How To Choose between Staff Augmentation, Outsourcing, & Dedicated team

As companies adopt new strategies to grow their business and meet project goals, choosing the best strategy can be difficult. These options include IT staff augmentation, outsourcing, and dedicated teams that help businesses to achieve the desired project results. Each of these has its benefits and detriments that must be considered before making a final decision. 

With so many options available, it’s easy to become overwhelmed by all the possibilities. But don’t worry! This blog post will explore when these choices may work well for your company or why they might not be the best solution for you, leaving you with information about what each one provides, so let’s begin.


Outsourcing Vs IT Staff Augmentation Vs Dedicated Team

Outsourcing Vs IT Staff Augmentation Vs Dedicated Team

IT Staff Augmentation

IT Staff Augmentation is a Software Outsourcing Service that offers businesses a flexible, cost-effective alternative to hiring in-house IT personnel. This service is typically used when companies require additional IT resources for special projects or to supplement the existing IT team during peak periods.

With IT staff augmentation, the business can bring in specialized IT professionals with the necessary skills and expertise to handle specific tasks or projects. 

Companies also benefit from shorter ramp-up times since the experts are already familiar with the project scope and can hit the ground running. 

Furthermore, IT staff augmentation allows companies to benefit from the most up-to-date skills and technologies while reducing costs associated with hiring and training new personnel.

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Benefits of IT Staff Augmentation


IT staff augmentation is a cost-effective way to gain access to specialized skills and expertise without hiring, training, and managing the personnel yourself. By leveraging existing resources, you can reduce your overhead costs and the cost of hiring and onboarding new personnel.


With IT staff augmentation, you can choose precisely who and how many people you need for a project or task. This allows you to scale up or down quickly as needed, making it easier to meet changing project requirements.

Access to Experts:

With IT staff augmentation, you can easily access the best and brightest in the industry, regardless of location. This allows you to work with the most experienced and knowledgeable professionals who can bring their skills and expertise to your organization.

Improved Efficiency:

By utilizing an IT staff augmentation approach, you can improve your overall efficiency by reducing the time and money spent on training and managing new personnel. As a result, you can focus more of your time and resources on delivering quality results faster.

Reduced Risks:

IT staff augmentation reduces the risk of hiring personnel that may not meet your needs or can perform up to expectations. With an IT staff augmentation provider, you can vet each individual before hiring them, ensuring they have the right skills and knowledge for the job.


Also Read: A Complete Guide To IT Staff Augmentation Services


Drawbacks of IT Staff Augmentation

Despite the many advantages of IT Staff Augmentation, there are a few drawbacks.

  • Firstly, since you don’t have direct control over the IT staff, there is no guarantee that they will meet your standards
  • The lack of direct supervision could lead to delays in project delivery due to miscommunication and misunderstandings
  • Compliance issues may arise if you use a foreign IT staff augmentation company

When Should Companies Choose For IT Staff Augmentation?

IT Staff Augmentation is a great way to supplement the existing IT team with specialized skills and expertise. This type of service allows companies to add a small group of experienced IT professionals on a short-term basis to help complete complex tasks that would otherwise require more internal resources.

When deciding whether to choose IT staff augmentation, it is essential to consider the following factors:


If a project requires a short-term solution, or the timeline is too tight to find and onboard the right staff internally, then IT staff augmentation may be the best option.


Depending on the scope of the project and the expertise needed, hiring additional IT staff could be more cost-effective than outsourcing the entire project or hiring a dedicated team of experts.


If a project requires specialized knowledge or skill sets, it might be better to utilize IT staff augmentation than to teach current employees or find and hire new full-time staff members.

Ultimately, it is essential to evaluate the individual needs of each project to determine the best course of action for a company’s IT needs.

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Outsourcing is when companies assign specific tasks or services to an external provider, usually at a cheaper cost. Companies use outsourcing for various reasons, including cost savings, access to new technologies, focus on core competencies, and access to talent outside their workforce. 

It is often used for labor-intensive tasks, requires specialized expertise, or takes too much time for the internal staff to manage. Outsourcing can be an excellent way for businesses to maximize their resources and increase efficiency without sacrificing quality.

