavaScript: Which Is A Better Choice?

Image Source: StackShare

Similarities Between Java and JavaScript

Java and JavaScript are not alike programming languages as they both have different syntaxes. But there is a common similarity between them that are: their codes (whether Java or JS) run on JVM(Java Virtual Machine).

The other most important similarity is compiling the code of these two technologies; we need compilers to convert high-level language code into low-level system codes.

Java VS JavaScript: Which One To Pick For Web App Development?

Java vs JavaScript: Which Is A Better Choice?

Image Source: Mobisoft Infotech

Well, it is quite difficult to determine which one is better among Java vs. JavaScript as both the languages are appropriate for web app development, and each language has its own set of advantages and disadvantages. But still, here, I will try my best to find out if there’s any benefit in using JavaScript or Java for web app development. So let’s get started and start with analyzing various factors:

1. Performance

Both Java and JavaScript are similar in this aspect, but the performance of a language depends on many other factors too.

JavaScript is a lightweight programming language with a dynamic typing system which makes it easy to run scripts while developing web apps. Also, its compatibility with different browsers makes development easier as now developers don’t have to worry about how their code will run on different browsers.

Java is an object-oriented programming language with a static typing system that makes it more efficient and faster to run than JavaScript, especially in the case of large Java application development where there are many variables/objects that can be found.

2. Development Time

In terms of development time, both JS and Java take the same time to develop a web app but still, here Java wins as it is easy and fast for development.

JavaScript has a very short learning curve; that’s why developers can easily switch from JS to any other language while working on an application (if the need arises).

3. Data Structures

JavaScript comes with primitive data structures, i.e., Strings, Integers, Booleans, etc. While in the case of Java comes with data structures like Arrays and Object class that have their own array type features to make it more efficient.

JavaScript has native support for functions within its core language; while Java doesn’t come with such a feature by default, we can still achieve this by using JavaScript.

java banner

4. Front-end Development

JavaScript is very helpful when it comes to the front-end development of a web app. The reason behind this lies in the fact that JavaScript was developed for such purposes, and there are many open source libraries available, like jQuery, which makes things easier for developers while working with HTML/CSS elements.

While Java doesn’t have any special features associated with front-end development both Java and JavaScript can be used for the same purpose.

5. Back-end Development

JavaScript has Node.js, and it has an open-source runtime environment that can be used to develop server-side applications like Google Apps scripts or even a simple web app using Express JS (Node Package Manager).

Similarly, in the case of Java, it comes with its own set of tools and frameworks for back-end development purposes. Java is a compiled programming language that allows developers to write less code, but it also makes the entire process of debugging slow.

6. Browser-Compatibility

Java is a cross-platform language, while JavaScript runs on the client-side only with its compatibility in the browser. However, we can use JS within NodeJS to make it work as a server-side scripting language, too, but still, this technology has limitations that are not found in Java.

In short, if you want your web app to be compatible with older browsers, you must go with Java, but if you want to make a web app that is compatible with all the modern and latest browsers, JavaScript will be your best choice.

Also, this technology runs on other platforms like Android, which makes it more useful for mobile application development too.

7. Community Support

Java has huge community support in comparison to JavaScript. Therefore, it is easier for Java developers to get their problems resolved related to development issues. But still, the number of JS communities is increasing day by day. This will increase its popularity soon among software engineers and web app developers across the world.

8. Popularity

Java has a huge number of supporters worldwide, as it is known to be the best object-oriented programming language. It offers many advantages in terms of development, performance, and other technical aspects making Java popular among software engineers.

On the contrary, JavaScript might not have been that efficient when compared with Java. But still, its usability makes it popular among developers.

Java vs JavaScript: Which Is A Better Choice?

JavaScript vs Java: Comparison Table

Here I have compared the various factors. It will help you out knowing which one, JavaScript or Java, will be best for web development.

java vs java script comparison table

In the long run, it is advisable to choose either of them depending upon your project requirements. Java has been widely used among developers. It offers many advantages in terms of performance and development time apart from its wide popularity.

On the other side, JavaScript continues to offer adequate alternatives for web app development. Thus, making it a popular choice among many application developers.

Also Read: Bespoke Java Applications Types That You Shouldn’t Miss Out In 2021-22

Ending Words

JavaScript and Java are both popular languages with different pros. But which one is the best for developing web apps? The answer to that depends on what type of development you’re doing, your budget, and other factors like business needs.

Moreover, if you want innovative JavaScript or Java software solutions, then hire JavaScript developers or hire Java developers from the best IT sector company like ValueCoders.


Java vs JavaScript: Which Is A Better Choice?

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