How to Increase Shopify Sales With a Mobile App

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Shopify has become one of the best eCommerce platforms in the world.  According to BuiltWith, 1,868,930 are live websites using Shopify. Since Shopify is the fastest growing eCommerce platform, it becomes the best place for you and very beneficial for your business.

In the tough competition between many best eCommerce platforms, why is Shopify among the top choices? Because it has unique features and several advantages. 

Using the mobile app, you can quickly increase the sale on your Shopify store just by doing some work. And today, I will discuss some important points to remember while using a mobile app for your Shopify store to engage the audience and boost the revenue. 

Let’s discuss some points now: 

Notifications for Engagement

Shopify Notifications for Engagement

Source: Google

The biggest advantage of using a Mobile app for your eCommerce brand is that you can send any notification at any time to your customer. However, you can also do the same thing with mails, but they are not that effective, and the conversion rate is also very low. 

The notifications are effective because people spent more time on mobile phones. The probability of opening the notification is relatively high compared to any other option, so its conversion rate is higher. 

This is why many Shopify experts in India use this strategy to boost sales and gain a good amount of traffic to websites.

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Customer personalization

Customer personalization

Source: Google

It is also one of the best advantages of using a mobile app for your Shopify store to increase your revenue. With a shopping app, you can have a better picture of your app and know what type of category your audience is interested in and their preferences. 

All this information can help you to build a better marketing strategy and boost your revenue. Suppose if some users added an item to the cart but later abandoned it, the information will be sent to you, and to make them buy, you can give some special offers or discounts to them. 

You can hire dedicated Shopify developer to build a store that has all these features. 

Loyalty Program

This program is very interesting and gives an excellent opportunity for business owners to increase sales and earn good money. In this particular program, you provide some extra offers to customers who frequently buy from your store or recommend to many others to use this app to purchase items. 

How to Increase Shopify Sales With a Mobile App

Source: Google

If you look at many other stores, they all have a loyalty program and provide reasonable offers and discounts. Many Shopify developers recommend this program and ask the business owners to commence it to build audience engagement. 

Flexible Payment options

With a mobile app, you can give a lot of choices to your customer to buy the products. More options make it possible for your customers to pay easily as some like to spend from debit/credit cards, but some like it from UPI or Net banking, and any less option can cost you your customers. 

How to Increase Shopify Sales With a Mobile App

Source: Google

The payment option is helpful in web applications, but while paying from mobile, you can effortlessly use UPI to make payments compared to the web application. 

While developing an app, you can ask the Shopify programmers to build multiple payment options like: 

  • All major debit cards
  • All major credit cards
  • Gift cards
  • PayPal
  • Google Pay
  • Venmo
  • Apple Pay

Many users already have these paid apps on their iOS and Android mobile devices. You can integrate payment functionality and payment gateways with your application, allowing users to check out as quickly as possible. Sometimes they will only need a fingerprint to convert.

While developing a Shopify store, always ask the eCommerce website development services company to integrate multiple payment options for an easy checkout process.

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Single click purchasing

When someone goes online shopping, it becomes pretty frustrating to enter so many details for just buying an item. To avoid such circumstances, you need to make it simple for the customers to purchase the items without delaying as much delaying can change the customer’s thought process. 

The usual process involves in purchasing an item can be: 

  1. Find product
  2. Add product to cart
  3. Navigate to cart
  4. Enter name
  5. Provider contact information (email, phone number)
  6. Enter email address
  7. Provide billing information
  8. Enter shipping information
  9. Finalize checkout

As you can see, how many steps are there to purchase a single item makes the customer frustrating, which is why many customers can abandon your Shopify store and go shopping somewhere else where the buying item is less.  

To resolve this issue, you can hire Shopify developers from a reputed company like ValueCoders and perform eCommerce software solutions. 

Referral Program

Referral programs might not be the best thing to promote your application on the web, but it is among the best thing to do for mobile apps. 

Shopify Referral Program

Source: Google

First, you need to propose an incentive for your customers to suggest your brand to other people. The monetary benefits will probably be the most successful. Something like a “give $20, get $20” campaign generally works. Obviously, you can customize it to suit your brand image.

While recommending the app through mobile is very easy, it can be integrated with the customer’s contact list and send mass referrals. Similarly, it can be integrated with the social media platforms of the customer and allow the customer to share promo codes directly on their profiles.

This program will produce a continuous cycle of new referrals, which holds your customer acquisition costs low and ROI high. 

Customer Convenience 

How to Increase Shopify Sales With a Mobile App

Source: Google

To make your app number 1 choice, you need to follow few things to keep your customers happy so that they don’t go anywhere else. 

The main reason why buyers like apps better than websites for retail purchases is convenience. Beyond that, the additional top benefits to make the customer happy are: 

  • Speed
  • Stored settings
  • Personalized content
  • Better deals
  • Benefits and rewards

You can’t recreate these advantages from a website or a mobile site. The customer experience will always be more reliable from a mobile app. 

When customers are happy, they spend more buying from the same store as the trust has been built. Mobile sales can easily reach the initial investment of creating an app for your Shopify store developed by eCommerce development companies in India.

Customer Services

With customer convenience, the mobile commerce app should be able to provide better customer services. 

With the help of the mobile commerce app, the customer can keep an eye on their product while it is out for delivery, check the delivery status, and get notification when the item is shipped and delivered. 

Without n app, tracking your item can be a headache as then you have to send a separate email and wait for the revert, and there is no specific timing for the return of the mail, but with a mobile app, it becomes really smooth to check out the status of the delivery. 

Customers can submit their tickets and raise queries if they immediately want to change the delivery address or do a return or refund to make it easy. 

Return and refund should be easy because if the customers find any kind of a problem while returning, there is a high probability that they won’t repurchase things from the same Shopify store.

All these things can be done, as you can hire Shopify developer from Shopify app development company India and develop the mobile ecommerce app according to your choice.

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Use of Augmented Reality

How to Increase Shopify Sales With a Mobile App

Source: Google

Augmented reality is among the top trend in the tech world. This may not be for everyone, but many can take advantage of using this technology in their businesses and drive a good sale.

The functioning is not rocket science here as the app uses the device’s camera to project potential purchases in real-world scenarios on the screen. 

Suppose if someone is looking for a dress, with the help of AR, the customer can see how the dress is looking on them and tailor the dress with the use of AR. Now many retailers and online businesses are using this technology and asking Shopify developers to build this app with this technology. 

Also Read: Why Is Shopify So Popular For E-commerce Business?


There would be many retailers who would be happy with the web application of the Shopify store, but they should know that this not the full potential of your Shopify store, and you can expand your sales multiple times with the help of a mobile application development

All the methods listed above can upgrade your business to another level and give you mass revenue, features like push notifications, AR, and referral programs won’t take much space and make your app look better, and build trust in the audience. 

If you are looking to develop a Shopify mobile app. In that case, you can hire Shopify developers in India and develop an app full of these features from the Shopify app development company India like ValueCoders, which has done over 4200+ projects and has clients worldwide. 


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