According to IT outsourcing statistics by Statista, the ​revenue in IT outsourcing is projected to show a yearly growth rate (CAGR) of 8.93% from 2021. It will result in a market volume of US$551,956.3M by 2026.


Software Outsourcing Trends

Also Read: Offshore Vs Nearshore Outsourcing: A Detailed Comparision

Benefits Of Outsourcing

When it comes to choosing the proper method for staffing IT needs, outsourcing is a popular option. By outsourcing IT services, businesses can reap various benefits, including:

Cost Saving:

One of the most significant advantages of outsourcing is that companies don’t need to pay different salaries and overhead costs associated with recruiting and managing an in-house team. As multiple clients share the resources used by the outsourcing vendor, companies have access to quality resources at competitive prices.

Quality Work:

Outsourced projects are handled by experienced professionals with the relevant expertise to work on complex projects. This eliminates any risks related to novice handling of tasks or inadequate knowledge. 

Also, since most vendors are ISO certified or follow other international standards, customers can rest assured about the quality of work delivered.


Companies no longer need to worry about having insufficient resources or technical capabilities when there’s an urgent requirement or quick project turnaround times. They need to contact the vendor who will be able to deploy additional resources as per their requirement. This scalability allows companies to take up new opportunities without worrying about resource constraints.

Focus On Core Business Activities:

Outsourcing frees the company to focus more on core business activities instead of non-core activities like recruitment, training, etc., as these can be easily outsourced. This allows them to use their time and resources better and gain more efficiency in their operations.

24/7 Service:

Most providers offer 24/7 support for critical systems. This ensures that problems are addressed promptly, even outside regular working hours.


In terms of expertise, the quality of service by external service providers is usually higher than internal teams.

Risk Reduction:

Since external service providers handle routine maintenance tasks, they help reduce system downtime caused due to failure or breakdowns. This helps reduce financial losses due to system outages and internal issues.


Professional outsourcing firms typically provide standardized procedures, processes, and workflows, leading to higher customer satisfaction. All these factors make outsourcing an attractive option for companies looking for efficient staff augmentation solutions.

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Drawbacks of Outsourcing

When it comes to outsourcing, some drawbacks need to be considered. Let’s look at them:

  • First, finding a reliable outsourcing partner with the skills and experience required to handle the job efficiently can take time and effort
  • Due to the differences in language and culture, communication can be challenging
  • Outsourcing can lead to unexpected costs and delays if not appropriately managed
  • Lastly, businesses relinquish control over specific processes when outsourcing, which could lead to potential security and privacy issues

When should Companies Outsource?

Companies should outsource when they need a quick and cost-effective solution. They need the resources or the capacity to hire, train, and manage the staff necessary for a particular project or task. This is especially true for non-critical operations that can be controlled externally. 

The benefit of outsourcing is that you only pay for the services you need and can scale quickly if your needs change. Furthermore, outsourcing gives you access to specialized expertise without investing in training or resources you may not need.

Outsourcing vs Staff Augmentation

The most significant difference between outsourcing and IT staff augmentation is the degree of control and responsibility each provides. On the other hand, by leveraging these services, organizations can supplement their existing IT teams with experienced professionals specializing in specific technologies or processes needed for their projects.

Outsourcing Staff Augmentation
The external organization has complete control over the project and all its components. You have greater control over the entire process, and your internal IT staff is still involved in the project.
Outsourcing may require a significant investment of money and resources. You can expect a faster turnaround time since the team you hire will only be working on the specific tasks you assign.
It is often used for labor-intensive tasks, requires specialized expertise, or takes too much time for the internal staff to manage. IT staff augmentation services provide an affordable alternative.
One of the best ways to maximize resources without sacrificing quality. This allows organizations to respond quickly to changing business needs without committing to long-term resources.

This allows organizations to get their projects up and dash without investing heavily in hiring full-time IT professionals. IT Staff Augmentation Services are also ideal for organizations that need assistance during periods of high workload or special projects that require an additional workforce. 

This allows organizations to answer quickly to changing business needs without committing to long-term resources.

Dedicated Team

A Dedicated Software Development Team is the best solution for businesses looking for a long-term commitment and extended hours. They are an ideal choice for companies with complex technical needs or are building new systems.

With a dedicated team, the organization benefits from access to professionals with the specialized skills and expertise needed to get the job done. 

Additionally, dedicated teams help organizations save on recruiting costs since they are usually hired as a package deal and don’t require additional recruitment and onboarding costs. 

Finally, these teams offer organizations a cost-effective way to build their IT infrastructure without investing in other resources.

software development team banner

Benefits of Dedicated Teams

A dedicated team is ideal for companies looking to scale up their IT operations without investing in extra resources. When a company opts for a dedicated team, it hires a group of developers and other IT professionals focused solely on the assigned tasks. Below are the benefits of a dedicated team.


Organizations can save money with a dedicated team since they don’t have to pay extra infrastructure costs or recruitment fees.


A dedicated team provides flexibility because teams can be adjusted according to business requirements. Teams can be scaled up or down as needed to meet specific demands.

Quality Control:

Companies can ensure that their dedicated team delivers quality results by carefully managing workflow processes.

Easy Access:

Companies can easily access and communicate with the dedicated teams as required.


Companies can quickly scale up or down their teams depending on business requirements, so they have control over the size and capacity of their teams‌.

Long-term Relationship:

Companies can build long-term relationships with their dedicated teams since they work together over an extended period.


Also Read: A Complete Guide On Hiring Dedicated Development Team


Benefits of Staff Augmentation, Outsourcing and Dedicated Teams


Drawbacks of Dedicated Teams

Having a dedicated team of IT professionals is a great way to ensure that your business is up-to-date and running optimally, but it also comes with some drawbacks.

  • One major downside of a dedicated team is the cost of setting up such an arrangement. As you are responsible for providing office space, computer equipment, software outsourcing services, and other necessary tools for the dedicated staff, the overhead costs becomes relatively high.
  • Once the dedicated staff has been trained, there needs to be more flexibility in changing their role or skillset. This means if the technology changes or new systems are implemented, one must retrain the entire team, which can be expensive.
  • Finding the right people for a dedicated team can take time and effort, as the right combination of knowledge and experience may be available locally.


Outsourcing Dedicated Teams
It refers to any tasks that may be outsourced to a third-party provider. It specifically refers to teams of people who are part of the company and are assigned a specific task or project.
It  is better suited for simpler tasks that do not require close supervision and can be easily managed by a third-party provider. Dedicated teams are better suited for complex projects requiring great coordination between different departments within the organization.
It is usually the most cost-effective option as third-party providers are usually cheaper. It tends to be more productive & efficient as they have a deeper understanding of the company’s operations and culture.
Outsourcing allows organizations to focus on core competencies. Dedicated teams offer more flexibility and scalability.


When Should Companies Hire Dedicated Teams?

Companies should hire dedicated teams when they need highly specialized skills, experience, and expertise to complete a project. Dedicated teams are best used when a business requires long-term support or the completion of an ongoing project. 

For instance, if a company needs an app to be built or an enterprise software system developed, it would require the expertise and knowledge of a dedicated team.

Finally, businesses that don’t have an in-house IT department or lack the necessary resources to develop an IT infrastructure can benefit from hiring a dedicated team. These teams offer flexibility and scalability, enabling companies to adjust the size of their team based on their needs. 

A dedicated team of IT professionals will be able to create customized solutions for a business’s specific requirements.


When it comes to IT staffing, many options are available to businesses. Each option offers different advantages and disadvantages depending on the needs of the business. 

IT Staff Augmentation can be an excellent choice for businesses that need extra help but don’t want to commit to long-term hiring. 

Outsourcing can be beneficial for companies that require specialized skills or knowledge. Dedicated teams can be the perfect solution for businesses that need ongoing IT support and development. 

No matter what option you choose, it is essential to carefully consider all aspects of your IT staffing needs before making a decision. Research each option thoroughly to ensure you make the best choice for your business. 

By understanding the differences between IT Staff Augmentation, Outsourcing, and Dedicated Teams, you can choose the most effective solution for your company’s IT needs.

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